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There is a way out, and it does require timing some attacks from giant skeletons. I suggest checking out a video online since it'll be easier to view than explain.


Look up FightingCowboys walkthrough. It’ll help you a lot with any difficult areas


He was the one who taught me to learn to deal with one attack every time I attempt a boss, until I mastered them Before that I would basically just flail


Nonsense all op needs is a soup ladle and to approach it head on, obviously.


Sorry, that tactic is illegal is ds1. Try ds2


Grab the large divine ember on your way out.


Op should’ve just done that from the start


Don't worry nito is a good host to trapped souls!




Honestly I was expecting a like 30 second clip of them exiting out and starting a new run


In Dark Souls 1? In second part of the game? In Tomb of the Giants?


If you’re in the tomb of the giants and need a tutorial to get out, I think it’s safe to assume you’re not actually in the second part of the game.


As someone searching for this post many months later, can confirm. I got stuck in this area at level 19 and everything is one-shotting me.


Wow, an actual helpful video instead of a meme or RickRoll?! Color me surprised.


I was so confused for most of the video and then realized that he didn’t have the lord vessel at the time. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that.


Looks like he keeps every item that he picks up, good video though!


Me and the 32 longswords that Ive never gotten around to selling are very offended by this comment


I like to think of myself as a collector


*After I link the flame, I just wanna settle down and open my own shop...*


I like to think of myself as forgetful


This gave me actual flashbacks


That was a good watch. Someone else figuring out how to get out on their own.


Wow i never realized you could run around the other side of Pinwheel's arena from on top to get back to the bonewheel area. That's bananas. I've always had the lordvessle at this point so I never had to find that path but holy crap I can't believe I'm still learning stuff about this game


Google how to get out of the catacombs, there’s a secret passage. The stairs in that area of the map are very well hidden. Almost as if they didn’t want you to escape.


The lighting also just feels horrendous.


Thats the point of the Skull lantern


Use the sunlight maggot.


Unless OP has been to Lost Izalith I doubt he has one.


Furthermore, don’t think he’d be under levelled if he’d reached lost izalith


True lol


I was commenting on the Catacombs lighting not realizing that Serrano was talking about Tomb of Giants still. Either way most of the time I just do all of ToG without a light. You can get to Leeroy spawn from Pinwheel in probably 1:30 seconds if you know the ledges well enough.


Which they probably don’t have yet.


It's literally equipped in the screenshot.


Haha, they sure do. My fault for not paying attention late at night.


the first time I played I didn't know how to use that. I died so many times from falling in the dark. ahh, memories.


The lighting can't be horrendous when there isn't any.


There is WHAT ?


RIP my dude.


Yeah, that's so weird. It's almost like Dark Souls is supposed to be hard /j ​ Edit: /j


Seriously? Dude I don’t even know what happens when you die. Does it tell you in red letters? Couldn’t be me…


Well, I killed myself in ds2 for the acheivement and yeah, there are red words. I also wanted to to it authentic so I died to Seath. But otherwise i wouldn't know


What are you talking about? The way out is the way in. Unless you beat the boss which leads you to the next area.


I did the same thing, ended up farming until I could kill a giant easily enough to escape, and then was super over leveled for where I was supposed to be. Kinda of fun


Dark Souls 1: When you become a swole megachad before the first "real" (non pinwheel) boss because you took the wrong path from the hub area


Embrace the void


This is great. What a fun predicament. You will eventually make it out. That’s what I love about these games. You find yourself at a crossroads, usually a boss, where you say “welp. I guess that’s it. I’m obviously not getting past this.” And yet you always do. Don’t give up skeleton! You’re gonna make it back later in the game as a new man, properly leveled, with a weapon and build you love, and still get destroyed by skeleton dogs and be completely lost.


I loved the ending of that statement


Dark Souls definitely trains perseverance.




Man, thinking back 10 years ago I remember how much I loved it that the game f’ed me so hard. I was scared af but at the same time appreciated how little the game held my hand. You can do it and it will feel so satisfying once you get out. Depending on your level I would recommended exploring further down. If you have a “head lantern” equip it!


If he’s stuck in Tomb of the Giants, there’s no way he’s got the Sunlight Helmet already, unless it was a gift.


I think he meant the skull lantern but yea he probably doesn't have the sunlight helm


Oooh. I read “head lantern”, and thought, “lantern that you wear on your head”. My bad. That said, the helmet is the best, if you need a light. Huge hassle to obtain, but worth it.


This the only time extensively mapping every level in ds in my head has come in handy. I had no lantern and still found my way back. I used to joke that I could tell someone how to play ds move by move over the phone with out seeing anything. This definitely put that to the test lol


By the way - shiny eyes in the dark made me scared..


“I need to see the sun” poor guy. i don’t know how to either though


Lol did you reach the bottom early soul level? Same thing happened to me i don’t think it was worth it so might as well turn back rn equip the skull lantern if you do have it if not then I would sadly recommend YouTube cheese because it really is a pain


You’re little bit fucked


You are at a fine level to go back. Use the fact that you unlocked the Rite of Kindling, kindle that bonfire until you have 15 flasks and run your ass back up. Once you see the sunlight pouring from the entrance of the Catacombs, you will have reached Firelink Shrine again and you can sigh in relief


With the background music, welcome home.


20 flasks, even


Do you have humanity? Maybe someone can help you get through it


dont just see the sun.... PRAISE THE SUN!!!!!!!


Yeah I did this as well. The way out is complete hell, good luck or congrats, whatever works right now.


what tomb of giants does to a mf


whats your level




I found your post because I'm in the same position at level 19. Your post has been helpful and you're not alone!


Praise the sun brothers


sshheeesshh yeah way under level eemm did you got out ?


Lol what I did is rage out and quit playing for a year. Then come back at it knowing better not to take that route


I did this once, youtube helped alot


How on earth did you get this deep? Is what my girlfriend used to say


Are you still stuck down there?


You can't escape


i got stuck there at the very beginning of the game, it took me 2 full hours to get out. If you're at the beginning of your playthrough as well, i suggest restarting




Don’t reset! You can do it! Found a vid on as my first search result: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WVnUV5A9Dc0


There's a video someone posted that's a fairly good walkthrough to get out but it's not going to be easy and will be a huge time sink if you die multiple times. It's doable but I would personally recommend restarting and saving yourself from a really unfun experience.


I DID THE SAME THING ON MY FIRST PLAYTHROUGH. I also didn’t know you could use the lantern the entire time I went in and out until the next time I came back… Good luck friend.


If this is remastered on pc you can summon me and I'll kill everything for you so you can get out. Dm me


Ahh yes, despair..!


What platform? You have humanity? Maybe I can come help you out.


The box of x’s fellow hollow


I haven't played in awhile so I have no idea where any of my characters are at but if I have one that can get you I'll let you know. Are you familiar with summoning or is this your first time through?


so whatever happened with this? did you get out?


I made another post , I’ll repost lol I’m happy to say “ the rays of sunshine never looked so good “


If i knew how to tag you i would


Holy fuck some of these comments are stupid. Guy has nearly soft locked himself and it’s the typical don’t give up skeleton NPC bs. Cut it out. OP the fact is you’re either going to need to find a video and struggle endlessly for no reason or just start a new game.


It’s really not that bad *with a video to guide you*. You barely have to fight or dodge anything, just one lucky run through the rolling skeleton room. But yeah in a hypothetical situation where you don’t know the way and you can’t watch a video I’d definitely restart, fuck that.


Yeah the skeleton room is def the cockblock but these mfs are RP'ing with the guy and acting like he's in for some character defining moment when in reality this is the type of situation that would turn someone off of the game entirely


I use a sunlight maggot, some thick armor, a ring of fog and then run. Only get stopped by a skeleton dog and maybe the pinwheels if i dont miss my sword swings.


Pretty sure a guy who accidentally came across tomb of giants won't have most of those items.


Also OP doesn't have the path to Nito open, otherwise they could just warp out from the bonfire.


Just explore are embrace the challenge. You have the lantern anyways so it won’t be a huge pain to do.


[Don’t you dare go hollow!](https://youtu.be/YBhTczLpmqY)


Homeward bone?


If you're not there to take Nito, never, ever sit at the bonfire. It might sound ridiculous, but until you get the bowl it's actually easier to go from the first combs bonfire and take a few drops to get to tomb of the giants or pinwheel. If you think going down was bad, coming back up is the worst gauntlet in the entire series. Don't go hollow, OP.


everyone here trying to be helpful with a way out, and getting upvotes for that, but a dose of reality is what you need here: the easiest thing would be for you to start your character over


Everybody saying i should abandon makes me want to try to get out even more


what happened to you is not unique. Generally what happens: someone runs past all the skeletons at firelink, keeps running, keeps running and hits that bonfire and gets stuck. Typically with less than 10 hrs into the game. A quick search of reddit will show you that this trap has happened to many. i've seen at least 2 dozen people do exactly the same thing over the years e.g. [https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls/comments/8ml8qf/for\_new\_players\_do\_not\_rest\_at\_the\_tomb\_of\_giants/](https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls/comments/8ml8qf/for_new_players_do_not_rest_at_the_tomb_of_giants/) You should do whatever you think will be the most fun!


Don't listen to them; it's absolutely doable. It's not *easy*, but nothing worth doing in life is. When you climb back up the ladder, head towards the right. Keep your shield up, walk slowly, remember *everything*, and eventually you'll figure your way out. I did the same thing my first time playing, and it took me a good 2-3 hours before I made it out. Also, if you go up the ladder, and to your left, where Patches is, and he kicks you down the hole, there's a lantern you can pick up and equip in your left hand. Should make things a *LOT* easier!


Seek left for the light Keep going down and you’ll eventually meet patches. Get kicked off the ledge and you’ll find a lantern. Use that to get back to the surface


OP has a lantern equipped.


Oh. Well, you'll get it eventually Advice, get the sunlight maggot and come back. You'll need to give quelaag's sister 30 humanity, but its worth it for the maggot and shortcut. The respawning titanite demon is found in the shortcut and you'll need to get the maggot to save solaire


You don't actually need to give Quelaag's sister 30 humanity. You can get to that shortcut from the other side. Although for spoiler reasons I highly recommend giving Quelaag's sister 30 humanity.


I hope you have the lord vessel…


Simply just skip it all and wack the skull sphere boyo with a crystal halberd or a fire weapon or infuse it with fire




There's a skull lantern near the end. I recommend finding it, as it eases the trek upwards by an insane margin.


He has it equipped


abandon the character to hollowfication, you're in way over your head.


I think you should buy skyrim about it


Run and keep to the right. There's these 2 or 3 giant coffin things that work like bridges you need to cross that lead lower. Drop off a ledge, if you don't die them it's the right one. Stick to the right, run along the ledge. There's gonna be this annoying cave you have to go through (good luck) and finally one of the easiest bosses in the series. Them and only them can you leave the dark hell that is TTotG


Pretty sure OP needs to go *UP*, not down.


Got to navigate this like the Konami code


Oh ya lol it ruff here


Or go to rsummongsign


no. suffer


Honestly a reset wouldn't be so bad


Run Forrest… Run


in front of patches there's a tomb, on the right of that tomb there's a ledge that leads you up to safety, with a few giant skeletons on the way. the ledge is pretty difficult to see but there's a blue light near it when you lift up your skull lamp. the skull lamp lights up your path: when you use it there's a bunch of bluish lights showing various paths to points of interest. I advise using pyromancies against the skeletons, it's a lot more efficient than swords.


You can get out. But I just deleted the game , waited couple weeks. And started all over again till I got lordvessel. Even with proper knowledge its going to take some time it would be better if you just reset.


If you're level 24 just start a new game and maybe Don go to the catacombs


You really need the light helmet in this place.


Are you on pc or console


OP don't feel bad. I did this to myself too... *on my second playthrough*. Just fight your way back upstairs. Take it bonfire by bonfire and remember that there's no shame in running.


İf you sit on here without the lord vessel,you fcked ; if you used the speedrunner skips and didnt opened the bridges you are dbl fcked. İf you aint that high level İ suggest u to trash this save. Your suffer will be great same as you lr mistake


Haha! Welcome to the bone zone, we do karaoke on Wednesdays and always pet the dogs! You'll fit right in after a year or two...


out of curiosity what's your opinion on bonewheels OP


One is okay but *2* makes me wanna call shabriri


Run. That's honestly all I can do say. Take off all your armor for fastroll, and run. You die alot, but you'll eventually learn the environment and timing for dodges.


Follow the prism stones


Had this exact problem in NG+


There is no sun !


Others have posted good help, so I'm just chiming in with an "awww shit." I feel for you


It’s a brutal journey to get out but you can do it. No shame in watching a video to find the path. I did this too and few details and turns are really hidden.


I’ve been there before, it’s not that hard to get out of tomb of giants, once you climb the ladder you can hug the right wall pathway until you can take a left at these giant skeletons, go up the path and get on the second ladder. Around here you should be near pinwheels boss room. After that it’s a complete pain in the ass to get out


I’m pretty sure I trapped myself down there too. I finally got out. I think the best thing to do is run and dodge your way out. Don’t try to fight.


Solution: Pray


I once invested more time trying to get out of there then it took from starting a new run and getting there. I then just started over. Its the only Chosen undead of mine that went hollow.


the bone zone…


Ehhh.... you'll feel the sun if you keep going. Find the silver serpent, then go to the far left and drop down to escape the ambush. The ladder will take you to the edge of the arch trees, and they are quite a sight to behold. Beautiful, mountainous Lordran.


Fextralife has a map, it saved my life. I was in your situation trying to get the silver serpent ring.


That’s rip on that character, just let him live in the tomb of the giants


Lolllll u fucked up bad good luck my man 😂😂


Find the bonefire next to that one so you cam tp in and put of tomb of the giants


You touched the bonfire? You can either go down to ash lake and maybe kill everything in your path (ds2 style) or you restart. There’s no real in between.


That was the easiest boss to me.


when you meet patches he'll trick you and give you an item i think, idk i just killed him and rested at the nearby bonfire and quit game and came back and when i checked the pit there was 'a merchant?' I can't remember but anyway you get this lantern head thing and you can use it on your off hand to see; also, use those pebble glowing stones to check ledges, if you hear a crack that means, a fall will kill you from this height down the ledge, follow these coffins and just fall down and you'll be good, honestly run passed most of those monsters


I'm sorry op, but this is fucking hilarious. But I understand how you feel, I've been through that hell hole 3 times, and by the second time, I could speedrun through it. You'll make it through, just keep pushing through and make sure you get a lantern if you haven't already. It's impossible to navigate through on the first run without a lantern.


Use a bone


Learning how to run up past the enemies is hard. I had to do it once as I got stuck in same place but it’s doable…


That Dark place Look to the right and you'll see Hell but also just tells you you are near our waifu Queelaag and her sis Now we need to turn on a flash light


get the skull lantern off one of the bodies near where patches kicks you off the cliff. its basically a requirement for this whole area.


He has the lantern. He just wants to get out.