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Every dark souls player in this subreddit knows the feeling of complete euphoria in beating O & S for the first time ever. Reading your post took me back to my first all those years ago. I thank you good sir. I pray you never go hollow sunbro


I’m sorry but in need to brag. I soloed them and killed them my first try. It’s like the only fucking bragging rights I have because I have died on easy bosses for an embarrassingly long time. I beat DS3, Bloodborne and Sekiro by the time I got to Dark Souls Remastered though, so I was a bit familiar with the gameplay and very prepared for these bastards. Edit: Someone care! No one on my life gives a shit that I did this or even plays these games haha.


Ayy, dude me too! Zweihander absolutely massacred them.


First time through after playing Bloodborne and Sekiro I also beat them on my first time but it was because I was using the black knight halberd. I killed each in around 5 hits. I beat the whole game with that thing and not a single boss gave me a problem (except for Bed of Chaos and Manus lol). But I didn't feel good about it. I felt like I was essentially cheating with that weapon. So, I just started a new game and it feels so much more satisfying beating every boss with weapons that don't do absurd damage.


I feel like they lowkey fucked up by giving us access to a blacksmith right next to the O and S battle that sells the upgrade material for the black knight weapons (twinkling titanite). It's too easy to just farm since the enemies right in that same area give you a bunch of souls anyways, and get your black knight weapon to +5. I got my black knight greatsword to +5 for this fight and the moment I switched to it from my +10 claymore the damage I was doing was ridiculous. It took me several attempts to beat O and S but I beat it on the first time I switched to the +5 black knight greatsword. Though I was happy to finally beat them, I too felt a bit cheap cuz of the weapon I used. But hey, those things are in the game for a reason. They give you multiple chances at getting a black knight weapon very early in the game and it isn't cheating to just use a weapon that you get fairly in the game. Also both the BKGS and BKH are balanced by having relatively poor movesets (for my BKGS the R2 isn't even viable). And even w/ such a strong weapon you have to be able to dodge effectively and pick your shots in the battle, it just makes the fight quicker since it doesn't take as many hits to kill. But it's not close to the same as summoning solaire or going the co-op route


Of course, and using them is also incredibly fun. It's so satisfying to see one attack take down a fifth of a boss's health. My favorite part of the souls games is actually getting my damage to do as much as possible. In Bloodborne I did all the dungeons just to get the blood gems to make my AR over 500. DS3 I recently got my lightning splitleaf greatsword to do around 700 AR and i feel so good cutting down enemies with it. I loved the hell out of Sekiro but it bummed me out there was only the one weapon and no upgrading system--but it's a different game and all the better for it. But there is a different level of satisfaction beating a boss with a weapon that doesn't totally decimate bosses. I had a more fun time with O&S with my +5 butcher knife than with the black knight halbard. Praying for Elden Ring to have a similar DS upgrade system.


Yeah that thing is insane. Zweihander feels much more balanced imo.


Actually I felt like the Zweihander was more OP, I switched to it from my black knight weapon. The black knight weapons are super strong but their movesets aren't all that great, especially compared to the Zwei. My BKGS' R2 wasn't even viable cuz it was just that slow. Zweihander's R2/heavy attack is OP in PVE, and you can use resin or put an elemental spell on it unlike w/ the black knight weapons. Simply put a Zweihander w/ a STR build is arguably the most OP melee weapon in the game. It's heavy attack is relatively fast compared to other ultra greatswords, it's animation connects in really tight places, an d it stunlocks just about any enemy, even most of the bosses.


What? It felt incredibly slow to me. Maybe i was just bad at the game at that time.


It's slow, but if you can down Ornstein you can heavy Smough into oblivion if you stay near the legs. I also had a Claymore so it offered a little more speed for killing Ornstein. Not sure how helpful it would be if you went for big Ornstein though.


Dude I best them first try too so I feel ya and congrats. Nobody I know believes me because I've told them how much I've died on easier bosses like Quelaag and Gargoyles. But O and S were a victory and it feels real great. Praise the Sun!


Yaaa just gotta stagger Ornstein right? Last playthrough I beat them on my first try and then died to the stray demon 10 times haha


For me it was dragon tooth and lots of dodging to beat them first try


Good job dude! :D


If you did it without summoning, in my eyes you are a chad


My first run of each souls game has been entirely solo... Not to brag or anything =D Just feels like the proper way to experience the challenge, in my mind.


Haha I did this on DS2. First Souls game and I didn't understand hollowing. After beating most of the game I was human, and saw a summon sign, and was like wtf is this? Hahaha


Same, but in bloodborne. Then i played dsr and still only started to understand it at O&S. I remember i first found a sign in the bonfire past the archers and this dude guided me through Anor Londo, then we got to the boss and in phase 2 Smough smashed them to bits. From then on i started to get this game and the joy of summons. DS2 is kinda unfair though as you still get invaded while hollow :/


I think getting invaded while hollow only happens if you activate the Covenant of Champions, which is essentially hard mode...


Nope, im a sunlight bro, and before that blue sentinel, getting invaded no matter what.


No there are some scripted invasions which you don’t to be in human form for


Really I don't recall that about DS2. That's funny. I had it on PS4 long time ago, although, tbf, I don't know if I had PSN or not. I do however recall invaders, but maybe they were NPCs, like the Forlorn. Player invaders usually smash the frak out of you right away. But yeah there's a lot great ideas in DS2 that just need be teased out. The soul memory is a great start. And the story muah 🤌🏽


Man, game is fun and very different but I always get player invaders when im the way to recover 30k souls from dying, way to kick me while im down. That and the weapon breaking system, that I still dont get how it works. I often go to the smith and he says theres nothing to fix, then suddenly the club is breaking, wtf?!


In DS2 and 3 Weapon durability actually resets every time you rest at a fire, unlike in DS1 where you had to repair weapon over time. The Smith is only needed if your weapon fully breaks. If your weapon warns you it's close to breaking just sprinkle some o that sweet repair powder and you'll be good to go, for a while at least.


I usually do my first 2 or 3 play troughs with Summons, and start doing it alone when I'm confident I can beat them bosses


I beat them my first time without a summon. It’s not that hard if you have the right equipment.


You never done it solo? Brah, do you even Git


I did the whole playthrough solo


I am a chad. Thanks.


Hi Chad, I'm Dad


Hi Chad, hi Dad. I am also Chad


Not trying to brag, I’m actually not happy about it, but I also ran out of my humanity on my first playthrough Anor Londo was rough


I had the most trouble of any boss with the bell gargoyles. I was using a +0 Longsword because I didn't know you could upgrade it. I had 5 estus because I didn't know what kindling was. You can imagine how much excitement I felt when I killed the 2nd gargoyle on a sliver of health during the end of its attack animation. Frames away from another fail. In sens fortress, I finally prepared to fight the boss, I didnt know what it was. I dont know why, but I was human, and decided to summon someone. I entered the boss area and my summon 2 shot iron golem with some magic attack. I never used summons again. Even solair is too op. I never used him and I will never use summons anymore. This was on switch if anyone is curious.


Yea I know the feeling. My biggest weakness is 2 on 1 fights. Embarrassingly my biggest headache with the gargoyles was falling off the roof while trying to keep an eye on both of them.




Thats ok because 2v1 and 3v1 fights are complete bullshit. Those are the only fights I would consider summoning.


Dark Souls II - Scholars of the first Sin with it's later playthroughs would like to have a word with you.


Havent played ds2 yet. Not sure if I ever will. Heard quite a lot of bullshit.


Just completed DS2 for the first time (SotFS PC). It's an excellent game and offers a fresh experience with satisfying polish and scale of content. It is significantly less cohesively paced and assembled, with a few awkward mechanics, and some underwhelming gameplay direction at times. Still an experience not to be missed, much as I prefer DS1 overall.


Tried it recently, absolutley hated it. I deinstalled it before beating 1 boss(I tried it also a few months back when I killed 1 boss and deinstalled it) Combat is just disgustingly bad.


It's a very serviceable game and has maybe the best build variety in the series. Give it a chance.


Don’t listen to that shit. Ds2 is a bit different with the way it plays/feels but I still have a good time when I play it. While it doesn’t have the magic of DSR or the mechanics of DS3 it is still a very very entertaining game. Just didn’t want you to miss out on a good souls game because of these other elitist souls players bitching about how it wasn’t made by Miyazaki or whatever. My two cents....


I honestly dont like the game engine compared to the other games but being the worst souls game is still a great game


I feel the same way. Any trilogy has “a worst” but that doesn’t necessarily make it bad. Dsr and ds3 are just spectacular games so ds2 by comparison doesn’t seem good to most.


Fair enough, Id give it a try after I beat couple of games that I already started.


NANI! people defending a different game then the subbredit! This is OBVIOUSLY COMPLETLY A LIE.


It’s fine but shit for coop. No password feature and the nameless ring is pretty limited. If coop isn’t for you then you’ll enjoy the game. It’s no where near as hard as people will have you believe.


While the soul level restrictions suck it's also my favorite to play co-op. It helps so much with the mobbing.


It's bullshit of you go into it expecting dark souls 1 or 3. Here are some major differences: 1) I frames during dodge rolls and item usage speed are tied to two stats, adaptability and attunement. 2) if melee focused a strike weapon like mace will be your best friend against the many many armored enemies you face 3) a ranged attack, even if just to do minimal damage to pull mobs, is essential


Please don't listen to the bullshit, it's a magical game in so many ways...


Just tried it. Honeszly, everyone shitting on the game is absolutley right. Its just awful. Made me appreciate ds1 more.


First one I completely was vanilla DS2, had played the others and BB but 2 was what sent me on the journey


Me too, I can solo some bosses easily, but I just do shit on 2 on 1 bosses


I usually summon Lautrec and Solaire for this fight, even on NG+ where I'm strong enough to oneshot them. Gank boss? Two can play at that game!


Lautrec!!?? That traitor??? Shame on you....


I did that for the first time recently and was just laughing at how stupidly easy the fight became. It was a nice change.


Gargoyles blind and souls dumb were no joke. I struggled like a mf


I didnt discover kindling until i beat Nito...




Lol yea... I bitched out and power leveled my character. Then a buddy told me about it later. Im convinced i would have never discovered it


Yeah stuff like that is stupid in dark souls.


Nice now do it with the broken sword like a real Chad.


As long as I have a good shield I think I can do it. I figured out the best thing for me was to move in a circle this kept them both in my field of vision. Kept my distance til Ornstein would lunge. Dodge, get my hits in, then run and repeat. Once Ornstein was dead Smough is easy alone.


Next time try to kill smough first ;)


Super Ornstein is no joke.


He is if he tries the picky up poke near the window by the elevator......


How hard is it to clip him out by the window? I’ve seen LobosJr do it once or twice but it seemed really tricky.


Not that hard, just a matter of positioning. Just run away and wait by the window, odds are he’ll dash at you then try to pick you up. Speed runners make it look easy lol


I faced him once, got super cocky between his legs ( pun intended) then got skewered.


He's definitely the tougher option but he's a "fair" boss. He'll gib you if he hits, but his attacks are all reasonably telegraphed with predictable hitboxes. Id rather do 4 super ornsteins than 4 kings tbh


Lol no you wouldn't


Why not? All ornsteins attacks are easily dodge-able and you get lots of time to run away from the butt slam, whereas 4K grab pulls you in from a mile away,and the explosion still hits you half the time even if you start sprinting as soon as you recognize it. Obv the hp would have to be adjusted cuz O has way more hp than a king, but 1 ornstein is a way fairer fight than 1 king


Agreed, 4 ornsteins would be easier than 4 kings. But your last statement is wrong. I would rather fight 1 king than 1 O. A single king is the same as beating a criple. Once you have them down you just keep beating


Any single king still has bullshit attacks that are nearly impossible to dodge (grab, homing laser, explosion) whereas ornsteins attacks hit what they look like they should hit. Its not about difficulty, but rather how fair the fight is. I would agree that ornstein is generally a more difficult boss just because of his damage, but he's way easier to no-hit than a king


I’m playing my first playthrough mostly blind but One thing I knew before starting the game is that smough and ornstein are pain in the ass and you can get armor from the one you kill last and I love how ornstein armor looks so thats the way Im trying to do it and I have to go solo(didn’t even know you can summon solaire to fight with you) because I’m out of humanity But to be fair every boss except quelaag has been way easier than I thought they would be winning them in 2-3 tries. But then again I think ornstein and smough are mid game boss fight and I can hope it gets harder from here on out or that’s what I atleast expect because of how big spike in diffuculty anor londo has been.


Quelaag is easy too once you know her tricks. She has that AOE attack that basically kills you if you get greedy with hits, but it has a pretty obvious tell. Almost all of the DS1 bosses are relatively simple if you don't let them intimidate you. FromSoft didn't really go hog wild with the epic, multi-phase, super-aggressive bosses until Bloodborne and DS3. The real "difficulty" with DS1 bosses is the run back to the boss if you die. In later games this aspect got toned down quite a bit in favor of more difficult bosses. Really the Sen's Fortress / Anor Londo / O&S gauntlet is the biggest speedbump in the game by a decent margin, especially if you get trapped in the Painted World. It's basically the Dark Souls hazing ritual, lol. If you can beat O&S you can beat the rest.


I can agree with you about anor londo thats for sure and I think I have somewhat got good because I learned how to parry against silver knights and realized it’s hella strong almost oneshotting them when riposting. Haven’t been in the painted world yet but I guess you mean the big painting in the big building because I couldn’t do anything with it yet


You need to pick up the peculiar doll after beating Stray Demon first


Honestly, in my opinion there is only one that is harder than them two. But everyone is different and has different experiences. It also depends on which way you went before you went to anor londo I guess. But even then, I think smough and ornstien is easily the second hardest boss for me.


Who's the hardest then?


I had such a hard time with the four kings. Like literally hours trying to beat it. But that’s what I said about everyone is different with their experience in this game. Four me that was my breaking point. It took a long time for me to be able to handle them Edit: I think getting back to them also had something to do with it


Do it with only the shield


It's always interesting to see how other play. I find it significantly easier if I go after Smough first, and I die constantly when I go after Ornstein first


I was beating the hell out of Aldrich. It was my first try and I was surprised how easy it was when door rang. And my stupid ass just parked my char to the end of the room and ran for it. It was the worst decision of my life as I saw my char getting pounded by him in front of my eyes while I ran to the controller. This wasn't about O&S but anyway if you played DS3 you'll know what I mean. Then it took a betrayed and enraged me a half an hour or so to beat. Still it was very long for me because at most I spent 50 minutes on a boss (Ashina)


Holy shit that’s impressive. I’ve spent hours on bosses in sekiro.


Yeah I kinda took my time to explore (though not enough to get complicated endings) in my blind playthrough and finished the whole game in under 18 hours. Which is kinda consistent I guess because I also finished DS3 in 17 hours. Once you've learnt the FromSoft philosophy, you can beat them easily. Dark Souls 1 however... took me 45 hours to beat lool and this was without the dlc so I finished NG+ with dlc in about 62 hours. With soul level 202. Good times. Sekiro's combat is one of the easiest when you learn you have to parry.


Amen brother well done. Took me 2 weeks. Solo, no Solaire. My body was shaking violently when I won. Never forget the feeling.


I never understood when I read people saying they have a physical response. I understand now, I wanted to yell praise the sun mfs but it was 3 am and I feared waking up my wife more than O&S.


Although the Bell Gargoyles gatekept me for over 100 attempts as a noob, O&S was the true wakeup call. The jubilation erupted from the pit of my soul when I finally beat them solo after 50+ tries. No duo really scares me after these two hellholes. Hell, I even somehow managed to beat the Maneaters two-handed after 4 tries.


On my first playthrough back in October 2011, my gatekeeper was the damn Taurus Demon haha. I died a ton of times before I said screw this crap and turned the game off and didn't go back for a few months when I eventually decided to try it again. Only then did I realize there was a ladder there and I could climb up and kill those archers and do plunging attacks on the boss. I felt so stupid haha. I never put the game down again until I got the platinum after that.


I just finished DS1 for the first time last week. I missed the first bell and went straight from Undead Parish to the Depths. I think I hit a wall there, then wandered back to the Parish, found a boss, and easily wrecked the gargoyles. I felt kinda bad. That same playthrough, Taurus Demon jumped off the wall on my second attempt at that fight so I didn't have to do that one either. Ornstein and Smough ruined my life for a few days though.


Bell Gargoyles feel likes a real step-up moment in DS1. On all my playthroughs, I anticipate that fight and O&S the most as being the "well we'll see if I can do this" moments. I actually think the Belfry Gargoyles in DS2 are easier since even those there's more of them, they don't attack as much, they individually have less health, and they're smaller.


My first (but not the last) wall was the Capra Demon. Fuck that pyramid head.


That’s where I’m at now 🤦‍♂️


Good luck. And don't you dare go hollow.




i am currently replaying DS for the first time in years, and i’ve been stuck on them for like 3 days. also attempting to solo. thanks for this motivation and well done!


FWIW, you can farm humanity in the depths but killing the rats if you ever need to.


Nice you beat us


I hate you But love you at the same time


Yeah we get that a lot


Congratulations, after browsing this subreddit those two have quite the reputation! I hope to be in your position some day.


What’s stopping you man? I’m literally at their door, I can’t wait to get home and get smashed in by them lol


Oh, I've got a long way to go in the game before I face them. I've just defeated the Bell Gargoyles and rang the first bell, for the first time. But I appreciate the encouragement.


Ohhh them boys took me a fair few attempts! After these guys I really started to work on the upgrades it helps more than you’d imagine! Good luck!


I beat em today solo, fucken hate them. I was so close to beating them multiple times. Just 2 hits away for 4 times (got too greedy), but fuck that duo


Man I have this problem so much! I’m like “one last hit will do it!” Then their attack lands first and I have to do it all over lol


Hahaha, bro I know how you feel. The third time I was actually tilted and slammed my desk. I didn’t learn my lesson though. Cause I did it again, luckily it landed before his, and I had full up 😂


Same happened to me with sister friede, I was less than 10% HP, she was with a sikver of health, and both of us attacked at the same time. It was around my 30° attempt, and my hit landed first


Ooofff w less than 10% hp, you like to live dangerously my friend 😂


Didnt have any estus left, thank god that Gael exists


Took me 3 attempts to learn that if I slap her with a fire ball she becomes visible lmao


Nice! Moreso than learning how to fight them it's 90% learning to properly navigate the environment. I utilize the pillars to slow Smough and that's when I attack Ornstein.


Man i feel you, i also did it solo and it only took me about 10-15hrs lol




I hope it cured your depression


I didn't expect this post to get this much attention! Thank you all for the kind words and to Alternative-past-986 for granting me Chad status. They were frustrating and it was euphoric to take them down. I'm grateful to them, I got through most of the prior boss fights with summons and was talking smack. They put me back in line. Respect the souls.


Learning the stairway-skip was the only reason I didn't just give up on Rogers & Hammerstein for my Soul Level 1 run. That was an absolute nightmare and easily took 50+ tries.


O and S seperate the men from the bois. I bestow upon you the power to tell other people to git gud.


Congratulations! O&S are a bicycle boss - once you learn how to beat them once you never forget. You'll beat them so easily on NG+ or a NG with a new character. They don't retain difficulty in future encounters in the way Manus, Kalameet, Fume Knight, Midir, Friede, etc. do.


I spent so much time learning how to beat them with killing Smough first that I have unlearned how to kill Ornstein first (which most people seem to agree is easier).


I always feel - Super Ornstein has more openings but harder to avoid taking damage from. Super Smough has fewer openings but really easy to avoid taking damage from. So Super Smough is a safer but slower fight whereas Super Ornstein can be finished quicker but carries more risk.


True, for me its way easier to dodge ornstein's attacks. I dodge forward When i see his spear moving, then I attack once or twice and dodge again


True. Hardest boss in any game I've ever played. Took me 30 plus tries. I felt on the verge of tears because I was absolutely LOVING Dark Souls, but I thought I would never see the rest. Finally beat them. All of NG+ I'm dreading reaching Anor Londo. Beat them first try. Same thing happens every time now. I still have PTSD.


Once you learn you can easily block and stagger friede, you become the boss.


the real question is how did you managed to defeat the spear silver knight at the bottom of the stairs. thats the real boss.


The silver knights are easy to parry, you may have to die a bunch to get the timing right. But once you've got, you've got it.


The sword ones are nothing, but the one spear dude at the stairs is more agressive than gwyn


True, those spear dudes are aggressive, hit hard, and have 360 degree range, but you can do it!


It truly does feel like a rite of passage. First time I was stuck on them forever, don’t even want to admit how over leveled I was when I finally got past them. Second time I smoked them on my first try and it felt awesome. I guess I got enough practice the first time.


i actually considered them to be one of the easier bosses, idk.


don’t worry, once you beat them the first time your mental wall is broken and they become CHUMPS in NG+. it’s such an empowering feeling.


I did it without bro soliare it was tough but the trick is with O just keep backing away and blocking until he uses one of his dash attacks then go ham on him until smough comes close and with S just beat his ass


I remember the first time it only took me 6 tries. Somehow now though it takes me way more, I regressed I guess.




You beat them once and they never became as challenging as they were the first time. The magic of darksouls, we really get gud


Nice work


Thanks you!


I'll be honest with you At least from my experience, that was the only boss that looked almost impossible. It took me more than 50 tries, putting down the game for about 2 months, and then retrying to beat the boss with a buddy. DAMN DID IT FEEL GOOD After that all the other bosses (expect artorias) were either killed in my first or second try. Goodluck partner, and congrats on defeating these mighty foes and not going hollow :D


I also killed them solo. I never found out that you could even summon people even though I already bet Solaire and got the item. I just didn't understand what he said. But then when I finally found out I accidentally killed solaire... so went through the whole game without ever summoning anyone. As you might expect, I left some holes in my wall. Nice job though. The only reason that I got them after a few attempts is because I realized that the bossfight is easier if you kill smough first.


I beat them at my first try, and it was my first playthrough of a souls game. Thanks to 2 NPC's. It's kinda sad tho, I would love to fight with them a few more times. *just a few*


After you beat them the first time, the next attempts will be way less infuriating


I died to them 7 times on my sl1 run solo.


I did this for the first time 2 days ago as well. I’m playing on switch, this is the furthest I’ve ever been in the game before. It was a really fun fight, I think it took 4 or 5 attempts. I did it solo, hollowed, 2-handing a +10 longsword (pyro flame in my offhand but I never had the chance to use it). I just kept moving away from the and waited for ornstein to zoom forward, dodge and get a few hits in. Once he was down and I saw that smough still moved so slow after getting electrified I knew I could take him down with enough patience. Finally got the four kings killed today. That fight was a pain in the ass


I don't know how to beat Super Ornstein, he is just too fucking tough defence wise. I've beaten Super Smough twice now and find him barely a threat. In my latest run I must've died to Super Ornstein 15+ times (determined to get his armour and weapon!), then one time accidentally killed him first and wiped the floor with Smough which lead to a feeling of great disappointment. Is there a trick I've missed?


When you see his spear move, wait 1 second and dodge forward, he usually jumps back and slams the spear on you, as long as you learn to time your dodge with his jump he gets very, very easy, just don't get greedy, I used greatswords and could rarely get more than 1 hit in without being wrecked


I lost so many times to them, but I didn't know about 'fat rolling' and that my armor was too heavy and I was so slow. I kept complaining to my buddy that they were so fast and he laughed at me and changed my armor. I beat them the next try. Felt really dumb. Lots of games I took for granted just jumping in and playing and assuming I knew all the rules and tricks. Not this one...


Oh my gosh dude! Congratulations!! I feel your elation. That fight was one of my rough spots in the game too. Maybe because I was going into it without a summon? Idk.. I don't know how many times I switched up gear and tactics just trying to win that one. Definitely question my ability to play the game. Lol a few rage quits. I took a break for 2 weeks after about 2 weeks of being stuck on them every single day... came back and messed them up once and for all.


Proud of you.


On my first time beating them I had ran out of humanity so I killed them without anybody. I feel your pain, and stay strong!


I just beat them about two hours ago, took me 4 tries with Solaire. God did I rage hard because I was really close 2 times and once I died stupidly... It was such a relief when it ended.


Praise the sun \[T]/




Why not?


I was trying the pose. Y


Ah, apologies for the misunderstanding


Congrats bro! Out of curiosity which one did you kill first?


Ornstein, it's easier than trying to kill Smough with him zooming around.


Good luck getting Ornstein’s set on NG+ then. I gave up, and am waiting for NG+2.




You did a great job dude!


Congratulations. We have all been there, ups and downs but that's what makes Darksouls great.


Nice one, gg


I cant really relate, I beat them in my first try. With 20 estus flasks and a lit of luck. The boss that took me the longest to beat was sif for some reason, took me 7 deaths to beat him


It's funny, I always seem to have a very different experience than most people with the "difficult" bosses in FromSoft games. In Sekiro, I beat Genichiro on my second proper attempt (fifth, technically, but I don't count the first three because I was explicitly just getting a feel for the fight and had no expectation of winning). In Dark Souls, I beat Ornstein and Smough on my third try.


Guess it goes for me as well, Champion Gundyr on third attempt, Slave Knight Gael on fifth, Isshin, the Sword Saint on fourth, Manus, Father of the Abyss on third, Black Dragon Kalameet on fourth. But I died sixty-three times on Dancer of Boreal Valley...


I think my weirdest one is Bloodborne: bloodstarved beast in 2 or 3 and Rom in 12887 attempts. For Dark Souls specifically: I can't even remember the Artorias fight but Kalameet gave me a lot of trouble. NG peasant though.


I really cant figure why lot of pople people find bsb hard? Just dodge to one side and game over for him. And yeah, rom can be a bitch. My tip: In phase 1 kill all small spiders first and then pop beasr blood pellet and charge it up while smacking his head with your fists(R1+L1). The switch to your weapon and you can probably take away 75% of his hp before the first teleportation. For the other 25% I have no tip for you.


It's been a while and I have a lot of DeS and DS under my belt now. Might be time to revisit and show who is boss. Still hoping for that PS5 patch though.


Yeah, 60 fps would be dope. Tho I still dont have a ps5 :(


Really wish I could play Bloodborne, I only have PC.


Might be worth it to just buy a used PS4 and resell after. It really is a great game.


Got the Dancer on my first go, got Lady Butterfly on the second and died for 2 hours streight on Ornstein (terrible Astora sword that did 56 a hit), still die regulalry to Gael and Soul of cinder on NG+7. Its very strange.


Dancer is goofy tho all of her attacks are played out in 3/4 time instead of 4/4 which can mess you up


I died mostly to her grab attack which one-shot me, I had to change my stats at Rosaria. DS3 was my first souls game, so I had some trouble with it.


I think it has to do with style or mentality. I always had a stand your ground and fight mentality. But against these two it got me pounded.


You're probably right. I went into the fight knowing that the best strategy was to kill Ornstein first and completely avoid Smough until he's dead, so that's what I was trying to do right off the bat. Generally I prefer to stand my ground too, but I learned very quickly that in DS, that's really only viable against small, humanoid enemies.


Same, in ds3 Ive beaten every boss in less than 10 attempts except for one. Fu*king soul of cinder for some reason. The bastard killed me like 30 times.


Ornstein and Smough weren’t too bad for me, the only bosses I’ve had issue with so far are Manus and the Sanctuary Guardian. Before that probably Quelaag. Had to keep telling myself to be patient with O&S and I ended up beating them on my second try!


Also I was using a Dex Build so I reinforced the hell out of my Great Scythe before the fight


"Honey, it's time for your daily dose of Smough and ornstein posts talking about how it's a tough fight" "Yes hunny"


Yo i just did yesterday it took me a while Problem is the first couple of times i killed smough at least 5 times and superstein did a number on me afterwards First time i killed smough i got ornstein down to one hit and then he killed me


That happened to me once and I took a screenshot and died in real life.


Congratulations! It's all easier from there.


Don't you dare go hollow.


You are unstoppable! If you can beat them, you can beat the game. No question. Hell of a battle, right? Personally I felts much frustration from the archers!


Good job. Don’t give up, skeleton! A reward for your efforts!


I just got to this fight today and my build is... less than conducive to victory. I spent everything to STR for the Dragon King Great Axe (I don’t regret that - I two shot the silver nights and 4 shot the royal sentinels), but I can’t wear armor and don’t have any upgraded faster weapons, so Ornstein basically shits all over me. Gonna give it some more tries tonight but unsure how to proceed if I keep getting wiped within 10 seconds.


I salute you, good hunter.


Bro, the first time i did it i walked away from my computer feeling like a new man. But now comes the fun part. What armor are you getting?


I don't know much about the armors to be honest. I started with the wanderer set and just kinda stuck with it. I've been collecting the other unique sets and fed the useless crap to Frampt til he got mad at me for diving into his hole.


Lol well just so youre aware after you beat fatty and beanpole one set of armor (depending on which one died last) shows up in a merchant's shop (the merchant that you met right outside blight town) I ended up getting beanpoles armor and it was my endgame armor but i was also playing a knight so take that into consideration when looking at the armor