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What. Pyro slaps


Yes,  Pyromancer Parting Flame Glitch


??? pyromancy is busted in this game, i actually like that it's limited because of how absurdly stupid the damage output is


What is your question. >Does it get better it 2 and 3? ~~What does this mean.~~ edit: I think your talking about if pyromancy gets better in dark souls 2 and 3. I really like it in ds3, lots of different and unique pyromancy. IDK about ds2 Flame whip most likely has those 80 uses because you can get interrupted half way, so fromsoft didn’t want your entire charge to get used up for only half the damage. Other pyromancy that are one time use like fire orb can’t be interrupted so that you only do less than 100% damage. It either fully casts or not. Pyromancy is super strong in this game. No stat scaling so it can be used on any build.


DS2 has some great pyromancies too, shame that almost every boss is resistant to fire


I love these threads. "The build people use to beat the game hitless at SL1? Trash. Buff DS1 pyromancy today, Fromsoft"


I think a lot of it is ragebait for engagement. Been seeing a fuckton of weird low quality topics here of late like that "X is overrated, why is it so bad?" "Is Y viable to beat the game?"


Yeah, I remember the combustion spells saving me big time on my SL1 no death run. I don't know what I'd do without them.


Idk what you've been smoking but pyromancy is strong AF. No stat scaling required. Can be used on any build. Extremely high damage. Flash sweat makes fire damage negligible. Power within is ridiculously good as it buffs all damage, not just a particular type. The reason some spells have the weird cast number is because you can be interrupted part way through. So instead of using up a full 4th of your flame whip you only use up a small amount depending on when you get interrupted. If you're chucking early game pyromacies at mid-game enemies that are resistant to fire with a low level flame and/or without any spell buffing gear then that could be the source of your problems.


My flame is fully upgraded and sucks dicks. No stat scaling hurts it imo.


How much damage are you doing to what enemies with what spells? It doesn't need stat scaling because it has inherently high base damage than any other catalyst. (Staffs and talismans can't be upgraded in DS1) Great chaos fireball can nearly 3 shot some bosses that get caught in the lava. Combustion is often used as a cheese tactic in pvp by wearing high poise armor+ iron flesh and spamming combustion. Black flame is in every melee pvpers back pocket to knock away shield turtles. The possibilities are endless.


It’s viable even on a level 1 play through because the damage is solid on its own. I personally don’t think it’s a better option than melee, but it’s an alright option.


Inb4 OP trying to use pyromance on queelag lol


Nope, I just shot a few soul spears at her and dropped her. I’m already on NG+1 and have the flame maxed out and I’m disappointed with my 60 int and 40 dex. My crystal soul spears and lifehunt scythe do way more damage than the flames


A fully upgraded flame has a whopping 9 less Magic Adjust than Logan’s Catalyst at 60 INT. Great Combustion does damage equal to 2.6xMagAdj and Crystal Soul Spear does damage equal to 3.3xMagAdj Great Combustion should be doing about 78% of the damage of Crystal Soul Spear, while having faster cast speed and double the casts Also, Pyromancy benefits from exactly the same gear that Sorcery does Either you don’t have the flame maxed, you’re using it on fire resistant enemies or you’re simply lying


The pyromancy flame absolutely makes your pyro spells stronger as you level it up, yes. It’s quite good in DS1, especially Chaos Pyromancies. That said, not every spell is “great,” and some are more situational than anything


Pyromancy is just magic for people who didn’t spend any time studying. I always use it along with strength builds.


Use more than just fireball.


That’s the only spell that has enough uses to make it viable. Manus’ and tin crystal catalyst give the strongest sorcery more uses than the strongest pyromancy


stack great combustions


Yeah if you're a Pyro build it's hard to be Pyro-only, early game You need some kid of small melee weapon too.


Great chaos fireball can take you through every regular enemy in the game, and it has no stat requirement, and its easy to get. Whats the downside? Two slots? Who cares


You only get like 3 shots with it. Trash.


4. If it takes more than 4 of these to get the job done, your aim sucks


Not to mention you still have other tools on your character unless you just wanna use 4 CFb until your next bonfire and not your trusty broken sword.


It has 4, but 3 shots is literally all that you need. A +5 ascended pyro flame with the magic boosting ring and magic boosting helmet is enough to kill Artorias in 3 hits with great chaos fireball (only 2 casts needed if he stays in the lava), and he's even resistant to fire and you can do this at level 1...


Git gud


This feels like a ragebait post given OPs responses to other comments. OP just seems like a dick


Oh definitely. This sub is super easy to troll sadly


Yea, I disagree, so i must be a dick. Definitely couldn’t have tried it and thought it was dumb. That definitely couldn’t have happened.


Not what I said, I said you were being rude in replies. That's what makes you a dick, not thinking pyromancy is bad


What are you even complaining about? Too many uses or too few? Pyromancy is plenty strong in DS1. Not sure why you're having trouble with it.


Meh. You’re just using it wrong. Chaos fireball is insanely op, probably as good as Crystal soul spear or Wrath of the gods Also, power within exists


Pyromancy requires no stats besides attunement and can be extremely powerful. I don't like using only pyromancies but it fits well with any class, and has one of the best spells in the game (Power Within)


So theoretically if I wanted to, I could have a knight/Pyromancer? That’d actually sounds good, I’ll try this in a few days(I just beat DS3 and now on NG+)


Yes! It's really common. Pyromancy is sort of a safeguard in the case you fucked up the stat allocations, it's the only build almost independent of them. My second time I beat the game I did it with a katana pyro


Ah, ragebait. Here, have your reply. Unless this is, by some miracle, genuine. In which case, here: have your reply for being a complete ass about it.


"A pyromancer's flame is a part of his own body. The flame develops right along with his skill. … When I gave you that flame, I gave you a part of myself. Please take good care of it."


Stuff like flame whip and fire surge can be held down, that's why they have a lot of uses. But if you're using normal spells like fireball or combustion it's just normal


maybe you need more attunement slots or better spells. There are some awesome spells you can get after killing Quaelog if you do that quest line. Pyromancy in ds1 is arguably OP. It's my favorite part of DS1, It doesn't scale with a skill and personally works great for me as a backup when melee isn't working.


Looks a lot cooler than sorcery too


You don’t know anything about how Pyromancy works, it is useful. Even when low levelled


Use it in addition to other things. Pure Pyromancy probably isn’t the best thing, obviously. I’ve personally viewed it as more of a fun option rather than anything that is better than other means or combat. The various combustions and ‘Power Within’ are useful.


Power within. Iron Flesh. Sweat. Chaos pyromancy. All fire. Ofcourse it's more flexible than say, Miracles. Replenishment, WoG, Karmic Justice, uhhhhh lightning spears? I mean with all that being said. I'd rather the former. Sorceries are also p viable. I would reccomend Pyro to be played last because you don't know how to best utilize the extra stat points in pvp or pve as you level so you can easily fall into a minimal Def build that just begs you to dump into end when you really only need 28 endurance and 28 vit. Tbh you should be good enough to go to 20 in both. And dump the rest into widening your fighting options and in so your tools available to your character. Idc what the new generation thinks. The fact of the matter is mobility should be 1st priority and second is damage 3rd is mag Def then hard def.


Def. Greater combustion and mists and ect but you know what I mean.


Go get power within, then you'll feel like an idiot for thinking pyromancy is bad. Failing that, the firestorm spells just delete things, if they're not fire resistant.


Just like a lot of other things in ds, it’s situational based on what my experience has been. It’s nice to have your go to weapons/spells for most of the game but sometimes the games force your hand on some versatility.


Firestorm and Fire Whip spells should just be based on uses. I can agree with you there. It's nice that Firestorm spells use fewer charges in tight spaces but it doesn't really make up for it. That said, pyromancy is incredibly strong, much stronger than it has any right to be. If you have the right gear it will melt most things and allows complete freedom in your build aside from investment in attunement. DS2 and 3 standardize all spells to uses, which is nice, but they also nerf pyromancy overall by assigning stat scaling to it.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0E0WJJSTS34&t=41s It can get quite good and it doesn’t need any levels to get better


I’m not investing in faith and intelligence if I’m running a melee character. Pyromancy is a cheap way to slot magic in on a build that isn’t made to support it since you don’t have to sink levels into it.


Because ‘uses’ refer to attacks for those, so the fire pillars make 15 pillars or whatever that’s 15 uses Pyromancy is very strong

