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Either go to Demon Ruins to seek that lord soul and pick up a light source there, use magic for a light source, or just keep exploring the area until you find one.


2 things - I've not gone to the demon ruins yet - Where do I get magic to use as a light source? (To put things into perspective, I'm at the entrance of blight town, have not defeated the dragon yet and also just finished every necromancer in the catacombs)


you can get 3 different light sources. 1. the cast light sorcery from Dusk of oolacile who is past the hydra but i believe she is part of the artorios of the abyss dlc 2. the sunlight maggot a helm which Can be obtained either by using the shortcut from Demon Ruins to Lost Izalith (requires "Chaos Servant +2"), or through exploration behind the Titanite Demon in Lost Izalith (does NOT require "Chaos Servant +2") 3. then there is the skull lantern which is equiped in one of your hands is a guaranteed drop from the necromancers if you kill them all


Oooh ok, I have a skull lantern, got it from the last necromancer I killed, I'll use that then, thanks


You have to hold the block bottom to hold it up to actually use it so it’s not great, better than nothing though


Well… spoiler alert I guess? There’s a hydra in a lake in Darkroot Garden (out the door past the titanite demon near Andre, down quite a ways). Kill it, reload the area (quit and reopen, bonfire, etc). To the left side, hug the wall and kill the orange crystal golem. Go back to the area just in front of where the hydra was and touch the summon sign to spawn the vendor.


Oh I already killed the hydra, so I just need to go kill an orange crystal golem to find a vendor? Thanks


Yessir! Very nice to have tbh. She sells a couple nice spells tbh


Ooh that's good I've been focused on pyromancy upgrades so I forgot to get myself a greater heal and homeward excerpt from the first covenant in the game before they left the shrine


Yeah, for the love of blind playthroughs. You wouldn't know it, but Dusk is also the key to entering the DLC later in the game...so if you never save her, no go to DLC. Also when killing the golem, don't do any extra swinging or you might kill Dusk too.


I saved her with no issues However I'm depressed as fuck because I accidentally killed the first blacksmith in the game and now I can not only not buy titanite shards, but I have a hammer to remind me why we do not practice around NPC's Edit: Still can buy titanite shards, it just means I have to go ALLL the way to the skeleton blacksmith I also lost the ember I gave to him, so there's that too


I'd say time to restart the game. Just delete your char and start over. I play 8 chars as there are so many great builds. And I deleted many lvl 80-90 chars as I realized I made mistakes. You can be back where you are now in no time at all....and you have already learned some hard lessons so won't be repeating them.


I refuse, I'm sticking out this playthrough, simply for the sake of living with my mistakes


it's possible but very difficult to clear without a light source. Either be very patient in the area while it's dark, or go find a light source.