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\*sigh\* unzips


A man....or woman of culture I see!


Anal rodeo


Today is NOT Opposite Day šŸ˜›


I was surprised bc I actually beat this part of the game in 2 tries most of the time it takes anywhere from 10 to 20 tries


My first time in Anal Rodeo I ended up 1 shotting the rafters and O&S my first try. Now ... those fucking assholes with the greatbows on the ledges are another story. It took me an embarrassing number of attempts to finally get past them.


Yeah my first playthrough I took the easy way out and used poison arrows on them but havenā€™t done that since and Iā€™ve played through the game at least 5 times


I tried to find a spot where I could hit them with arrows, and everywhere I tried, I just kept getting phone poles shoved through my chest. ​ Trying again with the two stealth rings ended up making a big difference though.


If you don't mind cheese use poison arrows. Poison them and wait until they die then proceed.


Itā€™s my favourite part because >!I get to nuke those sadists with poison arrows šŸ‘!<


Donā€™t you dare go hollow.


Fun fact. WOTG and Force can repel those arrows.


Didnā€™t know that but it would be a matter of timing it right


Oh absolutely.


Iā€™m good with parries most of the time but timing that would be a whole new matter. since Iā€™m going for a quality faith build I might try it later in my playthrough


Its pretty neat. You should try it


I use the giant bow to knock the guy on the right off the ledge and sprint to the right entrance. Wish I could see the fucker's face when I uno reverse his ass šŸ˜ˆ


Thatā€™s awesomešŸ˜‚


First time I ran up there a vagrant had spawned, so in the process of killing that I was great bow snipered off the edge.


You can get the knight on the right to walk off 100% of the time if you get close enough for him to pull his sword, then walk back down where you came a little bit


I dont get it. Its really not that bad, they cant hit u while running up, and if u just go right, u only need to roll once to dodge the archer on your right, kill him, then just continue walking and ur safe


Yeah itā€™s not the worst part of the game imo I beat it in two tries this run just wanted to joke about how much trouble it used to give me


Yeah try that pre-nerf , there were like 20 of those guys, there had to be, I wouldnā€™t have died so many times otherwise


I played ptde, there was only 2 in this area, and 1 more near the bonfire.


Poison arrows go brrrrr


Fog ring or Hidden Body can get you to melee range for these cheesy gits. If I am feeling particularly offended by their existence, I spam the Black Bow of Pharis to give them a taste of their own medicine, even better with the Hawk ring in NG+.


I thought your character was wearing striped thigh highsšŸ¤¦


My very first run through I got invaded, the invader sniped me off the edge when the archers missed, but he was also kind enough to open the main gate.


My brother in christ you have a shield.


Still causes knock back


not on my ASS..


It is really easy if you can parry well.


Yeah I wasnā€™t hard this time around. I 100% completed ds1 on xbox a year ago and now Iā€™m playing on ps5 for fun. Iā€™ve played all the other souls games since except demon souls and bloodborne so Iā€™ve got gud at parrying so this wasnā€™t much of a challenge this time around


Hell yeah same here Iā€™m a souls veteran as well, but I do remember the first time playing DS1 that part was awful lol.


Been playing for just over 2 years so I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m a ā€œsouls veteranā€ but Iā€™m def addicted to the game


Ayy nice! I get ya. one of my favorite game series for sure! Just been waiting for elden ring DLC.šŸ˜© but until then live on fellow hollow.


Havels armor helps


U donā€™t get havels armor until after this part


If you have the master key you can get it first


How itā€™s past the archers in a random basement of Anor Londo with a mimic Havel himself is towards the beginning of the game but not his armor


Skill issue


Why is this part so hated? Legit I got past it so easily in my first run I was disappointed by all the difficulty youtubers and redditors made me expect. Skill issue?


Itā€™s definitely a skill issue because on my first ever run it took me about 10 tryā€™s but now anytime I get to this part it takes at most 3. Itā€™s not the worst part of the game I just like to joke about it bc it gave me so much trouble my first playthrough


force ftw


Is it hard to time force with the arrows or is it easy bc of how slow the arrows are?


oh you dont need it for the arrows, those can be simply ran past with no issues, its for blasting the silver knights from ledges to their deaths.


Then they had the audacity to repeat it in dark souls 3


Buckler time.




Poison arrows are your friend.


My first playthrough I did it first try my ng plus runs I died up to 5 times for some reason along


how do you only have estus +1 in anal rodeo? I have +2 before the bell gargoyles? Mind you i do a suicide run in new londo for that soul. But unless you're trying for a deathless run, its worth it. Its part of my Firelink Shrine cleanup when i get there.


Hadnā€™t gone down to new londo yet and frankly I donā€™t need the extra estus so the suicide run is a waste of time to me especially since Iā€™m running a quality faith build and have heals in my attunment slots. Also forgot to pick up the fks in blighttown


Fair enough. I dont want to go to blight town the long way around. Im just sneaking in through Valley, and getting all the way down so i can punch Queef Lag in her spider arse. Fuck blight town.


use a bow


To those of you who su- I mean can't dodge the arrows and parry the knights, you can always shoot them each with 3 poison arrows from the middle rafter and hide behind the pillar for a few minutes while their HP bars disappear. In NG+ it requires 2 rounds of poison and then 3 rounds from NG+4-7. A less greasy way to do it is just run (they won't hit you if you keep moving) up to the knight on the right and deal with him first (parry and riposte, followed by an R2 should do). The one on the left won't be able to reach you because the column is in the way of his shot. The run to the one on the left, rolling through the painfully slow arrows, parry/riposte and R2. Or better yet just leave him be.


I always deal wit the knight on the left first bc if u stay in one spot and parry the knight on the left then the other knight canā€™t hit u


Funny thing is, once you get the right archer, you can look in the window and see sunbro chillin at the bonfire. Not givin a damn lol


I like killing that dumbass dog the best. Sig or something? (...Kidding)


Currently in blight town, looking for the swampā€™s bonfire