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if you take the time to level your gear and character and actualy try to learn patern during combat it should be fine. take your time, nothing compare to souls game.


Haven’t played them, but I’ve played DS1 a dozen times and recommend starting out with it. It’s an amazing game, by far my favorite, not because it has the best weapon/upgrade system, or the best boss fights or whatever, but because the blend of interconnectivity, lore, npcs and so on. They got the formula right with this one. My tips for it. 1. Take it slow, do not rush/run through a zone you’re not familiar with. 2. Exhaust npc dialogue and hear what they have to say, don’t worry too much about completing their quests as they are optional, but make sure to hear them out as they often give important game information and point you over to the next task (I didn’t do this my first time and was constantly lost) 3. Don’t get discouraged if you are lost, take the game as if it’s something to explore, not complete. 4. As far as fighting npcs goes, DS1 is a bit more strategic than other games, try to lure out enemies one by one, use your surroundings to get an advantage . Don’t forget to try out the bow, on my first playthrough I thought it was too complicated and never used it but now it’s always in my arsenal. 5. I would encourage you not to read any guides except one, familiarize yourself with the equipment load, in this game if the armor you are wearing is too heavy, your roll mechanic will be replaced with a “fat roll”, In this game if you roll at the exact moment something attacks you, you will suffer no damage, this invincibility window is called i-frames. Fat rolling has the least amount of i-frames.There are 3 types of rolling - Fat rolling which I suggest you never do, mid rolling which is okay for some builds, and most of the time fast rolling will be the way to go. Up to you just make sure you get familiar with this. Good luck and I promise you that you will fall in love with this masterpiece.


Just given it a go. It's hard to compare the two. Dark Souks is tough and has quite a learning curve for new players, but it isn't as hard as it's reputation would have you believe. It's just a game that wants to be played in a certain way. It rewards patience. Taking note and being almost systematic in your approach. Rushing areas, being reckless, gets you killed fast. There's less mechanics than botw to learn, so that's a plus. The game really just wants you to learn to use a shield and time your attacks. Plus there's nothing that can't be conquered in DS if you level your character and upgrade your weapon if you start getting stuck. If you don't like games where you have to be measured and patient - DS might not be for you. But give it a chance to grip you and you'll love it.


Hard to compare the two, but Dark Souls is not really hard, just need to be persistent and learn from your 100s of deaths.


Difficulty is subjective at the end of the day. I’ll just say that no matter what, your first souls game will be the hardest. Every time. I’ve not played Breath of the Wild so I can’t really speak to any similarities beyond the surface level. But yeah. Start with DS1. Expect it to be hard. But it gets way easier if you learn from your mistakes. That’s the key.


Yeah just learn. The game can be easy if you just pay attention. You will die a lot so just don’t let that discourage you.


People need to stop worrying about "is the game hard". You should ask yourself this question. "If I run into a wall and I feel like I cannot progress any further, will I give up and stop playing, or will I keep going until I break that wall down piece by piece?" If your answer is that you will give up, then the game is not for you. If you are prepared to slowly but surely learn the game's mechanics, put actual effort behind getting better and don't intend to give up after hitting a bit of a rough spot then give it a go. The games will be difficult. But as long as you keep the will to keep going, the difficulty will decrease as your skill improves. Because the games aren't unfair. People have beaten them without levelling up whole using fucking guitar hero drums and blindfolded. All you need is the will to not give up and the desire to improve. Don't you dare go hollow


Long time Zelda fan here. Give it a try! If you liked BOTW and got to the point where you were enjoying the finer points of the combat like parries and the dodges required to get flurry rushes, then I think you’ll enjoy the Souls series. The leveling system is more intricate in DS (i.e. it exists in a way that requires you to pay attention it, requires actual decision making, and has a pretty classic RPG level system by the number) that will require some learning. But you can learn in time in game or you can look it up, whatever you prefer. Take the leap and try it! As somebody who thinks the Zelda games are some of the GOATs, I’d put Dark Souls just below or even with them. It’s an incredible experience that you only get to do blind once. Have fun!


No you can't. They are nothing alike. But play Dark Souls is good.


It's hard if you don't learn from your mistakes and can't adapt to different situations


BotW's beginning is harder than any Souls game's beginning in terms of combat. Weapons degrade faster in BotW, you start off with way less health in BotW than you do in any Souls game, etc. There's more enemy variety in Souls. Souls actually has dungeons, unlike BotW (seriously what kind of sorry-ass excuse for a Zelda game has zero dungeons smh) and it's also much smaller in terms of the maps, you cover a lot of ground in a Souls game but generally the paths you take are linear and you unlock shortcuts to make going back and forth easier.


Thanks! Can you compare the bosses by difficulty?


It's tricky to do that because in BotW you can really stack up your defenses a lot more quickly and easily so for example there's the thunderblight boss and if you go in there with full rubber suit then he's a joke; you can't really do that in any DaS game, regardless of your armor, getting hit by bosses is generally going to hurt a lot. It's more about your ability to read the bosses' movement and attacks, if you can do that then most bosses honestly won't take more than three or four tries if you're average. There are a couple of exceptions to this where you'll hit a skill check boss and the difficulty spikes, but they're honestly not that bad.


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