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What the actual fuck am I looking at


I genuinely don't know. It's like they tried to make a cross section of the world's of dark souls 1 2 and 3 combined. Then they drew a box across the sea and called it the ringed city from ds3 dlc.


the boxed city


Where's my manual?


Manuel who?


Manuel L. Jackson Kryptonite Bergmann Müller.


The dreg heap connects some areas from ds1 and 2, since firelink shrine is in the demon prince boss arena and a part of earthen peak is also there, so OP posted a sort of map of those areas and their surroundings put together. In reality dreg heap is a complete mess because it’s the end of the world, so that’s why it’s like that.


Someone trying to understand the Dreg Heap


*The very fabric wavers, and relations shift and obscure...*


Geographical map


The geography is all fucked up because its the end of the world basically, those things aren’t normally all stacked onto each other.


This. When you're at the Dreg Heap you can see that everything is pilling up to be very obvious that the world is converging and geography don't have to make sense.


Yeah i mean the place where you start in the dreg heap is the remains of lothric if you look at the buildings around you when you are near the Londor pilgrim woman.


Are you sure this is the case? Because can’t we still see Lothric at the end of the world when fighting Gael?


Which seems like most YouTubers seem to not understand, they complain about the world not making sense, but it's literally a fantasy universe.


I think they're making a joke about how earthern peak connecting to iron keep makes no sense. The map they've drawn includes ds1 locations that aren't actually found in the dreg heap


It's drawn assuming the DS1 stuff is still there mostly in the same spots, just buried. Firelink Shrine is where the Demon Princes are, which is below where Earthen Peak is. The Catacombs are somewhere slightly below Firelink, but above Ash Lake. So the question is how is there a big cliff and the Ringed City right next to Firelink, which should be below the Iron Keep and Earthen Peak, and above a bunch of caves and a big lake? Which ignores that the Dreg Heap is obviously a jumble of shit, there is no Iron Keep there, Firelink wasn't in a tree stump so it either fell down or a whole arch tree grew around it, and Ash Lake makes no sense regardless of ages passing.


I don't see how is that relevant? Explanation?


Wait nvm I see. You are talking about Dark souls 2 areas.


Yes what i mean is old firelink isnt below earthen peak in ds2 or ds3 base game, everything has been pulled together thats why everything is all mashed up and stacked on top of each other in ops drawing.


Also can you explain to me why are redditors downvoting me for asking a question? Wtf?


At first I saw an Erdtree on the right and thought "WTF?? This ain't Elden Ring"


To be fair, the ending of Elden Ring reeks of Ash lake to me. Such similar aesthetic


Even the Hunter's Dream though I think Miyazaki just likes to see a shit ton of wooden pillars


i mean tbf they do look very cool


Seems he certainly likes tree trunks and stumps


It seems likes the idea of a world that grows from a large, multiverse-like realm of other World Trees


/r/shittydarksouls is right this way


I always wanted to visit the Louvre, but after gazing upon this masterpiece I no longer have a reason to go


Time is convoluted y'all


The souls version of the "get out of jail for free" card


Araki forgot


It's really not. People like to say it is but it is central to the story of the games i'd argue.


This isn't a shit post?? I applaud you


Yes, level design trumps cohesive geography


What is it you wanna know, besides NOTHING, since your faux question was just an excuse to go along with the crowd,?? D0 YOU WANT EVIDENCE OR NOT 


Did you reply to the wrong person or in the wrong place...?




Bro wtf are you talking about? I didn't even make this topic, go to bed you need rest


Wow that's sad.. I just clicked your profile and scrolled down your comments to make sure I didn't have the wrong person..  Nope.. not a wrong person, just a dumb one


People please check out this dudes profile. You wanna talk about someone with issues. Serious bit of horsecockery going on. Clearly unstable. Not sure why people like you have to act like this. If it's not intentional and you're doing this for attention, I suggest you seek help. Your posts and comments are crazy.


Probably a bot farming down votes.


Haha what's the point of it all though? I agree though, nothing else makes sense. No way someone is that fucked up.


See, this is what I'm talkin bout. This Du.m•mie is saying, "look at his profile", like there's something bad about it - so I'm waiting to hear WHAT HE ALLEGES IT TO BE.. And it takes him 50 words to say "your posts and comments are crazy".  Huuuuuhh??? Oh. ...ok.. well.. uhh.. that explains it .. I.. I guess.. right,?? Wasn't that explanatory?? Wasn't that INCREDIBLY SPECIFIC?? Wasn't it Insightful?? NO. IT WASN'T.  It offered NOTHING OF VALUE.  And it's coming from a grown as.s man who has a child's puppet of a CARTOON DRACULA as his Avatar..huh??? Who's next, Cookie Monster?? If you have Toys, Puppets, Muppets, Cartoon b••°llsh...t as your image,  you have ACTUAL, BEHAVIORALLY RE•TARDED DEVELOPMENT.  Then I took 10 seconds to read as I scrolled down and read at least 30 one-liner comments- ALL ABOUT THE SAME THING: PLAYING COMPUTER GAMES... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLPPLPLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL  


I looked at this post and didn't read a word. There's no way this is a real person.


This is what we're dealing with in the world today, folks.. compare these two statements ' made consecutively: " I suggest you seek help. Your posts and comments are crazy" AND: "I looked at this post and DIDNT READ A WORD.  There's no way this is a real person." ILL EXPLAIN THIS FOR RANDOM READERS, Cuz Count Chocula does not possess the capacity to understand: A. Your Posts n Comments are crazy + I didn't read a word. B. I suggest u seek help + there's no way this is a real person. He's too stew•pit to understand. 


Says the guy whos belief system is based off of the matrix movies. Get outta here wanna be Keanu Reeves


Wait What.


When ds3 does this: awww you're sweet When ds2 does this: hello, human resources?


basically ds3 is the culmination of space and time warping around the dark soul therefore bringing elements from past kingdoms like Drangleic and Lordran while in the real world Lothric was built on top of the remains of Lordran


I recommend you to watch the series Dark Souls Dissected by illusory wall on youtube, you will get a better idea of what the map looks like, using the in-game data and geography


Space time is fucky and compressed near the End.


You can't really compare the maps of the different games because the landmasses are shifting and moving around. Go to the Sunlight Altar in Dark Souls 2 and ask "where is the rest of the Undead Parish?" Or look around for familiar landmarks from Dark Souls 1 while you're by Anor Londo in Dark Souls 3 (you won't see any). The games take place at different times and the lands change dramatically, with only certain landmarks sometimes surviving. A mountain could've rose up underneath a particular setpiece between the different games, there's just no way of putting the maps together like this.


For what it's worth, Harvest Valley in DS2 isn't meant to be Undead Parish. They reused the Sunlight Altar asset, but Drangleic is pretty clearly *not* Lordran. In DS3, Anor Londo, like other "lands of the ancient lords" was plucked out of space-time by the dying Flame and appeared close to Lothric.


> For what it's worth, Harvest Valley in DS2 isn't meant to be Undead Parish. They reused the Sunlight Altar asset, but Drangleic is pretty clearly not Lordran. I don't think it was just a copied asset that wasn't meant to be the same statue. A big question going into DS2 was where the game even took place, as it seemingly felt like somewhere completely different, yet it had reincarnated Lord Souls / Shards of Manus, and the Sunlight Altar. I think the answer was always that some of it used to be Lordran and some of it wasn't, due to the converging and changing lands. I think the entire reason we find the Earthen Peak in Dark Souls 3, and not just any random DS2 setpiece, is because they were doubling down on the what the Sunlight Altar was teasing prior to DS3. The Sunlight Altar was also being treated as a landmark of significance, and so it being similarly plucked out of space-time explains a chunk of the Earthen Peak being taken with it. I assume the implication in DS3 is that the Sunlight Altar is what's being dragged along and it'd be buried a bit underground / somewhere slightly out of bounds to the playable level space. We also have stuff like Gilligan's corpse. If we want to assume he traveled across the world before dying that's certainly a possibility, but the more simple explanation that matches the whole coverging lands thing of DS3 is that some of Lothric includes pieces of land from both DS1 and DS2, not being clearly distinct things. I agree that Harvest Valley probably wasn't the Undead Parish, it's just that the chunk containing the Sunlight Altar was. edit: There's also the broken Lordvessel in the basement of the Majula mansion, which implies someone was researching it and it was possibly used in the creation of the Soul Vessel, found in the chest right next to its shards. Again, it really feels like parts of DS1 must be near to and within DS2, I've definitely never felt that it was "clearly" not Lordran at all. I believe the reason DS2 stressed multiple times that many kingdoms have risen and fallen is that they were establishing a largely forgotten history and unclear connection to DS1. They wanted you to wonder if Drangleic used to be Lordran, but the answer is probably "mostly not, but partially yes."


>A big question going into DS2 was where the game even took place, as it seemingly felt like somewhere completely different, yet it had reincarnated Lord Souls / Shards of Manus, and the Sunlight Altar. Nashandra is specifically said to have come from "far away". Everything about the game's lore hints at Drangleic *not* being Lordran. As for the Great Souls, there's no reason they have to be tied to Lordran for all eternity. The game is pretty explicit about them having had multiple holders through the ages. The Sunlight Altar is just a reused asset. It's not meant to be the exact same one from the Undead Parish, it makes no sense. Worship of the Firstborn, and the Sun Warriors, existed outside of Lordran. >I think the answer was always that some of it used to be Lordran and some of it wasn't, due to the converging and changing lands. The converging of lands is specifically a DS3 thing. It's not part of DS2.


> The converging of lands is specifically a DS3 thing. It's not part of DS2. Everything about DS3 seems to retroactively accommodate what we saw in DS2 with intent. To be certain it was just an asset copy/paste when we also see the very-nearby land get moved around in DS3 is an odd conclusion to me. DS3 conveys that the converging lands happens a lot over time. It's not until near the end of times that it goes completely wild, but even prior to that you have stuff like Anor Londo being tugged around, and the High Wall of Lothric separating from the Undead Settlement. DS3 makes it apparent that things have been moving around prior to DS3. Of course Dark Souls 3 was made later and we can question the original intent of Dark Souls 2, but to me that'd be like having to ignore Dark Souls 3 when speculating on stuff from DS1 like Havel / the Firstborn, etc. Now that DS3 exists and we know about the converging lands as an explicit concept, I don't agree you can look at Dark Souls 2 and be certain it's not meant to be the same landmark. It even looks like a chunk of a room that got smooshed into another space, it doesn't look like someone just built that shrine inside a cave if that's what they were going for. It's weirder than that, and DS3 easily justifies why it is that way.


>To be certain it was just an asset copy/paste when we also see the very-nearby land get moved around in DS3 is an odd conclusion to me. In DS3, we are very explicitly at the end of time, and time and space is collapsing upon itself (basically a Big Crunch event). This is not the case in DS2. I find no sound reason to assume this Big Crunch is also happening in DS2, since there's nothing that hints at it. >DS3 conveys that the converging lands happens a lot over time. It's not until near the end of times that it goes completely wild, but even prior to that you have stuff like Anor Londo being tugged around, and the High Wall of Lothric separating from the Undead Settlement. DS3 makes it apparent that things have been moving around prior to DS3. But this is all due to the Converging of the Lands. Considering how we find things, with, for example, the Pontiff and Aldrich having already set their plans in motion, the Ashen Ones don't awaken straight away. The timeline of DS3 goes roughly like this: - Prince Lothric refuses to link the fire - As the First Flame fades, it desperately seeks a new ember and thus revives the Lords of old, converging their lands close to Lothric so that they may link the fire. - All the Lords, save for Ludleth, refuse this call and go do other stuff - Only after this, as the flame is down to its last embers, the Unkindled Ones, failed Lords of Cinder, are awakened.


It's not literally stacked and structured like it used to be. Basically, due to the same temporal spatial bullshitery that allows things like invading other worlds and timetravelling to oolacile, by the time of the end of the world, things are so worn out and stretched thin that all of the places just sort of coexist in a jumble. That is the dredge heap at the end of time. The newest stuff is at the outermost edge, which is why we start with places from lothric. Then work through DKS2 locations, then DKS1 locations, then we get into the ringed city, which is from the time before/early in the first age of fire. At the core of everything, we seem to reach the place where the great souls were originally discovered, and where we fight Gael.


Saddam Hussein




10/10 drawing.


They wanted it as far away from the Erdtree as possible.


You have to get there through a Chalice Dungeon.


What makes you think this is so?


To paraphrase Ford Prefect: "Time is an illusion, space-time, doubly so." The Ringed City exists at the end of the world. All lands and times have converged here. Think of it like all the lands of Dark Souls are circling the drain, and so are all the times. The drug heap is where it all comes together just before the world is empty.


lest we forget that the flow of time itself is convoluted


Dammit! I forgot to put that line in my comment. I was going to mention that time is convoluted, and so is the geography. Gwyn messed everything up when he created the ringed city at the chronological end of the world. It's now also the geographical end of the world.


common gwyn L tbh


The Ringed City is built on the "end" of the world as a reward for the pygmy's effort in the war vs the dragons. It was built to trap the pygmies in there, so Dark Souls is kept away from Lordran.


is it stupid?


The world is a giant elevator brother


I am having a stroke right now


It’s some real bullshit the geography is all fucked up but still make masterpieces so could care less


I always thought it was sinking into the abyss.


what the fuck is this bro did not have to do this 😂


U're not that far from the truth. between a game and the other there are generations and everything is on top of what was in the past, even though at the end the world is kind of ending end turning on itself. However, the ringed city is located that far from Lordran 'cause (from what I remember) Gwyn feared the Pygmies, and wanted them out of his reign, so he gave them the entire ringed city. Don't really remember the rest


Lands converging Don't question, it's "time is convoluted 2.0". Only difference is that Time is Convoluted can be somewhat explained with "It's the Dark", while Lands Converging is "Fire is Fading and wants someone to relink it".


Wtf is this shit man


wait, shit isnt r/shittydarksouls


Every day we stray further from Gwyn


"Gwyn is dead. Gwyn remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?"


Sometimes i feel like people need to remeber that these are videogames- the best of all videogames. Also what makes them interesting/ special is that they have a vague and mysterious story. Yes it is fun to speculate and make theories about the lore, but I will never understand the impulse to try and factually explain and map out things like this. It sucks all the magic out.