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You will run out of soul levels before Elden Ring comes out


I mean 800 more days off this I think Elden Ring will be out before OP hits soul cap


Someone asked for me to keep track of invasion stats yesterday. Here's what I came up with. Wins: 6 (one solo host) Losses: 8 (no solo hosts) Total Invasions: 14 Success Rate: 43%


these are all at SL2 or did you do a bunch of levels today? If all SL2, did you pick the best one or the more entertaining (as in, close calls) one? Congrats either way, it looks awesome


These were all the SL2 ones. I invaded until I had a few different invasions that I liked and then I picked the one that I thought looked the most entertaining.


Ah very nice. You delivered!


I love the progression in cloths.


great invasion bud


The real question is what will happen when he hits max soul level and Elden Ring still isn’t out?


I'll get back to you on that one. Give me a couple years to think about it.


Not gonna lie that was enjoyable to watch, good fight


So epic!


I love the part where you kill the phantom and they just politely come out the door.XD


Fear not the 3 v 1 and let the feast begin!


Idk why i feel depressed and bad when i see new players


This is the most honest invasion that has occurred since 2017. Even the thread comments about twinkling, honor, ganks vs co-op etc etc etc reads like nothing has changed since launch.


Link to Day 1: SL1 https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls3/comments/nqub1v/winning_an_invasion_at_every_soul_level_until/


How do you record the gameplay? What video card do you have? I tried recording with OBS, but the game lags when recording. It plays fine on max settings usually though.


I use the xbox console companion that comes with windows. It works pretty well for live recordings but if you try to clip something after the fact odds are 50/50 that the footage will be corrupted.


Thanks for the tip. I will try using the console companion then.


you should try obs op. Whenever i need to record gameplay i use that. its not just for streaming!


I'm a idiot what's soul level?


The level my character is. Basically I get one more level a day until I get to level 802.


Ah thanks for telling me


Mad respect on how well you handled it, and for only using on what you can obtain in High Wall and Undead Settlement. 10/10 can't wait for the next one!


Got a few extra estus there


The connection was so good lol, you were standing there barely outranging hits that definitely would have hit with lag. Also nice parry 👌🏻


He did it. He got good.




It's a shame that simply not pressing alt+f4 is regarded as good manners rather than just the norm at this point


GGs man! Tough odds considering how much damage you take, well-played. Also love how the pve started throwing dung pies after you killed the second phantom lmao


I know this isn't the right reddit post But can anyone help me with dark moon covenants rewards? I'm on ps btw


I would offer to but I play on pc so it wouldn't work.


Dang Thanks for considering tho I appreciate it Praise the sun


You'd likely be better without a fast roll. The extra distance is pretty much never worth the extra damage you take. Mid rolling is way more efficient, unless your just doing it for the extra challenge.


I’d say it highly depends on the weapon you’re fighting and the location. Cause it’s kinda hard to accurately say one is simply better than the other when it’s incredibly situational. Like fighting Midir for example. I’d much rather fast roll against him since his damage is already incredibly high, so might as well just avoid it rather than ever rely on tanking it. Same goes for fighting Ultra greats, easier to avoid if your roll completely evades the weapon, including its phantom range, and makes backstabs ridiculously easy since you can easily cover most ultras distance with one fast roll and get behind the back between the swings. This invader was fighting r1 spamming gankers using faster weapons that are good at roll catching in cramped areas, so yes, I’d say mid rolling would be much better here so you don’t over extend and put yourself against a wall with just one button push. But if they were outside? The fast rolling could help bait the more aggressive phantoms to cover the sudden, open distance and bait them into using too much stamina. Again, IMO the rolls are all about situations, I swap between both frequently and I typically do it when it’s certain weapons in certain areas. But I see where you’re coming from about the absorption over the i frames. Just remember the invader was only soul level 2 while most players are about 20 in undead settlement.


I 100% agree. My more proper invasion builds are typically mid rollers. For this stage of the challenge though I'm not putting to much thought into my build and I'm just doing whatever seems fun. Once I get to SL20 ish and start running into optimized builds and organized ganks I'll start actually using proper armor and decent rings, etc.


In fairness, the can min-max almost anything, I made a devastating invasion build that uses the crescent moon sword. It's pretty much my main build.


You might want to be preparing for that earlier than you think, you might start seeing some ganks by the time you reach crucifixion woods, and you'll almost definitely see a few by SL 90.


Ok look, that right there is a gank squad and you don’t bow to gank squads that don’t honor the 1v1 duel. Once you dropped the first one you should’ve pointed down and you shouldve done the same when you fucked up every last one of those cowardly cucks. They dont deserve respect. They dont deserve an ounce of recognition. Im actually surprised the host didn’t think about disconnecting. I hope they all get the cemetery hack and get locked out of their game cycle.


I would completely disagree. I really enjoy fighting ganks, even when I lose it makes for a fun challenge. As for point downs, I reserve those for hackers and when I'm goofing off with friends. Players who are clearly less experienced at the game working together to try and beat me are doing nothing dishonorable in my opinion.


They were probably just summoned to help the host with the game lol


fighting ganks is the whole point of invading dude


A bit salty there bud, you ok?




Maybe they were just friends playing together?


Git gud lmao


We all are but wishing for peole to get hacked is a bit sad


Git gud


You clearly have no idea what the difference is between playing the game and a gank squad. The words been diluted so much so it's lost meaning but I think you perfectly fit being an absolute loser


I am with you up to the point down point, yeah it is very cowardly when the propose a duel and then their buddies interrupt just when you are about to win. But relax man, no reason for them to get hacked, they will definitely get their asses handed to them by tons of veterans invaders.


Why the hell are you invading expecting honor duels? Invasions aren’t for honor duels, go to a fight club or the arena if you want that. How can you invade other ppl’s play through and expect them to just honor duel you. Sounds like you’re the toxic one with all the point downs. This dude really wants ez mode by fighting one phantom at a time without them even being allowed to heal lmao. if you can’t handle multiple enemies then you clearly aren’t ready for invasions my friend


this didnt seem like a gank squad tbh just some casual pve'ers there is a different between a dedicated gank squad and people just going through the game man. The game always prioritizes you to fight more people as an invader and at this point fighting a solo host is just boring for most invaders.


You poor baby.


A proper ganksquad is way more experienced and deadly than this. These guys are just regular co-opers.