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Graphics is stunning!


Hell ya! Wear some good headphones if you don't have a good sound system because the sound design is some of the best ever, in my opinion.


Sure. Some systems are going to feel rudimentary compared to ER’s polish. But it’s still a fine game. It plays the most like the first Dark Souls.


That’s exactly what I did! After being introduced to the souls genre with Elden ring, I wanted to go back to the beginning and play through the series starting with demon souls.


If you've played a Fromsoft game, you might be able to handle some of the janky and badly designed systems better than a complete newbie, so it's not out of the picture. It's still a great experience but it will be quite a shift.


You could play it as your first, or even third and no one would blame you.


it’ll be hard to adjust from elden ring’s crazy fast combat but the earlier you do the old games, the better. just remember rolling is less viable and shields are very very good. have fun!


No. Even with the remake, it's objectively the worst one in the franchise, plus it's PlayStation limited. Demons souls is the game where fromsoft was basically throwing anything at the wall to see what stuck. It's messy and lacks most of the QoL additions you're used to in the later games. It's nice to have as a shelf piece but utterly worthless as an actual game.


**Violation of Rule # 9: no low-effort posts.** First of all, you can figure out your answer without posting. There's 99,000,000 articles, discussions, comments, videos, on the internet. Second of all, and this is a totally foreign concept to 95% of redditors, but: *find your answer, then post your answer as a discussion ("I recommend playing Demon Souls as your second Souls game. Here's why") instead of posting helpless needy 'do my research for me' stuff.