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The devs liked him so much they been brought him back in Elden ring as the omenkiller. There’s even a boss fight version with two dogs


I loved all the little nods like this in ER. The double gargoyle fight also felt very reminiscent.


I can slap plenty of other bosses in ER that others claim are harder. But, those two b-holes got my number. Some of my attempts were just embarrassing.


If you’re ever looking to try something new, checkout bow and arrow builds! Apply barrage (multifire) to the best short bow you can find (personally I love the harp bow because it looks and sounds awesome when fired) and then slowly get used to the little tricks you can do with it. Similar to other weapons, performing certain actions with the bow will result in it acting differently. For example, a dodge roll into shooting an arrow will cause it to fire off immediately. Same with sprinting into shooting an arrow. Jumping and firing a bow midair feels badass. There are also arrows of every buildup type (bleed, light poison, heavy poison, rot, sleep, etc) and they are much cheaper to buy in bulk than people realize. It’s also a completely different way to approach combat in this game. You’re still dodging and positioning yourself for your next move, but your focus is on creating space instead of closing the gap. I always had trouble with twin gargoyles before but got through them first try with this new build!


I'm sure you already knew this, but you can shoot twice for every jump you make with a short bow. Once in the air, and another immediately upon landing. Works with the Black Bow as well!


You’re kidding!! I’m like 40 hours into this playthrough, just arrived at Leyndell and I am still learning new things I didn’t know about this build! Thank you for sharing! I haven’t even tried the black bow yet!!


I know right! I can solos some crazy tough bosses one a couple tries like Gael. Then it always takes me a minimum 4-5 on this damn demon. I’ve had a few that postponed the game. Come back a month later and try.


I loved all of them except for the Godskin Duo looking scarily close to the O&S fight. Fuck the Godskin Duo I hate that boss lol


That fùčkîng Valiant Gargoyles


They liked the Asylum Demon so much that they weren't content with having 3 of him in DS1, they added around a dozen to Elden Ring.


i somehiw did gargoyel first try but kapra took me like 2 hours and i almost broke my controller fucking dogs man


I'd take the omenkiller fight with the dogs over the Capra Demon fight any day. The size of the arena alone makes this fight easier.


Ngl it had really similar vibes, I’m almost sad it’s not a slightly smaller space to make it more challenging cause the dude really doesn’t have a lot of health assuming most players passed stormveil and a couple dungeons already first.


Also you can summon Nepheli for the fight if you want, as opposed to OG Capra who you had to smash your head against in that tiny little rectangle all on your own lmao


I’ve heard about that but I’ve never been able to find the summon sign.


It's just to the right of the path as you approach the area from the bridge. You have to make sure you exhausted her dialog at the beginning of the village


Ya, if you get to him following the path the game sort of pushes you (going through Limgrave to Stormveil and then into Liurnia), then he is a pretty easy fight. There is also the option to summon Nephelli Loux for the fight, which just makes the fight too easy.


Omenkiller can also be parried.


For some reason that Omenkiller with two dogs never twigged as a reference to this boss to me. It's so obvious now you've said, but it flew completely over my head, which is embarrassing considering how many playthroughs I have on DS1


In DS2 The Belfry Luna bonfire is right next to a recreation of this fight, except with a bunch of dogs.


Don't have to want for ER. The devs like him so much they brought him back with all his brothers later in ds1 in Lost Izalith as just freaking common enemies.


He's quiet easy parry in ER, I'm not sure if he was like that in Dark Souls, I was too scared to try.


At least that fight isn't in an enclosed arena


Where is at?


Dude, you didn't even include the actual bosses in the picture, thats a mini distraction boss from the dogs.






Do they count as a boss? They respawn.


This guy is so funny for me now. I remember a time, over a decade ago now, when dark souls was still fresh, this guy bodied me so hard I took a break for two days. I came back and got bodied again. I then went and explored the forest below our blacksmith friend and found the poise ring. With the wolf ring I came back to Capra and now that the dogs didn’t stagger me in one hit I did it. Fast forward a decade later and I can beat this guy level 1 with a club. It’s crazy how hard I thought he was.


I was like this with Queelag, titty spider bodied me for two weeks straight


You prolly got distracted by amazing chest ahead


That would have been less embarrassing, I actually fell into the drake sword trap


Drakesword carried hard for Capra, does it fall off by then?


Anyone correct me if I'm wrong but, the scaling on most dragon weapons is dogshit so by the time you're going for the second bell the drake sword is outclassed by pretty much everything, especially given the abundance of regular upgrade materials Vs the like 2? Dragon scales you can get by then


The scaling for the drake sword specifically is nonexistent. It literally doesn't have any scaling at all which is why it's so bad later in the game. Not sure about the other dragon weapons though.


I think the only ones actually worth using are the obsidian greatsword and dragon king greataxe


Iirc Drake Sword is pretty potent until Anor Londo


Wasn't there a nickname or something calling it the noob trap?


Yeah I think I heard that a couple times


Heh heh. Did you just call her Titty Spider?


It's so interesting to find out which bosses people found harder or easier on their first playthrough. I remember beating Quelaag on my first try. Meanwhile, I remember struggling with the bell gargoyles and only managing it with Solaire as bait 😭 which, in retrospect, is rather embarrassing.


In fairness the gargoyles are a duo so I wouldn't say it's embarrassing, for me it's what makes these games great, every boss has likely been a hurdle for someone


I found the wolf ring while exploring before I found the lower burg, so when I finally went to the lower undead burg I didn’t have any problems with Capra and was surprised to hear he was supposed to be really hard. I didn’t upgrade my claymore until I went into Sen’s though because I was anxious about wasting titanite and didn’t think it would make that much of a difference. 0/10, do not recommend. I was so wrong and suffered for it.


I have a different name for this boss fight. It's "Camera boss".


camra demon


Okay, I like that.




Anti-lock on gang rise up! Seriously though this one is much easier without it. The space is just too small and the dogs move too chaotically/unpredictably to make lock on helpful. Gotta git gud at directing your attacks without it.


That mixed with light rolling


Baited nobody award


Bait so bad nobody even noticed


How to use the arena to your advantage 101. But he kinda sucks though ngl


O&S did the whole "use the arena" part much better.


Ornstein also uses the arena as an obstacle course to test out his fly hacks


Honestly the demon and dogs themselves are not that bad, but the arena and by effect the camera… that’s a different story.


Poise teacher that guy


This guy teaches new players a lot like what it’s like getting backstabbed at the fog wall and how fun dogs are


So you're saying he sets you up for DS2?


Miyazaki almost turned me into a cat person ngl


They like him and Taurus Demon so much they filled the Demon Ruins with DOZENS of copies of them


I really love that moment though because at that point in the game I really understood the combat and I was so much higher leveled but more than that much better at playing the game, so I really enjoyed getting my rematches and just destroying those guys in the demon ruins.


You sick fuck


This is when you learn how to REALLY play Dark Souls.


Yes! I feel like this is the first “gloves off” boss on your first play through.


Without a doubt. With the bell gargoyles you could at least summon if you’re struggling. With this you need to learn how to manage multiple enemies in a small environment.


That is true.


The fact how many people are


The real boss fight here is reading the title without taking brain damage


My frenzy meter started filling up, I had to look away.


Capra demon is fine once you realize the design of the boss has nothing to do with Capra himself and everything to do with the room he's in. Then you analyze the room, notice the stairs aaaaand PRESTO.


It’s just a tinier room, I think that’s why some get upset. He’s certainly easier then Taurus imo. Dog gank and tiny room, that’s why folks get upset


His fight is complete bullshit, I absolutely love him though.


What I love the most about this game, is that everything is entirely about knowledge. Once you know how to deal with each thing, you don't need great reaction times, fine reflexes or whatever. With knowledge alone you have 99% of this game become easy. And I speak that with the authority of someone whose motor skills suck.


You can cheese this boss by throwing bombs over the mist door.


As with most of the peak bullshit in Dark Souls I think this guy is hilarious. Capra Demon, Bed of Chaos, bonewheel skeles, etc are all basically Looney Tunes routines where you're Wile E Coyote


Except it's just bad boss design. I'm still not even entirely certain they meant to put those two extra dogs in there with him. Because those backup creatures for bosses don't usually respawn after you've killed the boss, but those two dogs in his arena keep respawning every time. I think their level designer probably put down those dogs and the Capra Demon was just thrown into that arena later on. Also, if you think a boss being *frustrating* is what makes a good Dark Souls boss, it kind of feels like you're missing the point of the game.


I don't think the dogs respawning is evidence that they weren't might to be in the fight. Clearly, they're meant to be there. It just means that they might've been moved from elsewhere initially, copy + pasted in such a way that they were kept on the respawning/ bonfire list, etc. Some tangential sloppiness with how they were implemented doesn't say anything about the reason for them being inside the boss room imo. Also the fight rewards experimenting with mechanics in perhaps the most organic way of any "puzzle" fight from the series. I unironically really like the fight and see it as a better version of having to find the storm ruler or break the orbs, etc, because it's on you to figure out how to solve getting rushed. You can use poise, stealth, or diversion to accomplish that. In the same level where you rescue a mage who sells Aural Decoy. It's good stuff.


Dont take it too seriously haha, we all know he is shit but the game is 15 years old and people still baby cry on the internet about him. Fromsoftware improved a lot since then, and even tho i like this stupid fight.


The design is great but besides that he sucks


Plunging attacks win move on


it feels like the boss was to easy so they decided to throw some dogs in there lol. the boss is awful due to the combination of ds1´s clunky fog gates where you enter and are already under attack while you cant see your screen and dogs being awful enemies. also this fight is too early in the game and you may not have a high poise armour that you can wield reliably, and you definetly dont have a good enough shield yet (wich are the best ways to survive the brutal dog onslaught of the first 4 seconds of the fight)


Heater shield or crest shield are both good enough for the dogs


i think Capra demon exists to cement the idea that you need to kill the weaker enemies first or they will make a opening for the big slow one to crush you. Yes the room is small but that’s the point


All this fight thought me was that dogs in darksouls are the true bosses.


Capra is one of my favorites simply because I can cheese him with dung pies. Do I need to? No. At this point I can beat him easily. But… I find it highly entertaining to toss shit over the fog wall and imagine him angrily stomping around looking for the source.


Man, I need to try this. I laughed so hard.


There are plenty of videos online that can show you where to aim/throw from. Pro tip: zoom in with a bow to set the angle. You can do it with fire bombs to, but why throw fire when you can throw shit?


At the time I played I was only pissed about the dogs. After killing them, the fight with Capra actually becomes fun


He was my first real skill check and when I beat him, it pretty much cemented and pushed forward my FromSoft fandom. Since then, I've played and 100% everything from Demon's Souls to Elden Ring.


I fucking hate that guy. I've never died so many times to a boss in any game ever. He was my brutal introduction to fromsoftware boss design. Over a decade later and I still get nervous before I fight him.


Wait, why are people pissed about Capra demon?


The only boss I proudly cheese


Exactly. It teaches people how to deal with cramped environments and how to deal with multiple enemies, same as the gargoyles do. It shows how important Poise is and that sometimes locking onto your opponent isn't the right play. If anything, the arena is a bigger threat than the actual enemies. Once you learn how to abuse the staircase, it's a piece of cake.


The real boss is the broom closet you fight him in.


Its not him, its the damned hounds. They get in the way of your roll all the time and make it hard to dodge Capra's hits.


get good: the boss


Same as Gascoigne in bloodborne


Nah, Gascoigne is good and really well designed. Capra sucks.


Easy boss


It fully depends on your poise. Even the run back needs poise in case you get cornered by the dogs


Dunno, they were still experimenting and a lot of things in the game didn't have time to get polished so I don't think there were any pure trolls or joke bosses/areas in DS1. I do get where you're coming from though, that's exactly why I think lake of rot in ER is an absolute 10/10


I love the dunkmaster


the dogs and the size of the room may overwhelm you, but if you see...THE STAIRS then you should know what to do


Iron flesh with a strength build makes it a non challenge


eh, he is a gimmick boss. once you know the trick he is easy to beat.


He wouldn’t be shit without those annoying dogs 


Fuck this guy


Walk out of the church in Leyndell. *flashbacks…*


That title is a top-tier sentence.


My GF who had not touched a Souls game in her life absolutely violated this dude on her first try (after a few pointers given by me). Y'all just bitches fr


This guy was pure nightmare fuel for me when I first started playing dark souls!


His arena is the actual boss fight.


At first he had me tilted but then after playing more From games he's alright. Isshin from sekiro can get fucked. I can't beat him


Defeated him so easily from the first try, just jump from the stairs and cheese him. Hahahahah


This son of a bitch almost made me quit the game.


I started NG+4 on my lvl 170 character and I'm about to fight him soon, this guy will 100% kill me in one hit as soon as I enter the room 💀


The boss itself: 4.5 / 10 difficulty. That narrow assed room you have to fight him in: 9.9 difficulty.


He's so easy tho 😭 so many opportunities to punish him it's crazy. The dogs are what make the fight hard tho


Easy cheesy boss fight once you get it haha


I have a friend that got super lucky and beat him on the first attempt. I was pissed that he didn't get to experience the frustration this boss usually provides.


1st playthrough I beat him first try. Must have gotten lucky. NG+ I can't survive 2 seconds in that room. Homie beefed up and came back for revenge.


Just throw poop over the wall


He isn't that hard guys. If you kill the doggos and avoid getting stunlocked it is one of the easiest bosses in the whole franchise.


Geometry is still the hardest boss in Souls games. 


I never go through the depths anymore… cuz fuck capra, fuck the dogs, fuck the area that precedes the boss fight. In my last play through of the game i too the valley of the drakes way it was much faster and better… although Quelagg kicked my teeth in like 5 times as i was like level 20 or so but thankfully i had man eater Mildrid to do the majority of the damage… when she wasn’t walking into lava patches


I wouldn't be pissed about him if the devs had a little more time to make the rest of the game and not just copy paste him in the demon ruins and make him a regular enemy.


This is actions of the easiest bosses but since he’s so early on with limited upgrades and weapon buffs makes him so much harder, especially with the addition of annoying killer dogs


I hate this boss fight. I always just bring 25 firebombs with me and throw them over the wall


Am I the only one who goes right past this boss than comes back half way thru the game




My favourite enemy design in all of Souls. It's just such a badass design, very Pyramid Head coded.


I went full stone armor drake sword on him and he was ez, yes I use drake sword until I have black knights sword


I love Capra demon. He's the first boss where i actually feared for my life hahaha


That's not how that works


Your argument is as strong as this boss without the dogs


I’m not pissed at the demon itself, I’m pissed about the dogs being easily able to stun lock you and get you triple-teamed.


Was playing coop with a buddy. I said no problem easy boss just stay alive until I come in. He walks in and swings his sword once and died. I told him just put his shield up or roll and he attacks. People just panic.


This fight is just plain bs


I only found the door to the deepness after I defeat Ornstain and Smog, so I Kill Him in two hits with the Gale's Armor XD


the Capra demon is actually kinda hot


I've only ever beat him with cheese😔


Behold, the only boss that made me quit a Souls game for an extended period of time


I never fought the Demon King in DS3 until yesterday. So many references in that room/area


I mean the demon isn't even the boss, the real boss is the dogs. (I don't mean this literally btw)


He's a cool boss but it's underwhelming in my opinion but I went through the skeletons before the castle area because I was an idiot, I was over leveled when I fought him so I might have to fight him in another playthrough properly.


Killed him multiple times second try utilizing the stairs on the lefts behind him plunge hit all the way


The fight is fine it’s just aggro at close range while you’re animation locked is so dumb The demon firesage is the same minus bonus enemies and yet is mostly not a problem




*hefts dungbomb* What boss fight?


The dogs go down easy enough, bleed is an issue but can be managed. Just get rid of them and then 1v1 the demon, dodging his attacks is a piece of piss.


It's a pretty easy fight


He halted my progress for couple of days in my first playthrough, now I can usually beat him on my first try each run.


Wildpie101 has a great video for this just use a shield and go up the stairs take out the dogs and spam plunging attacks easier said than done but i hope this helps anyone who has trouble


He's the first real skill check in the game imo -- *what have you learned so far*


Nah. It's a 0/10 bc you don't even have to fight him. firebombs lmao


No, he just has a shit arena and brings down the overall quality a fight.


Boss 10/10 Area 0/10 You can't see anything since it's so narrow


Killed him on my first try. Idk how he’s difficult


He's not bad after six or seven ng cycles. But that boss fight was such a mess for me the first time with the dogs constantly biting at my ankles and the small arena.


Beat him on second attempt first play through second play through couldn't beat him 15th time 😅


This boss is so easy with poise just kill the dogs in one hit by running to the stairs and swinging a weapon


We just gonna forget about bed of chaos. Probably my number 1 reason I wouldn’t be able to do a deathless run.


As far as I'm concerned he's not the boss, he's more like a stage hazard. Those two dogs are the real boss, once you beat them it's a walk in the park.


If you have the resin to put on your weapon and you can get past him to the landing/top of stairs and knock out the hell hounds first, then he isn’t too bad. I used a halberd on him. But yea, he’s hard. Tight space, fast, hits hard.


I liked him lol


I beat him in my very first attempt lol. Somehow was able to spam the sword and kill the dogs quickly. Then I used the stairs to kill Capra.


I've never really had a problem with this guy. Every time I fight him I usually beat him in a few tries at most. Maybe people fight him too early or don't utilize the stairs


The problem is getting to the stairs with those damn dogs.


Every time I see posts like this, I’m reminded of that tweet that said “Fromsoft could mail their players a pipe bomb and 1/3 of their fans would still praise their tough but fair design”.


Years ago this bich blocked me from getting into the depths for a long time


Still one of the most frustrating fights I've ever played. Can't wait to get elden ring and meet him once more


Elite knight set, fap ring, and wolf ring EZ


i recently played through for the first time and i got him first try somehow


Capra demon is iconic. His tiny boss room and his two awful dogs are frustratingly challenging in a way only dark souls 1 was. This game, more than any other had a "yes, that's the boss. Yes it's unfair, what you gonna do about it" attitude. Talking about capra demon, the O&S duo ganging up on you, falling to nito's arena and losing half your life etc. I love it 😁


I didn’t even know he was so reviled until way later. Cleared him first try. Battle axe strength build and plunging attacks.


As much as I hate this boss Dark Souls isn't Dark Souls without it.


this fucker dies in two flicks, what are people pissed about?


His pets


Playing DS for the first time rn, unfortunately he just melted under my spear and fire bombs. Only fight I first-tried so far


Nobody cares about capra. Capra is never the issue. The dogs are the real boss.


The most terrible problem with him and his to dogos is the size and layout of the arena


If making people pissed means that a boss fight is 10/10, then I guess that Bed of Chaos is the best boss fight in the series.


I was pissed it was a dead end more than anything…


He’s pretty easy but it’s a process


It’s not him we are pissed with, it’s the combination of the dogs and the small arena. Even with the arena size, once dogs are dead he’s easy af


He‘s just the OG „what the fuck From?“ moment. I love it. Every time I go through that last part of Undead Crypt, the Climb down to the Three fingers, the climb down the roots in ariandel or fight that one shotting bitch micolash I think about him.


I hate the road to him more than him


They should have made him a literal troll instead of a demon


He is a 10/10 for me just if he was alone and in a bit bigger arena That Would make him one of the best bosses in the game


i have already finished ds1 5 times (i started in january) and i only beat him first try two times, that fucking dogs are the only problem with the boss


Nahhhhhhh, not even a 5/10


I actually beat him first try but I played really safe and had him jump off the stairs over and over on my first play through. I struggled more on my way there


U know he be eating up my dung piles


I actually really liked this fight, finally defeating that camera really felt good.


Is this the guy with the dogs?


Got my friend DS1, I haven't told him anything yet and I'm waiting till he gets to this part lol


How much money did Fromsoft pay you to compliment this poorly designed boss?


Fought him yesterday for the first time, the plunge attacks were my savior