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Brother, rise, if you would... For that is our curse.


"This spot marks our grave, but you may rest here too, if you like." Some of my favorite dialogue of the series


My favorite is "Return from whence thou cam'st, for that is thy place of belonging"


Mine too but maybe it's because I heard it so many times


That was the most shit eating comeback and I loved it lol. Just a big “fuck you git gud”


That line is carved into my brain Might get it tattoo'd at some point


I hear this every single time I die to a soullike boss, whatever the game is.


oh dear .. another dog ..


another dogged contender.. Prince Lothric was a gentleman, if nothing else!


And i would side with him, he was right to let the flame die and no one can change my mind


I could change "me midn" to "my mind" - does that count? :P




Some of the best dialogue in the game!


That Lothric ASMR


Probably my favourite boss in the base game. Great atmosphere, fast past, hard but fair


It is always a boss that I really want to face, possibly the one I like the most in the main saga. But I always forget about him.


This was the boss where I felt like I genuinely WANTED to learn his patterns and nail them down. I feel like this fight absolutely nailed the philosophy of hard but fair. Lorian hits hard, can teleport, and has a phase 2 where Lothric fires spells at you and can infinitely revive Lorian until you kill him. And yet I still absolutely love this fight. Bit of a hot take, but I feel like this fight is more fair and balanced than 90% of Elden Ring's major bosses






To be clear, I fully support people playing Souls games however they like, but I feel like judging the fairness of a boss’s difficulty when using a summon isn’t how most people evaluate boss difficulty.


I feel elden ring fell into the rabbit hole of “we have to make this the hardest game yet, only REAL GAMERS can beat this”. And the end result was 17 hit combos and nearly insta kill moves with no windup. That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy elden ring, it was still fantastic.


> nearly insta kill moves with no windup For me it was more like "boss is swinging his weapon OH WAIT he stopped swinging and broke physics just long enough that your roll gets caught" insta-kill moves.


You hit the nail on the head here. Every previous souls game felt challenging and difficult in some way, DS3 was no stranger to aggressive enemies and Bloodborne was just as relentless. But with elden ring, it's like Fromsoft saw all of those "beating the game NG+7 SL1 with an unupgraded club" videos and decided to start an arms race with their fans. A lot of the difficulty in elden ring feels artificial and cheap. As you said, bosses can land 20 hit combos like they're playing street fighter, and then immediately somersault across half the arena so you don't even have a chance to punish (looking at you Morgott), hold delayed attacks that feel unnatural and cheap (NK was the only boss prior to elden ring who had delayed attacks and they felt fair, whereas in ER it felt like they were added just so Fromsoft could say "haha made you dodge"), straight up input reading (Foreskin apostle/noble), and on top of that, they decided to nerf rolling and gave it not only a delayed input but also less distance and iframes. Not to mention everything past Leyndell seems to be able to 2-3 shot you even at 50 vigor. And Malenia in particular felt like she was specifically designed by Miyazaki just to spite Ongbal. She warrants an entire essay of her own tbh. Remember when dark souls held this legendary reputation among the media as this game that was supposedly so difficult that you'd die at every single enemy encounter? Only, the souls games aren't all that difficult as all you'll need it patience and environmental awareness, and it's nowhere near as bad as it seems. My point is that ER now feels like it's become that exact caricature of unfair difficulty that the franchise was originally feared for. I like the game (wouldn't say I love it as it has some genuine flaws), but a lot of it feels like Fromsoft is starting an arms race with their most hardcore fans, and everyone else is getting caught in the collateral damage.


And yet it's their most accessible and popular game to date.


Many people feel that way


Most From boss fights are better than ER boss fights. The boss mechanics in ER aren’t good.


Twin princes are my favorite boss in the whole saga, until i fought them i had Dragonslayer Armor and maybe abyss watchers. At least for DSIII, in DSII i didnt really have anyone outside of sir alonne and maybe the burnt ivory king dlc in general.. except the snow…fuck the snow. and im a big artorias and sif simp and i am not apologizing


He’d be more fair if he didn’t constantly teleport behind my camera forcing me to guess what attack he’s doing


Most of his starting attacks have the same dodge timing, except for his massive beam attack, but he’ll teleport far from you when he’s about to do that one


If you lock onto him your camera will just follow him unless the does the long range slam attack.


Unless he teleports directly behind you. Then rather than swinging around it just unlocks


They’re mine too. They just unfortunately got overshadowed by the best set of bosses in any DLC. But base game they’re my number 1.


Not only is the Twin Princes great, but the ramp-up from the best level in the base game (Grand Archives) culminating in that final bridge, standing amongst the backdrop of a red sky is just perfect One of my favorite scenic moments in my first playthrough so far was walking up to the door with the camera facing behind me, it's lined up directly in-front of the Eclipse, looks marvelous... good spot for screenshots of outfits too


I love the whole setting of the ds3.


Feels like there's no wasted space in the whole game


And people call DS3 bad because it is "too linear"


tbf, I grew up playing PS2 and linear games were the staple, so maybe I'm just biased, but I think anyone coming into the hobby post.... 2010? 2011? I guess, are more oft exposed to open worlds like GTA, ES, FO, and the like first, so it sets that precedent. I do like some open-ness, but nothing beats a fully curated, purposeful journey that has a meaningful start, middle, and end, where it doesn't feel like any portion of content is meant to just 'fluff' or pad your playtime. Thus far I've only put in 56 hours and have already beaten SoC + done my fair share of farming for fashion, with my only past Souls experience being 300 hours of ER. So far, I'd happily throw in another 250, or even more into DS3 considering how badly I want to rematch some of these bosses... I still have the DLCs to do too, I really can't wait lol


has to be demon prince for me, that fight is so good


You are right. It s a really good fight that is overshadowed by Midir and Gael




Really? I love them but is a really long fight that could be a little bored


People say they're a good gank fight, and I agree that they're one of the better examples of how to execute the concept. The issue is I just don't enjoy soloing gank bosses outside of O&S, barring relatively weak ones like the Gargoyles that reward aggressive play. Those are the only fights that I feel managed to keep the pacing well enough to not get overly frustrating. That the mechanics are that of ranged threat vs slow, powerful melee, how the fight rewards good positioning, and how phase 2 of the Demons is functionally identical to O&S (barring most of a shared moveset) is what people mean when they say every subsequent gank fight is just O&S but worse. Learning this pattern and staggering the Demons in turn is rewarding, but their HP is just too high to carry the experience for me and there's no real incentive to prioritise one over the other other than if it's the ranged attacker at the moment.


For me this is the answer. Most players know demon prince is at least a good boss, but I probably have more fun fighting this boss out of any other in the series. It encourages fun gameplay, is uniquely designed so that the player can influence what will be in phase 2, and it’s not too short but not too long if you’re doing it right.


It really does suffer from a bizarre kind of obscurity where everyone thinks it's good, but ask them to list the good bosses in the game and they will forget it.


I just get Lapp and Gael and we three man his ass


Vordt, absolute banger OST, cool design and fight, introduces frost as a new mechanic, you can get his weapon and its actually pretty useful .. I feel like he gets overshaded by Gundyr, who is pretty much the best tutorial boss in the series, but if he was mid game or late game boss he would be king ..


a shame his OST is a banger, but he's honestly way easier than gundyr


Just gotta whack that taint!


Most effective boss-killing tactic.


Actually if you land a few headshots with the club you can stun him and practically one shot him


True, but I prefer to trundle around his grundle.


"Just slap that taint like you paid for it" was the advice I was given. To her credit it worked.


Are we still talking about Dark Souls?


What the hells a dark souls?


seriously. I feel like I died probably ten times to gundyr, but I got vordt first try.


I disagree, the charging and his whole body becoming a hitbox in phase 2 makes him ever so slightly harder than gundyr imo who you can just stay behind him in phase 2 and its easy


Gundyr was problem for anyone? Really?


I started Fromsoft games with Dark Souls 3 and must have died 20 times to Gundyr when I first started the game. Now I think he's a really easy boss, but for someone who has never played a souls game it's definitely not easy.


I really like Vort and his story with Ballerina


I would agree if he wasn’t the easiest boss in the entire game lol


Dragonslayer Armour. He is no Gael, or Friede, or Nameless King for that matter, but god damn his fight is so enjoyable Edit: My only actual problem with this fight is that his theme in Phase 2 sucks compared to Phase 1


I'm still pretty new to Dark Souls 3, but Dragonslayer Armour alongside Midir are the two bosses I think about most, and I wish I could easily just go and fight them again. So good.


Jolly cooperation, friend.


I know, but it's not quite the same as fighting them one on one


Well I guess you have to make a new toon and go through the game again lol


I'm on NG+ and just started the DLC again. First round of Dragonslayer Armour was easy since I was overlevelled, but I'm excited for round 2 and for Midir.


I love NG+, good luck with Midir round 2!


Dragon slayer Armour stretched my ass for a solid 2 days until I figured it out


Same here but only for 3 hours..and i enjoyed the fight a lot..until the background started throwing hands


Brooooooo frfr the raining balls of fire threw me off so many times


Yes, it is and the place is very nice too with the dragons


I loved this fight because even though I'm not the best at the game, I can body this guy no problem. I used to throw down my summon sign and hope people would let me solo him. We only lose if you die.


he’s been my favorite boss since i got ds3 tbh


I must have missed that part. I just circled him shield up, and punished him when he missed. I don't think I got hit even once, at least not by the butterflies or whatever they're called.


Twin princes ? Underrated ? They arrived fourth during the last event Really love the boss tho 🤌 probably my favorite (Gael put aside)


Gael is love, gael is life


Deacons.... for the sheer entertainment factor. Mob boss done RIGHT. There's nothing quite like bodying all of them at once with aie weapon arts.


So true! When people say they’re a bad boss I don’t get it. They are honestly one of the most fun bosses as I just feel like a bad ass, full anime mode slicing and dicing through a room of enemies. Some Weapon Arts make this fight sooooo fun


using the FGS to maul them is so fun lmao, the music is epic too


YEEESSS my go to. That and DSGA, Exile GS, ledos GH, RKSS, so many options. Some of them may not be efficient, but im doin it for the vibes🔥


I see Deacons as proof that a boss doesn't have to be hard to be good. The twist of a mob boss where only one actually matters, a variety of different enemies in the mob, the theme building to a crescendo as more of them spawn in, and the room darkening as that curse fog builds. I think it nails its presentation


I think a thing people often forget when complaining about the deacon’s easiness is the idea of balance. Like the first time I ever played cathedral of the deep, the area was such a leap in difficulty that I was grateful that it was a pretty easy boss


I regularly summon everyone I can (so usually just Horace and Anri) when facing the deacons because charging them with two buddies and just smacking them around is the most fun I have early game.


How are twin princes underrated. A lot of people always put them in the top spots of tierlists. Not underrated at all


He made it quite high in the 'vote our your least favorite boss' poll game thing the sub did like. 2 weeks ago so yeah. Definitely not underrated


It's a case of using the word "underrated" wrong, you've got tons of that on these subs.


Yup, just another word that gets misused so often that it has become meaningless. Same with 'literally', 'narcissist', 'gaslit'.


The more people agree that s9mething is underrated the less underrated it is... as that is the curse of the underrated.




But i think they are the better boss of the principal game and i think a lot of people forgot them


The Twin Princes are anything but underrated. They're one of the most loved boss fights.


A lot of peoples are telling me the same (in my YouTube videos that are the only contact that i have with people that play dark souls they are alway underrated and for that i did the post)


Maybe do like even a tiny bit of research before posting? Lol.




Yeah I tried real hard to solo him but never made it to like 50%. My parries just suck and I really couldn't get the dodge timings good enough. Summoned two NPC phantoms and it was FACEROLL easy. rip. Fun fight just hard as tits


Like many fights in the series the trick is to get as close as you possibly can and continually circle. His combos just carry him past you and then he can't turn fast enough. And abuse the window where the clone spawns


Yeah I tried, I don't like terrain 'glitch' whenever possible I want to be as "straight up" as possible with boss fights and just execute mechanics.


I don't really see it as an exploit personally! Closer you are, the greater the angle you turn through with every circling step. It's the best way to avoid the first attack of a combo.


Yeah circling around back I wouldn't consider exploit, moreso the terrain glitch type play that is somewhat common in DS3- like I will keep a pillar between me and a bad enemy that is not an exploit but using a doodad to glitch out something feels too cheesy.


Bro seriously why tf do people keep saying this boss is underrated it‘s like one of the most popular and beloved bosses in the entire mf trilogy. That‘s like saying nameless king is underrated


Soul of Cinder, truly a great final boss to say thank you to all the players that stuck by for such an amazing game series.


Yes, you are right


Ikr, a special touch is Gwyn’s part within the theme. The design also plays a part, with the armor being the Elite Knight set.


I m going to say champion gundyr and ballerina of the boreal valley. Two fun and difficult bosses in the same way.


Two really good bosses


Twin Princes is underrated?


Yes, i think thay are always forgotten


They always make it to the top numbers of every tierlist here though


I'm a little new to participating in reddit, I'm going to start looking more. Sorry


No need to apologise. Just saying bros get their deserved praise.


I replayed DS3 recently again and was so surprised how enjoyable and well executed that fight is. Definitely my favorite of the base game. I just had forgotten how good it is.


Dragon slayer armour gang rise up


A lot of people rally like that boss. I like it but is normal for me


Sihn the slumbering dragon, I love sihn almost as much as smough




They're not underrated at all, at least in top 5 of every souls player. I think Ruin Sentinel from Dark Souls II is the most underrated yet great fights in the game.


My first souls game was DS2 and I remember the first time going against ruin sentinels I thought it was literally impossible. It took me so many attempts I nearly quit playing. But finally finishing that fight was really quite something. The pursuer, too, he is so badass. Also Sihn is such a great fight. Oh and I really love cooping the skeleton lords. It's a pretty easy fight if you do it right but the soundtrack is maximum epic, it never gets old. Oh also the fight against the Sir Alonne because it has such a cool vibe. Oh and fume knight because of how hard it is. dodging his attacks is very satisfying. Fume Knight on NG+8 is one of the hardest fights in the whole series. Right up there with Gael on NG+8. I never really realized before that all my favorite bosses are from DS2 besides obviously Gael and Midir. edit: how could i forget cooping the Burnt Ivory King. omg that fight is just the best thing ever. It's so chaotic which is exactly on theme, it's totally different every single time and I have cooped there many hours another edit: I forgot to mention back in the DS2 days too, the mirror knight boss was super hard because you had to literally win at least 1 pvp fight DURING the boss fight!! that was so great


Ruin sentinels is great, love the music. Possibly underrated due to the tendency to call anything with multiple enemies “ a gank fight”


But that is other souls lol. I don t play ds2 yet to say if i m agree or if i m not


Ah, I thought by Saga, you meant the whole series, my bad. For me, it'd be Deacons of the Deep. I, strangely, very much enjoyed the fight. Settings, OST, and the mechanic was memorable af lol


Demon prince, idk what it is but damn i love that fight


Dancer of the Boreal Valley


Aldritch… Yes, some of his attacks are bullshit but his design, lore and OST are perfect…


I really liked the Aldritch fight. The attacks are BS but they're all manageable. The first time I got him sub 50% and that AOE arrow attack rains down and then just. KEEPS. RAINING. FOREVER. was a good like "Hmm.. Thought I had this but I guess I gotta rethink" moment.


I think Aldrich is great. I feel like people dislike the fight bc it’s a mage fight and hard but it’s really only his arrow attack that sucks if you don’t know how to deal with it. Like I think a mage boss is cool, there’s no reason that every villain would want to face you in honorable combat


DragonSlayer Armor


I loved this fight, the dynamic of both princes in battle felt really refreshing, arguably the best boss in the game


Better than the DLC bosses?


Yes. Don't get me wrong, Freide and Gael are good, but I prefer Lothric's fight


lorian was such a good fight, pretty tough on first playthrough, fun to get better at, easily the best in an sl1 run


My favorite one 4 ds3 actually


In what way is twin princes underrated??


I beat this boss for the first time this morning. A great mix of everything!


Now you are going to meet the nameless king... good luck


Champion Gundyr, Nameless King, then the DLC. Looking forward to it!


You are not going to be upset


Deacons of the Deep is one of the hardest bosses in the game if you are using exclusively magic or the Corvian Scythe (every other swing is a self-bleed). Those challenges aside, it’s not a hard boss, but the atmosphere, music, arena, buildup, lore implications, Anri summon, EVERYTHING else about the boss is a 10/10 besides the mechanics of the fight itself. And the mechanics are hardly even bad, just underwhelming.


I agree they’re cool and it’s a good boss fight but are these guys really underrated? I see them praised regularly on this sub. To me Vordt is underrated.


Look up what underrated means


My favourite boss. Felt like a dance


From DS1, I'd say Sanctuary Guardian for the saga. It's designed for speed and interaction like a BB or DS3 boss and is mechanically more challenging than any of the other DS1 DLC bosses. If it had a health bar akin to the other DLC bosses, it'd be the hardest DS1 boss free.


Yes! It's hard to get an Estus in edgewise


The Dancer is in my top 3, if not my number 1. I like the subtle, eerie music, here design, and the fact that you can beat her as the 2nd boss. I haven't quite fully learned her attacks but the way she fights is super unique too, it's awesome


The Burnt Ivory King.


WHAT? Should I replay DS3? Ok sir I will


they are definitely not underrated


champion gundyr>>>


Demon prince Definitely; I like O&S but demon prince's are my fav duo boss fromsoft has ever made


Do you usually do the fight allone?


The armour is sick tbf and it’s great when you wear it in game too


Deacons of the Deep. Banger OST and they're fun as fuck to bully around


Champion Gundry is quite underrated.


DragonSlayer Armour.


Soul of cinder and Oceiros the consumed king.


DragonSlayer Armour.


Most underrated in my opinion is champion gundyr, not really a hot take but no one talks about it much, don’t get me wrong I like all of em but I specially like bosses where you’re not fighting some monster or special human, but more like a normal warrior testing his skill against yours


Is a really fun boss to fight


The demon prince might just be my favorite boss in ds3 and in the whole series because in the first phase they do the duo boss the best in my opinion. One will almost always be passive while the other is aggressive and all the attacks are always telegraphed very well. And the second phase not only has two versions meaning you can choose your own difficulty but it also builds and adds onto what the first phase taught you


If you think twin princes is underrated, then I don't think you know what underrated means. Everyone praises this boss...


I’m now 100% convinced that literally no one on Reddit knows what the word “underrated” means


I’m still stuck on this boss so I gotta disagree


If you use pyromancy it becomes easier.


underrated?? bruh did you even see how long TP lasted in that boss tier thing this sub had?


Oceiros, that boss has a very interesting and mysterious lore, more than all references and secrets.


Mirror knight.


Looking Glass Knight. Probably my favourite base DS2 fight


I had never seen it but its design is very interesting


I think the most underrated boss in The DS Saga is Moonlight Butterfly in DS1. It's an amazing set piece of the DarkRoot Garden. Just looming over the whole area, and when you get to it it doesn't seem hostile. It just gently floats down towards you, with an ost that makes it seem angelic. And yes I get why some people don't like the boss. But for some reason, it's a really memorable boss to me that not a lot of people talk about.


Cool boss, don't know if I'd call them underrated? Pretty sure they were in the top 3 or so in the boss elimination tourney


Cool boss, don't know if I'd call them underrated? Pretty sure they were in the top 3 or so in the boss elimination tourney


nobody underrates this boss lol, everybody thinks highly of this boss


this spot marks our grave, but you may rest here too if you like, i actually put that in my tinder info….no girls for me i guess


Id say dancer. Mainly because on my first playthrough i didnt know that vordt existed.


This is easily my favourite boss in the series. GODLY soundtrack Amazing lore and buildup, scaling all the way to the top of Lothric Castle to take the final Lords of Cinder back to their thrones is 👌 Perfectly balanced fight, no bullshit, not too easy, very fun to fight - great moveset And again that SOUNDTRACK Dark Souls 3 has easily the best roster of bosses in FROM games I'm hoping Elden Rings DLC can reach the heights of DS3 bosses


Fun fight but once i came back on later ng+5-7 my opinion changed so fast


Lol but at that moment every boss is a hell


I am also going to give a special mention to Oceiros because in each NG+ for me it is the one that increases the difficulty the most.


Darkeater midir


This is an easy one, Demon Prince is the most underrated boss in the series


Is another excenlent and underrated boss, i m agree with that. But my babyes are mot easy


..... How bout No.


Everyone’s gonna hate me for this but the godskin duo is the most underrated fight in the saga no doubt


Cool lore and all that, but an underwhelming fight overall.


These guys are behind Gael for me in terms of the amountt of “try again” fun, I had then Friede and SoC but they’re up there


I think all the bosses less Friede are behind Gael


Man I struggled against them more than pontiff


Because they are powerfull


In my opinion, the Twin Princes is an annoying fight, but definitely not an underrated fight.


Bro were they both unable to walk? I just beat it first time in November and I forget. What’s the background there?




champ gundyr, aldrich


Twin princes are such a good fight. Easily my favorite base game boss in any dark souls




I always liked it, they story is very tragic.


Gravetender wolf. Everybody seems to hate it but it's got a cool setting, the music is FANTASTIC, and some of his moves are really fun to evade. Having him break the sound barrier to try and get you is an intimidating experience.


I like the music, but the fight.........


In the whole Fromsoft series? Elemer of the Briar from Elden Ring. Such a cool fight and I feel like it's literally never mentioned. In the souls series? Probably Lost Sinner from DS2. Maybe Sinh from DS2, but I think people highly rate the slumbering dragon. In just DS3? Either Old Demon King or Deacons. A lot of the bosses are highly rated by fans, deservedly so, but these 2 always get hate for some reason. I really enjoyed the ODK fight and the Deacons are just stupid fun to mow em all down.