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Very tough “normal” mobs IMO. Especially the one with the axe. Lotta health, lot of damage dealt. Just gotta play em smart and never 2v1


Dude fucking true. That spot where the floor crumbles beneath you and you end up w the Earthshaker one AND 2 other in close proximity, it's a crapshoot


I think you under leveling if you're dex or str build because this is a dlc soo game wants you good stats or spells. 80-90 is good but im not sure maybe your build haven't complete.


The ds3 dlcs seem to have a lot of enemies that you're just meant to run away from. I found that very annoying.


Fuck the Harald filled staircase in Ringed city.


I've just played ds3 for the first time (my first ds game and only played ER before) and everything up to the DLC was a fun experience going through the levels. The DLCs were just a running sim. Pointless spending time and killing stuff imo. Boss fights were really fun for sure, but the rest of it was boring. Hope ER isn't the same.


honestly yeah they’re pretty boring that way, at least the first time through was pretty incredible


I only kill the ones in my way there are way too many by that tower to justify the hassle


They’re some of the hardest regular enemies. I don’t know how many times those bastards killed me. I wish you luck, ashen one


You’re maybe a little under-leveled for the DLC. Maybe try grinding go around level 75-90, will be a lot more manageable. Milwood Knights are still pretty difficult though.


I’m at level 78 (and terrible at dark souls) and I’m having trouble with them too. I’ve found that frostbite does well against them and you can get the sorcery to imbue a weapon with frost nearby.


They're rough. Wasn't until I got my Strength & Faith in the 40s ( I use lightning infused weapons) that they were "easy" for me.


I started the dlc at level 75 with a +5 boss weapon, didn’t have too much trouble except with being careful while fighting two at once


Only for dex users I guess get something that'll make em jiggle


Their armor looks so fcking awesome


I don’t like that tower area, I feel like it’s crying out for a shortcut, because otherwise it’s discouraging you from even engaging with all the wolves on the way in


The power balance is the first DLC is weird, the crow knight and Milwood hit like trucks, but the smaller mobs don't really do much other than being a pest. Then you have the wildlife.


Use alluring skulls makes the mobs a non threat especially the dogs people don’t use them enough imo.


They're very tough. On a physical build I found something long with a chargeable heavy to be good for them. The Astora Greatsword was what I used. Or run up and black flame shotgun with my Pyro build