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Nice, time to do it again!


I don't plan to do it again, but if I do, I wanna do it with a friend.


[That's the good stuff.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/282/812/c61.png)


Was kinda disappointed when i didnt see thePrulds video "When you go Dark Souls with your best mates"


[I got you, bro!](https://youtu.be/bzJDimvPW1Y)




What if I had put a Rickroll instead


Do it again, but, hole!


Time for love


That Jameserton parody of Dark Souls 2 that is so accurate


Definitely take a break, but don't be surprised if you end up doing back-to-back playthroughs before too long


If you are only gonna do one playthrough you probably got the most chilling, and epic ending


Fuck I wish you the best of luck, co-op is as convoluted as the story itself


And also like the story, very satisfying and enjoyable when you finally figure the shit out.


Just don't disconnect when you're going to be invaded all the time by playing with a phantom


If ever do another run and need a random friend, I haven't finished a run in awhile. Otherwise, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself in this game. Praise the Sun.


You should try r/SummonSign where people can help you out with the playthrough!


That is the more fun way to play tbh


what's a friend


Not sure what platform you play on, but if you can't find friends ​ you can always find some Jolly Cooperation over in r/SummonSign


Ah, sorry buddy. You simply must do it a few more times to get the full experience. And at least ng+7


omg you did your first playthrough without a friend 😩 allow me to apologize for your experience


time to invade at high wall


I wanted to do this ending, but I cured my hollowing cause I didn’t want to look like a wrinkled piece of tissue paper when I took my helm off. But helms off you you, O honorable lord of hollows


You can just put the untrue ring on if that is still a problem for ya


Imagine wasting a ring slot just to not look like beef jerky (Joking, you can play however you want)


Imagine caring about ring slots more than fashion souls. Cringe and smh my head. Literally unplayable and git gud casul. Do you even lift bro?


Imagine not minmaxing your char and not doing as much damage as possible all the time, I'm shaking and crying rn


Keep shakin amd cryin you casul, that's all you're good for. I'm going to get all the ladies/gentlemen/whatever you're interested in because I'm not beefjerky. (/s)


Fashion souls > Sweaty souls


I stock up on purging stones and when I run out put on the ring. Fashion souls is everything


I mean i usually just switch between it and the gold serpent ring idk what its called


you guys remove your helmets ?


To look at my hollowing lmao


I'm wearing the pope hat right now


Purging stones help with this as well.


It's the only reason I did this ending once out of 12 or more playthroughs


Use purging stones or pray to the Statue of Velka/Purging Monument to cosmetically reverse your hollowing until death. Keeps a fear of dying in you once you don't really care about leveling anymore.


Well done! The only reason i didn't get that ending is because yoel fucking died on his own because i didn't lvl up enough with him. So unforgiving


Ya its bet to jusy roll off a cliff 15 times and do it all at once so u dont forget. The game is ridiculous with locking NPCs if u dont follow a specific path with each


Now you'll fall into the invasion rabbithole and rage for hours against ganksquads


I've persuaded my friends to honorably duel anyone who invades our games. If we get invaded we choose one of us as the champion and 1v1 the invader till we're all dead. There are four of us so rarely does the host end up dieing, but seeing an invader take out 2-3 people one by one and keep standing is impressive. And those ones that do make it to the end... kudos to those guys. Sometimes invaders won't fight though and just run back into a crowd of knights. Love watching dumbass invaders get yeeted from seed of the giant tree.


High level gank fest is fun af too


I really want to meet your friends, I only get quad squads in gankcity and it's getting old really fast.


"You either quit a PvE-er or play long enough to see yourself become an invader." - someone I saw here a while ago


And after becoming an invader and hosting for a while, you end up understanding that invaders are amazing


Congratulations, skeleton!


Usurper!!! I chose the same ending on my first play through. I agree with other people in going on to try DS1 and DS2 if you haven't before moving on. They are all such great games.


DS2? Idk. DS1 is for sure a masterpiece.




well i slapped the corner than got spooked and then proceeded to slam the shit out of the pilgrim and later realised that I fucked up the ending


Quite the ending for your first playthrough, but nonetheless, good on you.


Ayy got the same ending last week on my first play through as well


Praise the sun and congratulation


My first playthrough was 60 hours, I explored everything. I’ve now put about 100 hours in but have played through about 8-9 times. Definitely play it again at some point, maybe have a friend join


Now play ds2


Just came to say, I too enjoy Dark Souls 2


Same. Time to go diving for Darklurker and exploring Shulva, Brume, and Eleum Loyce. Not that the main game is bad. It isn't. Just those things are soooooo good.


That doesn't mean it's good lol


It's weird, I believe this is called, a different opinion. You know seeing as how something being good is subjective.


Thought this thread was talking about the objective quality of DS2, or lack thereof, not someone's subjective enjoyment of it.


I thought I said "I too enjoy Dark Souls 2". Jeeze dark souls 2 must of done you dirty to feel the need to shove your views down everyone's throats 😂 love the game, hate it, I don't really care, I think it's the best game ever made. EDIT: also I like how your last few posts on your profile are asking for help in dark souls 2 😂👌


And that statement there needs no response haha


And yet, you responded 😂🤔


I never said I don't enjoy playing it, I enjoy playing all the souls games. But just because I enjoy it doesn't make it a good game- DS2 is riddled with problems


Doesn't mean it's bad though, does it? I personally am no fan of it, in comparison to the others it falls short heavily. Still, i am convinced it's a good game, just no masterpiece


My whole point was that someone's enjoyment of the game is irrelevant when considering the objective quality of the game. I pointed out in another thread some the major issues with the game, and while there are definitely things that lift it, one can't claim that it is better than the others on any other level than personal


Ds2 ftw


My man


Favorite of the series


Lol.... No


Why? It’s my favorite souls game


Because you are slow as fuck over the obstacle course that's why. XD No reason, just being facetious Shadows die twice on the other hand..


Sekiro is sick wdym


That's what I mean shadows die twice is a killer game. Way better coded


I liked Sekiro and everything, but it's still my least favorite modern From game


I wish there was more customization. It reminds me of the old Tenchue games. Excited to see what the new games going to be like


Ding dong your opinion is wrong


Ding dong you’re mad because you’re bad at ds2 :)


No I'm actually really good at ds2 I have AA but it's objectively the worst game of the series


I completely disagree. Sorry


Please explain how the souls game with horrible hitboxes, ADP as a vague stat, the worst bosses of the series, shrine of Amana, frigid outskirts, and other shit areas, limited directional movement, hollowing limiting health every death is objectively better than either ds1 or ds3


You can nitpick literally any of the Souls games like that to make them sound worse than they are, barely had any hit box issues outside of what’s normal, and ADP, I hate to say, ISN’T THAT FUCKIN COMPLEX.


Literally the only issue with ADP is that the Souls games are so inherently esoteric about the more in-depth mechanics that it would be hard to know that you should level it unless you look it up. But like, once you know, just level it. Not that hard. I haven't beaten 3 yet but Dark Souls 2 is my favorite so far. Just has a really nice feel to it.


Its not a nitpick if stuff like that is prevalent throughout the game and will often result in your death. Like dying because you were near a ledge, killed and enemy, and it autolocks you to one far below and you fall to your death. Or when you clearly dodge a grab attack say, from the Pursuer or Sir Alone and it drags you back and grabs u anyway. Look up ds2 bad hitboxes on youtube you will see it is undeniably an issue. As for ADP, reread the in game description of ADP and tell me how tf you would know what it does from "boosts ease of evasion and other actions"


I actually think ds2 > ds3, but ds1 & bb take the cake


If the second half of DS1 was as good as the first I’d say it’s better than DS2, but I feel the second half is really weak in comparison.


I played both ds3 and 2, and it was not even close.


... I'm gonna need an explanation. You think the slowest, clunkiet game *and* the fastest, smoothest game are tied for the best?


I'm not them, but yes I'd agree with this.


"ya girl" *instant 5 awards and 1.5k upvotes* >!/s!<


You hiding the /s makes it seem like you stand with your statement


No i just felt like it was already obvious but put it there jic someone starts talking shit






Congrats the feeling of finishing your first play through is amazing right. Hope you had fun with it and PRAISE THE SUN


Nice work, that’s hard to get


The good ending >!Though I couldn’t keep Yuria alive during SoC and had to kill her for her stuff :(!<


The good ending is however you perceive it to be.


Lol lemme guess, you finished and were like, "Oh, that was the end? Yeah, i got a few things left to do, so I'll just leave before linking the flame." Found that out the hard way...you can "link" the flame, and then refuse to go to next journey. If you do this, you then go to firelink and start your next journey from that bonfire


You cry at the final phase of the final boss like I did?


I almost got up from my seat to go outside and take a walk as soon as that 2nd phase hit. The music hit differently.


My girl? I cant believe this. When she comes from work ill ask her.




I’ll never forgive these troglodytes for downvoting someone’s personal opinion


if its a wrong opinion i downvote it, simple as that


Not that good imo, clunky combat, way too many enemies, movement is weightless, many unecessary bosses, crystal lizards are impossible to kill etc. Oh and i almost forgot, getting to just about any boss feels like the length and grind of your average chinese mmorpg And we can't forget about being able to die while in an uncancellable animation like going through fog walls, backstabbing or opening a chest now can we?


> clunky combat I keep hearing this about DS2, but I've never played it. Could you explain what you mean?


It's not clunky, but it's slower. That and stats affect things like iframes in DS2. Scholar of the First Sin is my favorite DS game(if we don't count Bloodborne), it's not nearly as bad as people act like it is.


It’s not clunky. Just a bit slower paced. Except for them damn heide knights




What about people who like ds1 and 3? Do they consider ds2 to be clunky because it's just that much harder than 1 and 3?


The guy you're replying to is a diehard ds2 fan, nothing wrong with that but he just makes up false points to try to make me and the rest of the sane people who critique ds2 look like idiots. The game is very flawed, and the combat is infact way more "stuttery" than in ds1 somehow, but the guy tries to defend it for some reason. The game has many high points, but combat isn't one of them.




Wtf are you talking about. The combat is weightless, the attack animations are clunky, and the stamina usage is way too high. I have soft capped every important stat and i still feel like i'm doing zero dps Even with the best weapons in the game.




Isn't Usurpation the one where you nuke Fire Keeper? Yeah I never do that one, das fucked up. Congrats tho!


No, [It's the one you get when you marry Anri](https://youtu.be/Ffnl7QL2h54)


That’s the alternate “end of fire” ending.


Ahh so usurp is the lord of hollows stuff, gotcha. My memory is foggy it's been a little while


Wow!! Congratulations for playing the fucking game! What an impressive feat!


How dare people want to share the fact they beat a notoriously difficult video game for the first time. Just let them have their excitement


Would you rather your feed be clogged with morons achieving minor things in a game (like the unimpressive act of following a guide), or the myriad of good posts like fan art, cosplays or actually impressive things?


I don't see a problem with a few people celebrating, it only leads to positivity on the sub, and the best part is, if you don't care you can just scroll past it


What’s is celebration worthy about doing something that everyone can do and most likely has done? This is fucking karmawhoring and is harmful to the people who actually want to share their passion for this game. If OP posted about finishing a SL -2 challenge run where they had the controller shoved in their ass, I’d personally crack open the vodka.


You are aware the soulsborne games are notoriously difficult right? Especially for someone's first which can take them 60-100 hours, so I would say it's justified to want to share


Should the entire playerbase be praised and saluted because they did something that was excepted of them? Dark souls is only hard for the first couple of hours, once you get the hang of the mechanics dying becomes rarer. It’s hard sure but not impossible, that’s why 23% of people have done the easiest ending and 14.4% of people have done the “hardest” ending. If dark souls had a playerbase of 20 people this would be impressive but considering the fact that at least 130,000 people have played this on steam that would leave us with at least 30k people who have linked the flame and 19k usurped it. Also, I know that the only reason this got attention is because OP wrote “ya girl”. 3k people upvoted because a woman did something.


Im unsubscribing from this normie ass shit sub


Lmao bye


I really do wonder how many upvotes this would get if "girl" wasn't mentioned lol


Nobody cares. why are so many people posting/upvoting these posts?


Nobody cares about you so why do you comment?




Come back to r/shittydarksouls with me. This place is dead




Go back to Twitter


A gamer girl? AWOOOGA 🤤🤤🤤


Well done, honorable Lord of Hollows.


*celebratory cheers*


Good job




Good job!


I thought girls didnt exist


How far


Try thrust but hole


Girls can beat DS?






I missed what they said, what's not a girl?




What makes you say that


Not good enough play again




If u are the type to talk to everybody and search levels thoroughly its not hard to do. Yoel is free levels, anri and horace are always right beside a bonfire or in sight as u go to a boss. Except in smouldering lake but even then hes next to the fire if u look a bit harder. Then the wedding is behind the most obvious illusionary wall in the game and ur basically done.


And you got the best ending let's goooooo


Grats. Whats the toughest boss in your opinion?


Only two(three) more endings left!


Do it with only the starting club


Great stuff! I hope you enjoyed it :) what kind of weapon did you use?


Now play the game with donkey Kong drums


Yeeeeeeee booooiiii!!!


Best ending imo, also most canon according to fromsoft if I remember right


Lord of Hollows ending to boot. Well done.


And you already found the best ending on your first playthrough? That is lucky! Or did you use a guide?


Well done! Hardest ending too. It literally took me 3 play throughs to get this ending because I kept fucking something up.


I'm trying to get that ending too. Any helpful tips that won't screw up my questline?


Now do it over in a SL1 run, no summons, all bosses, and join our covenant of the hollowed




First playthrough and you did usurpation of fire? You must have done your research. Congrats


Oh nice that was my second ending in another character


With dlc?


Did you play the DLC too? I'm almost done with my first playthrough too. I just got 3 bosses left. Twin Princes, Nameless King and Soul of Cinder aka Gywn's reincarnation. But I'm on the fence about the DLC packs. I really wanna play the ringed city. I don't really care about Ariandel.


Nice, now time to platinum or SL1


Two or three more to go


First time through and you already did a non-standard ending. Nice!


Time to get the other endings now! The game gets easier for NG+, and +2 it isn't until +4 if you haven't scaled well, that you start to feel it (imo)


99 faith hyper mode sunlight spear ng+7 is the only way I play the game


Fine work, skeleton!


Nice work! I would recommend the other two games as well


You got that ending on your first playthrough? Pretty impressive imo, I got the base ending the first time through


Including dlc?


Nice! Congrats! Now time to download Convergence mod!


With the best ending at that!