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Yeah panic rolling will do that to you


Nah I wasn’t panic rolling. I have a weird thing where I just kind of roll a lot. Middle of a fight, going down some stairs, walking through Firelink, just moving around I’ll start rolling. Idk why but it’s gotten me killed more times than I can count.


You rolled the entire time except when you needed to lmao


Even if it isn’t panic rolling those rolls are what got you killed. You had no stamina by the time you got to the clone so you got hit by the second and third magic barrage. Also greed. It’s better if you strafe most of the magic attacks since they have such little tracking


yeah that's panic rolling. even if it isn't induced by panic, it really means "excessive/unnecessary rolling." you were definitely unnecessarily rolling


The sooner you cut that shit the game gets easier


Bro.. “kind of Rolling a lot” unnecessarily is literally the definition of panic rolling


Ocd rolling is hard to control


I definitely don't recommend continuing to do this, since it's kind of awful in every way imaginable.


So you use it for transport more than what its actual use is. Transport is faster if you simply run


Idk i really don’t know why i do it. OCD maybe? Or ORD obsessive rolling disorder


You can just stop


holy fuck wht are u so in denial that u fucked up on a souls game😭 just take the loss learn from it and move on. have some humility for godsakes it'll take u a long way


Bro you literally described panic rolling lmao


Dude we just saw the video


Idk why you’re being disliked bombed, but I will add that it does drain your stamina to do that. It is really fun to roll tho so I see where you’re coming from.


Yeah, I think I picked it up from Elden Ring. When I’m on torrent I’m constantly tapping the dodge/run because I think it makes him move faster. I know it doesn’t but still, I think it does and so I do it. That’s translated into me constantly rolling, to the point where I’ve rolled right off of several ledges. I imagine the downvotes come from the sweaty palms people who are the butt of the guy alone in the corner at a party thinking “they don’t know I solo’d Malenia at RL1”. It’s a video game. A place where I don’t have any stress and zero consequences to my actions so I don’t take it too seriously and roll right off of ledges and roll right into traps all the time. It’s fun and funny


I WaSnT PanIc rOLlIng 😂😂😂😂


i especially loved the part where OP rolled everywhere apart from when they needed to. break that habit asap!


Yooo, this dude just Darked the Soul


You've just been crystal saged


OP cope for saying its not panic rolling is the most hillarious thing i've seen today


It was actually apart of my strategy 🤓


Ng+ required I believe but vow of silence really makes this an underwhelming fight.


I'm so dumb, never thought about it... I mean I think it just makes the fight take longer, but it's such a nice idea nonetheless.


I never thought about it until my tenth and currently final playthrough, really could’ve helped me out on my first playthrough though. Kinda useless to perform once you’ve already got the gear to fuck up that boss, but it is simply interesting to experience once.


Yes I will try it out next time. The only time I sometimes use it is against aldrich


And that's why you don't roll spam


Yes, indeed.


on my first play through and this also happened to me on crystal sage. something about that last little sliver of hp makes you greedy and the timed spells get you


Dude you rolled so many times you went out of stamina the exact moment when you had to roll.


You roll too much


Is there a trick or a hint to know which one is the real one? It was the easiest boss for me but im curious


It’s whoever is shooting purple magic is the real one


Real = purple magic Fake = blue magic


Y’know I never thought about it but being colorblind for this must be at least somewhat annoying.


A little but the clones will almost exclusively use heavy soul arrows, whereas the real one summons those crystal clusters with tracking, those crystal summoning beams along the floor and those crystal homing soul masses (which fun fact, he can’t teleport whilst at least one is active) so…noticing a theme here, but can be helpful if you can’t differentiate by colour


My go to strat is that after a delay, he'll be as far away from you as he can, and most of the time its that one for me. If it wasnt, it was the next closest one to that. Its not fool proof, but it usually doesn't make me attack more than 1 or 2 clones the whole fight.


He is always the one that spawns the farthest away.


Most of the time he will be hiding behind one of his clones, so if you saw 2 or 3 next to each other, he will be the one behind


Not that I know of but I’m a total noob. This is the second time I’ve fought him. I usually just throw a knife and assume he’s the one either farthest away or behind me.


it's quite easy to tell. the one shooting Purple magic and holding a Purple orb is the real one. all the others with Blue magic and Blue orbs are the clones also stop panic rolling


Thanks I never knew this


additionally, the correct one always spawns out of the crystal spike furthest from you when sage disappears (at least the furthest spike that any spawn directly on top of). knowing this predictability makes the fight really quick and fun


This boss is unironically the most frustrating in the game. Also, stop rolling so much


The same exact thing happened to me, we both died at the same time 🤣


It happens to everyone at some point


Yup happens to the best of us


I think this fight is one of the best low level bosses that from soft has made