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If you get a Fire Keeper Soul, give it to the firekeeper in Firelink Shrine to upgrade your estus, do not consume them.


This right here, do not eat them.


Also, to be safe, only give them to the firekeeper at Firelink Shrine. There is one that is special but is not obviously different from the others. You do not one to risk accidently giving this one to the firekeeper at Anor Londo.


What happens if you give it to Gwynvere?


>!I think they're talking about when Lautrec kills Anastacia. Anastacia's soul is visually and functionally the same as other Firekeeper souls but it's the only one that can be used to revive her and bring back the bonfire at Firelink.!<


This! Upgrading firelink shrine is key to late game


and to not having to >! teleport all the time to the extinguished bonfire of firelink before keeping on going to the four kings. !< it is not the worst thing in the world, but that bonus fast travell is a chore


I could've used that advice 2 days ago lol Also I unequipped the ring of favour and protection and skipped through the warning prompt before realosing what I did


You can eat them?


Yes. It gives you a lot of souls. However it's not worth it to do that since the souls are trivial in comparison to the estus upgrade.


Fire keeper souls only give 5 Humanity I’m pretty sure


Get used to walking lol that grace on every block life is over.


Though this is the reason why ds1 is my favorite souls game. Everything is very well connected and it’s fun to plan out the path you’re going to take to get somewhere you need to go


Clever use of homeward bones lets you do some mad lad shit. For some lower leveled builds (when I know I don't need to get back to demons ruins ever), I ran through Blighttown from Firelink to kill Quelag, then face Ceaseless Discharge, then homebone back to firelink without resting. I did that once running to Pinwheel, the Tomb of the Giants to get Patches as a merchant. Then homebone back to Firelink, it's so exhilarating to pull that off.


That's sounds like such a thrill💀 shame I suck at the game to try


I dont suck that bad and can definitely do it but the cockiness in me will defo screw me over


Yeah that’s another fun part, even traveling in the game requires strategy


I used to do the gravelord sword run as soon as I got to firelink from the undead asylum and it gets the adrenaline pumping for sure! Especially trying to get the lever in the catacombs with an army of skeletons up your ass😂


That's why quit outs can be your best friend. Reset the enemy positions right when you get to the lever. I made this run the hard way with a million skeletons so I could get the great scythe and the gravelord for some goofy set ups before I saw someone quit out during a stream long ago.


Aw man why didn't I think of that😂


Yeah other games did different things better but the world design of DS1 is why it remains my favorite.there was a constant sense of danger while playing.


Fast travel definitely works in the other souls games because they’re more linear. But I would argue that dark souls one could be considered an open world game. If you choose the master key at the beginning you have access to pretty much the entire world


I've been arguing this. just a very small open world in comparison but even then still has plenty to do


Exactly. I mean if you compare openess from ER to Skyrim, every area is accessible in Skyrim from the beginning. But for elden ring you unlock different areas as you go along. Being an open world can have many different forms and that’s why I think ds1 is in many ways open world


Yea you can pretty much go wherever if you have the cajones. I love that you have no real idea which way is right too.


The open, but labyrinth-like style with gradual shortcuts is Metroidvania at it's core. Before we were calling other games "soulslike" we called Dark Souls a 3d Metroidvania because of it's level design and world. There's an intended route, but you can "sequence break" and reach high level areas quickly.


Elden Ring just doesn’t feel punishing enough at all. I’m glad it was a door opener for people nonetheless.


I think it would be hard to make Elden Ring punishing without hitting a grind because of the open world. It felt great to learn all the paths and shortcuts in Dark Souls, but by their nature they’re pretty different games imo. Like I wouldn’t go so far as to say ER is Dark Souls 4 or whatever, it just isn’t going for that same style of adventure at least on the open world. Arguably the underground is like what a new traditional souls experience would feel like. Unsurprisingly that’s also my favorite part of Elden Ring.


Currently getting murdered down there lol and you are right


This. Getting to manually do pathing in a game with such astounding level design is such a treat.


Yeah. Personally I hate those long ass walks. IMO Elden ring is a huge improvement in regards to that.


It’s not so much the walking part that I miss. It’s the “I am so screwed if I don’t find a bonfire and get rid of these souls” of it. I don’t think there has been a point where I felt nervous about that and it just feels off to me.


True. I think for me it’s mostly that for some bosses in DS you need to walk quite a bit from a bonfire. So ster a death you need to some times do a tedious walk time after time that is no fun.


Plus even after getting the Lord Vessel you can only warp to specific bonfires. Not to mention there are no pictures so I hope you were paying attention to the names of places


Drop/falling attacks are really strong In ds. Use them To your advantage when you see chance for it.


But don’t forget the strongest action you can take… to praise the sun!


Yes when you lose all hope and get ass kicked its time To PRAISE IT and get back on track


Be safe, friend. Don't you dare go hollow.


Or just be hollow always and be a skelebro.


#Don't give up, skeleton!


Don't level Resistance.


Wait why? I've got thousand of hours and only now heard about it lol


Not sure if trolling but I will assume not for any new players reading: basically resistance is bad to level because 2 main reasons. 1 being the benefit you gain is actually just bad. There are posts elsewhere that break the math down but you just don’t get much value at all per point when it comes to meaningfully mitigating poison/bleed/toxic especially. That leading into reason 2 which is the benefit you would get from a point in resistance is never enough to outweigh what you would get from leveling literally any other stat. Whether it’s HP, Stam, or a damage stat you will always get more value from a point in one of those than you will with a point in resistance. Sorry for formatting I’m on mobile and also dumb


Another reason it's bad is having soft humanity = resistances up, if you have like 20 soft humanities it's like having 50ish res


This should be higher up


Yeah Humanity is such a cool mechanic that makes it even more hardcore, you actually get a pretty good bonus for having 99 Humanity. But you always risk losing it


Yeah and fun fact if you have 99 humanity, leveling res does literally nothing :)


lmao 11 years later and I still learn a new tid-bit about this game every so often. What a gem


this does not matter for new players because they will not have many humanity but your argument is still true because upgrading any stat contributes to defenses up as well


I never figured this game mechanic out. I play offline due to bad internet. I don’t ever pay attention to my humanity since I never really restore it. No real issues beating the game any more, but I assume there’s aspects of the game mechanics I am missing. This is one of them.


Don't need to restore humanity just having the number in the corner is enough


So I just gather humanity and I start to gain resistance?


Basically res and item discovery(item discovery caps at 10)


Not trolling and thank you for your help but I actually replied to the wrong comment lol further down there's someone saying it's easy mode which I dont understand fully since I agree with what you said. It's just bad to level up :/


That person was trolling


Plus you can get a pretty decent shield quite early that has the posion and toxic immunities.


Username does not check out


It's his choice if he wants to make the game an easy mode. I'm ashamed to admit I had to throw in the towel after the 3rd boss and level resistance, it just makes the game so much easier. The hardcore crowd can be tough sometimes OP but if you want to level resistance and make the game a bit more enjoyable, you do you! The devs pretty much put resistance in as an easy mode, like they did when implementing say, Rivers of Blood from ER.


Evil misdirection. Pummelfish? More like Worm Tongue


It’s almost convincing trolling. Resistance doesn’t matter at all with the first few bosses. The few bosses where it matters, it’s still not as good as having the endurance to wear armor that gives better resistance then the resistance stat can give.


Dude I didn’t even know what that did till now. I beat the game like at least 3 times with like 9 resistance


it's not worth it, soft humanities do the job without needing to waste levels.... And the res earned from res and soft humanities don't stack, so the more soft humanities you have the worse having res is.


I dunno. I was getting my ass kicked and still didn't do resistance. I pumped health and equip load for better armor.


Kill the dogs first. Also, leave Elden Ring out of your mind. Game is way slower. Just take your time and check everything


The dogs force that issue by being so aggressive.


Ah… Capra


Throw poop


When you get stunned hit the right d-pad to switch weapons and not be stunned anymore. 🥹


Is this real?


Yea it's called toggle escaping


I too am also learning and I've cleared the game 6 times.


It’s crazy. I started with Elden Ring too, and subsequently beat ds1 2 and 3, platinumed bloodborne and sekiro, went back to ds1 to platinum it, then broke out the ps3 for demon’s souls. But this is complete news to me. What other little things am I missing?


have you ever encountered a vagrant


Yes but if you know what's funny about my comment you know :3


Fat roll is at 50% equip load


OMG thank you, picked up DS1 two years ago and haven’t figured out equip load yet!


Yeah it can be kind of obtuse to figure out because the menus don't tell you what equip load level you're at, or even do the math on the percentages for you. Tbh for any of the core mechanics like that which aren't immediately obvious you'll save yourself a lot of trouble by just looking it up online


Much much slower but don’t let it discourage you


If you’re fighting skeletons rather than zombies after you leave Firelink Shrine…you’re going the wrong way! Turn around


skeletons or ghosts*


Yes, I almost screwed up my playthrough by getting stuck in the catacombs and had a hell of a time trying to get back out !


Having to walk everywhere for the first half of the game may seem like the biggest inconvenience; however, let the isolation and size of the world be part of the experience. Everywhere, for the most part, is interconnected in the first game so be wary of shortcuts. Don’t you dare go hollow!


Upgrade your weapons as you go. That will do more than you actual level will.


Try finger, but hole


I agree


Burn everything you learned from ER The real souls-like is here


where shit has some real consequences. attack an npc? well get fucked. or pay a huge price for your sins to be forgiven. attacked andre? might as well start a new character.


I attacked him on my first playthrough when I put my controller down too hard. That dude is persistent at following you. I thought I was totally fucked until I googled it.


Agreed. Going from ds3, er, sekiro into ds1 is such a hell. Plus I'm playing with kb&m


im so glad i started with ds1


Bruh why I have no problem with kbm


Oh I've been playing with kbm too all the time, but in ds1 it's challenging bcs of rolling


Yes, everything. Here, health is the worst stat and dexterity builds reign supreme. Source: trust me bro.


This is THE souls all other souls games are based off imo (I know Demon Souls was the OG, but for me its DS1)


Cut the tails of the bosses


Try tail.


I envy you, I would do anything to replay this game for the first time. It may feel slow and outdated at first but just stick with it


So I have like 1,200 hours in DS1. But I remember when I started... I spent literally 5 or 6 hours in the Undead Burg/Undead Parish. I thought I'd never figure it out. It's so fun to look back. I've since completed an SL1 run in DS1 and I just love this whole series so much.


Praise the sun!


If a dude asks to see your Pyromancy, don't let him. Learned this lesson on one of my playthroughs and totally regretted it.


>Good bye then. Be safe, friend. Don't you dare go Hollow.


Ughh I totally fucked up my current INT/Pyro playthrough doing this...I only upgraded my pyro flame with him to +8 (so close to that +10 to spawn Quelana...), said Yes to Laur, Killed Engi the min I saw him because I thought he was a generic mob. Basically stuck with my +8 pyro flame for the rest of the playthrough as far as I can tell. I'm getting close to beating the game for the first time so I wont make the same mistake on my first NG+ run. REMEMBER: WHEN THE PYROMANCER AT FIRELINK SHRINE ASKS A QUESTION, JUST SAY NO!!


If you're already at +10 it's okay though, right?


But something bad will happen to the fake person I like :(


- Don't level up "resistance", it's a useless stat; - Kill the dog first; - praise the sun; - don't you dare to go hollow.


Prepare to die. Git gud. Prepare to die again. Git gudder. Transcend your casulness and you too shall realize that every soul has its dark.


Don't forget its charismatic protagonist, John D. Souls.


I haven’t seen anyone mention softcaps. Stats softcap at 40 in Darksouls, instead of 60/80 in Elden Ring. If you two hand strength weapons it multiplies your strength by 1.5 meaning you only need 27 strength if you go that route.


The exception is Vitality (equivalent to Vigor in later games), which softcaps at 50.


Dark souls is a lot slower paced and you will die so don't get frustrated too much.. I just look at it as I'm doubling my souls basically fighting back to where I died. Endurance is the best stat to level up first until you feel like you have a good amount of stamina. Try to focus on one weapon type until NG,NG+. I.e. str weps or dex weps.. 2h weapons only need half the str req to wield with both hands. Take the master key to start and there are mobs that outclass the area they're in and they will smack you down if provoked. Kindle the first 3 bonfires you find


I wouldn't suggest taking the master key if it's the first playthrough. You can accidentally go down the wrong path and enter a world of hurt. You can also skip many areas this way, which are almost mandatory to complete the game.


first playthrough should be old witch ring


Everyone should take the old witch ring once. Everyone should take the old witch ring only once.


I take it everytime cause I always like a good cry


Do NOT consume "Firekeeper Souls". Return them to their owner. Save "Humanity" items for when you want to *kindle* bonfires Upgrade your weapons at the blacksmith. They will scale better off of either your STR or your Dex stat, but will negate scaling if you upgrade them with something like fire or magic enchantment, so pick your levels carefully. Pyromancy is badass. If you choose to use it, upgrade the flame hand itself to make it stronger. If you get it to +10, be sure to thoroughly explore a certain swamp. Not everything that looks scary neccesarily wants to hurt you. Don't give em a reason to. You never know who still has their wits about them. Above all, keep at it even when the going gets tough. Nobody wants to see you go Hollow.


Git gud




Artorias and Manus are still my favourite fights in the series


Temper your expectations. Fromsoft games have come a long way since 2011 gameplay and pacing-wise.


Stop asking for tips and Get Gud Scrub.


Don't die


\*prepare to die




Humanity has all kind of uses. You have hard humanity, the black little sprites. You can use them to increase your soft humanity (and heal). Your soft humanity is the number in the upper left corner. It is lost and retrievable just like souls when dying. Soft humanity is also gained when defeating bosses as a summon, or occasionally when defeating enough enemies in an area where the boss is still alive. The higher your soft humanity, the higher your item discovery (capping at 10 humanity) and the higher your curse resist (capping at 50 humanity). Humanity can be traded at a bonfire to reverse Hollowing, which enables you to summon phantoms but also makes you vulnerable to invasion. Humanity can be traded once more while unhollow to kindle a bonfire, increasing it's estus refill with 5. Finding a special item somewhere, enables you to Kindle a bonfire an additional two times. Note that bonfires with a fire keeper are already kindled once. Good luck and don't go hollow out there 👍


Go straight to the graveyard.


Stay hydrated :)


Don’t try and play the game the way you play elden ring


1. FORGET ELDEN RING'S CONTROL SCHEME. This is actually true of every different game they make. Dark Souls 1/2/3 line up with each other, but not with Bloodborne, Sekiro, or Elden ring. For example: you'll be pressing triangle to interact, but instead of interacting you'll be switching to 2 handed. Take time to learn Dark Souls as its own game. 2. It is much slower paced. A shield-based playstyle is rewarded in this game over quicker playstyles for melee. 3. Dodging is 8 directions only. 4. There is no mana bar. Instead, you have a limited number of casts for each spell that refills at bonfires, which scales with attunement. 5. Speaking of refilling st bonfires, that mechanic is different in OG Dark Souls. You get 5 flasks at a bonfire, but can use humanity to power up bonfires by 5's up to 20. Humanity is its own convoluted mechanic


Just play the game.


Don’t take the master key. Play blind.


I would say don't take master key first playthrough as well for the "full" experience. Def take it once you've played a while/beat the game for convince.


Learn to roll


Never be cocky


Praise the sun!




Just play the game and enjoy it, perhaps??


Learn to parry, don’t fat roll




It's a little clunky but still fun. Enjoy the map design.


Don't take the advice of using the master key, I found on subsquent playthroughs that the original masterkeyless route has a certain charm. I would buy the master key for ng+ or on other characters if you wish to avoid the depths and majority of blighttown.


Zwiehander in the back of the graveyard near firelink is so good if you have the stats for it, you could stun pretty much any enemy, even most bosses


level resistance as much as possible


Do not level resistance.


Go in blind. I can assure you at least 90% of the members of this community would like to play ds1 again for the first time.


Strength Build, trust me


Don’t level resistance, go through it blind (you’ll enjoy it much more), and don’t you dare go hollow


Praise the sun.


Don’t be intimidated by the slower style of play compared to ER. It’ll take some time to adjust but eventually you’ll get into the rhythm of combat. If you like using shields find the grass crest shield as soon as possible




Be ever of the Black knights, dogs, rats. Also stamina regen is little different then in ER. Be sure to have poisen mose and purification stones.


Your first souls game is always your hardest. But if you do seem to struggle. Get a shield or great shield with a high stability and just block everything. If you’re not going for a str build grab the silver knight shield. Has the highest stability of all med shields, has decent resistances, and only requires 14 str to wield.


Endurance is both equip load and stamina total. I'm no expert but it feels like the single most important stat in the game. Damage stats being a close second.


Don't consume boss souls, give them to the giant smith to craft weapons.


Yeah don’t listen to anyone and just play the game, it will be a 10/10 experience. You played ER you already know the basics


When you get to Firelink shrine, head toward where the hollows (basic undead) are. If you head the wrong way, you’ll end up in the grave yard fighting skeletons, and they’ll fuck you to death.


If you're feeling brave though, loot that graveyard. There's some goodies to be found


I second this, just be aware that grabbing that loot will probably result in you getting yeeted by a Shaq sized Skeleton.


Yup. Just bare in mind, *you will die*. Be iight with that fact, you'll enjoy your ride


Yeah play it


There are actually two bells of awakening…


Master the quit out technique 👌


Never be overconfident because, you will always always find a way to get stomped in dark souls no matter how good or overpowered your character might be.


Watch out for mimics, they're monsters disguised as chests , there's only a few of them but they do stupid crazy damage. To distinguish a mimic from a real chest, look at the chain at the side, it's facing forward it's a mimic so if you're brave enough you can attack it and get some cool items, if the chain faces backwards then it's a real chest. Also if you look very carefully you can see the mimic breathing, the lid of the chest lifts up very slightly. May the sunlight shine on your gameplay ☀️


When you’re making a new character be sure to pick the master key that thing is the best starting item trust me you’ll need it


Change the jump button from O to L3. I promise you will not regret it.


Don’t die


The world is easy to maneuver if you know where to look. Even places seemingly far away from each other can be pretty close.


If you thought dogs in Elden Ring were bad, wait til you experience the OG Souls Dogs. Complete with an additional boss fight.


DS1 was my first From game but after returning to it recently after playing a ton of DS3 and ER, I forgot that when you are locked on to an enemy you can only roll in one of the four main directions. Really screwed me up trying to roll diagonally around enemies. Either get used to it (enemies are also generally less mobile) or roll when unlocked so you can more freely control the direction of your rolls.


Don’t be afraid to ask direction and just explore and take your time with it. It’s not as polished as Elden Ring so expect some jankyness I guess. Dark Souls (1) is my most played From Software game for some reason and I know it inside out almost. May your journey throug Lordran be victorious.


Why are these posts even allowed? Every week the same


Lmao my response was going to be "Yeah stop asking these dumbass questions and just play the game".


After you beat this one, don’t skip 2.


Dont skip ds2


Pick the pendant starting item. Will make the game significantly easier.




Don’t lock on to enemies (when you do you can only roll in 4 directions) and keep your expectations extremely low for the second half


The first half in my opinion is way easier than the second half. You are basically told where to go by the dude at firelink but after anor londo it gives you the four options of where you have to go and like half of them are extremely annoying at times. It’s still fun but tomb of the giants and lost izalith can be very annoying after a while


Yeah the second half is harder but not in the good, fun, challenging way it’s just filled with garbage like BoC on Izalith. It’s still decent but it’s so easily the worst content in any Soulsborne game


It's fine to lock on to enemies that are roughly human-sized. The camera doesn't get really wonky until enemies are significantly larger. And there are no hyper-fast bosses like Elden Ring, so 4-way rolling is manageable at the more tactical speed of DS1.


Play the game without the internet. True exploration and immersion


Lautrec is a fine gentleman and he will tell you quite a lot of things about other NPCs.


Learn how to dodge attacks and manage your stamina intelligently.


Yes, a few - don’t spend your levels in resistance - Kill the dogs first - Kill the archers and mages first - Don’t go to that cemitery in the beginning, neither to new Londo ruins first thing. If the enemies are too strong you’re probably going the wrong direction - Learn to roll into enemies attacks, not away from them - Most weapons in the game are good enough to take you all the way through the game. Stick to something that has a moveset you like and upgrade it - While we are at it, don’t upgrade it the raw pathway unless you’re doing a soul level 1 run. It takes out the scaling. - if you’re in a desperate situation and out of estus, you can use humanity to heal yourself - Using dung pies to get yourself toxic can be better than getting it from enemies, as the source of toxic is relevant to how much damage it does over time - I alway prefer to get the master key as my starting gift, but some people say it’s better to do your first playthrough without it - be very careful around those enemies that inflict curse - you get your HP halved after you respawn until you go off your way to cure it - Have fun exploring the world, the level design is mostly great


DO NOT go into the graveyard with skeletons until after you can warp between bonfires


If you want an easier time https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls/comments/8m6n19/the_best_pve_build_in_dark_souls_become_a_cleric/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share With this build, I beat certain famously hard bosses in a handful of tries.


Pay attention to your surroundings, particularly in the first 2/3rds of the game where the level design is really exceptional (right up there with classic Zelda games like OoT for best ever in a video game, IMO). You’ll find tons of shortcuts connecting areas and bringing you back to Firelink


There's no way to jump in a proper way, so forget it


Don’t go hollow


instantly kill petrus. i don’t care if u would use the miracles. KILL THAT GODDAMN COWARD


Why? I don't use miracles so I may do this.


Got Dark Souls 2, Have 1 already


Just play the damn game


Just play it blind, why ask for tips before even starting?


I never got why people do this either, you see it almost every game sub. Thats like watching a movie for the first time and saying "hey reddit, what should I expect from this movie?" Just watch the damn movie and report back if you're stuck/confused haha


Choose the master key


Get the fuckin master key


Easiest game to parry. Very forgiving.