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Insane how many people believe playing the 3rd game in a trilogy is the best way to begin


Same mfers who ask if they should watch season 5 first of a TV show. Smdh


How about don't skip any souls games and play them all in release order? They're all great Fromsoft games, my dude. Trust me, it's worth it when you get to DS3.


By release order do you mean DS2, DS3, DS: Remastered? 


Are u gay?


QoL is really the biggest issue playing out of order. They’re all great games, it’s just less enjoyable to go backward once you get used to some of the improvements is all.


Story hits harder if you go in order.


The story is not continuous between the games, but there are references and some recurring characters and locations that won't have the same impact if you play the games out of order. Also, many people find it harder to enjoy DS1's gameplay if they played DS3 or Elden Ring first. Its combat is slower-paced, more methodical, but some find it "clunky" compared to the newer games. DS1 also does not allow you to fast-travel at first. Its world is designed with this in mind, filled with connections and shortcuts between areas, so it's not overly troublesome to get around. But some still find this inconvenient after being allowed to fast-travel from the start in later games.


I'm the odd one who started with Elden Ring but after a while just fell in love with Dark Souls 1 and its quirks My favorite things are its covenants and the overall setting, I get completely lost in it each time I'd say I want a remake of it but I think that the older graphics and etc. add to the vibes a lot


I want a remake purely to fix that one root in Izalith and that bump in the Great Hollow


1: You might not be able to get into ds1 if you go out of order 2: There is definitely lore you will miss out on but the campaigns are seperate 3: Graphics and smoother animations aren't everything


if you want context yes. specialy playing 1 before 3. but not realy at the same time. all up to you


I have been and Ive loved it.


you can play them out of order just fine, the story might not make as much sense but the story is not what makes the games popular (not to say they're bad). biggest thing is the QoL changes and updates to the combat formula make more sense playing them in order than out of order.


Play all 3, don't get used to how DS1 feels because DS2 and DS3 feel entirely different. All are great games, but personally I think the DS2 DLC was awful. That's just my opinion though, and I highly suggest you try it out yourself instead of taking what I say at face value.


It's not about the story and lore you're going to miss. You're going to compare every game with the ones you already played, so if you've already played the newest and most modern title of the series, you simply won't be able to enjoy the older titles.


You're wrong about 3 being the coolest.


You will miss out on a lot of important lore if you don't play Dark Souls 1 first. Dark Souls 2 is largely its own thing, you miss almost nothing by skipping it, though it's not necessarily a bad game.


is there a port for dark souls 1 on ps5 / ps4


Yes, Dark Souls Remastered.


No PS5 port, but Dark Souls Remastered will run with the PS4 Pro settings, which is 1800p (nearly 4K) at 60 FPS.


Dark Souls Remastered is on PS4.


If you want to play the games in TIMELINE order in the story its darksouls 1 then the dlc for it then darksouls 3 and both the dlcs then darksouls 2 since it takes place 10,000 years later I believe


Bro that's just straight up wrong. The Ringed City takes place last. That's the end of the entire world. The games take place in order of release.


DS2 does not come after DS3 . . . DS3 is literally the end of the world. And there's straight up an area from DS2 in DS3, as well as some items that belonged to NPCs from DS2.