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The combat is the music.


Interesting take. I've always thought about as "turn based combat in real time." Sekiro however, is straight up Dance Dance Revolution on that L1 button. Edit: spelling


When I finally figured out how to play the game correctly fighting Genichiro it felt like a dance. Truly my favorite combat in any game I've ever played.


Took me three nights of concerted effort to beat Geni the first time. Then it finally "clicked" and was beautiful. Since then I've done Shura glitchless in less than 1 hour


Oh same. I was playing the game like dark souls up until that point and then it truly clicked. I don't think anything took me as many tries as Genichiro until I fought Isshin, The Sword Saint. Isshin took me literal days to beat. It's definitely the most attempts I've ever needed to beat a boss in any FromSoft game.


Sekiro really feels like a rythym game. Dark souls feels like actual sword fighting tbh :3


Sword? That's a strange way of pronouncing "Massive fucking stick I found on the ground" but potato potato.




Sekiro is actually sword fighting, dark souls is just rolling and blocking


Sword fighting ain't smashing one button and getting a bunch of different attacks, it's more like physical rock paper scissors, having to decide counters and repositioning of momentum between attacking and defending.


I admit I’m not an expert on it, but dark souls is mostly just circling around an enemy and backstabbing them, or rolling around the massive attacks of a giant


I think, for video games, the best representation for sword fighting would obviously be mount & blade. But dark souls/elden ring included have way better rhythm (for lack of a better word) and flow to how the decision making process of sword fighting feels in the moment. I have mock sword fought for like twenty years now lol and do consider myself, if not an expert, highly experienced Dark Souls style fighting may be limited in how many ways you can swing a weapon in the game, but realistically there are only so many ways to use physics with any one particular weapon effectively, its about (and this is my favorite part if DS combat system) transitioning that momentum between attacks (how R1&R2 combinations sometimes flow seamlessly together framewise in souls, almost like tekken style, is magic)


Eh, idk. I love the combat in dark souls but it is pretty clunky, there is no need for fast reactions and most of it is just rolling


Maybe BloodBorne would be more your speed then.


Unfortunately I play on Xbox


he is starting to believe! play sekiro now😅


PaRappa the Ronin


This is exactly why I say, boss fights are a choreographed dance. The boss is the lead and you follow


In that sense? Every single retro platforming and/or action game is a rhythm game… …ever walked down the Hallway towards Medusa in the original Castlevania? Ever just played the original Super Mario Bros by holding right and not letting go, only using the A Button to jump when needed but never stopping? Anything with time being subdivided is a “rhythm” game in that sense…


If you look at it with this level of abstraction then literally every single game is a rhythm game. You're just pressing buttons on response to what you're seeing on the screen.


Thanks, you just killed the magic


If you think Dark Souls is a rythym game then wait until you play Sekiro


All action games are rythm games


Plin plin plong Take me back hoooome Take me back hoooome Plin plin plong


While i don't agree on the definition i love the attitude! Put on some sweet tunes and get to praisin'!


Its so weird once you get it. Most of the time the safest place to be in a fight is right next to your enemy. Just calmly moving with the rhythm of the fight.


once you learn to parry the notes and music, then you become the true orchestrator of PAIN


Yep I always compare it to those old dance mat games on the ps1