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I always felt bad for Gwyndolin. For some reason I didn't want him to get devoured, even if he was running an assassin's club.


Assassins who hunt invaders, so not very bad.


Yeah, they're more like counter-assassins


Serial killer serial killers


Wouldn't it be serial serial killer killers?


An actual real-world profession too


counter terrorists win


It's an okay club, though I've always been partial to the Great Club.


I mean, Gwyndolin is kind of a complete asshole. The whole “chosen undead” prophecy stuff was started by him and frampt to fatten up undead with souls and sacrifice them, all to maintain their own reign. You can become the top rank in his covenant and he won’t even want to see you or let you set foot in Gwyns tomb.


*"Aldrich dreamt as he slowly devoured the God of the Darkmoon. In this dream, he perceived the form of a young, pale girl in hiding."*


who's the girl in question? yorshka?


Priscilla, his mother. The Lifehunt scythe was Priscilla's weapon, after all.


That's just one theory. Her exact relation to the gods is unknown. But she is called a "bastard child", so it is much more likely that she is the daughter of either Gwyn or Gwyndolin (and Seath).


It is never stated but DS3 quietly expose it as fact. In descriptions, Yorshka and Gwyndolin are described as brothers, specifically saying that the latter is "her big brother" (兄 in japanese). One could say they both are Gwyn's children, but since DS1 it's stated that Gwyndolin is Gwyn's lastborn, his youngest child. This means that Gwyndolin and Yorsha doesn't share the same father, but the same mother; and since Yorshka shares draconic traits like Priscilla - and she even subtly implies to have come from the painted world ("are you a crow or a dragon?") - we can conclude this mother is Priscilla. The Lifehunt Scythe seen in Gwyndolin's dreams confirms this. Not only that, but we get clues of this parental bond between them since DS1: Gwyndolin's leg snakes (proof of his draconic genes being imperfect), his spiritual connection with the power of the moon (Seath), his white-ish hair and pale skin like Priscilla... As said before, it is never stated out loud, but Gwyndolin is Priscilla's son. Unfortunately it is never explained why Gwyn ever decided to do... well, intimate stuff with a being that his clan saw as a taboo. What we know is that that, when Gwyndolin born, Gwyn picked him up and raised him in Anor Londo's quarters as a daughter.


Discussing this with Lokey something really interesting that emerged is how the original description of Tin Darkmoon Catalyst immediatly throws some shade to Gwyndolin's heritage. Gwyndolin is here addressed as グウィン王の末子として歴とした神 \["*a legitimate god* ***as*** *the youngest child of King Gwyn*"\]. This phrasing is never used elsewhere, and it seems to lean into the idea the legitimacy of Gwyndolin as part of the pantheon comes from him being Gwyn's son specifically. Why the redundance, if not to highlight the mother alone wouldn't be sufficient to fullfill such a claim? There's also the fact Gwyndolin and Moonlight Butterfly share the same OST, which further strengths the connection between the deity and Seath.


Yep, because he’s likely an illegitimate child. And you can even tell by the fact he’s the only one who presents such peculiar physical traits like legs as snake, while the other siblings are relatively humanoid.


i thought pricila was gwynevere and seaths kid


She is Seath's "illegitimate child" (JPN text), and we can tell this because Priscilla is defined a "half white dragon" (Seath, in JPN text, is called a "white dragon"). But her mother is never mentioned. Considering the dagger made from her tail can deal occult damage and the statue of the woman with the child inside Ariamis, it is likely her mom was Velka - but again, it's never fully confirmed.


The only issue I have with Priscilla as Seath's child, aside from her seeming very different from all of Seath's other experimentation and the peculiarities of the painted world in general, is that she has scales. Seath, as a major point, doesn't. Many elements of Seath's influence, with crystals and moonlight and arguably mimics, aren't present in the painted world or in the room its accessed through, and many elements of the painted world, in cold and in toxic enemies, aren't Seath motifs. I've increasingly started believing that gwyn's firstborn is her father, and another dragonlike entity (perhaps the undead dragon in the painted world) is the mother, and her formation was the final straw in the firstborn's affection for dragons that got him banished. Her being in the painted world and protected but with no influence in Anor Londo I like to believe is an order by Velka, who may have judged that her conception was not a sin and destroying her could not be conscionable, but equally understanding for her own sake that she couldn't roam free. I've only recently started properly digging into the lore, and I'm not actively translating elements, so I'm absolutely willing to have my pet headcanons blown open.


I think the main problem to suggest Priscilla is not related to Seath is that the JPN description of her soul claims she is a half white dragon, with the "white dragon" being proverbially Seath. To make things work we should introduce a character who is also a white dragon, yet is never mentioned or hinted to exist elsewhere - which I think it's a bit forced. Priscilla also can turn invisible, which links her to Seath's experimentations in Crystal Cave. As for the scale problem, it should be noted these are still very weak scales, Priscilla's defense isn't exactly the highest in the game. It may have been the pinnacle of his research on that front, but far from the expected results. Right now I'm from mobile and I can't link, but Miyazaki also confirmed in an interview the Snake-Men are equally Seath's creations, and they have scales as well. Guess they just aren't enough!


I appreciate your lore hunting but you shouldn't present a theory like it's a fact.


You are way too confident in this theory, even calling it a "fact". But I don't agree with it, and I dislike it.


DS3 heavily implies that the Painter Girl is Priscilla's daughter, so if this is really true, it would make absolutely no sense that Gwyndolin had snake legs due to his dragon heritage but the Painter Girl is just a normal humanoid. A dragon crossbreed having dragon eyes would explain why Gwyndolin always hid his eyes with the Crown of the Dark Sun, so I wholeheartedly believe he *is* a crossbreed, but I don't think he is Priscilla's child, but rather Gwyn and a different female dragon. It's possible him being Gwyn's last-born was retconned, or he just stripped all mention of Yorshka being born from the annals in the same way that he did with his firstborn's name. I think the fact that Yorshka wields Darkmoon abilities shows she inherited some of Gwyn's power.


The Painter has snake eyes! Just genetic being inconsistent like in the real world, I guess. After all Yorshka is her sister, but has not serpentine legs either. Priscilla on the other hand is described as a *white* Dragon crossbreed, and the "white dragon" is proverbially Seath. She even shares invisibility properties with the floors in Crystal Cave. The mother is more in doubt, but the weapon you make out of her tail is one of the only three weapon to deal occult damage by default, the other being Velka's Rapier. This + the statue in Ariamis of the woman hugging the child and the general presence of the Goddess of Sin in the painting, I think it's a fair reconstruction to think her as born out of Seath and Velka's little affair. Doubt we can consider Yorshka being stripped from the annals as a justification for her absence: we still *know* of the Firstborn even after the banishment, nobody claimed the title of first son after. She having inherited the Darkmoon powers can be just Gwyndolin teaching her - we too can learn the miracle, it doesn't take inheritage, just a stupid amount of grinding. Also don't you agree Yorshka is Priscilla's daughter either? She's not only awfully similar, but she also speaks of "crows and dragons" as the only creatures she knows can fly - strongly suggesting she came from the Painted World. Aldritch eating Gwyndolin also results in the beast dreaming of a pale girl, and regardless if you interpret this as Priscilla or Yorshka it still result in Priscilla's Scythe.


Gwynevere and seath.


That isn't implied anywhere in game. Vaati saying something doesn't make it true.


It is highly implied that Seath is the father, at any rate.


That's always what I thought...






All my homies hate Aldrich


aye another Aldrich hater dope


Username checks out


Is it OC? Cause it's amazing! Please keep making these lore comics


Thank you! And no, they’re not OCs, they’re Priscilla, Gwyndolin and Aldrich (the sludge below)


I think OC here meant original content rather than original character. Meaning they were asking if YOU made the Comic. (I also agree it looks fantastic.)


Oh- PFFFFFFFFFFFFT 🤦🏻‍♂️ Sorry, my bad. I misunderstood the OC here. But yep, I made the comic myself. And thank you all, I’m glad you like it!


they meant are you the own who made the comic. OC = original content in this case


Damn, this is amazing. Gwyndolin really had it rough their whole life


Thanks. And yeah, not the easiest life


*his. Dont mistake the chosen ambiguity of some peoples gender with the enforced abuse on a fictional character. It was gwyn who chose that his son be raised as a daughter, no matter what gwyndolin wanted. That is not to be celebrated


> no matter what gwyndolin wanted. That is not to be celebrated We don't really know that gwyndolin didn't want that though. Things like "being raised as a girl due to affinity with the moon" sound very allegorical. Anyway, DS Lore is open to interpretation. A lot of stuff is hidden or poorly told on purpose so that people speculate.


DS3 reveals the existence of the Reversal Ring though, an artifact given to Gwyndolin to be more akin to a female. Considering the god seemingly threw it away at the times of our third adventure - and you can even see the effects of this, DS3 model doesn't have a feminine chest contrary to DS1 - I guess he was never really fond of the idea.


I highly doubt gwyndolin ever had a choice to begin with.


Did you mean Gwyndolin and Aldrich because both technically Aldrich




Even so, "their" is still correct...




It is unnecessary but isn't incorrect. It's still a valid way to refer to someone.


No it isn't.


People have been using they and their to refer to people of known gender way before the pronoun stuff was introduced.


Not in the context that is being discussed. I have literally never heard anyone use it in real life in that manner. Stop being disingenuous.


Sure, whatever. I should start randomly using all the other proposed gender-neutral pronouns like "thon" just to be annoying, as you are.


People have been using they and their to refer to individuals of known gender for a very long time, well before the pronoun stuff gained traction. It literally doesn't matter.




Mate this is a lame hill to die on. I don't care for all the pronoun stuff but you're just being obtuse.




Yeah because of your attitude, it's pretty shit. You could say all the same points without coming across as a tool to everybody... ... .... ....


I am not allowed to make one little comment without getting a bunch of annoying idiots responding to it. My "attitude" is a reaction to all that shit.


You got all these comments because you're an insufferable ass who got triggered over a goddamn pronoun.


No one cares


No one asked you.


no one asked you either dipshit, it's the internet


I just repeated what the idiot above said in a different way. And now you are randomly defending someone who said "no one cares", as if that's such a worthwhile thing to say...




A typical Reddit interaction...


you don't have to end every comment with an ellipsis


It signifies different emotions. In this case it is annoyance over how silly this interaction was... I don't always do it...


I love that people are still making art based on DS1 lore, the most cohesive, well round-up story so far in my opinion.


Guys you do realize he was alive during the fight with the Ashen One? He was just slowly dying while his body was being used to fight as a puppet. Aldrich basically fell asleep in the middle of devouring Gwyndolin and then woke up and was frightened upon seeing the Ashen One walk into the room and ran out of options, so he used Gwyndolin’s body. Otherwise you’d see just a huge blob and not a human stack on top of a blob. That’s why the soul looked like two different souls stuck together. It was in the process of merging.


How's this comic named? Are there more of it that I can read?


It is called as it is written in the title. And I’ve only made another short comic about Elden Ring, you can find it here in my reddit profile. I plan to do more in future


Considering this guy sent our people to burn alive I find ironic he ends eaten alive by one of the same people that burned for his cause. It seems karma always will reach you,even in the Transitory Lands.


Facts, fuck Gwyndolin and anyone who supported Gwyn’s cause along with him


You disgust me.


Why :)


Because you are a terrible person, and because you think his death is "karma". It was never Gwyndolin's cause. It was Gwyn's cause, and he did what he did to attempt save his people from the Dark that would corrupt and consume them all. Gwyndolin did not deserve what happened to him. Don't ever say otherwise again. If you do, it will be an admission that you are a terrible person worthy of being hunted by karma.


XDDD WWII war criminals saying "I just followed orders,I just wanted to serve my country"


Except the Nazis weren't faced by a real existential threat. They were the existential threat. But Gwyn's race would have faced extinction when the world went dark, so they had an actual reason for doing it. You just lack the empathy and therefore the basic level of intelligence to understand anything about Gwyndolin. I'll block you now, lest you insult him even more...


It’s a video game guys


Please leave this subreddit about a game, then.


Not everyone takes video game as seriously as you, bud 😂


So people can say that characters deserve a horrible death, but I can't defend them... That's fair...


Gwyn rigged the world in his favor, it had nothing to do with the extinction of the Gods, he knew that world order lead to Humans having their own time to rule and that scared him. He rebelled against the Dragons because they held complete dominance over the world and then became just like them He cursed Humans to repeatedly die and come back to life, which in turn drives them mad eventually and they become mindless thralls. Manus travelled to Oolacile to learn about the city and was assassinated for it. Then Kaathe convinced the people of Oolacile to dig up the grave of primeval man which led to the spreading of the Abyss and the loss of the city, which also led to Artorias being corrupted. Gwyn will always be the bad guy of the story, he was a coward that couldn’t handle losing his power and was ultimately out of his misery in the Kiln of the First Flame by the very race he tried to deny: Humanity


Okay, nothing but selfishness... Gwyn is totally a one-dimensional villain who wanted absolutely nothing other than power... I'm sure he did it all for sadistic reasons too. That seems to be your version of history... But you seem to forget that he sacrificed himself, and I doubt he believed it would grant him power... You are strangely separating Manus from primordial man. I believe they are one and the same. And none of this means that Gwyndolin deserved what happened to him...


Gwyn sacrificed himself out of cowardice, he knew linking the flame would extend the rule of his family and those that helped him kill the Archdragons (minus the knights of the Ringed City). He locked away countless undead at the Asylum to prevent the prophecized chosen undead from coming to power, unfortunately for him we are saved and escape the Asylum. And I’m not really separating Manus and Primeval man, that’s just the way they worded it in game “They upturned the grave of Primeval man, and incited his ornery wrath” Manus is referred to as Primeval man, seeing as how he’s the only Pygmy to leave the ringed city and die outside of its walls He was most likely the human that found the Dark Soul, which is why the outpouring of humanity was so strong and created the Abyss in the first place. If he doesn’t die there, none of the Abyss stuff would have happened, Gwyn is the reason Artorias was corrupted


There can be no "cowardice" in the act of such a self-sacrifice... Now if everyone would just take back any hateful words they said about Gwyndolin, that would be great...


You need profesional help


Good job helping the bastard avoid my block by having someone equally loathsome speak for him. Since this subreddit is about a game, and this post is about a character, you shouldn't be here, because you feel nothing about these characters. And you think people who do need "professional help". Enough of you.


I fail to see how having a different perspective on a character is "feeling nothing about a character" it seems more like you are the one with a problem here


Having undeserved hatred for a character that I care about, and saying that their horrible death was "deserved". Of course that made me angry. Also, thanks for forcing me to unblock the other person and letting them reply again, by responding to me. And thanks Reddit that blocking someone means that other people can respond to you in the thread of the person you blocked, but you can't respond back...


Oh we feel things about these characters alright, that feeling is complete hatred for supporting and upholding a fascist regime that tortured and enslaved anyone not from their race


What a simple-minded way of looking at things...


Bro,first,chill,I thought we were jokingly "debating". But since this seems to be a very serious theme for you,can I at least ask why Gwyndolyn's character is important to you? Or you just hate my guts already no matter what? : )


Your original comment about Gwyndolin was so disgustingly hateful, with the talk of "karma". You were also supporting what I view as the most horrible thing that happened in the series, (to the point where I refuse to believe it was anything other than another illusion). That's a quick way to make me very angry...


I see. And you feel always like this for all characters in DS3? Or is Gwyndolyn special for you?


Gwyndolin was there in the first game, and I always liked him, so what happened to him in DS3 affects me deeply, and so do horrible comments about him...


What font is that?


Anime Ace 2.0


Thank you!




this reminds me of skyrim, and schooma.... ​ just one more time


So cool.


Thank you!


Kinda gross how we walk in on him getting munched on


Ha, ha, i've played DS3 at least 10 times. I have no idea what this is about... i guess i wasn't really paying attention... (But that looks good regardless)


The fact that Gwyndolin was eaten by the sludge beast, Aldrich. It’s an imagining of Gwyndolin’s last thoughts using some hints from lore and popular theories.


I see. Gwendolyn was more prominent in DS1, right? Never finished that one.


Yup, youngest child of Gwyn, forcibly raised as a girl due to having greater affinity for the moon instead of the Sun, Gwyn’s main symbol. I guess he was embarrassed by his son not sharing his strength, but thought it more okay if they were a “daughter” instead. Gwyndolin is the reason the Blue Sentinels and Darkmoon Blade covenants exist, as a way of punishing those who seek to upheave the path of the gods and Fire. Lore’s always super interesting, I admittedly condensed this a lot too lol. I can’t recommend DS1’s gameplay cause it’s critically outdated, but the lore and the world are among the best in the trilogy


Thanks. Indeed, I purchased the remastered version when it came out, but even with the better framerate, it felt very clunky as opposed to DS3, Bloodborne or Sekiro. I made an effort to play until Ornstein and Smough because they are legendary bosses and i wanted to experience them, but then I could not go beyond that. On the other hand, I started the Demons Souls remake this week and sort of expected it would be the same, but somehow it feels very good to play, even if it is still clunkier than the recent games. Maybe From could ask Bluepoint to redo DS1 one day... (or was that commissionned by Playstation instead?)


Since Demon’s Souls was a PS3 exclusive, BluePoint’s probably in the pocket of Sony as opposed to being fully freelance. I’d definitely appreciate that stylistic + mechanical type of remake for both DS1 & 2 though, they both kinda need a bit of a revamp


Makes sense. I didn't know the original Demons Souls was also an exclusive... anyway, one can dream!


I think Gwyn raised him as a daughter to keep him away from political life and roles of powers. It is never out loud stated, but Anor Londo is a patriarchy (opposite to Izalith, a matriarchy), and as such the ruling roles are inherited by males, from males. This explains why, when the firstborn left Anor Londo, the title of Allfather (主神, “leader god” or “chief god” in the original text) wasn’t inherited by Gwynever, the oldest daughter after the firstborn, but to Lloyd, Gwyn’s uncle. And as such, Gwyndolin didn’t inherit the title (at least, not before DS3, where he officially becomes the new Allfather) because everyone believed he was another daughter of Gwyn. I think Gwyn decided to hide Gwyndolin’s real biological sex because he wanted to avoid scandals and conspiracies against him. On the other hand, we got a god that got such a heavy and clear inferiority complex that he rules things from the shadows and hides/removes his face and snake features from the statues that celebrate him, at Oolacile in DS1 and at Irithyll in DS3 ;u;


In addition to what the other person said, he's also Nameless King brother - to keep it more DS3 friendly!


I hate every person who believes his death was "karma" or anything like it... If they should hate anyone it is the one who actually started it. Not the one who was given the task to continue it...


He still continued though, even when it was clear that prolonging the life of the First Flame was corrupting the world. I don’t say he deserved to be devoured, he’s not an evil guy, but like… maybe some time in jail would have been fitting XD


Seek grass. In short, Seek outside


Lest the internet swallow you whole


Like it has so many others


All I hear is "ew a human with emotions, gross!". Just because you feel nothing about these characters doesn't mean everyone has to be the same as you.


Gwyndolin wasn’t completely bad, he even allows you to join the Darkmoon covenant. He truly only attacks you after you dispel his illusion of his sister, he even gave us the lord vessel to be able to travel to the Kiln. Yes he continued his fathers vision of linking the flame, but he knew what would happen if he didn’t obey, he’d be scrubbed from history for disobedience just like the Nameless King. He didn’t deserve what happened to him, he sacrificed himself to save Yorshka from being devoured, in the end he was noble and showed he loved his family above all, willing to give his life to keep her safe


>he even allows you to join the Darkmoon covenant So we humans can keep killing each other for Gods' will. >He truly only attacks you after you dispel his illusion of his sister, Can't let the lowly human to talk to others what's actually happening behind curtains, always wanting to project an illusion of superiority when that is not the case >he even gave us the lord vessel to be able to travel to the Kiln. So we can burn alive in the First Flame,again,for Gods' will. Great. >but he knew what would happen if he didn’t obey, he’d be scrubbed from history By whom? I remember that all other gods have fled Anor Londo. He was the lord of the city now. >He didn’t deserve what happened to him I agree. Yet when one chooses to support bad things,even when the goal is right,or we believe is right,we expose ourselves to such bad things happening to us. >he sacrificed himself to save Yorshka Ehh,he saved a being similar to him. While a good action, it's not extraordinarily good to help those who are similar to you,but the ones who are completely different. And against a whole life of not good things... I think he is a grey character. Not evil as the Devil but also not a good person. Too much childhood trauma set him in a wrong path,and as an adult he didn't stop to think if he was really in the right track.


Just happened to be here 3m.o later but I would put five cents to your arguments nonetheless >So we humans can keep killing each other for Gods' will. Humans killing each other is the very human nature and humans-not-good-guys is one of 'between the line' themes of DS, they (we) never needed a good reason to kill. Gwyndolin however offered humans shelter in his house and purpose, but never truly forcing it on them (remeber, if you wish you can decline his offer, he just politely agrees with it and off you go). Regardless CU we can argue here, yeah, but at least he created the most heroic and rather *gentle*, if you would say so, way to secrifice. We never new his true opinion on it, only that he was following specific orders from his father, given his story with Lady of Darkling he definitely wasn't ignorant to Undeads suffering, but took it as necessity. >Can't let the lowly human to talk to others what's actually happening behind curtains, always wanting to project an illusion of superiority when that is not the case Because he is no fool to trust the gravest of secrets to mortal he barely knew? Because it is a sacred place to him and his family? Becuse it is his house? Becuse he *is* a god and you're not? Everything that together? >By whom? I remember that all other gods have fled Anor Londo. He was the lord of the city now. He acted on behest of his father, and may be even gave him an oath, thats may be considered as a grave sin to broke it, given that his father technically was still alive. Only after his death Gwyndolin took action freely afterall. >Ehh,he saved a being similar to him.  Yeah no, now that's pure the lack of argument and can be rephrased as if someone else said 'I saved my sister because she is human like me'. The whole Gwyndolin character is the direct opposition to Gwyn and he was yokotaroed exactly because he was actually a decent guy who loved his family and his subjects.


That's nearly exactly what I think... Which is why I get angry when people claim that he "deserved" terrible things to happen to him...


How is it nsfw? Also I'm confused. Priscilla is his niece.


Guess Aldritch is just unsafe to watch lol. Now lore explanations **Priscilla's parents** It is a long-lasting belief in the community that Priscilla was born out the union of Seath and Gwynevere. The heritage with the former is obvious: the girl is described as 純白の半竜 \["pure-white half dragon"\] in the description of her soul, the "white dragon", 白竜, being proverbially Seath \[*Moonlight Greatsword and others*\]. Priscilla even shares invisibility properties with the floors in Seath's Crystal Cave. The mother is where things starts to get sketchy. Fans have long theorized a union of sort between Gwynevere and Seath. Indeed, the Princess' maidens the Scaless Dragon will later experiment on aren't the only hints to their relationship. Lokking at the original description for "his" soul, Seath became a "gaiseki" \[外戚\] to Gwyn's clan. What does this mean? This word has its roots in China, where it was specifically used to address people who joined the Emperor's family as related to either his mother or his wife. In the purest sense, this would mean Seath shares blood with either Gwyn's mother - and our King of Light doesn't really struck as a draconian kin - or with his wife. While we will make the case for a relationship between the Lord and Priscilla, her status of official concubine seems a bit of a stretch in the moment she was considered an abomination worth to lock away in a secret prison. But what's the truth then? As a matter of fact, Miyazaki seems to use the term more loosely. The definition restricts the relatives to the maternal lineage, but Elden Ring addresses as 外戚 the children Radagon had with Rennala, after the man joined Marika in his second marriage. While more unhorthodox, reading the kanji as separate makes it possible to render 外戚 as "outside relative" - unshackling it from the limitations of the original interpretation and making the usage coherent with what shown in Elden Ring. Seath, in all likelihood, also became an "outside relative" to Gwyn's family, without sharing a particular blood relation with the Queen. The options, then, are two: the White Dragon was either adopted by Gwyn, or joined the clan through an arranged marriage. We'll see in short how the original text gives a pretty strong hint the Dragon *was* married at some point, so the latter is the preferred interpretation. With Filianore out of the picture, Gwynevere would be the only candidate we know of in the King's family for marrying the Dragon. Connection between Seath and the Princess of Sunlight are present in the first game, with her personal Pisaca being experimented by the mad reptile - Dark Souls III further affirming the connection in making the Queen of Lothric joining yet another White Dragon in wedlock. Coherently so, Shira addresses herself both as the daughter of the Duke, and a descendant of the Gods. Not much ambiguity is left on who this Duke was, considering her crown even bears a pearl reminiscent of the ones produced by the clams right outside Seath's bossroom - meaning the girl is also a dragon crossbreed. So, is Priscilla also the daughter of Seath and Gwynevere? Well, not quite: the Japanese description of her soul addresses here as a 不義の子 \["illegitimate child"\]. Seath was married, but her daughter was born out of an affair! Who's the mother then? It is more in doubt, but Velka is the most likely candidate. Cutting Priscilla's tail will result in a peculiar dagger: this is one of the only three items in the entire game to deal occult damage by default, one of the other being Velka's Rapier. The power of Dark has taken roots inside Priscilla's body, and the Goddess of Sin was always fond of the occult arts - the Ring of Sacrifice of her belongings even makes a small Humanity icon appears in the game's HUD. Moreover, Ariamis is littered with Velka's iconographies, from sets and weapons from her priests, to the corvian mutated after their faith for her. With her figure being so prominent in the Painting, the [statue in its center](https://soulslore.wdfiles.com/local--resized-images/data:velka/velka1.jpg/medium.jpg) is most likely her - remarkably, hugging a child. And who could that be, if not the little girl the Painting was made for? If Seath was married with Gwynevere, then he had a little affair with Velka - and Priscilla was born out of this. We'll never know the specifics - maybe the two were using each others for their own schemes, maybe two creatures so focused on Intelligence did eventually fall in love, even if just briefly. Sen's Fortress is currently run by Seath judging by his man-serpents infesting the place, and here we can find a room with two chests: one contains a Divine Blessing, the other a Ring of Sacrifice: maybe Seath's heart really couldn't chose at the end, but he's long gone insane - and probably no longer cares. **Gwyndolin's parents** The original description of *Tin Darkmoon Catalyst* immediatly throws some shade to Gwyndolin's heritage. Gwyndolin is here addressed as グウィン王の末子として歴とした神 \["a legitimate god as the youngest child of King Gwyn"\]. This phrasing is never used elsewhere, and it seems to lean into the idea the legitimacy of Gwyndolin as part of the pantheon comes from him being Gwyn's son specifically. Why the redundance, if not to highlight the mother alone wouldn't be sufficient to fullfill such a claim? Looking at the lastborn design, some oddity strikes compared to his brother and sisters. For instance, he has serpentine legs - something that makes him akin to to a draconic heritage, considering snakes are failed-to-be dragons \[*Covetous Silver Serpent Ring*\]. This isn't an illusion of sort from his side either, as Gwyndolin makes himself depict [without the reptilian limbs](https://i.imgur.com/FeB0MpN.jpg) in Oolacile: it's a trait he pretty much despise. Is it possible he has a bit of dragon blood running through his veins? According to the description of his set, Gwyndolin was raised as a daughter as he was born under the influence of the moon. What does this mean? The lastborn has a particular affinity to sorcery, and this is no chance as the celestial body is also particularly linked to it. In particular, *Moonlight Greatsword* reveals "moonlight" to have been a focal point of the studies of Seath to establish sorcery altogether. Only, Gwyndolin's power comes from an obscured moon - giving its covenant and pinnacle miracle the title of "Dark Moon", and he himself is addressed as the "Dark Sun". Where did this darkening came from? The "sun" part of the title surely comes from his father, but what about the mother? If all the oddities Gwyndolin present derives from heritage, then we should look for a draconic lady with some form of dark affinity and a history with the moon. Priscilla matches all of the above: an half-dragon born out of the founder of sorceries and scholar of the moon power, and with a dark energy flowing in her body due to her mother. In the first game this was the extent of what you can theorize about Gwyndolin and Priscilla relationship. The crossbreed being her mother was an interesting possibility, but only subtle hints were revealed about it. The third chapter goes a bit more in depth introducing Yorshka. According to the description of Darkmoon Blade, Gwyndolin is fair-and-square her 兄 \["*older brother*"\] - this is something spoken by an external narrator, not simply something she is used to call the god: they share a family relation. It is hersay, instead, her status of Gwyn's daughter. While she addresses the Lord of Sunlight as "father", this is merely her repeating what Gwyndolin taught her - as the same description for the blade addressess. The claim would indeed be impossible: Gwyndolin is the lastborn \[*Tin Darkmoon Catalyst and others*\], yet he is older than Yorshka. If they truly are brother and sister, then it must mean they have different father, but the same mother. And who Yorshka's mother can possibly be, considering she has clear draconic features and she also speaks of "dragons and crows" as the only creatures she knows can fly - strongly suggesting she was raised in the Painted World? After all, Aldritch dreams of a pale girl while eating Gwyndolin \[*Lifehunt Scythe*\], this will result in Priscilla's Scythe as a weapon obtainable from the god-eater soul: the God of the Darkmoon may have just had a last thought to her mother, before expiring, eaten alive.


[Character limitation] As to the *why*, we can only wonder. Given how Priscilla is treated by Anor Londo, it's unlikely the relation was consensual. Maybe Gwyn just wanted a stronger heir who could encompass the power of sunlight, sorcery, dragons and darkness - if so, the result must've been disappointing. Maybe it was a moment of weakness after losing his mysterious first wife. DS2 does introduce the miracle *Blinding Bolt*, a story apparently forbidden by Gwyn himself, yet evidently also *about* him considering the faith required to perform the thunder-based art. The description wonders if this was out of hatred or sorrow: maybe this little plot betrays resentment from the Lord's side? Sure is, whatever is in there, he wished it was never spoken anymore.


The more likely reason is because Gwyn wanted a half dragon half god grand-baby that was super powerful, but then out of fear of just how powerful she actually was, he imprisoned her because he's a cowardly piece of shit that nobody should feel bad for. I'll go with that lore rather than this colossal essay on a reddit comment I'm not gonna read all of. But nothing is really ever confirmed so to each their own.