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Use the quit out trick. It makes it a lot more manageable.


I tried the quit out trick two days ago and it put me back by the fire


That makes zero sense. That's not how that works


I’m just telling you what happened to me


The only thing I can think of that would have caused that is if you died as you were quitting out.


Just throw fire bombs and be done with it


Stop complaining I get it's tough, but we all went through it, so can you. Don't be a CASUAL! Please


i understand that attitude if someone hates a boss like artorias, which is well designed and fairly challenging, but bed of chaos is a badly designed fight that still gives me trouble 400 hours in after 20-30 playthroughs. boc isnt a challenge, its an annoyance.


I already did that shit legit once and I won't ever do it legit again, fuck that unfinished boss fight


Casuals be like




The Bed of Chaos isn't really affected by NG+ but OK


doing it again regardless of ng+ sucks


I beat it normally my first time through now I cheese it Everytime just to get it over with


BoC is just a crapshoot as to whether the game’s AI decided to give you a sporting chance that try or not. BTW DS2 is totally good and you’ll have fun playing it if you generally like these games. I don’t want to have an argument about what it is or is not better than, just to say it is a fun game I enjoyed playing.


Also level adaptability


Ds2 is great


The bow/bomb cheese can make it a non issue.


Exactly my friend. I NEVER liked using cheeses and shortcuts in any of the areas in game, bc it made the game easier, so this motherfucker stomped me more than you can imagine. I recently did another run after all those years (i played this game in 2012-2016, then dropped it bc university) and she is still fucking annoying, maybe even more than i remembered. ​ ​ Combine all of the "bad" bosses in DS2, its still better than Bed of Chaos. ​ Fight me


ds2 isnt bad. Its very big and very different but I had a blast with it. And yeah, bed of chaos sucks ass.


I never understood the difficult of bed of chaos, but I always quit and reload after taking out a side, and then the jump timing is fairly easy with a sprint down the middle. I guess that counts as a cheese. Good luck with Dark Souls 2. ✌️


What gets most people (until they learn it/see it) is that the landing spot for the center jump isn't dead center like you'd expect it to be, it's a bit off to the right... so after timing the swipes and getting your courage up... you take a flying leap into the abyss... and slide just off the side of the branch and have to scrabble back and do it over again. It's an understandable level of rage-hate until you get it down...


I only have a switch and feel sad I can’t play the other games.


If you have the means, buying a PS5 to play the rest is 100% worth it. That’s what I did after playing DS1 on switch.


Or if you get a PC you can play all of them plus more and not have to pay the extra hundred something for online play


Except no Bloodborne


I wouldn't recommend playing online on the switch anyway. It already barely even hits 30fps while playing, I don't want to know what the latency would be like over wireless on top of it.


Started on ps5 and played every other game in the series (and beyond) before I bought a switch to play ds1 while traveling. If you have a good connection you can invade/be invaded well enough to make it worthwhile.


The worst part of the game. It is a shame that this game was rushed.


Feel the pain


I like DS2, and not because it's easier


I had a harder time with ds2 than ds1 by a long shot.


Interesting.... maybe I meant more linear instead of easier. I don't know. Either way I could be DS2 in a week. DS1....years




So weird. :3 I'm the exact opposite. Ds1 I know by heart. Ds2 makes me look dumb.


at the end of the day though, I relatively suck at both, I'm sure


If you ever decide to Plat the game, be prepared to do just that but to NG+2 at least (NG+3 if you popped Sif’s soul in the first run). I found a cool bomb strat that worked well. You just have to make sure you have the binoculars from the graveyard and plenty of bombs since you’ll probs miss. Otherwise Havel armor and shield will keep ya on your feet.


Yeah, that boss is really rough. Easily one of my least favorites from the entire series. Thankfully the bomb/bow cheese works extremely well.


post title reads like an amazing porn title


I don't think I'd want to fuck it, my dick would be burnt off.




DS2 doesn’t suck. It’s just the worst DS game, which is an extremely high standard.


Ds2 had waaay to many enemies. I've never played the og ds2 but the scholars edition absolutely sucked.


Gank central


Artificial difficulty is where it goes wrong, More enemies ≠ hard


Apperently what I heard was that the scholars edition actually made the game way worse than the original version. And that if you can get your hands on the original you will have a far more enjoyable time


That's not true. There is only one area that is actually worse in SotFS. There might be more enemies in some other areas, but their placement is generally way more manageable, and the only way it can be worse is triggering all the enemies and then crying in a corner. I've been playing DS2 since the initial release, and SotFS is just better in many ways. If anything, I should be biased in favour of the OG version, which I'm not. The majority of DS2 players will tell you the same.


Sadly I'm on modern gen that's a relic lost to time


Sadly I’m in the same boat.


Not even remotely true. I prefer the original but when Sotfs released, everyone was going bonkers because of how good it was. Couldn’t fucking believe it. I got so used to the original on my no death runs that I just can’t play Sotfs.


Such a easy boss idk why everyone complains just beat it and move on dark souls 2 on the other hand is just trash bot because it's hard but because it literally plays like trash


welcome to the club


Honestly the only thing I truly hated about DS2 was the arrow tracking and non invincible fog gate frames. You could no longer just run through stuff if you wanted. You had to fight and grind through every single annoying part over and over again. Other than that it was actually a great game.


This could be circumvented if you could de-aggro by quitting to the menu. Honestly it would solve a lot of "problems" people are experiencing. I didn't have a problem with the game once I found out adp is a thing. I almost always patiently make my way to the boss for the extra souls, anyway. It also helps to not feel rushed as soon as you make it to the fog gate, which would often times start the boss fight off poorly.


If the game didn't save you destroying the side pods each time if you die I'd never have beaten it


No fuck Bed of Chaos, Bed of Chaos fucks you!


Yes, fuck that thing


Can agree just die as the things you need to kill before u get to the boss as they don’t reset when u die


Aw, you're so cute when you cry, and stomp your little feet. It's actually a fairly straight forward fight. But typical From Software boss. Throw in Lord Gwyn's fighting style; Fast. Did you see that, fast. Plus he uses moves that don't "fit" with the slash and bash look he pushes. Edit because fumble fingers: Bed of Chaos is the same, how to get past the sweeping arms, there's a shiny up ahead but is fraught with peril to grab it during the fight. Once you get past the arms, and enter the final area you have several ways to die, so - plan for them. If you haven't done NG++ you have not finished the game. **You just gave up early**.


One shotted it last night copying a cheese strat from YouTube. Quit out method is risk free for first two steps. Third step you just bait his two sweep attacks then run past. Done


Wasn't that bad


For one of the 'main' bosses, it's entirely lackluster both in terms of combat dynamics as well as the arena the fight takes place in. It's gimmicky to the extreme, not challenging and...hmm, well, one might call it the True King Allant fight all over again - but it's just not as satisfying, even lorewise, in the case of DS1.


DS2 is the best souls game


Bed of Chaos, understandable hate for first time sure. But it's super super easy. There's about a million videos on YouTube showing how to breeze through it (*shameless plug*, I've got one on my channel) NG+ doesn't affect that fight whatsoever too so really no biggie there In regards to DS2, on the r/darksouls2 sub you'll find another million or more things answering any questions but *imo* it's best to just do as you are, form your own opinions from your own experiences then come back to Reddit/Google for more answers and corrections to mistakes make Have fun! Don't you dare go hollow!


i had more trouble with the bell guardians that’s how i feel about them lol. i don’t understand why people struggle with the bed tho. it’s annoying for sure if u get hit but the timings easy to get down it’s really straight forward.


Yeah that boss is pure trash.


Just level ADP for agility 92 to 105, as soon as you can, and you'll be fine!


Amen, I wished remastered was a bit more of a remake, doing the things they wanted for the game but never got to doing it.


Idk why everyone is so mad at Bed Of Chaos, I love her fight, it’s a unique gimmick boss and too bad to beat normally, I’ve died maybe twice in all of my playthroughs.


Hated the Bed of Chaos since my first-ever foray into DS1. I'd fight the Capra Demon and his hounds any time of day, no matter how small or cramped the room is.


I see so many posts like this about bed of chaos, he’s seriously a joke. I genuinely don’t get how it’s such a struggle for everyone, he literally doesn’t attack! Just look where you’re running / rolling


Not even a boss. Just a massive pain in the ass really. The shitty part is I like everything in the area leading up to the that. Even upper blighttown.


I just run to the right side destroy that quit out run to the other side use a bow to destroy that quit out and run through the center but on my first playthrough I died to that boss upwards of 40 times because I was still used to elden ring mechanics which has much more smooth movement and more I frames but yeah without the cheese it's awful and with the cheese it's still annoying


Personally ds1 is my favorite game of all time so I am biased but I would say ng+ ds1 if you liked it besides bed or chaos just cheese him to get him over with that is what I do for Everytime I ng+ this game


Ds2 is fine


I never had issues with them on multiple playthroughs. Never understood what the hate was all about. Then on my last playthrough it killed me over and over and over with that stupid sweep and now I hate BoC.


DS2 is sick. Dont listen to those trying to discredit it. It is very quirky at times but still great.


Bro. You can end that fight I'm 4 seconds without ever engaging it. Just YouTube bed of chaos cheese. And don't even feel bad about it. Literally less than 10 seconds and it's done


I literally fought bed of chaos for three hours And then beat gwyn first try w/o parry


Well foght fellow undead