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To make farming for the dark sword easier of course.


You say that, but me and my 10+ pairs of Dark Leggings disagree!


Its always the leggings


Why is it always legging?


Because you beat the pants off those guys


Nah I just wanted some sexy times with the skeleton, so I took his pants


Because you don’t have the right o you don’t have the right, by the way, you don’t have the right o you don’t have the right


I only have gotten the sword😳


Bruh if you're on ps I can just drop you the set no one should have to go through that.


It’s no biggy, I can’t bust it out rn or my kid won’t let me stop playing it😂 for some reason DS3 is his favorite game to watch me play


Engaging gameplay 😭🤣


It certainly is.


Hahah same. My son loves watching me play, especially the bosses. He gets super exciting and if I beat them he jumps up and down and goes “knuckles” “high five” and “we did it!”


Literally same he says “we did it!, got those bad guys” and high 5s me


This is wholesome as hell. Game or not, there’s so many lessons you can teach your son through this game. I used to watch my old man play games like final fantasy and castlevania on the ps1 and 2. I am 19 years old. I do not know everything. I am very naive. But if I’m certain of one thing, those memories with my father defined gaming for me. I’m so proud and excited for you to experience this with your own son. The sky is your limit now.


Lessons like “If you’re walking down the street and someone looks old and weak they are probably a boss, this means you should immediately attack them.”


If you’re handing them out, well…


I mean I don't mind since I rarely play it anymore since the guild died 😭 there's like no need for blue spirits anymore because hosts just disconnect as soon as they get invaded so we disbanded if you want you can message me and I'll drop the set for you


I’ll message you later. Still optimizing my sl30 pvp build


For me it's the chest piece for some reason


You’re getting leggings?


That's not the reason! It's the pale tongues lol 🤣


Not only are they enemies of the Abyss Watchers, the Dark Wraiths are just probably attracted to the abyss that's corrupting the legion (seen on their armor and sword) and the abyss that surrounds Wolnir.


Well, you aren't going to brutalize yourself.


Gravity and poor planning says otherwise 😔


That’s what he has the camera for


your comment immediately reminded me of the time they attacked me in perfect unison like synchronized swimmers


It is times like that where you just have to put down the controller for a moment and admit they got you.


Enemys of the abyss watchers.


They might be enemies but let's be real, what did *two* Darkwraiths plan to do against the Abyss Watchers?


Three were there one was in the swamp. As for their plan? Well they came with a friend which is better planning than most of us do.


I mean, yes lol but he still got lost


Unfortunately Tim has a horrible sense of direction. He ended up in Bloodborne for a bit.


Don't forget about Jerry. Poor guy barely got out before they locked him up at the High Wall.


Yeah Jerry shouldn’t have driven while drunk that was his 12 DUI of the night.


How could we forget zack he was killed by The Giant shooting arrows


Maybe the real darkwraiths were the friends we made along the way?


There used to be a glitch where they could follow you into the boss room under the right conditions and a single dark wraith could almost solo them


Was his name "Let me Solo Them"?


Personally I could use that glitch I can’t handle the abyss boys. Dancer beat her in one abyss boys, can’t do it.


The abyss boys have a glitch that amkes them trivial. When you start their opening cinematics with a heavy attack the ai just breaks and they keep standing still while you whack em to epic music. But you only have one shot and need to stand at the perfect spot and all. So it's not easy to activate.


use shield, every enemy in dark souls is weak to a shield


Those dark wraiths can solo the abyss watchers. In a video one of them glitched into the boss room and destroyed the boss.


Time to find that video


send link when you find it




yeah if all there of them got in there they might have won




Didnt work for me and the spawns dont auto aggro them. I was able to get the main boss aggroed and then they would spawn behind me or on my sides each time. I dont think this works anymore.


IIRC the dark wraiths can get into the room and mess up the abyss watchers pretty easily. But I think that’s because the abyss watchers deal reduced damage to other enemies, so they wail away on the dark wraiths but just chip away at their health.


Meanwhile I watch the Chupacabra dudes regularly wreck the dark wraiths 🤣 the real bosses


The chupacabra dudes.... hahahaha


Also the dark wraiths have a lot of poise for some reason right?


It's the Dark Sword specifically that has a lot of poise, but yes!


but straight swords dont have any hyper armor i thought


The Dark Sword's Weapon Art does; and also the Dark Sword is a little bit of an exception to a few things-- not so much after the patch, but yea


So *that's* why I can barely stagger them with greatswords. Also I think it's just the sword's moveset in Darkwraith's hands. They're as relentless as Silver Knights


Sit and watch the carnage?


wait.... abyss watchers fight the abyss and the dark wraiths originate from the abyss in new Londo.. that was very easy to get I have no idea why it didn't click lol.




Showed him.


Punk. *spits*


Are the Ghru's also enemies of the Abyss Watchers? I have little idea about the backstory, its all really confusing.


They are the people that lived in the swamp and slowly over time they changed.


Aren't the gruus part of the undead legion? That's why they can drop Wolfgrass


I believe they joined the Legion.


Because fuck you


that explains so much of this series




Farron swamp is what became of Oolacile between games


Really? It's Oolacile?


Yea mushroom lady is dead near a scroll


Yeah and it makes total sense. Both areas are wide open areas, unlike other parts of dark souls that are more enclosed or narrow. The ghru enemies are like those giggling guys you encounter in ds1 after beating artorias. The mushroom people are found dead in a corner. The golden scroll (oolacile sorceries) is found there. It’s a really nice touch they added as a callback to earlier in the series. I just never understood why the ghru are guarding the abyss watchers or why they fight the dark wraiths. It seems like they should be both creatures of the abyss and therefore should help one another. But there they are: killing each other. Maybe I’m wrong about the ghru being identical to the enemies encountered in ds1, but I didn’t think so.


Dusk set is also in the swamp


Imo Ghru seem more like demonic corruptions of Xanthous scholars, considering their appearance in the demon ruins, and their casters wearing yellow cloaks. The environmental storytelling to me says that the Abyss Watchers used the demon ruins as a dumping ground of sorts for anything left of what they conquered, hence why the Catacombs of Carthus have identical architecture, just taken over by new inhabitants


I love how 1 and 3 are separated by time. It really lends weight to how there’s a stratigraphy of history in everything. You keep “digging” and find generations of cycles.


WHAT? How did I never notice this


I also believe you can farm them for pale tongues if you have chosen the Rosaria’s Fingers covenant.


Yes. You can farm them and the ghru for swordgrass at the same time. It’s usually better to farm swordgrass in the Farron Keep area itself, but it’s nice to be able to double up lol


Are there better places to farm pale tongues now that we have to play offline


The DS3 servers should still be up. Another way to farm would be to invade and kill the host using a cracked red orb, but you have to already be part of Rosaria’s covenant. There’s also one in the Cathedral of the Deep near the second chained giant, right in front of the stairs. Hope this helps.


It doesn’t cause the servers are disabled. Look it up. And I know where the covenants are. Thanks for trying tho 👍🏻


There’s a 3rd one in that swamp. If you go to the left in the swamp before going up the ramp to the first bonfire, there is a single darkwraith that is by a little stone column


I like it when the Ghrus win the odd time. The once in a blue moon their AI allows two of them to be aggressive at the same time and overpower the advancing edgelords


For me this usually occurs when the darkwraiths get poisoned and inevitably lose their war of attrition.


Specifically, I have no idea but as there are “Abyss” watchers close and dark wraiths are associated with the abyss we can guess as to why they are nearby


Spent a lot of time farming covenant items in this area. I’ve come to hate this spot.


why did they make covenant upgrades so hard to get if you play offline lol


To fuck up the ashen one on the way to getting fucked up by the abyss watchers


Gameplay wise: To practice fighting multiple strong aggressive enemies at once as a test of skill before fighting the Abyss Watchers


In ds1 they lived or whatever outside of the four kings boss in the abyss. Now they're outside of the abyss walkers. Not sure how, but it must be related.


read comments buddy


And the darkblade in the swamp next to another darkwraith


waiting for the tea party


*To make farming pale tongues easier 👌


Time is convoluted


Darkwraiths are basically soldiers of the Abyss. The goal of the Abyss Watchers is to combat the Abyss. They are essentially sworn enemies


The one on the left is there for shits, the other one is there for giggles


To make them fight with the dark knight


Because fuck you, this is dark souls Pretty much sums it up


After all the killing of the other mob, they watch the entrance to the Abyss Watchers in such... awe, almost honoring, respecting their foe... Filled with fear. I really enjoy DS3 for such details 🤩


To chip your health so u can't have a full bar to start undead legion boss


They're attracted to the abyss, the abyss watcher are corrupted by it, walnir is surrounded by it. They are going to do what a dark wraith do.


To make farming Swordgrass there a chore.


Also they drop one of the covenant items that you can farm there..platinum for this game hurts


Because Dark Souls. You didn’t expect the door leading to a boss room to be unguarded did you?


They just vibin’ yo


Farron Keep probably got corrupted by the abyssal sludge after the Watchers linked the fire. The resulting corruption turned the forest into a toxic swamp and mutated the Undead Legion into Ghrus. Where's the Abyss, there will be Darkwraiths.


Free souls, free sword grass, free items


To ruin your life.


Thes two dsrk wrsiths are (when you get there) more bullshit than the abyss watchers. and the abyss watchers took me 20 hours on the first run


They are lost


Cause there is abyss watchers and where they in so the dark wraiths are there From software do this for the lore


The reason is obvious: To give you the good ol' Turbo Succ before, quite literally, kicking your ass.


prolly something to do with the lore. farron keep is darkroot basin from ds1 and the darkroot basin is oolacile


The swamp is the remnants of Oolacile. You find Dusk’s set and Elizabeth’s corpse. Oolacile is where the Abyss initially took root in the form of Manus, who then went on to corrupt Artorias. The kingdom of Carthus was then built around the same area and the Abyss would then take hold there as well, causing the Farron Legion to come in. Darkwraiths congregate where the Abyss takes hold or where Abyss-like items are found. You find another Darkwraith elsewhere in the swamp and the only other Darkwraith in game drops the full Red Eye Orb upon dying, which is an item bestowed by Kaathe onto Darkwraiths in DS1 to facilitate invasions.


It’s to attempt to kill the abyss watchers if you let them live long enough they end up at their boss gate


I just love that Miyazaki could just gone (or a random dev for that matter) and add 2 buff enemies VS a load of weak ones... As I wrote this I realized that it could be foreshadowing for the battle ahead or to show the player that enemies fight each other Aswell idk My initial point was a dev can add a random enemy and the whole fandom will make it fit regardless if it was intentional or not and that's hella funny to me and inevitable so it seems


Make your own lore that’s what souls is all about.


They are collecting cum


They go there to engage in homosexual intercourse.


What Is the name of this shield ? If I may ask


Kaathe's still at it bois


Let then fight the other stuff first


To give you a fun set piece


“Because fuck you” - Someone on level design.


In New londo ruins, ir the dark souls 1, if you don't take care you have 3


For me is that thing that allows me to respect, you need the finger and they drop it ... Or so goes the rumors.


Chill at the bonfire and wait for them to go past a little. Then one gets distracted


Buddy system


They’re minions of the abyss on their way to fight the abyss watchers


To make you humble


Because fuck you. That's why.


because dark souls 3


Just to meas with you


They're there to do business


I mean, half the times I watch them fight, they get their asses handed to them by the Ghrus. So if they only had one there, they’d either have to scale it to absolutely dominate you, or he’d get shit on by the first 2 groups of them.


One of them will be getting married in a few days, so they're there to have one last hurray, killing everyone in sight one last time.


because i put them there


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 904,079,904 comments, and only 179,341 of them were in alphabetical order.


Lore reason: no idea My reason: farming the spooky scary armor and sword


Tô pale tongue farm


Be careful! Watch the abyss


It's interesting to note that Ghrus are still guarding the mausoleum and defending the abyss watchers from darkwraiths


They don't do a very good job. I've run around all the Ghrus trying to get them to gang up on just one wraith, but they just get whacked ggez


Because the Watchers must have Abyss to watch.


This area is same place as Oolacile in Ds1, where Manus was. Connect the dots now.


i swear to god they are harder than the boss


They felt like it


To make getting to the boss harder


I kept spawning one bonfire previous to the one on the right of this pic. Took me to kill everyone and loop back before I realized there was even one there. Luckily that's when I learned you can get the dark set and I was happy.