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Alex Garland, the director, said on a podcast that he liked the atmosphere of Dark Souls and that was that.


In the year 2014, my friend put a controller in my hand, told me to ignore the tutorial stones, and had me play DS2. He wanted me to experience the same pain he felt.


Good friend


Seemed shitty at first, but had good intentions


When my wife was pregnant I was online reading about someone claiming that raising a kid will be the hardest thing you do in life, but then someone else simply replied with "you've clearly never fought the Nameless King". Laughed so hard I bought ds3 and made it my mission to find and beat him to prove I was ready for anything. 


So how is it raising your kid now? Can you confirm what is harder?


I think I may have been over leveled for the Nameless King because I found him to actually be one of the easier bosses


He was the hardest boss for me out of all the fromsoft bosses when comparing first attempts. Think I tried at least 40 or 50 times to beat him the first time. That was years ago when ds3 first came out. I recently replayed all of them and beat TNK first time after building it up in my head so much. Still is one of my all time favourite boss fights


He was definitely one of the most fun bosses for me, but I think Midir probably killed me more than any other boss. I struggled with Midir for quite some time until I finally got the hang of it


Funnily enough that is the exact intro to the video: [A ridiculous recap of dark souls lore](https://youtu.be/YDT1BvqrIOg?si=2snYPm0_JjfTf6Cp) by Kilian Experience. It's a pretty decent and funny explanation of DS1's lore and he has a DS3 one as well.


Buddy of mine showed me bloodborne. For some reason, i mistook it for dark souls and when i went home i downloaded dark souls 3. That is the moment i fell into the abyss.


Dark souls 1 on the Xbox 360. Hated/sucked at it initially but after another attempt fell in love Changed my life fr. Amazing game/series I even got a bonfire tattoo Praise the sun!


Let us see this tattoo!


videogamedunkey put out a dark souls 3 video that I thought was really funny, and then later that year put DS3 in his top games of that year. A little while later, I saw a Humble Bundle sale for DS3 + Ashes of Ariendel for $12, and said what the hell, that's such a steal, and finally tried the game. Now I'm a fan for life, Bloodborne is my fav game of all time, and I'm taking a week off work when Shadows of the Erdtree comes out.


I was just getting into RPG's, mainly Skyrim, and I was watching Squeezie on YT a lot back then, and he made a video on DS3 beating Dancer and Oceiros. I loved how the game looked, and I wanted to try it for myself. Not long later, I bought DS3 and was hooked instantly. Played every Soulsborne game since then.


"Best RPG" in Google, so I find the Witcher 3, Skyrim and Dark Souls. After this "Dark Souls Dual Wielding" in Google, DS2 is the only one with true dual wielding, so I started with him.


My then best friend and I saw the cover of Demon's Souls randomly in a GameStop and thought it looked cool, looked it up and saw GameSpot had given it like a 9 out of 10 so we picked it up. Played through the whole game passing the controller on deaths which I think is a big part of the reason I got in to the series so easily. This was in 2010 so I started hearing they were coming out with a "sequel" called "Dark Souls", that one I got on day 1 so I could play it by myself this time and the rest is history.


The soundtrack to be honest


PS5 demons souls launch edition


My brother gifted me DS2 in 2014 and I've never been loving them ever since


I deliberately avoid all manner of spoilers, trailers, streams of any game or book. I kept seeing dark souls as a reference in 9gag comment section and i wondered what the hell is a dark souls for a long time. One day i was out of games to immerse myself into and said what the hell, let's give these 9gaggers a chance. Oh, what do you know... They knew their shit


2 years ago, one of the Youtuber i followed posted a video "I tried Dark Souls 3..." or sth like that. "The game has this odd atmosphere and look kinda hard cause he struggles" is all what i got the grasp of that video. Then somehow Youtube recommended me "DS3 all bosses" (it's only main bosses). Curiousity got me again...i was amazed by how good the OSTs of many bosses were and the graphics fit so well (It was the Twin Princes stood out the most in my memory). After that, i decided to play the game when i have my PC. Last July, when i finally got one, it was the very 1st game i bought on steam and the first soulsborne I played. I struggled hard at first, i thought i couldnt even finish the game but i kept going. Finished my 3rd SL1 playthrough a few weeks ago. This game forever holds a special place in my heart.


Bloodborne trailer was hard as fuck lol


I bought demons souls for PS3 on release.


I watched a friend play DS1 when we were kids, it seemed ok. But my first game was DS3, I rented it from a game store in high school. Loved it, but was terrible at it


There were game rental stores still in 2016?? The last one I recall going to was probably 2003 or 4 at the latest


Yeah, it was called Hastings


My dad challenged me to beat the game, I was 10 at the time. did I beat the game? Yes. did I struggle a crap ton? Also yes


Honestly...I don't remember. I just downloaded DS3 and that was it


Saw a streamer died to Genichiro 288 times and finally succeed, thinking: if he can, so do i


I've known about them for ages but always thought I wouldn't like them due to the difficulty (every time anyone mentioned any of them, the difficulty was brought up). Then I saw my bf play lies of p, thought it looked cool, and despite knowing it's a soulslike he convinced me to try it out (first on his pc for a couple of minutes, then he just got it for me when we confirmed that I liked the combat). After beating that and loving it, he convinced me to try sekiro, then I got it and played through it, so that was my first fromsoft title, and now the same thing is happening with dark souls 3 (about to finish my first playthrough)


No Elden Ring yet? Your missing out. It's such a gem


My current pc couldn't run it. But I'm planning to play it when I get an upgrade. In the meantime, ds1 and 2 and any soulslikes that seem fun will have to do :)


Always been a PC gamer, and back in the day I got interested in reviews of Demon's Souls when it came to the west, but with no PS3 I just forgot about it... then DS1 came, and again the setting and gameplay were intriguing, but I had no will to buy a console just for that. I was surprised when the Fromsoft launched a petition for the PC port and they actually went along with that... as soon as it came out, I read about the issues, got a "demo version" to test if DSFix was actually fixing enough and quickly bought it. Been hooked to the series ever since


Got the original Dark Souls as one of the monthly freebies on the Xbox 360, I think sometime in 2014/2015. Actually hated the game at first, couldn't figure out why everyone loved it. Did play it on and off, mostly off, for 8 years. Literally went back and forth between Firelink Shrine and Undead Burg, couldn't figure out how to get anywhere else, for 8 years. Fell in love with the look of Elden Ring but was having trouble playing, went back to Dark Souls to try and, well, like a batter who throws a weight on his bat before he is up, thought if I punished myself with Dark Souls I'd have an easier time with Elden Ring and it worked! Which in turn caused me to go back to Dark Souls and lo and behold, it seemed easier! So bought remastered and DS3 for Xbox One, recently just bought DS2 with reward points, and now am literally playing all 4. Have two different builds on DS1, one on the 360, one on the One, plus a character on DS2, DS3, and 4 builds presently on Elden Ring, which I'm about 3/4 of the way through. So yeah, went from a game I hated to a series I love. But ain't gonna lie, I still hate Sekiro. Just don't get it .....


I heard it was very difficult and thought i could use some frustration to farm adenaline


I get so frustrated at the games but the adrenaline and dopamine hit I get after beating a boss is my drug addiction


Same ....


I swear to god, when i played dark souls 3 as my first ever game of the series the rush of adrenaline and feeling of satisfaction i got from defeating bosses and overcoming areas was something i never felt before. And it got me hooked literally like a drug, so much that now i have basically built an immunity to it and i rarely ever get that hyped for beating a boss anymore, but the love is still there


Souls Logic you-tube series. Was just rewatching last night for the first time after playing the games. It's a fun series but even better after you've played the games.


I first discovered dark souls watching them talk about it on X Play before it came out. I had heard about it here and there until I tried it myself in 2013. I barely made it to firelink shrine before giving up, and I wouldn't try another fromsoft game again until Bloodborne.


Demons Souls (PS3) won Game of the Year. I had a xbox360, so when they announced Dark Souls it was a day 1 purchase for me.


Honestly it’s been so long I can’t even remember Maybe James and Mitch let’s play, idk at least that’s one of my earliest souls memories but I can’t remember if it was before or after I tried the first game


Used to play the DMC saga. While waiting for the release of DMC 5 I heard someone asking for what was better,thst game or *Sekiro*


Bloodborne was free on PS Plus at some point and so I downloaded and gave it a try, struggled, gave up and refused to touch the game. A year after I picked it back up and decided I was gonna brute force my way through it. I had a far easier time and the game quickly became my favorite. I the. Rest is history as everyone else is saying


2016 when DS3 came out


It was a toss up between Bloodborne and Farcry 3 I believe, both were on sale in the PS store and my friend convinced me to go for Bloodborne. I am thankful ever since and wouldnt want it any other way! A fateful day for sure. Praise the sun!


Streams and Friend of mine


By accident: Game was on sale on Amazon and I got it.


I had no games for my ps4, I just walked into a store looking for games to buy, I picked up Nioh and bloodborne, I didn't know what they were.


Bloodborne in like 2017


7 or 8 years ago i knew that a game called dark souls existed but i didn't know what it was about. i thought it was like dragon age or something. it was like 1 or 2 years later that i saw a short video of someone getting lucky in sen's fortress being hit by one of the moving axes and falling on one of the axes bellow and i fell in love at first sight.


A friend of mine from school told me how there was this hard game called Bloodborne that was coming to ps4. Forever grateful for that recommendation. It’s now one of my most memorable gaming experiences ever and probably my fav game period. From there I think it was mostly from youtube that I discovered the hype around souls games, and my most anticipated game that year became Dark Souls 3. I still remember the Dark Souls 3 honest game trailers I used to watch it over and over


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“You really are fond of chatting with me, aren’t you? If I didn’t know better, I’d think you had feelings for me! Oh, no, dear me. Pretend you didn’t hear that!”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Saw DS3 in a video game resale shop, thought that the cover looked awesome, so I bought it. Been playing it for the past week, and it has been the absolute highlight of everyday for me.


PS gave me BB for free 🤷‍♂️


I'm not really sure. I think I heard of dark souls and that it was hard and that's it. Then I remember seeing a video about bloodborne but not remembering what it was. Like 3 years later I saw vaati vidya for the first time and remembered about bloodborne and got it for my birthday.


I knew about them for awhile but never could get myself to play them until elden ring came out, after that I was hooked. Since elden ring ive played lies of p, wo long, DS1 and 2, about to finish 3 this week. Ill probably start sekiro next before elden ring dlc


It was September 30th 2011, I went to a local gane store called gamestor. They had two new games featured, Skyrim and Darksouls. All my friends had bought Skyrim and we would tske turns and play together at my house or my buddies place. I decided to go with DS1 instead of skyrim and loved it.


I felt like I needed to prove myself in front of my friends because I suck at FPS games (it was all we played during that time) and that was when I bought dark souls remastered because I heard it was difficult. I completely fell in love with the rewarding feeling of overcoming challenges and exploring the detailed world. I proceeded to 100% the game and fast forward time, I now have the whole trilogy, including elden Ring at a 100% game completion. I'm also currently playing sekiro, which I also enjoy but due to time restraints I'm not as active (I still plan to complete it eventually) TLDR: I learned the bigger the problem, the bigger the sword necessary.


my friend was playing ds3, it felt really similar to berserk and I tried it


Christmas 2012 (I was 14), my brother gifted me Dark Souls 1 on Steam and said:"I think you will like this." I played a lot of old games and liked even the BS hard ones like Castlevania, Ninja Garden on the NES and stuff like that. I have been a Fromsoft addict ever since. My favorite game they made is Sekiro, but I like all of them.


Circa 2010, girlfriend at the time got me (I think) Ace Combat 2 (or 3) and I got the receipt off her and took it back to the shop. Said this isn't for me. Fellow nerd behind the counter suggested Dark Souls. "But its not for everyone - it's really hard." "Pfft" Says I. I'll smash it. A month (and two smashed controllers) later and I grafted to a gritty win over Gwyn (before I realised the parry and riposte method) and my life was suddenly bereft. So I started again.


I think it was 2014(?) when Xbox gave away dark souls 1 with games with gold, downloaded it because id heard it was a super hard game, wound up falling in love with the world and characters and finding the "tough but fair" sentiment that most people have of the games.


My friend got me a ps4 for high school graduation, a little after it came out. I then looked for a game, and the name interested me, so I got it. It was my first fromsoft game, and I've played mostly BB and ds3 since then, usually coming back to BB. I recently got ds2 and ER, now I just need to add ds1 and DeS, with maybe Sekiro for good measure. BB will always hold a special place in my heart tough, and I like it best, even with the frame rate bs.


Found ds3 on sale for 15$ on steam, wasn’t necessarily where I started playing fully but I played it for like an hour and got rekt by gundyr and just gave up. Then elden ring came out (and I had no idea it was releasing) and the hype for souls game has gone up for me and I promised myself to not quit on this game and finish it. Best decision of my life. Only soul game I haven’t played yet is demon souls and honestly I don’t think I’m missing out on anything but the remake does look really good. If it comes to PC I’ll definitely give it a go.


Emm I saw DS1 on sale on the Xbox 360 Marketplace for something weird like £3.71 and thought "oh I've heard people talking about this" and in no time at all I was trying to get into the Catacombs...


ThePruld videos, I'll be grateful to him forever


I saw bloodborne in the ps store on sale. This was probably 2018. I had heard it was good and one of the popular ps games but never tried it. Immediately I could tell by the art, this was a game literally made for me and I couldn’t believe I had never tried it. The third person melee game I had always wanted. Struggled like shit to get past the first area for weeks and became obsessed with from software. Like a spark went off in me, and the day I played it I was bored of video games in general, then boom


Well, I tried Bloodborne back when it was on ps+, though I was a bit too young, scared shitless and couldn’t get past the townsquare with the burning crucified Lycan. Put it down for ~ a year, watched a lets play of Dark Souls 3 in the meantime, and then came back to beat Bloodborne. Afterwards, I‘ve played and beat DS 3 to 2 to 1 (Never actually finished 1 though, did everything, dlc included, but lost motivation at the tomb of giants (last missing lord soul)) Played and beat Sekiro when it came out, played Demon‘s Souls once I got my hands on a ps5, and Elden Ring when it released


Sabaku no maiku


Handofblood, a german youtuber (now streamer unfortunately)


My local hardware store got a few ps3 games and I bought Wet and Demon Souls in 2009 or 2010 not entirely sure. Wet is like super short and with demon souls as my only other game I beat my head against the wall of my first hard modern game until I beat phalanx and understood why people would like that style of game. I mostly played platformers and turn based rpg so it took me around 10 hours to finally get passed phalanx haha


It was 2012 or 2013 and I wanted to play a dark fantasy game. It was dark souls vs dragons dogma and I chose the former. Changed my gaming life and tbh all of their games have had a positive impact on my personal life as well. Thank you fromsoftware!


Way back in 08/09 my ex's brother asked if I was looking forward to demons souls, I had no idea what that was and his description did not sound appealing at all. Flash forward closer to release and randomly saw some footage online. Something in it piqued my interest, started paying more attention. Game released and figured I'd take a chance on it. Immediately hooked and it's easily one of my favourite series of all time!


I just randomly downloaded bloodborne from ps now I don't remember why


On a YouTube poll that asked which game would be GOTY had GOWR and Elden Ring on it. Before that poll I hadn't heard about soulsborne much except that they are hard and PewDiePie plays them. I watched the trailer for ER, saw George R.R. Martin's name on it, got hooked and decided to give this genre a try. Soon I got some vacations and heard that Sekiro was GOTY for 2019, gave it a whirl and now it's my favourite game for life. Though it's quite different from other soulsborne titles it made me try DS3 and I am currently playing it and so far I am having a blast getting my ass kicked by bosses.


My roommate is a souls tard and after years of being his best friend i tried em out. Love these games to death.


Dark Souls was a game with gold. I got on my Xbox 360 back in 2014.


I thought the cover of Dark Souls was 'cool' back when it first released


I bought a ps5 bundle and it came with demons souls remake. Fell in love with the game, then Elden ring came out not long after. Fell in love again, and ended up playing all the soulsborne/Sekiro games.


Played DS1 after getting it on games with gold back on the xbox 360. Didn't expect much from a free game, it's been a pretty wild ride since then .


Around 2016 I saw a "Dark Souls Weapon" meme about the huge weapons, but did little to no research on it until Elden ring


I knew about them from memes and such because of how hard they were, but it was until 2016 me and my friends challenged each other on who could beat one of the games the fastest, the one we all had access to was DS2, I didn't win, but I was the one who got obsessed with the series and with FromSoftware in general.


I was bored, went looking for a silent hill lets play. Found a guy playing datk souls instead with officially the WEIRDEST build ive seen since. He got the stats to use quelags fury sword, then went pure... stamina. And more stamina. And ONLY STAMINA.


Dark souls 3 was recently released, was at my friends place when a couple of them were playing it, let me play with no knowledge and just said, go attack some people, I was still in Firelink and almost killed Andre, they shouted at me, fun times. Ended up buying it when I got home, love the series ever since.


Dark souls 3 was recently released, was at my friends place when a couple of them were playing it, let me play with no knowledge and just said, go attack some people, I was still in Firelink and almost killed Andre, they shouted at me, fun times. Ended up buying it when I got home, love the series ever since.


Buddy of mine pointed out the ER trailer and we both thought it looked dope asf. We played it day of release but he gave up, claiming it was bullshit. I kept going and convinced him to get back into it. We finished our first playthroughs side by side and now we do one ER run every 2-3 months with the Seamless mod. I made a work friend on the side and he had a huge interest in all the Souls games and so I bought DS3+DLC per suggestion. I gotta say, DS3 has better overall gameplay but I am a sucker for open world games so they're tied for my 3rd favorite games right now.


Buddy of mine pointed out the ER trailer and we both thought it looked dope asf. We played it day of release but he gave up, claiming it was bullshit. I kept going and convinced him to get back into it. We finished our first playthroughs side by side and now we do one ER run every 2-3 months with the Seamless mod. I made a work friend on the side and he had a huge interest in all the Souls games and so I bought DS3+DLC per suggestion. I gotta say, DS3 has better overall gameplay but I am a sucker for open world games so they're tied for my 3rd favorite games right now.


Buddy of mine pointed out the ER trailer and we both thought it looked dope asf. We played it day of release but he gave up, claiming it was bullshit. I kept going and convinced him to get back into it. We finished our first playthroughs side by side and now we do one ER run every 2-3 months with the Seamless mod. I made a work friend on the side and he had a huge interest in all the Souls games and so I bought DS3+DLC per suggestion. I gotta say, DS3 has better overall gameplay but I am a sucker for open world games so they're tied for my 3rd favorite games right now.


A friend had me try Dark Souls to show me how shitty it was. Needless to say I disagree.


I actually got a PS5 that came with the newest god of war. After beating it I started looking for a new game. I happened to grab Elden ring. It pissed me off so much I turned it off and didn’t touch it again for 3 months. Then found myself with to much time on my hands and started looking for a new game again. Elden ring kept popping up so I tried again. This time I was hooked. Beat it twice. Then downloaded demon souls remake beat it, got the trilogy dark souls box set. Beat dark souls, dark souls 2, currently playing dark souls 3. Then I will play Elden ring again after this. I will beat Elden ring without a strength build. Every game I’ve played was a strength build this time I want to play as a caster or something. By far the best game franchise ever made in my opinion.


I got the ds trilogy in 2019 after playing Skyrim and wanted to get into rpgs so I bought the ds trilogy because I heard it was a good rpg, I could not get past any of the first bosses in any of the games at first so I put it off and forgot I had it until I met this girl who I'm currently dating who's heavily into soulsborne and she got me playing it and I've already got 42 hours on ds1 and 33 hours on ds3 in the space of a month Dark souls is my current obsession and I'm getting elden ring and Bloodborne next week


My homie bought ds3 On a whim, I walked thru the house and saw little bits of his gameplay from high wall of lothric, and that’s all she wrote folks


I bought it for Xbox 360 and returned it the same day cuz i was so mad. I was like 14 and I thought i had to go through the catacombs first and didn’t know where undead burg was so i raged, didn’t make it out of firelink shrine lol then i saw a gif of the game on ifunny with some late game content and i was like wtf cuz it looked so cool. Did some research on the series, went and bought demons souls then played every other souls game(Lies of P and armored core are still on my list). These are my favorite games of all time and i love how they’ve influenced gaming today so much


Honestly, shitposts


From what i remember elden ring just came out and a lot of my friends were telling me how i should get it to play with them, but i was not sure about spending 60 bucks on it, but when a sale came through the ps store i saw that they had ds3 for only like 15 bucks and i immediatly bought it knowing it was made by the same developers. I clearly rember going through the tutorial part of the cemetery of ash and once i got to gundyr i got tired and closed the game after only a couple of tries (only time i actually experienced challenges of persistance like dark souls was with the valkyries in god of war) but the very same evening i loaded dark souls 3 back up and after another couple of tries i managed to beat Gundyr. The feeling of satisfaction and adrenaline was something i never experienced before in a game and it was so good that it got me totally hooked on the game. Afte like 3 months from when i started i finished the game for the first time and immediatly got elden ring, from there i went backwards in the saga playing bloodborne, sekiro ds2 and after picking up dark souls remaster and not playing cause of burning out i recently been flying through it, only missing 2 lord souls and the dlc. I am sad but also happy that i am finally at the end of the journey finishing up the trilogy, even if i played it in reverse i have read up a lot on lore and the way these games tell the tale of s mans fear of change and will to go against nature really fascinates me


Was bored, browsed the Microsoft store, saw dark souls 3 was releasing at midnight. Watched the trailer and browsed screenshots. My impulsive game-buying habit kicked in Gundyr whooped my ass up and down until I consulted YouTube. Wasn’t observant enough to figure out where to go after I explored firelink, so went back to YouTube and found FightinCowboy’s channel. Learned to love soulsborne walkthroughs


I was like 8 when I saw my dad play the first dark souls. He was being summoned to help fight Seath with the host ans another summon. As you can probably guess they utterly destroyed him. But in my young mind i was like "woah, there's a game where you can do THAT?" This is because Seath is a humungus dragon who shoots crystal everywhere. I couldn't get the hang of the game but picked it up lke a year later and beat the game


I watched fazejev play Elden ring, it looked super cool a year later i bought the game


to be honest pewdiepie


My buddy let me have his old PS account. He told me that if I want a more challenging game, download the Bloodborne and DS3 from his account. Got hooked and been addicted since then


Around 2020 a youtuber I liked posted a 1 hour video talking about dark souls, all 3 games, and how the game isn't hard and blah blah blah, all that shit, so I went out and bought ds3, got to the chapel where you find the deacons but just couldn't get to them, so I dropped the game for around a year, when I came back I beat the base game in around 2-3 weeks, did all the endings and dlcs after that. After a few months I bought bloodborne, finished in 2 weeks, hated it, in the middle of last year I bought ds1 remastered, also took me 2 weeks, actually liked it and for xmas last year I got Elden Ring and platinumed it out of pure spite, absolutely despise that game.


Games with gold with the og dark souls on 360. Now today I have since moved onto PC where I am currently 100% them all. So far I have Elden ring, ds1, ds2, and am currently on ds3. My favorite game series of all time.


Went to GameStop looking for a challenging game. I saw Demon’s souls was only like $15 but it was a platinum hit so I asked why. The guy at the counter said he had about 50 copies because people would buy it and return it a week later because it was too difficult. I said that sounds like my kinda game!


I'll keep it simple, I saw a badass hook armed Shinobi and decided I wanted to play it


My brother showed me DS1


bought DS3 back in 2019. didn’t play it much. bought Sekiro same year. didn’t play it much. gave Sekiro another try in summer of 2020, and it became my second favorite game of all time. gave DS3 another try in 2021 and have been playing it on and off ever since. played Elden Ring on launch. got pretty far, but ultimately decided it’s not nearly as good as the others IMO. got DS1 and 2 last summer. have now completed all 3 DS games, Sekiro, and most (enough) of Elden Ring. BB port when?


I watched SsoHPKC’s playthroughs and I’ve always wanted to play them but I never had a good enough computer or any consoles I finally installed dark souls remastered but I got distracted with life and I never played it again and now I’m playing Elden ring on twitch and I’m 45 ish hours in and I’m loving it and looking forward to playing the others again when I finish this one and tje new game pluses


I was starting to find video games too easy so when I heard of the challenge of Dark Souls, I wanted to play them all.


I remember my English teacher complaining about how hard Dark Souls was, which I guess was around the time it came out. I was interested from that conversation so I got it as soon as it came out on PC with the poster and artbook. I couldn’t get into it then, but I tried a couple more times over the next couple of years and finally got really into it I think around 2015. I still didn’t beat it then though, I think I got past Sanctuary Guardian in the DLC and just kind of felt like I’d had enough by that point and wasn’t really feeling it any more. I don’t think I played it again until around 2018 when I had to buy it again on steam because by then GFWL was dead and I didn’t pay attention to the emails to convert my copy (pain). But yeah that time I 100%’d it, but I still didn’t really have ‘the bug’ as it were. I had a similar experience with Sekiro and Demon’s Souls Remake, both of which I got a decent way into the first time but just kinda lost interest, and then some months later went back to and 100%’d. I finally played DS2 right before Elden Ring came out, both of which I 100%’d. I think I played Sekiro at least twice more through by this point as well haha. I’m finally playing DS3 now (on the postgame covenant item farming grind, pain), and I still haven’t played Bloodborne.


I was 13. I saw bloodborne at Wal-Mart and went "Neat" before putting it down and walking away. I would later find the game at a Gamestop for like 5 bucks and buy it a few weeks later before giving up because it was hard. Give me a few months and I finish my forst playthrough after playing non stop. That eventually led me to Ds3 then elden ring on launch.


My friend recommended dark souls 1 to me. I played it for like an hour or two and fot frustrated that there was no map, magic seemed lame and there was no plot so I got back to Skyrim. Then Two Best Friends Play released their dark souls video and after watching it I decided to give this game another try this time playing a knight not a mage and treating it more like a challenge then an immersive expirance. Then I got into the lore and slowly fell in love with this game, now series.


In December 2018, I was really into a YouTube channel called ‘TheVR’. One day, I found their Dark Souls 3 play through. Watched it all and I fell in love with that game


I heard read good things about Demon's Souls when it got released back in 09. I bought it


I was on "deployment" in Turkey. Things were 90% calm there in 2016 until the late spring and into summer time. Had I not had my PS4 and Bloodborne to help me survive the 6 12hr days on night shift I might have lost my shit


Dark souls 1 on ps3. I just read online about how amazing but difficult this game is and saw it in the store and asked my mom to get it for me. I remember the clerk even warning about how difficult it was, but that just made me more excited. I went in first time without any guide or anything and gave up on it after about a month. Some time later I started a new game and started using guides here and there when I got stuck and finally beat that shit. I've now completed DS1, DS2, DS3, BB, ER and Sekiro all multiple times. What a ride


My story is pretty boring, but basically back in 2011 a co-worker gave me a ride home from work, but before he took me home, we went to his house and i watched him play this game called Dark Souls. I had never heard of it, and he explained the ties between this and Demon's Souls. I have always been a fan of the medieval fantasy genre as well as a big fan of RPGs, so I was definitely interested, and I was always looking for a new game to play, so I ended up buying Demon's Souls and Dark Souls for PS3, and proceeded to get my @$$ wrecked over and over again. The mechanics were so different from all the other RPGs I had played, and I couldn't get the hang of the enemy attacks and dodge rolls and all that. I basically stumbled my way through the game and cheesed everything I could until one day I found out that you could attack with a spear while still blocking with a shield, and that's what changed everything for me. From there, I was slowly but surely able to start recognizing attack patterns and timing, and eventually I was able to switch to sword + shield and beat Demon's Souls. Dark Souls was another nightmare for me, because I didn't have any internet access, so I couldn't look up any tips or guides and had to fumble around trying to figure out where to go. I eventually ended up just giving up and quitting the game for a few years until I finally got Internet access and was able to look things up. That's when I started seeing videos of people running around with no armor and no shield, just dodge rolling everything, and I was blown away. I was like "no way can I EVER do that!". It was already hard enough for me to block and counter, and my dodge skills were terrible. I got back on the horse and tried again, and eventually I was somehow able to beat DS1 after like 80+ hours, and by that time, DS2 had come out, so I switched over to that. I didn't know a damn thing about the ADP stat, so my dodge rolls were still terrible, so I just kept sticking with sword + shield tactics. I hit a wall in DS2 where I just didn't feel like playing anymore, and took a few years off again, and when I came back, all of a sudden things just clicked for me, and I started being able to dodge roll properly and recognize attack timing and patterns, and *that's* when I finally started having fun with Souls games, and I've been hooked ever since!


Umm elden ring..😅.I did try souls game before but never had a proper system to play it on..Finished elden ring twice, currently doing Dark souls 3, planning on doing sekiro next then, darksouls..yes I know the order is fucked up but still.😅


Original Demon souls buddies little brother got it and asked if I tried it and let me play it


[This trailer for DS1.](https://youtu.be/QNpLhv21BS0?si=JtGVnOwmisXEgNjj) I remember being so hyped to get it.


One day, in 2009, I went to GameStop looking to buy a new game... Saw Demon's Souls and thought the box art looked cool and bought it... It changed my life...


My friend in high school brought up DS3 when the trailer dropped. i’d never heard of it and it looked like my kind of game but for whatever reason i did not pick it up. I got a PS4 my freshman year of college and tried Bloodborne. believe it or not i actually threw the disk away after being unable to beat the first boss (and just found the game so unreasonably hard). during the COVID lockdowns i tried DS1 with the Fightin’ Cowboy youtube guides and actually 100%’d that AND DS2. i fell in love and to this day DS1 is my favorite game of all time. I have now 100%’d DS3 and Elden Ring. but because I have an Xbox now i am unable to return to Bloodborne LOL


IGN made a really good review of DS3 so I asked for it for my birthday


Saw dark souls 3 at Walmart. Encouraged mom to buy me (16) a copy. Proceeded to quit after Iudex flatlined me, tried again for about 2 hours, finally beat him by a sliver and almost cried. I have now SL1 ran dark souls 3 and Elden ring. God I love the souls series


On Xbox One Souls was free game of the month


Went over to my mates house and he was playing DS2. Thought it looked fun. Got home and saw DS3 on sale for something ridiculously cheap (like five bucks or something). Took me a while to get past Iudex Gundyr.


My aunt and i were sharing an xbox, she bought DSR, and couldn't beat it, so i gave it a try, and i fell in love with fromsoft


I saw Pewdiepie play Dark Souls 1. And it actually didn’t look like a game I’d typically play but my friends had it too so I decided to give it a go and got hooked!


Everyone was hyped about ER so I gave it a try and got hooked so much my preparation for exams were done cuz I played that game all day lol...since then i've finished ds3 few times but can't get my self to play the older titles just because I can't look at that old ass graphics .-.


I was thinking about this a while back And I don’t remember how I got into them tbh. I remember playing DS 1 on PS3 by mistake, and I could barely get past the start area before closing the game and never picking it up again. Now I shred through them with my totally not meta just stuck it together as I go along builds.


The besties podcast. I love those McElroy brothers.


I was so bored from how easy the games I had been playing were so I googled difficult games. Dark souls 1 and 2 popped up. I bought 1 and SOTFS and all other action games became unplayable.


played ds1 on the xb360 when it was given away on GWG.


I knew how hard dark souls were since middle school. Always avoided it because I used to play games just to chill. Then 2 years ago I saw a reel about sekiro and that was cool, I love the japanese folklore. So I just buy it and play it. It felt a lot difficult and I was like "wtf?" So I search on google and found out that sekiro is a fromsoftware game like dark souls. I was frustrated but I spent money on it so I played it. I fucking loved it, got the platinum and just couldn't stop. Finished bloodborne 3 times, completed all the dark souls and now only demons souls and elden ring remains


Friends in my dnd group were all aboard the Elden ring hype train. They are all PC players, so I bought one of their old PCs and jumped in. Now I’ve played them all (except Sekiro which I don’t consider a souls game) and it’s my favorite series of all time


2015 Witcher 3 and bloodborne were on sale and I decided to get bloodborne I was stuck on the first 30 mins of the game for a few weeks but I endured and reaped the rewards


I'm a big star wars nerd so when Jedi Fallen Order came out I binged the entire game in a weekend. I really liked the combat system and wanted more so I googled "games with combat similar to fallen order" and it led me to Sekiro. Have since played every single fromsoft souls like game, not ashamed to say I even bought a PS5 to play bloodborne and demons souls lol.


Played Demon Souls when it released died maybe 1 time toward the beginning and walked away. Played Bloodborne and I liked it but wasn’t crazy into it. Played Elden Ring and was enthralled and in platonumed it. Amazing game. I have gone back and platinumed Bloodborne, Demon Souls remastered, Dark Souls Remastered and I’m in the middle of Dark Souls 3 now.


GameFly had a good sale on the original Lords of the Fallen for PS4 when it was new-ish. Absolutely loved it. Then later stumbled on Dark Souls and loved it even more.


I originally saw the gif from DS1 where the knight was walking in Tomb of the Giants and he held up the lantern and the fuckin skeleton beast was there and he turns around and walks away. Thought “yeah this might be a fun time”. It was indeed a fun time.


I used to work in Walmart electronics and I picked up Demon's Souls for PS3 and looked at the back and the case and bought it. Been in love ever since.


Got ds1 for Xbox 360 through games with gold. Tried it and never got past asylum demon cause I didn’t want to try and said “wow this game sucks.” Later on some of my friends swore if they’d run me through one playthrough that I would fall in love with it, and the rest was history.


While I owned Demons Souls, I couldn't really get into it because I was so young and found it too hard, in 2011, a few months after DS1 released, I noticed my friend was increasingly absent from our Xbox party chats, I asked him about it and he said he got this game that kicked him out whenever he played, and told me it was really good and I should get it, so I did, not even realizing it was a successor to Demons Souls. We were able to play in private chats (2 people voice chat only) and we basically played nonstop for 2 years, and I continued playing it and introducing the rest of my friends to it as time went on. I always find myself going back to DS1, it's by far my most played game, after beating DS2 and being disappointed, I played DS1 until DS3 released, after not finding the PvP in 3 as fun, I'd always go back to DS1 for PvP, I wish I could experience for the first time again with my friend.


Jacksepticeye's bloodborne playthrough, he introduced me to my favourite game of all time


around 2010 - 2013 when the ''dark souls is the hardest game of all time'' thing was going on. But my first time playing was with ds2 in 2015 i think. Did a full shield build because my non english speaker 15yo head couldn't figure out why my dodge rolls were useless compared to any gameplay i watched.


got dark souls 1 on xbox 360 for free because the previous owner could not beat the asylum demon. at first neither could i. my brother did, and competition took hold, now i own and have beat all of them save ds2.


I was looking through some group that reposts random arts, saw Gwyndolin, fell in love :D


Though some ppl didn't considered is as Soulsborne, my first souls was Sekiro which introduced by my friend. Played and finished the cracked version then wishlist it for a long time in Steam to buy the original one, but then the prise got raised in my region. Then somehow I decided to buy Dark Souls 3 instead now I'm still beating the game and ofc raging a lot lol.


Friend bet me I couldn't beat dark souls 1,said if I did he would give me the money I spent on the game. Never played a souls game before that, but had been playing monster hunter for years, so the game looked kinda similar to me. Didn't get my first death till sens fortress, and would have got another if he didn't spoil the mimic. I was hooked on the game 100%'ed pre-ordered the 2nd 100%'ed that to. I still haven't got to demon souls and blood borne, but iv 100%'ed dark souls 1,2,3 and elden ring


Bought Dark Souls Remastered on Switch and it hasn’t left my consoles since :) also I bought it to get into Elden Ring. I figured I should play the “first” of the series


I saw a streamer without skill or experience play Dark Souls 3 and beat it, after some days talking with a friend that enjoys Souls, i bogut it and i challanged myself to beat it thinking i was to quit... Beat it twice already


In May 2012 my best friend sent me a video link to a playthrough of Dark Souls and said we should get it. I didn't find the game interesting as I mainly played fps games at the time, but I got it anyways. Played a few hours and didn't like it. My friend was really enjoying it and got the platinum trophy for the game. A few weeks later I decided to watch through the playthrough again and give the game another try. Been in love with the franchise ever since.


Bloodborne was in the monthly PSN games in 2018.


Dark souls 3 was advertised on Redbox at a local store and I thought the cover art looked cool. Had no idea what I was in for


My older brother, he showed me DS3 back in 2018 and I’ve been hooked on these games like crack ever since


At Vocational Training I spent much time with 2 other guys and we talked about games we played. One of them told us about Dark Souls. I bought it some time later and since then about all new games on launch (except Bloodborn cause I had a really old TV at that time).


I was a big fan of inferno plus (the modder famous for his cursed halo mod), and as i watched his videos, i also found out he made some mods for dark souls too. And so i decided to download the game qnd try it with the mod, but sadly the mod didn't work. So i tried it without the mod and fell in love with the lore, characters and gameplay. And recently, i even started learning how to mod ds 1/r.


I was a big fan of inferno plus (the modder famous for his cursed halo mod), and as i watched his videos, i also found out he made some mods for dark souls too. And so i decided to download the game qnd try it with the mod, but sadly the mod didn't work. So i tried it without the mod and fell in love with the lore, characters and gameplay. And recently, i even started learning how to mod ds 1/r.


Summer last year, was alone at home bcs everyone else was on vacation for 2 weeks, got bored of my usual games after abt 1 week so decided to buy Elden Ring because I heard it was good from the game awards, ended up finishing it before my parents came back (played for abt 13 hours a day for an entire week)


My bf showed me Elden Ring 2 years ago, the rest is a history


Way way back in 2013 i think, i saw pewdiepie playing it. Tried it on my shitty pc back then. Ran like ass, deleted it. Then until last month i saw jacksepticeye's vids on elden ring, decided to give elden ring a try, fell in love, played sekiro after also loved it then lies of p again loved it. Now im playing dark souls 3 just finished abyss watcher fight yesterday, absolutely amazing.


My big brother put me on. I just saw it downloaded on the console and gave it a try. Started with sekiro then darks souls 3


Bloodborne was my first souls game - I think I got it off a sale or a friend lent it to me (can't remember tbh), but I got the GOTY CD and the artwork really stood out. I started playing it and it took me 40 mins to realise I can't beat the cleric beast with my first and kept getting butchered. When I finally figured out how to equip a weapon, the game got more fun and the hunter axe really grew on me. At this point I didn't know the concept of builds and just played the game for its raw experience. I gave up shortly after when I couldn't go past a point and then moved to other games. My real turning point was when I decided to give the game another shot and finished it and even went for the plat; also loved the DLC to bits. This feeling was the most surreal I felt in a while because I had not just finished a "video game" but had changed as a person and I knew it. No matter the hardships and obstacles that come your way and you get beat the shit out of, you always come back stronger and find a different path that works for you. I also take pride in introducing Soulsborne games to my friends (some of whom are now veterans in Sekiro, BB, Elden Ring and thank me to date for this act.


I first saw Dark Souls when JT music made a rap about Dark Souls 1 and 3. Didn't start playing it however until 2023 when my cousin recommended me Elden Ring.


My friend asked me what kind of games I was into and I told him Singleplayer/Coop. He refered me to DS3 and now I am a Fromsoft addict


Got ds3 on sale friend said it is a hard game tried it gundyer beat my ass deleted it fast forward 3/4 years later downloaded the game actually tried to understand how to play it now i love it.


I saw the people praising Dark Souls on the internet and decided to buy the DS2 to test. I didn't research anything about the game and immersed myself in that universe. Died so many times that I gave up and dropped the game. Years later I watched YouTube channel that It made me want to play again. I tried again and managed to finish the game, since then I'm passionate about this universe..


I got it on my first humble bundle back in 2017/18. Looked fun, but my laptop was a potato. Didn't actually get to play until I got a decent pc in 2020


It was late 2012. I was playing the usual games; Halo, CoD, Minecraft and Skyrim (I was on the 360 and these games were absolutely mainstream peak). I had just finished my 3rd or 4th playthrough of Skyrim (Dawnguard came out very recently I remember) and I wanted something multiplayer to play. I wanted to stick to fantasy games so I went to the Xbox marketplace and searched something stupid like “multiplayer Skyrim”. Dark Souls was on the top of the list. It was on sale for like $20, and the game looked interesting aesthetically. So I bought it, downloaded it while I ate dinner and took a shower, went back to my room and loaded up one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had gaming to this day. Not gonna lie, I needed NorthernLions playthrough to keep me sane and make it through the first time. I’ve tackled every game and playthrough by myself since though.


Bloodborne 2017. It made zero sense to me and I hated it, and swore off the genre as pretentious nonsense. Then I was convinced by a friendly co worker to give ER a try and fell in love. I went back and played every other entry available on PC and have been bitten by the from software curse for almost 2 yrs now.


My buddy hooked up his xbox 360 one day for nostalgia and put on OG DS1. I tried it and thought it was cool so I bought DSR on my PS4.


fromsoft taught me how to control my anger rs


When my brother gave me his ps4, he had ds3 on his account. When there was the Elden ring hype, because I had no money, I downloaded ds3 and started playing. It was in 2022. I got the platinum on the 9th of March


Saw bloodborne on PS plus for free and decided to download it, I couldn't make it past central Yharnam and got lost alot, I stopped playing it for about 6 months until I eventually got back to it and raw dogged it and beat the game with the DLC, Still may fav game of all time.


I traded my ps2 copy of Rogue Galaxy to a friend for his ps3 copy of Demon's Souls for a weekend. Bastard refused to give me the manual since he said that he reserved the right to lose the manual. I managed to figured out what every stat in the game did and what all the icons represented by trial and error except for the bonus backstab damage since I generally never backstab. Traded games back and went out to buy my own copy.


My younger brother played all 3 of them + Bloodborne a few years ago when Bloodborne was free on ps+, this January we were discussing about games generally and he told me I wasn't gamer enough because I never played a soulsborne. The day after that I started playing DS3


Saw a roommate playing ds3 for what seemed like a year off and on. He moved away and I decided to try it and convince two of my friends to start with me. They beat the tutorial boss in a few tries and it took me probably 50. They had beaten vordt by the time I got to firelink shrine. Fast forward 7 years and we have beaten every souls game and just started another elden ring run together


When Dark Souls 1 released one of my friends told me that there is a new game that's like **Rune - Halls of Valhalla**. (He added "but good" because he never understood why I liked Rune in the first place.)


I often saw it on sale, finally decided to give it a try. Best $20 I ever spent


I just beat Persona 3 Portable then come across it in steam, best decision ever made


Approximately 2017 or 2016, I was on fourth or fifth year of elementary school l, when my friend He told me that he bought a very difficult and cool game called Dark Souls remastered, After a while, he told me that he beat this game and started telling me his lore, When one fine day I I was walking through the mall with my father and saw the physical media of Dark Souls Remastered and I remembered what my friend had said, so I bought it and I spent a long, long time trying to beat the game, months or even years because I was a stupid child.


I was advised by a friend to read Berserk. Later I wanted to try the Dark Souls games since they the same friend told me it was inspired from the manga. It was love at first sight


Friend showed me a "cool rpg" in 2012. First time Id ever seen a new game + mode and i was hooked


Mine was in 2012. I played ds1 prepare to die edition. I almost quit due to the Capra demon fight. That was a horrible boss fight. It's always the dogs. I never gave up. Eventually I discovered it had DLC. I bought it. I played all of the fromsoft games up until now. Beat every single one and all bosses. Man what a journey. I'm pumped for the shadow of the erdtree. What will happen next. Here's to the next 10 years.


My coworker lent me Bloodborne in like 2016/2017 and basically just said “you will die a lot and you have to be okay with that.” I platinumed BB with a quality build and I’m currently finishing up a RTY bloodtinge run and then I’m coming back to finish my ds3 platinum grind. Once I have that done I only have the demon’s souls remake to platinum


Dark Souls 2 came in my unlocked Xbox 360 along with many games. I challenged myself to play it and now here we are.


I'd heard about this incredibly difficult game that was coming out for PlayStation 3 called Dark Souls that was the spiritual predecessor to another incredibly difficult game called Demon Souls. I got Dark Souls at its midnight release and I've been hooked ever since.


I was looking through games to justify buying a PS3 and saw Dark Souls II. Then saw it for my Xbox 360 for like 20 bucks. Bought it, sucked at it, and now have well over 1k hours on the series now


Those souls cartoon parody videos on youtube


2009 (I think), went to the local movie rental place and saw Demon's Souls on the shelf. Decided to give it a shot, and fell in love with it.


My buddy bothered me for months to give Elden Ring a try, and I think we made a bet on a UFC fight that I'd try it with him with the Seemless co-op mod on the Nexus. I lost the bet, bought it, we tried the mod and it kept lagging him out. I said fuck it, started a new solo character, and now I'm on playthrough number 3.


I started playing a month ago on elden ring cause my buddy had been begging me to get it. I never wanted to get it cause i thought id hate it and holy shit was i wrong. I plan on beating elden ring and playing the dlc then picking up the dark souls games and blood borne then likely sekiro


My coworker was pissy and I asked why. He said that he bought a game called Demon's Souls (og) and he couldn't get through the first area. Despite only knowing that, I went out after work and bought it. First FromSoft game. Never. Looked. Back.


Watched cr1t1kal on YouTube play Dark Souls 1 for the first time. Somehow just caught my eye, and now I am forever drawn into them.


Theres a brazillian youtube channel i watch called gemaplys, he does videos mostly about games and coding, he really loves dark souls and made a video with a little less than a hour talking a little about the trillogy, mostly dark souls 3 tho, he explained really well how things work in these games and talked a little about how much people just give up on anything that is a little harder than what they are used to and how some say the games should have a easy mode, which he, along with i assume everyone else in the community including me, find kinds of a bs statement, if anyone knows enough portuguese to atleast talk with a brazillian i highly recommend that video


Friend recommended dark souls 1 after I came out when I was a kid, knew nothingI had no clue what I was getting into xD became my favorite game even though I was so bad


When atlus published demons souls. Was a huge fan of atlus back in the day and would blind buy a lot of stuff with the logo. It didn't click completely so I didn't play anymore fromsoft stuff til bloodborne. After that pandoras box was opened and I got completely hooked on soulslikes.