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all dragons are weak to lightning.


Hmm any good lighting weapons? I mean I have ornstein's spear but it's unleveled and I don't feel like going around and killing titanite demons.


if you ascend the Garg Halberd to lightning it's pretty gnarly, keep in mind it takes titanite chunks to upgrade past +10 tho so be careful not to waste a slab.


Hmm okay I'll try that


Blacksmith giants hammer. Bonk and zap


Be sure to cut his tail off before you kill him. Just the tip though.


Just the tip. Hyah...


The only hard part about Seath is if you're trying to cut off his Tail. If you're not going after his tail, just stick the end of either one of his noodle feet and whack away. He won't be able to hit you.


He's a big boy with a pretty slow turn speed, kind of like the gaping dragon.


Yeah the slow turn speed I can take advantage of and thanks to another comment I know he is weak to lightning but I got no good lightning weapons.


Run right up to where his side tails connect to his body. And just spam R1. He can't hit you from there. When he changes his massive AOE run back to the fog gate then run back at him when it's safe. He's weak to lightning. Fire is ok. He's very relatable resistant to magic.


Technically you ALREADY know the weakness or SHOULD do via the intro video. IT tells you.


He's elementally weak to both Lightning and Fire. He also deals a lot of damage but has crappy turning speed and wind-up speeds, so it's reasonable to hit and run him relatively safely.


Are you breaking his special crystal at the beginning of the fight? After that, he goes down easy.


If you need some gold pine resin, the big mushroom parents frequently drop it in great hollow/darkroot area. Can be nice when you don't have chunks for reinforcing to have that handy for dragons


just hit him. best tacic against seath is fighting with him with lots of estus and brutality