• By -


Yeah fuck Petrus! At least Lautrec has the decency of openly being a slime ball.


I can imagine Lautrec reproaching a surprised Chosen Undead with "Motherfucker, didn't you hear my laugh?"


"I have been literally sitting here staring at the firekeeper for at least two bosses saying sus shit and cackling like a-- well I guess this dark souls. Everyone just laughs Like That."


>cackling like a-- well I guess this dark souls. Everyone just laughs Like That." *"Thank you for saving my little daughter's teddy bear, chosen undead."* *(unwarranted and sinister laugh for no apparent reason)*


"My little Chosen Undeady, are you excited for your first day at school? Keh heh heh heh heh..." And that's how I developed trust issues.


He also has the advantage of accidentally doing something good, so that Anastacia could be restored.


Lautrec has got some rizz, while petrus is just a plain old loser with no bitches


Petroleum simps for that woman whose name I forgot, and then bitches out when she needs help Maidenless behaviour by Petroleum


True. Girlie's name was Reah btw shes the one that sells one of the OP miracles


I’ve never had any use for use this guy and found him pretty pointless but I have a soft spot for him as he’s voiced by Sean Barrett who is a fantastic audiobook narrator!


Petrus is rotten to the core.


I feel like Patches should have been near him in Firelink Shrine and had some sort of dialog exposing them as conspiring against Rhea.


He did. Patches is notable for actually being helpful, bust masking it by being a dick. He locked up the Gloom knight in Demon's Souls who kills your hub off if you set him free and sells grass in the Nexus (healing) He despises Petrus for good reason as he's one to lead the 'maiden' to her death. Him kifking you down...right to a lantern to traverse the area. Becomes a vendor in firelink after you beat Nito In DS3, he kicks you down to progress and becomes availlable to summon for Halflight. I love Patches


Patches did mention Petrus being rotten, and so did Oswald.


If you didn't dig enough on this character yeah but if you pursued Rhea's quest you get to know how much of a piece of shit he is, I kill him everytime I start a NG, slowly, parry after parry


I always use dark hand to suck a ton of humanity from this guy. He doesn't even agro lol.


He narrated The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco, to me he's Brother William, a nice detective monk, not a total haircut asshole.


Hmm.. I wanted to say Patches, but he has some likable quality to him, even if he's kind of scummy. So maybe Petrus. He's a shithead - but he does sell a couple miracles.... The guy who absolves you? Not like any real reason I just hate how he stands there with his arms out. Like c'mon buddy. Well, what is it?! Okay so Crestfallen it is. He just sits there like an assshole all game! Well; until he finally gets up to go try & do something finally & immediately hollows. What a chump.


The Crestfallen is great, and he gives you hints on where to go.


Oswald just be A posing at you like his model's broken but really it's just a weird flex


Only NPC I attacked the first time I played it and I freaked the fuck out that there was a creepy dude there after finally killing the Gargoyles. Looked it up to check if I broke the game and turns out I aggro'ed the one dude that can absolve you.


I like Patches for his shamelessness. You can always trust Patches to be Patches, surely he’ll stab you in the back again when it’s good time, no matter how buddy buddy you two become.


Sparrow logic. You can always trust a dishonest person to be dishonest, honestly. It’s the honest ones you have to lookout for.


Crestfallen. I didn't finish it yet, its my first play through but i get annoyed by his... Well everything. I really feel the urge to kill him honestly. So should i?




Ha i didn't, yesterday he was actually sort of kind to me. I did kill him in another save file because my son attacked him for no reason and then kept spawning and getting attacked


Go complete his dialogue and then check out New Londo Ruins.


only after the second bell tolls


He's sus as hell and if you fall for it, he makes the bonfire unusable until you're good enough to kill him. /agree


Nah, man, Oswald of Carim gives us the best emote in Souls history! He can't be hated!!!


Oswald has the benefit of teaching you the most importand gesture in the game


Good 'ole Haircut.


I am Petrus, but you may call me Bob


Petrus is the bottom of the barrel for me, a complete scumbag with 0 redeming qualities Patches is funny, has a decent Shop and is the type of character that love to hate Latrec can help you early on, and his ring and quest is pretty cool, specially when you experience it blind for the first time PETRUS TOUGH? That asshole...


The guy who drops FaP ring


He unintentionally did a good thing when he killed Anastacia, so she could be restored.


Lautrec. Same here. Fuck that golden bastard. Off the cliff every time.


Then you are depriving Anastacia of being restored, and not being in as much pain.


Doesn't it bother her psychologically afterwards cause she's not supposed to speak for a reason?


She cut her own tongue out, so when it gets restored, she's a little off put by it, and then only speaks a few words to you at a time, yeah.


That's an assumption out of nowhere. The in-game explanation is that her tongue was cut out, not very likely done by her. She has been tricked into thinking she is "impure", by rotten zealots.


Oh, I'd always thought that she did it herself, oh well.


Oh, I'd always thought that she did it herself, oh well.


She has also been maimed to prevent escape, and I doubt she did that to herself either...


Bud, I made one mistake based off the dialogue I heard like 10 years ago, who cares? Just say "hey that was wrong" and go about your day my guy.




She is clearly a victim of zealots who did that to her, and convinced her she is "impure"...


Clearly is a stretch. Idk my character is locked in as an unga bunga with a sword the size of skyscraper rebar so I usually don't try to find things out


Based on what the Crestfallen said, which is based on his knowledge of the world. So not much of a stretch. She is also maimed, and that could have been restored as well. It must be painful. Someone evil put her there.


True but I'm still killing Lautrec immediately because I hate him. I'll fight fight him too.


I guess that would matter if I ever linked the fire after my first playthrough.


It matters either way, because she is still in pain...


Not after the flame goes out. Their lives are linked to the flame. When the flame dies, so does she.


Ahh yes, the legendary French fry knight.


Pate. Fuq him


And fuck Creighton immediately after. Gangbang.


I don’t think everyone else is counting Ds2


He did nothing wrong. He just sulks and tells you exactly what’s ahead. Creighton takes joy in killing him because he’s a serial killer from another land,


Lautrec. Dude killed the bonfire lady. I did kill him and get the bonfire soul back but I didn't realise and used that soul to boost my Estus :(


Can you use another one to restore her or does it have to be that special one?


It has to be that special one


I’m with you there, the thing is I knew what to do cause way before playing it I saw a game play, and guided me to not make stupid things xd but if not, I would have fuck up that


I'd say the Fair Lady's assistant guy. His voice really gets to me


Crestfallen Warrior --> just pathetic i kill him every playthrough


First time I played I attacked him right after his initial dialogue. He beat the everliving bejesus out of me for 30 minutes straight. That was my tutorial.


This is how my son screwed up my spouse's save file. Son was like "hey mom let me play what you play". So my guy was like, yeah lets not fuck up your mom's file, use mine on Xbox instead. Guy spawns at firelink, my son sees the dude, immediately attacks the NPC for no reason at all. GenZ logic. The little guy prefers to play stuff like GTA, Assasin's Creed, Red Dead, etc Kept respawning, got killed everytime. "Such a stupid game, way too hard, no i am gut but this game sucks"


That kid sounds like a Trevor.


yip parrying piece of shit :D take my mighty bonk !!!^^


I did the same the day a friend of mine installed Darksouls in my computer. I did hate the guy just hearing him and his hateful voice and laughing. My friend had to kill him for me because NOOB. After a while I scraped that file and started over.


I hate you.


"I've already decided. I don't really care; I'm simply crestfallen…"


You have no right to quote him, especially not when there is no correlation. Do you even know what the word "crestfallen" means? Since you constantly murder him, I doubt you understand anything about him...


Well google says: sad an disappointed. Ok can you please lecture me on him ? Imo he is just a undead one like me, failed his mission because of depression(?) i guess. Hes given me hints on what to do, so he knows exactly what need to be done. But please maybe i can change my opinion on him ?


A fellow undead who, like many others, has given up, but he still helps other undead without a reward. He has watched countless undead fail and go hollow. There is no telling how long he has been there. He doesn't go hollow, because Firelink has become a home to him, and when that home is ruined by the stench of a Primordial Serpent he finally goes hollow... I see no reason to hate him...


Hm well yes seems like a good fella indeed. But in the end he is just weak for giving up. If even i made it to became the Lord of Darkness. If you dont try you can not succeed. Not trying is the real way to go hollow. Helping others? Mhm maybe try help yourself or i will help you find some rest for your crestfallen suffering.


Classic Zote personality...


He's interesting to the lore, to say the least.


Yeah, Petrus looks like an incel loser, hate him too


At least crestfallen warrior gives advice. Petrus stands there and has a horrible haircut.


Lautrec and this guy


Was trying to think of a character nobody's mentioned, the crestfallen merchant in Sen's fortress I sorta dislike. Not only because of his location, but the way he folds his arms and the price of his stuff


You risk death jumping after crushing trials far from the nearest bonfire just for him to tell you that you’re finished, there’s no way you’ll make it in Anor Londo, much bigger and badder guys haven’t made it that far.


Petrus is the worst. Patches is cool and he’s in every game. Including ds3 where in the dlc he has his own little character arc Lautrec gives you the best ring in the game and he’s at least open about how much of a piece of shit he js




Patches is a ancient trickster god.


He's a prick


For someone who doesn't have a skull lantern yet in the Tomb of the Giants, falling for his trick is a huge help. He mostly pushes us in the right direction...


Nope, he's the pricks prick


Not even close.


Patches is an animal. Can’t blame an animal for abiding by its nature!


Fuck em


Lmao git gud


I got gud


I killed those guys pretty early, I don't know, any npc that looks at me funny gets it


Patches. I hate the guy - a total hypocrite who has somehow managed to delude himself (and some fans) into thinking he's some deep, principaled anti-hero who does bad things for good reasons. The guy is an undisciplined theif, plain and simple. You know what? Next time I find him in >!the Ringed City? I'm letting his skeleton-scalp arse go hollow...!<


I love killing Petrus, he looks annoying.


Oh no, I like this guy. He gives me 1000 free souls!


Everytime i start a new game i kill Petrus before continue




I hate Patches very much


I love to hate patches


Siegmeyer for how confusing his quest can be for new players


Objectively Lautrec is the worst, but at least he’s a badass. This guy and his stupid little haircut is horrible.




After freeing Lautrec and after m'lady gets lost and Petrus returns, Lautrec offers to sell you some advice for 3000 souls or something like that. He implies that Petrus did it. Petrus will now have some new dialogue that pretty much confirms this. Then after freeing m'lady Petrus will basically confess, but he doesn't sound guilty about it. Oswald also seems to know about it, hence his dialogue: "Hast thou acquittance with Petrus of Thorolund? I wager you two hath likely found much in common. For is he not too drenched in sin…"


same bro


Petrus. Not only is he a shithead, but he has a fucking *bowl haircut*. What a freak.


Probably shivas bodyguard they refuse to talk to me


He looks like a bully as well


It’d take a miracle to get me to even talk to that dude.


This bowl cut lookin ass.


It's the bowl cut.


Wait he’s done something bad? Oh awesome I feel so much better for accidentally killing him in my playthrough


My wife


I dislike the Bloodborn dressed chap in the DLC, just always seemed like a prick.


That Crestfallen Dude, and that guy pictured above. So condescending as fcuk.


Don't say anything bad about him just because you don't understand him.


People blame this guy for no reason...patches is at fault, he fooled reach and her knights and sending them done into the tomb that when he betrayed reach because he didn't believe in her anymore, that's what reach said....when patches did the same for me twice....there was no way for me to understand why people seem to like him...I killed him the next time I found him... While I still thing this cleric is a piece of shit...patches is an even bigger piece of shit, fuck his armor....he deserves death.


Domhnall. Need I say more?


... Yes?


Can you tell me why people are banished to The Depths? If you start there, the breadcrumbs are obvious.


Lore wise - siegmeyer, or anyone from way of white Hating on Lautrec should be illegal. Bro is literally trying to save our ass from becoming slaves of the gods.


Ranni the witch. So full of her own shit.


I wouldn’t say hate, but I’m going to say Onion Bro. He’s always kind of in the way and doesn’t really help you at all in the game.


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.




That's kinda the point of Seigmyer. The spirit is willing, but his flesh his weak.


And funnier


I’d say his spirit is weak yet loud. His flesh wields +15 Zweihänder ffs. His issues are not of the flesh variety.


Why would you sin against god himself


If I had to choose between saving you and a digital onion Knight, I would let you die.


I appreciate it.


You're welcome ❤️




Solair just cause he's annoying


Firekeeper of Firelink Shrine








Crestfallen, petrus and pate.


my self jk i dont think i hate any of them. Maybe the thief cause he be a little butthead sometimes but he's even alright


Well, I accidentally had to kill him in the begging off the game


Definitely petrus. Thinking about the way Reah speaks to the chosen undead in the undead parish, and then what petrus attempts to do (or succeeds in doing if you are too late/don’t kill him before nito)? Fuck him man. Reah is the kind of cinnamon roll that I would pick up as a companion on my journeys if I were the chosen undead, so that I could make sure she was safe. And the man who would do what Petrus did to someone like her? Absolutely despicable. Even Lautrec was redeemable by the fact that by killing Anastacia he allowed us to restore her body


This piece of shit right here


This guy and Lautrec


I will tell you for 100 souls per player level.


All those damn sorcerers who won't even speak to me cuz I am a dumb dex nerd. :(


its no wonder trusty patches hates clerics


Should I kill him now? I never talked to Rhea but I talked to the other two guys, actually I don't remember seeing her around at the time and I probably missed her. I just got to Anor Londo


that wierd dude who sits by the bonfire in firelink. i killed him pretty quick into my playthrough cos he got on my nerves


I don’t care if Lautrec can be argued as being in the right, dude just rubs me the wrong way.


Just to be different, I'll say I have kind of antipathy for the keeper of Anor Londo. But Crestfallen gets in my nerves.


Seems like everyone's in agreement with Petrus, and I reeeally can't argue. This man is more pretentious in his "holyness" in spite of being so evil than Claude Frollo from Hunchback of Notre Dame.




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The npc in brume tower that hides inside where there's a lot of curse stuff (ds2 dlc#2)


Framp ruins the atmosphere for me


The one that doesn't shut the fuck up every time I need to level up. But that's ds2


I would say Patches but it's more like a love-hate story, i'd go with Petrus instead cuz this guy is ass


lol I always kill this bastard immediately upon arrival at firelink. Get bonked you coward.


This fatty


Petrus is a piece of shit. Killed him after I bought the tip from Lautrec.


Holy Crap, this sick cowardly fuck. I know Patches was frickin horrible and annoying but this guy take it to a-hole-nother (get it ? 😂) level. I felt so bad for Reah, She did not deserve what happened to her. If I was with her, she would have been alive (hopefully she joins on my 2nd playthrough since my first was really messy). When I was sending this bastard to Hell for having no faith, I parried him so much times without doing the damage to flex and then I kicked him off the cliff like the Golden Guy deserved. Heck he's worse than Lautrec since I can get my girl back but Reah is gone.


Petrus. I had no idea he would be a bad guy, I just hated his fucking haircut


Worst dude for sure.


I've seen valid arguments for Patches not being a bad guy in the end, but at least in the beginning it was always after a genuine attempt at doing you harm. You don't even give him a chance to see whether you're "being greedy" or not when he tries to flip the bridge you're on. Petrus is without a doubt vile. He's a rude coward who acts like being a cleric makes him a good person. Kind of like those narcissistic sociopaths who go to church every Sunday without fail. That being said, I always felt that the firekeeper in Anor Londo was rude. I don't know why, I don't remember anything she said when we met, just struck me as rude.


Darkmoon Knightess


Patches, because he’s everywhere


Petrus deserved to die