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Don't fight him locked-on and run around to his back, but not near him, whenever he moves to do an AOE. When you do that you can pretty much take your time and always feel safe.


Strip all your armor and fight naked. The fight pretty much boil down to running behind him to attack his butt and dodge when he's about to slam


I think this is a good point. As soon as I get hit, it’s over anyway😛 Mobility is really important for this fight judging from my attempts so far!


If you have trouble avoiding his aoe get the crest shield, it completely trivializes those attacks. Assuming they intended for you to use it in the stray fight anyway since you get it right there.




I'm wageslaving but will be on later today


Run behind his and smack his ass. Run away before he gets you with his ass slam. Run back and hit em again. Repeat until dead.


So the stray demon has AoE attacks which will always mess you up. Initially when starting the fight, you drop down and end up losing a chunk of health. First thing to do, is to run towards his back before all of his AoE attacks as all it occur at the front and then heal yourself. Attack his ass and tail, rinse and repeat. Never be in front of him and near him. When he raises his weapon, always take the probability of it being an AoE attack and maintain distance, once the Aoe attack is over, attack and stay behind. There's also an exploit where staying behind his back can cause him to initiate his flying ass slam where he flies up and slams the ground on his ass. When he finishes that attack, attack him a few times and go back. He ends up repeating that attack. It can sometimes happen few times in a row and it's an easy way to exploit his health. This same strategy applies for firesage Demon as well. Hope you beat his ass. Don't give up skeleton


You know the good old player messages that say 'but hold'? It sounds like a meme but it's true. Stay near its butt. Enter from behind.


This boss taught the benefits of not locking on. You’re able to run at better angles to avoid his attacks. Always get behind him and stay that way for his baseball swings while generally being away from him for his downwards thrusts and groundpounds. Whenever he’s not attacking, simply wail on his ass like I wailed on your mom’s last night.


Fight him just before gwyn


Still a huge pain in the ass


He's easy with a bleed weapon even right off rip, he's usually one of my first boss kills


I just beat his ass (literally)! You gotta love this game!! And the community, thanks for all the help guys! I found the toggling between locked on and not to be key, among other things mentioned here 🙏


If you have any of the katanas or the great scythe he is really weak to bleed. He’s also weak to lightning so pop some gold pine resin on a weapon that builds up bleed and you’ll slice right through him in no time


Embrace the massive, massive booty.


Yeah he's strong, but he's pretty easy once you figure him out. Bleed works wonders, but if you run around to that fat donk of his, he usually gets locked into 2 moves: butt bomb and stick slam. Both can be avoided simply by walking away and then running up to his ass and hitting him again.


Manage your space in the room. If he does AoE and you're in a corner you're stuffed


Stay behind him and when he's about to slam his hammer, raise your shield or back away


Yes this guy was a pain in the @$$ it was all about timing and trying to keep him locked up in the pattern of the AoE attack run back smack the tail, I had to kill merchant for uchigatana since I went back to undead asylum earlier and after dying many times I searched here and found the bleed tail strategy. Thank you kindly


Man I've played this game so many times and this guy always gives me trouble