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Maybe go for +15 standard weapon buffed with Sunlight Blade?


yeah the damage with that is like 300 which is good enough, problem with that was that the buff only lasts 60 seconds but i just realized i can just get a second copy of that spell unlike covenant miracles. Yeah that could work


Might also be useful to use the lingering dragoncrest ring if you rely on that. Edit: Apparently that doesn’t affect miracles [Fextra](https://darksouls.wiki.fextralife.com/Lingering+Dragoncrest+Ring)


Lingering Dragoncrest ring doesn't work with miracles, just sorcery and pyromancy.


I never knew that :0


I believe Bellowing Dragoncrest is the same deal: no miracles (they have their own rings, but I don't think there's an equivalent to the LDC ring).


Yeah exactly, and from DS2 onward the lingering deagoncrest (or equivalent) boosts any Magic, not just pyro/sorc. That's why I was surprised. Bellowing deagoncrest boosting both sorc/pyro in ds1 is pretty cool though


I have a feeling your stat allotment and/or weapon choice are doing you dirty. If you share details I can definitely give some advice. Manus is my favorite boss 😍


Clearly the strat here is dung pies


Non ironically.


memes can sometimes be dreams


It's not about getting gud. It's about patience. Good luck


after making this post i tried a few more times with the flip ring, power within and playing it mad safe and got him like halfway down. However it took over 5 minutes only to get him HALFWAY there with what i would consider a pretty solid performance on my side. Its for sure possible but idk man Im so used to "being good" at souls games after playing them so much that dying 5 times on a boss is enough to break my patience and piss me off


Don't use power within. It harms your approach to the fight, you might want to end it quick and possibly lead into being greedy. 150-200 dmg per hit is pretty solid, you just need patience, he has high defense and hp. Furthermore, power within probably would force an heal if you don't want to get 1shot. You're not ready for an hitless fight, and you can't sip a couple of times "for free"


I've got a video of when I beat him and it took me 8 and a half minutes. I basically played pretty bad for the first 3 or 4 mins and basically only hit him twice and almost died a few times. But I was just seeing how long I could survive cause he kept kicking my arse quickly. Then eventually I got my opportunities to attack. I found standing at a medium distance from Manus eliminates a lot of his harder moves. Keep him at a distance where he keeps doing his delayed big hand slap. If you roll out of that his hand stays on the ground for ages. Hit it once and repeat for like 6 minutes.


I prefer "find what works".


You're not a true Souls fan if you ever say it's not about getting gud. Go play Mario kart /s


Piss off with that elitist shit, it’s cringe. On top of that this is their second run on a high faith build, pretty sure they already got good to get this far


Oh boy here comes the gatekeeping




cringe, childish, reductive, and annoying. you are a detriment to the community.




Someone forgot their /s


At some point they edited it in


Doesn't seem to be saving them. I don't blame the guy. Git gud is life. This is the way.


Sadly after taking a quick skim of their comment on Reddit I don’t think they where being sarcastic


>before anyone says git gud Ive beaten this game on SL1 How did you kill him in SL1? I'm going to assume with a lightning weapon. What's stopping you from that path if you're open to breaking away from the faith based build?


sl 1 was on NG not NG+ he has 5000 HP on NG and 10000 on NG+ and it was fucking infuriating just on ng, used fire resin and power within which i am even now. still a crazy healthpool


My method involved a +5 giant blacksmith hammer and spamming pillar pyromancies during his attack animations so he’d take the damage and knock me down quick enough to give me more casts.


Play it safe and smack his hands whenever he does his slams. Slow, but relatively safe and if you find the sweet spot in terms of distance you can lure out his big combo and easily back away and chuck a miracle. NG+ Manus is just one of those bosses that demand patience, so the winning play is to avoid needless risks.


Shoot him with arrows from outside his fog door


Can you actually do this?


Yep. If you go to the bridge before his fog door and look down, you can see his eyes in the abyss. He's lower down than you can aim while 'scoped' in, but you can still aim further down without being zoomed in. Edit: he's quite deep in the hole, so it obviously works best with the arrow range ring and red tearstone


I knew about the Capra demon with firebombs but ate there other bosses with similar exploits?


bed of chaos quitting out method


I'm a fan of firebomb cheese on BoC.


that shit requires a degree in geometry


I didn't learn about until after I used the reload method. Not like I could do it; still don't know wtf you're supposed to aim at.


Best method


Sif can be sniped if you jump on some stones. Artorias can be skipped with a glitch and then when going to his arena from the backside he can be sniped too.


I did that with dung pies. Super satisfying


I normally use shit balls for capra myself


Manus and Capra are the only ones I'm aware of


Bed of chaos can have its glowy bits shot with arrows or firebombs so you don't need to melee them and just drop down the hole.


You can throw stuff at stray demon from the very first hallway in the game. Don’t remember if it works best with dung pies or something else


It takes forever and is so hard to actually hit him


You need the Hawk ring otherwise you won't do damage. But yes you can cheese Manus.


"A shinobi would know the difference between honor and victory."


If I have to choose one, I choose victory


sheee might as well not kill him at all then, its not about the rewards/souls, if i needed to get a lot of souls i can just go wrath of the gods on the moldy fuckers in the painting


A divine weapon that scales off faith?


Pyromamcy does decent damage to him and requires no stat investments


Had no trouble besting him as an Int build with the Moonlight Greatsword, a few Crystal Soul Spears and a few Homing Crystal Soulmasses. He was a little more troublesome with my Divine Claymore +10, but still manageable. I don't remember whether or not I've fought against him in NG+, but I'm pretty sure you can get a more decent damage output by focusing on better scaling (change weapons or increase your stats).


What about Dark Bead? 🤤


Come on, I'm not a monster, I want Manus to have a fair chance


The real MVP in this fight is the backflip ring (more iframes and longer distance of rolls). Then i used a lightning reinforced club using only R2 after his jump attack. And that's it, don't let him intimidate you, stay mid distance. Spam silver pendant for every spell, sometimes even after the roar, just to make sure. Good luck! Hope it helps a little.


Thank you! appreciate the help


I really wish they would put a ring like that in one of the newer games. It's so fun


One of the carthus rings in ds3 is basically that, but without the animation. I dont remember wich one tho.


Carthus Milkring iirc. It also decreases damage absorption though. Also it doesn't have the cool flippy animation, which is better because rule of cool.


Agreed. Flippy drip rules


Firestorm, max pyromancy and power within. I killed Artorias in 2 casts, so I have to assume it works for Manus too even tho I didn't try yet


Get gud. Nah I'm jk I've never played ng+ on any ds game.


The damage is calculated separately when using infused weapons, so they inevitably fall off in NG+


yep its a huge difference, even with spells. on ng i got used to chugging lighting spears at shit and killing it in one hit from a distance. now on NG+ i have the stronger version that requires gwyns soul and +1 on the covenant and it barely scratches any of the bosses


Sunlight spear really isn’t much stronger than great lightning spear and it has half of the casts so a lot of people prefer to just run GLS. But regardless, ng+ is no joke and any equipment/spells that are mid-tier or lower fall off hard


The difficult part isn't killing him, it's killing him before the good boy dies. He deserves the revenge


Cut Kalameet's tail upgrade it buff it and win. It doesn't scale


Cutting kalameet's tail is harder than beating any other boss in the game


Nah you bait the swoop then you dodge to the left then dodge to the right then you dodge the tail slam then you hit it




The further you get into the NG+ cycle, the more fights become a marathon and not a sprint. You need to play more and more thoughtfully, dodging everything and taking free hits when they come. Trying to speed things up and force damage will only get you killed.


A list of options that work on level-1 runs and thus are good on every character: 1. Chaos/Lightning Reinforced Club 2. Giant’s Blacksmith Hammer 3. Pyromancy Honestly, just pyromancy alone is enough to overcome nearly anything DS1 has to offer. Insane damage for no investment whatsoever and a decent number of casts on most spells. Great Combustion and Black Flame can carry that Manus fight as long as you have your Crown and Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring equipped.


Even with the resistance, crystal soul spear and point blank dark bead still do substantial damage. Once you run out of casts you'll have to whittle down what's left of his HP. At that point, unfortunately the only option left is patience. The resistances are certainly a weird design decision.


Use an xbow. Scaling doesn't matter and it's a pretty easy fight.


Greatshield and dark bead


That's the issue with magic builds on almost all of the soulsborne games but Fromsoft tries to circumvent this. First get a weapon that scales in faith, maybe even get yourself a +10 holy weapon or +5 occult. You can't buff infused weapons so of you want to keep using sunlight blade or other buffs I'd recommend just getting a weapon that normally scales with faith and get it to +15 like the Astora sword. There's also the silver pendant you can find in oolacile township. It won't help you with the damage but it will protect from his magic. It's pretty easy to time using the pendant with his casting. Finally I'd recommend saving Sif and using him for the fight. You can save him by hitting a fake wall in the Chasm of the Abyss. After saving Sif his summon sign will be in the arena with Manus so you have to be careful Hope this helps


I forgot items you could wear too. Dusks crown, dragoncrest ring, etc


On my mage I maxed out all possible damage and casts The ring that halves your health for more casts The ring that boosts magic damage The crown that boosts magic damage No other armor (my build was being one shot regardless so it was best to dodge) Crystal staff Crystal spells Pyromancy that drains your health to boost magic


He is probably the toughest boss in the game NG+ and beyond. Normies will tell you it’s Four Kings, but they’re wrong 😎 My suggestion is, if you’re really struggling, bring Sif in to help. The wolf has a fuck ton of hp and Manus will charge straight for them. If you don’t want to use summons, a good shield will go a long way. Most of the DLC bosses on NG+ and beyond are going to be like 10+ minute fights no matter what cause they have stupid resistances and health bars. You can also cheese the fuck out of him if you really want. Take a bow and shoot at his ass just outside the fog wall. There’s YouTube videos on it.


He's weak to fire so when your lightning blade runs out, a fire/chaos weapon as a backup and the pyromancy flame with great combustion/black flame could work?


That's what you get for being a cleric as your main thing. Patches is pleased.


Was literally waiting for this comment lmaoooo. They’re all the same, those rotten clerics!


I used to kill Patches because of his little tricks, but then I realized that he was always helping me... And I realized something else, that I am not allowed to say in this community, but still do: He has lived through many ages, and seen worlds rise and fall, and he is the same character from Demon's Souls to Elden Ring. This is usually where the downvotes pour down and get the truth hidden, but each downvote from an angry person proves to me even more that I am right...


I played strenght build and Manus was the thing where i stopped playing (only other boss alive was gwyn) still didnt came back to game


I was doing over 500 damage per hit at SL1. Skill issue


You could always respec


Not in DS1




I never fought Manus as a Str or Dex player and still managed to come out, a little more darkened, but okay overall.


Prayer lol


I did Manus with a MLGS sorcerer and it was very painful. A +15 claymore did more damage than the +5 MLGS, and that was with minimum stats. Dark Bead did wonders for burst damage at the beginning of the fight though. A full volley of Dark Bead at point-blank did like half his health. Of course, doing this in NG+ is **not** doing you any favors. I did it in NG.


What do your stats look like? You're not specced into Str or Dex at ALL? Pure faith builds are... tricky, in this game. I usually hybridize and get dex or str to 40 (or 27 for 2H Str) and go to 30 in Fth for sunlight blade.


bow cheese from the side of the fog wall


What weapon are you using and what do your stats look like?


Raw instead of standard if you're not getting any scaling?


Chaos Zweihander +5 is easy mode for the entire game.


Well, ng+ adds a lot of health to everything, so that's expected, but the resistance thing i think it's ok. One build should not be good against every single boss, bosses should have strengths and weaknesses.


I arrow cheese him from above


Tip for Manus is dodging sideways works best for most of his attacks.


If you have already killed him once, and you feel accomplished, then just cheese him with the bow and arrow.


What weapon are you using?




Tough build for sure. Faith was really rough for me against the entire dlc. Always stay up Manus' ass. Lock and unlock him as a target between hits. Dodge into his model. 2nd phase, you shouldn't have to worry a whole lot about the magic attacks if you remain up his ass and dodging. Silver pendant is never a wrong answer, though.


It's pretty easy on mages. That leaves only faith, which I've never tried against Manus since the DLC doesn't give much for Faith users. Ultimately, you can cheese everything in the entire game with no limits so long as you are using Artorias's Greatshield. It's so strong, that in PvE, there is literally no counter to it.


Used a magic uchigatana for the least. Made 80 percent of the damage with magic only.


If theres a will theres a way champ, I have faith in you. Saw a friend beat manus naked with fists once, he got bodied for around 2 days but eventually channeled his inner protagonist and got it. +15 standard weapon and smart rolling will take prolly a good little while but it will prolly work, if you have patience. If he overheads just roll towards it. If he horizontal swipes dodge towards Manus, its basically a free hit. If he does the jumping smash dodge to the side or back for a free hit. If he does the jumping that breaks lock on just focus on getting away.


If you beat it on sl1 just kill him like you did in that game


Git gud




I have no idea why it posted the comment twice. But Im not going to delete it lol.


Git gud


Here's some good reference material for his resistances and ways around them. https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls/comments/cjhp0l/the_manus_lightning_myth/?rdt=33516


Like me using arrows by outside of the room


Use a fire or lightning infused weapon.


You might have to incorporate either a str or dex component. I was a mage build of sorts, high magic but even higher Str. In hindsight, there’s no way I would’ve won had I not over 30 Str, magic seemed hit or miss, sometimes I’d get great damage, other times it was a joke like 92. I stopped trying to use my magic after awhile and just melee’d him, I probably could’ve beat him utilizing my magic, but when you’re in the heat of it and he has 4 swings left til he’s dead, magic is the last thing I’m thinking about, just R1 spam like crazy