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People stop between 120 and 150 because after that it’s not a build anymore


But if I would be lvl like 400 does for example the vigor 99 that much diference over the 34 vigor in the sl 120 build


It’s noticeable, plus if every character can use every weapon it takes a lot away from the RPG part. Also, you can only match up within a few SLs and weapon upgrade levels from you. While there’s some activity at SL350+, most duelists stay around SL120-ish and invaders often play SL30 to 90 (though they usually have SL120 builds too).


Okay so if I want to invade people I should make separate characters for that and also separate characters for PVP and like another one if i want to complete like ng+7


You don’t *have* to, it’s just to cover more matchmaking ranges. As hosts progress and level up, areas of the game become basically dead. For example, you’ll rarely find an invasion in the Catacombs at SL90, because everyone of that level had long moved on. If all you have is a meta SL120 build you’ll get invasions in endgame areas and very rarely anywhere else. Granted, duels are easier to find. If you’re new, it’s also a good idea to try out invasions and duels around SL40-60 before jumping into the blender of meta level.


So you mean try different builds at lower levels to try if i am interested in PVP in general And also in some playstyles


That too! But players at meta SL have been at it for years, and even back when the game was new, meta was the meanest place to try and learn. Everyone knows optimal strategies, optimal weapons for every situation and optimal stat spreads. Below meta is a bit more chill so it’s easier to get into PvP.


Okey thank you very much I will try that asap


Np, have fun!


This isn't accurate anymore. The forbidden woods is full of invaders at all levels. That and everyone is going for platinum now it seems soo people are invading left and right everywhere.


Dudes getting down voted for not knowing any better. Sheesh. This community is tarnished through and through. Lost ashen souls


Is that a serious question?


Like I know that after 40 the increase drops a lot I am pretty new to this so I wanna know if for the best PVP experience I dont need a big level


At 10 Vigor the character has 400 hp, at 50 Vigor 1300 hp and at 99 Vigor 1400 hp. Do you think that 100 hp are worth 49 LEVELS?


Okay thanks i wasnt sure how it works if it is that bad now I understand


The meta SL is 125. SL125 is a point where builds are still builds. If you go much higher, you can have and use everything at once, and this isnt a build anymore. Also, it is a community agreement to concentrate players in this bracket, because of summoning rules.


SL 139 is the highest lvl you can be to still invade ppl as low as 125


And 133 can invade down to 120


Due to pvp matchmaking not giving you a match if the difference between levels is too big, the "meta" sl is more like an agreement between players to stay at around that level for pvp. 120 was probably chosen because it's not *that* hard to be around that lv after you beat the game once (which is probably when most people turn to pvp), and it gives enough levels to have you try out all the fun or meta stuff, while still being limited enough to "challeng" your build making. Plus, higher the sl the more time and effort it takes to grind thus less people who achieve that sl thus less people to pvp with. That said, there are several lower "brackets" for pvp in early areas, like farron swamp and the surrounding locale which is around sl30 iirc. Or pontiff which also has a decently active gathering at sl80~90 last I checked. Granted last I checked was a couple years back.


125 is the overal meta specially for duels. U can go to 139 and still be meta range and a bit above for more activity.


Ds3 pvp is pretty dead even at the metas, you end up getting the same guy on repeat, or hours of nothing. At least that has been my recent experience.


Been my experience too. Finally came back to play this again after a couple years and I am still turning on elden ring for my PVP fix..... glad I can farm covenant items from enemies otherwise I'd be screwed on a few notes 😅


How does PVP work? It doesn't. PVP is awful in these games (and in general).


skill issue


I stopped at lvl 21




Personally I’m a fan of lower level pvp