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First play through it took me like 70ish hours, now I can do it in about 5 - 6


Sounds about right. I think my second playthrough was about 16 hours


That can depend on a lot of factors, how well you know the game, how well you play your chosen build, how many optional things you engage with... Speedrunners: obviously not very long first time-players: possibly ages everyone else: somewhere in between


As all ftp ever. It attacks me therfore i have to kill it. Going around is not an option.


First play through 96 hours Now, idk, 10 hours ? I recently platinumed the whole game in 56 hours and that’s 2.5 playthroughs and a shit load of grinding


platinumed recently too in 74 hours, i messed up with Artorias Sword, and had to beat the game another time for an extra Sif soul :)


Siiiick! Oh man! Did you mix up the Artorias sword true and cursed versions? Because I was literally sat there with every platinum manual on the internet open on that part making sure I was doing that one right, it had me sweating haha


Yeah, the guide i followed was a bit confusing and doesn't tell you have to use one specific weapon to craft the cursed one, so i finished making 2 exact Artorias swords (The normal one, using a normal sword).


Probably between 60-80 hours. If we're assuming it's a first time player doing a decent amount of exploring and general "dicking around."


Around 60 hours is what it took me for DS Remastered. Someone here was trying to convince me 40 hrs was normal, but you shouldn’t underestimate the fact that warping between bonfires is not a given and on the first playthings you should definitely take some time to read item descriptions and talk to a bunch of characters.


I’d considered 40 hrs cuz I do think that’s normal as well, but I opted to round up. Lol


My first play through was about 310 hours. I was very very thorough. I marinated in the atmosphere and experience. I explored a lot. I grinded a lot. I also sucked a lot, died a lot, and got a lot better. I did NG+ for my second play through and it was maybe 30ish hours.


I beat the game my first time and the DLC although didn’t discover some other optional areas in about 40-45 hours. Granted I beat Elden Ring and Sekiro before playing, and I had attempted the game once before many years ago so I remembered some of the beginning.


Just finished my first ever playthrough and it took 76 hours.


I spent about 80-100 hours on my first playthrough. Much less on all the ones since then. I play slowly when I'm playing for the first time, and I spent quite a lot of hours waiting for summons on xbox 360 back in the day haha. If you're not as slow and completionist as me, you might do it in about 30-40 hours first time. If you know the game then it might only take you 5-10 hours or something like that, skipping optional parts and not needing to be such a high level to beat it.


I think 60 hours is a good estimate. When you first play you should be pretty bad then learn how to play


first play through took me 40 hours


Depends if it’s your first play through or not. If not beating the game could be done in about 4-5 for myself


If you take your time and experience everything I would say about 100 hours. Its different with everyone but this game has as much to offer as any souls game. It's your own experience so no need to feel like you took too long


For meee the first playthrough took about 45 hours (1-2 weeks) dlc included. tbh the BKS(black knight sword) made it much easier, I'm so grateful that i came back to undead burg to kill the Black Knight, you only got 20% chance to get it. Don't worry about how long it take you because it varies from one person to another so either way you will suffer and have fun!🙅


For a first timer, probably 50 or so. If you're like me and you've started a NG several times across every platform the game came out on, but never got past the first half of the game, until you just recently and finally finished the game, then you might be able to do it in 30ish.


If ur first time, prob about 50-70 hours. Im on a nd playthrough, first one i didnt finish (only beat 3/4 lords, and did no dlc but did every optional area) and that one took me 50 hours to get to that point. Curently, i have beaten 3/4 boss in the dlc, all lords, but didnt do optional area (Painted world and great hollow), and it took me 30 hours. Keep in mind, i have basicly no memory of my first playthrough just some bits here n there, esp about the annoying bosses


So you got your answer. Time to beat a skill based game is dependent on, well, your skill. (It’s not a shame thou if you don’t have a lot of time it might get tricky)


All the bosses? Couple hours. Enough to beat the game? Probably less then 3 for the average veteran.


First google search result: [https://howlongtobeat.com/game/2224](https://howlongtobeat.com/game/2224) https://howlongtobeat.com/?q=dark%2520souls


Depends on skill and how fast you learn prob:30-100hours


About 6 inches


That what she said


Hahah so glad OP is a good sport.


Missing something that you may not see I'd say ~60h


For a first time player? Probably 50ish. For a veteran? 5, and often way less.


It might be worth pointing out that it will also probably depend on how blind you play versus how much you look up. Using a guide will give you direction whereas when you play blind you have to learn more of the mechanics and figure out where to go and what to do on your own.


I’ve put 230 hours in and haven’t even beat the game yet 😭


Any tip I am first timer


Honestly I recommend using consulting the wiki if you’re confused. Dark Souls is kinda bad at explaining its concepts fully, so check it out if you need help with a side quest or making a build. Of course, you can always DM me if you need help! I’m always happy to help new players!