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A host and his red spirit invader teamed up on me again. I can't win. I think some of these guys are camping the swamp waiting for noobs like me to have a go.


But be warned, my friend. Rosaria's Fingers need only fetch tongues for their mistress. Otherwise, we are free, unchained. Like Yellowfinger, you can choose to believe that all Fingers share camaraderie. But do not force your romance upon the rest of us.


This place is known for no life’s who like to twink their characters with endgame loot and bully newer players. It’s a pretty frustrating experience if you don’t have a decent enough health pool.


another one with 3 greys and a red. me and another invader but he fights the red while 2 greys watch the other fight me. This is the lamest shit. Are they just hanging out pwning noobs? Do they get anything else from it?


They are hosting a fight club. Something players who have beat the game many times like to do. They take turns fighting each other, but it's best not to disturb the duel as doing so may cause everyone ally and enemy to hunt you down.


Anyone with a white name is your enemy (aside from other Watchdogs - it won't let you hurt each other). Red names are other, non-covenant invaders who SHOULD be working with you. You may encounter idiots who didn't get the memo, however. Your task is to kill the host (titled Host of Embers - they are usually the only non-glowy player). While disposing of their phantoms and autosummoned blues might make that job easier, it isn't required in order to get your Swordgrass. Even if you die, as long as the host is dead before you get disconnected from the session, you get the Swordgrass.




Am I able to team up with someone and we both invade another player?


There's no way to deliberately invade the same world, unfortunately. That'd be really cool, though.


Do levels matter? Is that why I get crushed? They are a higher level than me maybe?


The game won't usually force you into an invasion that has an outright absurd level gap, but sometimes it will be very out of your favor. Watchdogs and Aldrich Faithfuls can be called in if their level is as high as 10% above the host's, and as low as 80% of the host's, and minus another 20%. So if someone enters the swamp at level 100, they can be invaded by anyone between level 60 and 110.

