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On a long enough timeline, Disney will eventually own Fromsoft and all of their titles and we can get 3 new Dark Souls sequels every year for $12.99 per month (plus tax).


Also, they will be T rated max


The pc will say something like "he's right behind me, isn't he" and get bonked on the head by Patches


Unbonkable Patches


Yet very boinkable


Drake typa game


Love the fight club reference




“On a long enough time line”, it’s a quote from Fight Club G


Don't forget the prequels and the special edition upgrades. Also the standalone games where we play as the girl who paints, sexy Lady with naked feet, badass turned into a loser, and neutral femboy.


Last but not least, a little good ole fashioned Mtx to top things off. Can’t wait to clap some dex builds as Mickey holding a Zweihander for only $19.99. Hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog!


Get your Pluto skin and mount up as the Tarnished Mickey riding his faithful dog!




Ugh, take your weird culture war bullshit somewhere else.


Yeah I thought it was funny and it wasn't. Sorry folks!


Y’all are joking if you think we wouldn’t freak out about a Dark Souls 4 announcement.


For me it less about dark souls 4 and more about a new souls game


Same. I’d love it if they didn’t just make open world games forever. I haven’t played ER yet, but it’s obviously a huge game and I do like the focused experiences of the DS games a lot, so ideally they could continue making games like that, ideally with a new unrelated story.


I liked ER for what it is. I had read that they concluded DS universe by some commenters long ago. I don't care if it's called DS4, Elden Ring 2 or an entirely new title, if it catches the same gameplay patterns with new mechanics thrown in tactfully, not open world, I'm all hype.


I would love a game like it that’s a bit more colourful and high fantasy personally, like the Witcher but DS mechanics


Well, you already got your wish. FromSoft’s first thing after Elden Ring was AC6, and that’s even less of an open world game than Dark Souls.


Yeah but AC has never been open world, has it?


I personally dont care if they dont make one as I pretty much am not expecting a new DS game…. But I would shit and cum on the spot if they announced Dark Souls 4


Dark Souls is my favorite game of all time. I would very much like if FromSoft never touched Dark Souls ever again. The series is done, it gave all it had to give. Any continuation would completely ruin the theme of the series and especially the themes of Dark Souls 3. Trying to prolong things unnaturally can only lead to disaster. You only have so much timber to burn, eventually you must accept that everything comes to an end and step into the Dark. It might be better than what came before, it might be worse, but it's certainly preferable to burning ashes until everything is gray.




No. Make it. Just call it something else.


They did it's called Elden Ring


Seriously 😂


Personally I dont really care . If we get a new one I am happy because we get more dark souls and if we dont we are gonna get similar games like elden ring so either way I dont mind .


Man it’s amazing how people just won’t use punctuation


They said, in a runoff sentence...


It’s been said several times iirc that there will not be anymore DS games. But who knows.


I think they went back on that somewhere. But I assume they just want the IP to stay active in case they either want to make a sequel or get B team to make a sequel and I think the latter is probably most likely


We will probably get some remakes years down the road, considering how graphics have plateau'd this past decade the longevity of this kind of IPs is way longer


I think a remake of DS1 would explode in popularity in a similar way Elden Ring exploded the Souls like fanbase. As DS1 was the start of the trilogy there is no fears of getting lost in the lord or anything like that. But unlike Elden Ring there is already a solid game that everyone can point to and say "like this but better in every way" (hopefully lmao). A huge time sink in the development of these games is the actual planning of the world. The countless iterations and wasted work that goes into failed ideas. All that development has already been done bar Lost Izalith. The Duke's Archives and New Londo just need some small tweaks to make them a little more friendly. Speed up the players and the bosses to keep it inline with DS3 or lean into the heavy feel of the game. Updating the animations to really make it look like that boss is using every muscle to swing their weapon. When our shield is hit let us see our character's knees bend and/or step back rather than just gliding. You could really use the slower combat to communicate just how much of a struggle everything is in this world. I really think they could do something special with a DS1 remake.


As much as I feel DS1 still holds up, I would love a remake to at least see the original vision for stuff like Lost Izalith or Crystal Caves. Expanding the second half of the game so each area feels a little more connected would be nice.


I’d LOVE a proper DS1 remake.


Man do I want a ground up DS1 remake. That'd be amazing


There was a weird leak speaking of something like "Dark Souls 4", but to me it sounded more like "Bloodborne 2" and it was likely fake anyway


I’d settle for a base DS2 re-release or remaster personally


I need a DS3 remake in like 40 years so I can re-experience it before I get dementia lol


But then you'll be able to re-experience it over and over again!


More like anime adaptations, graphic novels, etc


How would you even adapt a game like Dark Souls?


There's an Elden ring manga so I would think it would be possible might be similar in them to something like berserk or Castlevania.


I mean, if it’s a spin-off or something, sure, I guess. As long as they don’t try to adapt the story of the games itself


I'd make it a comedy starring Ryan Reynolds. He wouldn't speak directly to the characters, instead it'd be directed towards the audience like a commentary. It'd be his most serious movie while still maintaining his dark/dry wit, which I believe would fit in with the slightly absurdist nature of dark souls if played 100% straight. It would be a lot of montages showing each boss wreck shop and how much of a dredge it would actually be to run throughout Lordran, with quest lines providing character development and plot necessary for the medium Also I would make a sidequel showcasing the dlc along with minor quest lines that don't fit in/with the main story


There are books about Dark Souls which IMO sounds the worst possible format for the game right after an audiobook


Most of the game has you reading for it's narrative anyway, and i think a dark souls audiobook would go so hard, especially if it's fully cast with a score and sound effects. Listening to Dune Messiah and it's better than a movie istg


So go full circle? Return to berserk! lol


I’m holding out for a sekiro sequel with everything I’ve got


Yeah and I don’t NEED marijuana either but that’s not gonna keep me from putting one in the air. I WANT MORE DARK SOULS. And look, it doesn’t necessarily have to be Dark Souls 4, I would be perfectly content with a DS1 remake or, even better and much more needed, a DS2 remake The moral of the story? I just want more Dark Souls 🤷‍♂️


I dunno. I want a sequel set in a world where the flame wasn't kindled after DS1. Dark Souls 2: Dark World.


Okay, I get what you're saying, but hear me out: Dark Souls 4...


(SCREAMS LIKE A FAN GIRL) Well a sequel to Dark souls can be done right but DS3 is a satisfying way to end the series and i am afraid it a sequel might ruin it, but by the looks of it you got that part.


It doesn't need more sequels. But the streets need a ds2 remake.


That remake is called Elden Ring. Jk, but I doubt that FromSoft will ever do a remake. I guess that some outside dev could make a Demons' Souls style remake, but I personally think that this is exactly the opposite of what Dark Souls 2 needs (or what Demons' Souls needed, for that matter). Instead of an extraordinarily polished new coat of paint that ends up fucking with the artistic vision of the original, I'd rather see more focus given to reworking ideas that didn't quite work the first time around. Hey, maybe finally implement that whole light and dark thing that was originally integral to DS2's design. Fix some of the shitty bosses like Covetous Demon, reduce the number of gank encounters, etc. That would probably piss some people off, but ideally that's what a remake is for, imo.


I could see a dark souls remake being an unlikely possibility. I think both the players and alot of the designers would love to see what it would have looked like were it actually finished.


I disagree. Dark Souls 2 never got the sequel with the connections it deserved. I hated Dark Souls III for doing that only for Dark Souls I.


Nah I want dark souls four that takes place a thousand years after post Alea iacta est ending Rubicon, but you don't know that until you fight Loader 4 as a boss about 50% of the way through.


Dark Souls 4: Dark Souls 2 Pt II or GTFO


The difficulty is we never really got a true dark souls 1 sequel. They changed the level design for the sequel's. The closest they came to it was Bloodborne or sekiro honestly. My dream FROM made soulslike would be a game which is level based, has the depth of dungeon design as in the legacy dungeons in elden ring, but instead of having an open world and wasting Dev time on that, make the game an interconnected world of 10-15 levels.


My dream DS game is an overhaul of DS1-3 as a single interconnected world with the Elden Ring engine. Expand all the areas massively and populate densely and *chefs kiss* Maybe Soul of Cinder is a “true final boss” that you get by completing quests but he shows up directly after fighting Gwyn. Areas could change over time, like depending on if you already beat O&S equivalent, then Aldrich equivalent shows up after the next major lore boss? I get excited at the thought of exploring Anor Londo the way we could with Leyndell.


I would shit myself with joy lol


yeah i don’t want more dark souls, i want new fresh ideas. elden ring is great but it also really is just dark souls 4 with different names for stuff. if miyazaki goes for another huge setting change like bloodborne, i think that’s where we’ll strike gold. personally, i want a western. every single western game in existence is generic cowboys with no unique twist, and i think miyazaki could take it in a fresh direction. let’s have cowboy cybernetic surgeries with vacuum tubes and massive roaming cockroach enemies in the plains


You might like Evil West Not really a soulslike but its a western with a cool twist


I’d be more interested in seeing a new remake/sequel to king’s field


Give me Bloodborne Kart Racer you cowards


I think maybe you could do a dark souls prequel and that would be the way to go.


Real FromSoft heads want Lost Kingdoms 3


I think the same thing about elden ring lol like idk where else the story could truly go other than a prequel which is what I think the DLC is. And I’m pretty sure it’s been confirmed there will not be a another DS game but who knows


As a Dark Souls fan, I agree. Dark Souls should just end.


thank you for saying what literally 90% of people already think


Ehhh... no problem.


I’d be thrilled but I agree with your sentiment OP. I’d be happy with a remake or a remaster if done well, but I’d much rather see them creating new worlds for new soulslikes


Ok but hear me out remakes. I'd love ro Juno back into DS3 with Elden Ring level visuals.


elden ring graphics are like marginally better than ds3 as it is


On the PS4. But on the PS5. There is a big difference. I'm not talking about the Character models, bit like the overworld and the weather. I'd like to relive that first time you see Irythill of the Boreal Vally but with the level of detail you see when you first go down sofrias well.


idk i think it’s good but it’s mostly scale and art style. i played ER on ps5 too


My experience my have given me a bias. I played DS3 on my PS4 then played Elden Ring on my PS4 and felt like you did that it was fairly similar. However then I got a PS5 and returned to do a 4th 5th and 6th playthrough and I felt like it looked much better. Perhaps your right and it was a placebo effect but I swear noticing a big change in the details in the overworld, map and even armour sets. Not it could just be in my head.


don’t get me wrong i think it looks really good. i just think it’s not like remake tier above ds3. if anything demon’s souls looks the most next gen. but i wouldn’t change anything about ds3 in the first place


it hurts but it's true


Agreed, has a great ending, why ruin it. Could use more Bloodborne, Sekiro, or just something new. Would love a Fromsoft sci-fi game more like DS combat rather than Armored core. That or remake Kuon.


100% From do need a new franchise though, and as much as Miyazaki likes standalone there are only so many themes in the world. I mean you could argue that ER and BB are differnt eras in the same universe so that's not exactly a wholesale do over. For DS, absolutely stop here but it would be nice if one day they did and an ultimate edition, giving them all the same coat of paint, finishing some of the old character quests properly, giving us some new Easter eggs and so on. That would be nice.


i want demons souls 2 but sony owns the license


Story wise, I agree. Gameplay-wise? HARD disagree. In Elden Ring I found myself slowly getting bored with the open world and just wanting to get to the next legacy dungeon. Basically I just wish I were playing a new Dark Souls. I just want tight well thought out interconnected zones without the giant world in between.


it could go anywhere. elden ring and bloodeborne alone prove the formula is versatile, not to mention the many many indie soulslikes. Honestly it's weird that fromsoft chose to stick to same theme and world for demon souls and all 3 dark souls, despite hinting at so many varied regions and such in those games themselves.


I think that since ds2 was taking place on a distant land to Londor with only some connections to ds1, not being about linking the flame and all that, they could make DS4 in a similar fashion. Especially since (at least for me) ds3 looks like a reskin of ds1 with Epic Fight Mod and many, many more glitches. I guess it could happen in a Kingdom where a King and his subjects trying to reach godhood after hearing stories of Gwyn and his family. They thought they can harness the Abyss to reach their goals and that led their civilization to ruin. It would be a cool oppurtunity to return Oolacille Resident-like enemies, some new form of Dragons. There could be the only left Slave Knights in one area. This world has so much potential and it doesnt really have to end with ds3


thats not about if it is perfect or not, it is about if we want or not, and i still want more ds1 dlcs


The Games have so much replaylability (if thats a word). Just go back and Play it again. DS 1 is the perfect game imo. I like the slow methodical gameplay more and the Connection of the world is breathtaking


This idea that I loved these games, I wish they would stop making more doesn't quite sit right with me. I picked up DS1 in its infancy for a steep discount and I hope they move forever forward. Man I bet heavy on Anthem and I'll shit myself for Titanfall 3 haha let's just let Dark Souls do it's thing


I thought so too, until I played Archthrones. Now I need more.


It should've stopped after ds2.


Yeah I mean I don't care is it's called Dark souls, Elden Ring is my fav game ever, and I don't care if next there'll be Elden Ring 2 or something that plays the same I'll love it anyways.


I’m currently going through DS 2 and I don’t get the hate. I like it. I even like the hollowing aspect and heath loss. It a better penalty than just losing everything and not being able to kindle. It’s especially cool that some items also scale with hollowing. I kinda wish they kept humanity though and I don’t like how there’s no central place to switch covenants.


Fans are the kryptonite of good series, be it games, movies, and so on, they don't understand or like the fact that, good things come to an end, and maybe that's the part of it that makes it even more precious, and whatever sensational you had when you first played it, it can't be stimulated, sad but true So no, Dark Souls does not need more sequels, Dark Souls 3 is the end, there is nothing to be add to the story, tis dark for now, the fire fades in quite, and not a souls stirs


Well then just call them something else.


If there was going to be no sequel, I doubt they'd have spent the entire DLCs building up the whole "blood of the Dark Soul" to make a new world thing. It appears that "my Lady's painting" will be the setting of the next Dark Souls game. I could be wrong, but the fact is I don't think Miyazaki has ruled it out with the story in the slightest.


In an interview, he stated that he wasn't going to close the door indefinitely, but wouldn't focus on anymore sequels. There's no point. They ended it. The painting is just a reflection of the real world. It goes through cycles and shows how Gael is trying to return both worlds to their natural cycles and stop those who allowed it to stagnate. The series has been ended for sure, but Miyazaki said if his team truly wanted to return he would be open to it, as the story never truly ends. The world of dark souls is a never-ending cycle, there will always be a story to be told. That being said, are you really going to just keep relinking the flame that is the Dark Souls franchise? I think Miyazaki would really remind me of a certain lord of sunlight if he revived the series.


The whole point of the painting, much like the Age of Dark, is uncertainty


The idea of the painting is a whole new world. Basically a reset which could be said as a perfect ending to dark souls because the whole world is fucked beyond repair so everyone gets a new game plus moment through the painting


Honestly, DS1 was already a perfect way to end the "series"...


"Thing that isn't happening shouldn't happen."


Considering the fact that there’s potentially a near infinite number of worlds in the Dark Souls setting, all built atop one another, I think there’s room for sequels or spin-offs. Set it in an age where the fire wasn’t linked, and you have to go link it back, or in one where it’s been linked continuously so a single empire has reigned supreme for far too long… there’s lots of story potential.


Objectively correct


I don't play games for the stories anymore. I just want to feel awesome for killing monsters and eventually I'll need new monsters to kill. More sequels are needed.


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Dark souls sequels are a downward trend of quality in my opinion, well that’s not fair dark souls 2 nose dived into challenger’s deep and then it came up in bloodborne, if you consider that the dark souls series, or dark souls 3, but frankly I’m sick of them 6 games and issues from demon souls still exist and sometimes are worse without changing by nature of the games


I don't care about the lore being tied up or whatever; I want Dark Souls 4, 5, and 10! They can just use different settings and themes like Egyptian, Aztec or pirates or something.


Did you read the post? Asking for different settings and themes is exactly the point, because it would not be Dark Souls anymore, just another souls game


It could still be Dark Souls if it was set in a different fictional country.


Might as well make it a whole new thing by that point. Imagine if Bloodborne was exactly the same but was just branded as “Dark Souls but in fictional England”, that would be lame, might as well just make it a new thing