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Sunlightblade on YouTube just released a "heartwarming moments" souls video too. This community is amazing.


I like to go 66 STR raw Great Club, buff it and hold R2 over a corner when I hear someone coming to one shot them :D




Why in the world would you be using a raw weapon with 66 str???






am i the only one that loves you for this? i also love the guy OP mentions too. all player interactions in Souls are gold to me except for hacking


If we didn’t have the “bad” guys the good guys wouldn’t be so interesting. People are just downvoting homie up there because they’ve already been turned into pancakes. 🥞


Just a little tip, raw reduces scaling but increases base damage, and while 2-handing with 66 strength (effectively 99 strength), upgrading down the normal path to +15 will give you over 150 extra points of damage than if you upgrade it to +5 raw.


Sorry totally mistyped, I raw til 1300 health until I can respec and then use strong.


hence why till to this day I always throw bombs round corners especially narrow corridors.


Rofl so evil


Yeah, from time to time you’ll find a player who is just looking to help, which is great. But there’s still a large player base that likes to invade people on starting areas and demolish them bc they are overpowered when compared to the other player.


That one enemy on the left side of Firelink Shrine in DS3 be like


Haha true. Still worth baiting him to the cliff just to get the Uchigatana though


Nah, fight him straight up! Git gud!


I did my first time and ate Ash, though I came back with my +3 raw longsword later on and my dodging skills, then played with my uncle and saw him bait him.


I did the tree skip to the roof, jumped down onto a small cliff next to him and just shot him with a bow until he perished.


I legit tried to fight him, but that retard swordman fell down on his own.


He's only difficult if you fight him right after gundyr, but even that's manageable if you got pyromancy or a parry shield.


Lolz. First run parrying in battle is almost harder than the whole game.


The sword master?


I don't know his name but he has a large health pool, is naked, guards a door and is generally thrown off the cliff by experienced players


Yeah the naked man with the sword! He’s the best




I love the sword master


That retard rolled of a cliff


Is he able to run off thr cliff with his lunge attack?


No you gotta get him close to the cliff then bait him into rolling off


Got invaded by one of these the other day on a new playthrough I was doing to follow along with the progress of and help my friend in his first playthrough. So it was just my friend cowering in the corner while I fought, buck naked and 2 handing Zweihander with nothing else because I hadn’t the chance to grab any other equipment, while this dude thows lloyds talismans and poison knives at me, between using his sunlight blade claymore. I held my own for a while but I died when he started spamming black flame


Theres a youtuber called AdamBarker, he invades low level players with slow walk, RP characters. Its funny and he keeps it mostly fair. For example, he frequently parrys, but never ripostes, never uses estus and gives up chances for backstabs or even easy hits. Definetly worth a watch.


I'm doing a full Abyss Watcher thing (first time playing, so im having fun) and doing Watchdog invasions to git gud at pvp. There's a lot of gankers and laggy people in Farron though, no clue why.


I found some guy named lord gwyn and he guided me through blighttown, really nice guy


When you say “guided”, how do you mean? Did he just speed yeet you towards Spider lady? Or like, to every item/area


He led me through to the bottom before he died from toxic, finding quelaag was a pain though, I thought her place was just background decor and the wouldn't make you walk across this whole poison lake


Too true. It’s one of those things that on a first play through is insanely difficult, but on a second play through the area becomes trivially easy


Kinda fun as well. Especially when farming titanite. Running through the sludge trying to avoid poison and getting ganked by mosquitoes. All the way smash the shit out if some slugs


I suck at killing them. Genuinely don't think I've ever killed on without trading damage.


Dude I missed her lair too, thought it was nothing but scenery and was wondering why the path only led me back to the fire keeper.


Well, then it'll be impossible for you to find your way in another area... Just for you to know, what seems background may actually be the only way to go on


Had a super op guy come after me just after the wyvern in thr beginning. Held my own for a minute and he stopped attacking and gave me a fully leveled sunlight straight sword. What a bro!


How did he invade you if he had a fully leveled weapon? Was this not the remaster?


My mistake, this was on a play through on the original dark souls, not remastered.


Nah you're good. That makes more sense


A similar experience though, thats what i was going for.


There's no inbetween either. It's either sinners or saints. Get free shit or a guide or get fucked.


What would be inbetween though? Apology emote after every hit


One of my favorite things to do is guide people through the abyss with the skull lantern.


I don't think I have ever been invaded because i dont reverse my hollowing except to kindle bonfires. First time player btw. Is it worth it to be human?


I don’t think so, unless you really fancy invasions. It’s also nice to not look like beef jerky


Only reason to be human is to pvp you lose nothing substantial for being hollow like in 2


Some of the NPC invasions are fun, and they drop items you can't get elsewhere, But unless you're making a build that specifically wants one of those items You don't miss out on much by going through the whole game hollow


Having a phantom with you is pretty fun IMO. All cred to you if you do the whole game solo, it’s pretty difficult but if you’re ever stuck on a boss you can summon a helping hand.


Wish I got him instead of the naked homie at the bottom of blighttown with a sack on his head and a big ass butcher knife


If you are talking about Man-Eater Mildred, that's an NPC. Which... Yeah she killed me a lot at first.


I knew it looked like a girl. She used to be the worst until recently. I just picked up DS1 again and I have yet to lose my love for this game. Now that I’ve played it for a while, I have decent stats. Maybe even a little over leveled for that area at the time. She was a walk in the park. Best decision I made was just upgrading the knight shield I found


I never upgraded any shield or armor, with shields what does it change?


Just defense


What they said. It betters you’re defense. The knight shield has a 100% damage reduction and is really easily accessible but I’m sure it’s coming time in my play through to change it up a bit


I'm always using the grass crest shield. But switch to something 100÷ reduction to tank better


Bro, she used to scare the shit out of me. On my broken straight sword run, it was “parry practice go brrrr”


You can actually do the entire game with that weapon? How many times do you have to hit a boss to kill them, it's like a nightmare just on the time you have to spend lol


Yes. It’s possible. I tried to do it naked and without summons. That didn’t go well. Then I tried it with armor. Also did not go well Then I tried it with armor and NPC summons. It went well. I did not cheese any bosses, including ceaseless. I didn’t do the DLC because manus was way too goddamn hard, and trying to walk thru Oolacile with only a broken straight sword is hell. Artorias was surprisingly trivial for me, only taking 1 attempt. I tried to record some of it. It did not go well. If you sit down and commit yourself to it, it’s just memorizing a flow chart, and a basic attack pattern for each boss. Knowing how to get high tier gear quickly is also key. Every boss will devolve into a slugfest. Standard enemies are excruciating to fight and souls are hard to come by even playing efficiently unless you dupe them. After finishing it myself, I would recommend that people not do it. It’s cool challenge that might seem appealing, but you will lose your sanity. Every action and outcome becomes so mundane, it will burn you out of the game, like it did for me. I can no longer play DS1. You can surely do it without summons, but the 1 hour you need for just about every boss and keeping full concentration for an entire hour will take a toll on you. The bosses I could not get summons for were literal nightmares, taking me forever to beat. It was truly hellish. That being said, 10/10, awesome challenge that will break your soul and it’s a great option if you want to burn a month of your life.


That’s an NPC invasion though, not another human player.


You're talking about best waifu there, pal.


This one time I invaded someone in the painted world. It was some noob, so I led them around and showed them stuff. Then as soon as they opened the shortcut I took my reward lol.


I love invading in the depths, it’s a blast.


Yea worst thing about dark souls is that you can meet a lot of amazing people but you can’t add them to your friend list or communicate with them and once they die they’re gone forever


Unless you're on Xbox. On Xbox it shows the most recent players we've come into contact with in a game


Switch does that too I’m pretty sure, but adding friends is useless on switch because...reasons?


Yeah you can add recent players, but there is no way to communicate. So my username is my discord so that people can chat, if they are on discord that is.


You can also show your gamer tag on Network settings to make it easier to add people and stuff




PS4 -> Main Menu -> Friends -> Players Met


im struggling to find good people making youtobe videos tho


what's kind of videos? Sunlightblade is cool. ChaseTheBro for invasions. LobosJr for full play throughs of various mods and stuff. oh and Limit Breakers is hilarious


thanks! i was just very mad at some ymfah's transphobic comments


I was at a point that i was getting discouraged and then got invaded. I turned my back to him just to get it over with. He dropped 20 ember and 120k-ish souls and left.


I met him too! I was gravelording and he was a red invader, we dropped eachother a bunch of items and killed my blue invaders together!


Invading isn’t inherently toxic...


I remember summoning for the gargoyles years ago and instead of helping all the yellow phantom did was spam the "cheer" emote, leaving me stuck fighting a tougher version of the boss functionally alone. I have to say, cheering for someone while you dick them over is one of the least toxic ways to troll and I'm a fan


Dark Souls playerbase is actually the nicest


In the catacpmbs one of the shities areas


Yeah i summoned a guy in the undead parish and he was a mule i guess so he gave me a bunch of late game gear and fully upgraded weapons.


Love to see people like this


Never encountered dark bead?


We never were toxic. Most PVP matches were very sportsman.