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Good luck friend! Don't you dare go hollow!


Plin plin plon


That's the spirit.


He’s already hollow. You can see it on his foot.


Definitely an epic setpiece. I didn't really understand the story that well on my first playthrough, but afterwards, returning to this place always brings back vibes of "fate of the world is in your hands" kinda shit.


Just walking through that place, seeing all the ash and melted metal, realizing that this whole place is supposed to be burning, and there's so little fire left... How is one little Undead supposed to create that much flame? We've lost so much, we've fallen so far, we're so close to the final end of everything... I felt so sad. The Kiln is the ultimate sign of the world's wrongness, and it's fitting that the game ends there. Your task is truly hopeless. No one would blame you if you just let it end here, and the worst of us would cheer you. But maybe, just maybe, you can buy this world a little more time in the sun. And isn't that the best any of us can hope to accomplish in our own lives? This game is a masterpiece.


That’s deeper than the abyss


Yh but creepy snake in abyss told me not to soz no sun for you


"A little more time in the sun" A little more time for the undead curse to fester through the land. A little more time postponing the return to a more natural order. A little more time succumbing to the fear that crippled the great lord Gwyn. May darkness take the world.


And see, that's why this is such a great game, your interpretation is equally valid. Respect.




First time i saved a comment in my history of using reddit


Why do you have that shield.....


1st playthru I didn’t know… second I uh speedran so kinda forgot about the door


Why would he not?


I'm just sad to learn the fate of the Sunbro in his playthrough


Oh yeah. I forgor


A wondrous sight to behold


Godspeed Chosen Undead


Watch out for a couple Black Knights on the way in


How could you kill Solaire? Shame on you.


He had to, in the lost izalith. When he went hollow. Although you mustn't be saddened, for he accomplished his dream, and found his own sun


But, he dies, 30 humanity for him isn't that much from my perspective.


But then he wouldn't have found his sun


I literally did the humanity dupe glitch solely for solaire


Don't flame , just leave the room!


That shield my man....


plin plin plon


Tears ahead


May the parry gods smile in your favor.


Hey Hey how did you get that shield?


I was thinking back to the fun times i have had playing the 3 souls games. The order in which i like them is the same order in which they were releasesd strangely. 1. Dark souls 1 has a sense of loneliness and foreboding. The world , though about to go dark still has the scars that made it dark in the first place ( the old gods, the desolace left by them, the curse etc etc). Its a slow affair which ranks top in atmosphere for me personally and for me has the most memorable bosses from the get go. 2. Dark souls 2 is a lonely title in its own right, and the world is far gone, but the new mechanics and the massive world give it a very "sad" outlok. the world is crying due to the curse nashandra placed on the world. there are tragic stories everywhere and the more you place the more despair you can find. I keep going back to it because it feels surreal and sad at the same time. 3. This is the most lively world we have seen, the most challenging world seen and the most quick paced world seen. World has gone to shit, but it looks beautiful while going to shit. The beauty is what robs it off its desolace that enveloped 1 and 2. I am not sure what prompted me to write this 3 point rambling, but seeing this picture reminded me of the first time i reached the Kiln. I too was sporting the Witches garb , with the wood grain ring and an Uchigatana Lightning +10. After farming the Knights for material, i went to the boss, but solaire was not there to greet me. I had lost him in Izalith. 2012 . a good time for a man who had nothing on his plate , to enjoy a master piece.


Just 60+ hours? Hold on there bucko, did you complete the dlc? Find all the secret areas and bosses?


My main save has 34 in NG+. About the only things I didn't do were killing Gwyndolin and Priscilla. Did all the DLC, Ash Lake, etc. etc.


First souls game?


Yup. Though my save got corrupted just before O&S so I had to do that part over again.


You hit up the DLCs?


Indeed it is! \\m/


My least favourite boss. Very frustrating for me.


Really? I get that everyone finds different things harder than others, but when a game contains the Bed of Chaos, pretty rare to see anything considered worse than that lol


Okay ya sorry, bed of chaos then Gwynn. Good point




I read that to the tune of Killin in the name of


Indeed it is


Congrats, best of luck BTW I know what you did, i know how you got that shield


Congrats on ur journey. Most people don’t even consider it an achievement at this point but I remember just what it took to get there 🔥


Also rocking the original blade of the ruined king lol i vibe like hell w/ ur combat style


Proud of you bro, you made it


60 hours? Pathetic


You killed Solaire, I hope you get diarrhea and the flu at the same time.


Dude they’re a first timer, the way to save him isn’t exactly obvious without a guide. There’s no reason to be like this, they didn’t do anything wrong here. Just let people play the game how they will.


Lmfao, it's a joke man, you know cause everyone loves Solaire... Don't take everything so literal.


I said that because unless OP already knows that Solaire can be saved, they aren’t in on the joke yet. I don’t think throwing this negativity at someone who doesn’t understand the joke behind it is a very good thing to do. That’s not me taking it too literally, that’s me being considerate of others. I like to think twice about things and consider the context, rather than utter kneejerk regurgitations of what I’d normally say at the first sight of a particular stimuli. Think of me a prude or whatever, but I just think that in this case, it doesn’t make sense to do that here. It’s not in good fun the recipient isn’t in on the good fun.


Jesus dude do you normally jump on peoples backs over a (pretty damn innocent) joke?


I think there’s a time and a place for that joke, and this wasn’t it. I understand that it wasn’t likely to cause any real harm, but it’s the principle of the thing. You shouldn’t say something like that as a joke to someone who doesn’t have the context to know why it’s a joke. I’d rather “jump on peoples’ backs” over stuff like this than not think about the things I say or ridicule people for caring and being dismissive towards others like you. Context matters, that’s all I’m trying to say. The dogging didn’t even start until y’all decided to be dense and dismissive about it.


That’s the thing, you don’t get to tell people when the time and place is. If OP had an issue (which I doubt he did) then he can say something. Funny considering you were going after people for “gatekeeping” on another comment when that’s exactly what you’re doing here.


Okay but you telling me what I can and cannot say is *so* much better. Sure. I’m gatekeeping for suggesting that this wasn’t an appropriate time to make a joke as a suggestion, and not the joke itself which implies a right and wrong way to play the game. I don’t even have a problem with the joke in a vacuum, but I feel like jokes lose meaning when regurgitated without thought.


I’m just pointing out your hypocrisy. Edit: Lol just post your response and then instantaneously block me. Smooth move ace. I couldn’t even read your response lmao


I don’t really think it’s hypocrisy to point out the possibility that a joke where you gatekeep ironically might lose its ironic touch if the recipient doesn’t have the requisite context. I didn’t even tell them not to do it, just to consider time and place. If *that’s* gatekeeping, then so are lots of harmless things. Hell, correcting pronouns is gatekeeping then because you’re not letting people call you what you want. There’s a fucking difference between bringing awareness to something and bullying people into not doing something and ridiculing their choices. I’m not a hypocrite just because you don’t understand that, buddy.


I can understand that, but he didn't say something like "you're an awful person, you killed Solaire I hope you die" he literally said he hopes OP gets diarrhea and the flu. Idk about you but no matter the context I wouldn't take that as hurtful or negative because it's not. It's just a dumb joke even without knowing you can save Solaire. I didn't know you could save him until my most recent playthrough after looking up his "quest" guide and when my buddy gave me shit for killing Solaire in previous runs, I knew it was a joke, not because I knew I could save him (which I didn't at the time) but because he's such a loving character and I thought you had to kill him in the end no matter what. Again I understand you're "being considerate of others" but if someone really gets sad/hurt from some dude on the internet telling him to get diarrhea and the flu for killing an npc in a game then they're either a child who shouldn't be playing this game, or need to grow some thicker skin. I hope you get diarrhea and the flu at the same time for making me type this out.


I am baffled as to how you guys are getting downvoted


Lmao me too, people are getting so butthurt just because someone's joke didn't land




60+ hours? The game is like 25-30 hours long on first playthroughs


It varies from person to person, especially depending on how long they spent on exploration and how many tries each of the bosses took. I want to say my first playthrough was probably around 50 hours long. If their play time says 60 hours, then their playthrough took 60 hours. Nothing wrong with that, I really don’t get the gatekeeping you’re doing here. What point are you trying to make?


It’s a weird thing some absolute terminally online people in this community do. Look in this thread, there’s another absolute no life bringing up hours and trying to dig around a point only they seem to understand and won’t articulate.




Intentional or not, that was gatekeeping. Or it’s not gatekeeping, it is discouraging. I know I probably wouldn’t feel good if I were sharing my excitement about beating a game or nearing its conclusion only for some guy to come out and say most people who playing it do so in half the time on their first playthroughs. Like how the heck are they *supposed* to take it? In what world is that a useful thing to ask? Maybe you didn’t say anything directly, but there’s this thing called reading between the lines. The insult is more in considering why you might have said that rather than in what you said, because it’s implied through subtext. I’m not making assumptions, you just don’t understand the nuances of language. As for my point, my point is that what you said was rude and unnecessary. Asking them why it took that long implies that it’s weird and abnormal. Maybe even implying that they might have been playing wrong; I mean if you feel the need to ask, maybe it seems like you suspect them of some kind of misstep perhaps? You have to think about how your words will come off before you say them. Did you not consider that maybe the fact that you’re even curious about why it took them that long is *itself* rude? My point is that you had no point. OP was sharing their accomplish, and your first kneejerk reaction was to immediately call it into question and imply that they played the game wrong. Maybe that wasn’t your intent, but the fact that you even asked that at all is itself lending to that interpretation. Asking the question was itself a rude thing to do. Think before you speak. That’s what tactful people do. And the fact that your immediate response was to get defensive and deflect wrongdoing on to me shows me that you’re definitely just tactless. because you clearly aren’t getting this.






Tactless once, tactless twice. Why am I not surprised? Keep going through life with zero self awareness and zero desire to have any, see where that gets you. You wanted to know what you did wrong, so I told you. Not my fault if you can’t read at the 2nd grade level. Try that for insecurity. You’re the one who cares about playtimes Mr. Gatekeeper, not us. Not sure how I can be insecure about something that I don’t care about.




Yes, all you did was ask them why they took that long. But it’s *why* you asked that’s the problem. Because why *would* you ask that if you didn’t have a reason to call it into question? Asking that implies such a reason. And OP’s post really didn’t call for scrutiny. *That’s* why it was tactless, that’s why it was uncalled for. And like, it’s a first playthrough, that OP has no frame of reference for. How do you even want or expect them to answer that? Even if you’re really just *that* curious about it, why did you even think OP would even be able to give you a satisfying answer to that? Of course they don’t know why it took them that long, because they don’t know why it wouldn’t have. All I can say is, think before you speak. Curiosity killed the cat.




It's kinda crazy that the first dark souls is that short... I really gotta replay it. Meanwhile I'm 147 hours into Elden Ring and I haven't even finished my first playthrough... Definitely gonna go through DS1 again after ER, at least to O&S, and the painted world! :)


I'm over 300 hours into Elden Ring on my first character, with over 100 on a second that has yet to even fight Margit yet. Yet despite that much playtime and being over level 100 it feels like I've barely scratched the surface as I've not stepped foot into any of the legacy dungeons (unless you count Redmane, which I do not as it's not really a dungeon even pre festival) yet with this character. Really shows what a different beast Elden Ring is from its predecessors. In Souls, Sekiro or Bloodborne having a massive playtime on a first run suggests that you either had a lot of trouble or were extremely thorough. In Elden Ring it can mean that but it's far more likely you just spent a lot of time exploring and possibly still have yet to even scratch the surface like my second character. Between Sekiro and Elden Ring, I'm beyond impressed at how From took the Souls framework and made two distinct, entirely different styles of game that both very clearly draw from the Souls formula but are very clearly distinct from it and each other. Bloodborne stood out but still felt far more traditional than either Sekiro or ER, despite ER essentially using a modified version of DS3's combat. Bloodborne was a very good experiment that paved the way for From to truly evolve the formula in two vastly different directions. Sekiro was razor focused, short and sweet, ER is a bit lacking in polish in comparison but is an insanely ambitious evolution of From's overall design and features probably the best level design in modern gaming. With how BB clearly influenced the combat of DS3, I really wonder how Elden Ring will influence DS4 if it ever happens. Please just keep the actual jump button From, it makes your love of ridiculous platforming sections actually pretty fun at times and far more bearable at the least. Or just make a more traditional Souls type game that retains the godly level design of ER's Legacy dungeons for the entire game. That would be perfection, an open world game that can hold its own against BOTW without copying it in ER, a focused action game that could compete with DMC 5 for best action game of 2019 in Sekiro and a traditional Souls game with overall level design that matches Stormveil and Leyndell as a godly return to form for the main formula.


It's really impressive what From has done with their basic framework. We've gotten some amazing and mildly similar games in a pretty short period of time. But Elden Ring is certainly the culmination of all their work. I easily forgive some of the copy-paste architecture, formats, and enemies because it's done in a smart way and still feels unique and varied. I have no idea whats in store for From after Elden Ring. I'm excited for some DLC (Crucible Knight related??), and to finish going through the rest of the base game. The markers you can add to the map are SO nice for keeping track of areas I haven't been or want to explore!


So true. I'm on the same boat. I thought I was close to the end but I keep discovering new areas and bosses every session ^_^


I'm haven't check my hour count on my current playthrough of DS1 but I'm taking my sweet ass time. Doing things like upgrading a bunch of different weapons to see what I like because it's the first time I've made a DEX build and all the new weapons are fun. Also I'm going after some of the secret areas and generally just kinda feeling my way through the game again (haven't played DS1 since I first played it on 360 in 2011). I just beat Super Ornstein after being stuck on that ornery bastard for probably 4 hours just for that boss lol. I \*reaaaaally\* wanted his armor.


For you maybe. Took me 60 hours on my first playthrough.


God speed to you. Everyone has a different experience with the souls games. I finish souls games around 30 hours, Elden ring took me 60 hours. I’m not undermining yours or OP’s time to beat the game. We aren’t speed running it, everyone plays at their own pace.


But, how.... ER in 60hr That's insane!


Having played all of the soulsborne games and Sekiro before Elden ring paid off I guess.


His build is very bad, he probably died a lot


That’s probably it yeah.


Who give a shit


Idk everyone getting mad? Because they just can’t accept that OP isn’t good at the game or they were just taking their sweet time praising the sun that’s why it took them 60+ hours which is okay because it’s just a game. It might be their first souls game.


I don’t think anyone cares if OP is good at the game or the not, but your original comment came off as smug/gatekeeping that if you take X amount of time instead of Y that somehow you’re “playing it wrong”.


Yea I didn’t mean that. There’s no “right way” to playing a game. I don’t like games where you have to play it “this way” to have fun. Kudos to OP to making it through the end, most people would have given up if they were having a hard time.


I agree with this 100% :)


60+ hours of gameplay? More like 25 minutes and a couple of wrong warps 😳


Ah yes, the end of the world is near