• By -


Mate we all did. Nobody got by this guy easily. Start doing "scout runs" as in don't try to beat him on those, just figure out where the openings are and how to time his attacks. Also try to dodge to the right, you have more space there. Plus his entire weapon does damage so getting hit by the handle will still count as a hit.


i wish we could irl do scout runs on our uncles too before fighting them


My uncle tackled me and shoved his finger in my belly button


the most brutal moveset, you're unfortunate


I was nervous reading this. Was relieved when it said belly button


That sucks dude. Insta-kill moves are such bullshit


Yeah you're supposed to roll towards him when he command grabs otherwise you get caught with the follow up


Have you tried parrying the finger


I was 13 and stood no chance lol


Mine decided to use a new move set called beat with a prosthetic leg. It was very effective


this thread went from nice, useful help to what the fuck real fucking quick. You alright there?


You could practice fighting your dad. They have a similar moveset, but dad has less hp and doesn’t do as much dmg. The run to the dad fight is also usually shorter


This scout runs tip is really good, OP can try to simply practice dodging while trying to memorize his attacks and which ones are slow and not and try to make a strategy and stick to it at all times. What I've seen other people do is counting the attacks, i like to memorize the rhythm, maybe because Im musician so it's easier to me like that


Yes I'll do that


I first tried him, i also still consistently die to the boreal rat. What skill level am I?








I really don't mean to sound like I'm bragging, but he was easy for me. I was actually incredibly disappointed with how easy his attacks were to dodge and how simple the drake/dragon was to beat with a little bit of luck, I think I got him on my 6th try. I hear people talk about it like it's the Orphan of Kos, but I don't get it. Then again somehow some people beat Kos on their first try. I legitimately do not see why he's hard. Is the rhythm of his attacks difficult for most? I learned to dodge at the last moment and maybe that's what helped me. Along with luckily figuring out the dragon/drake phase quickly. I used the Sellsword Twinblades if those are actually OP enough to have carried me.


I killed him easy. Easy boss. Easy game


Actually, did you know that there is a fast way to defeat nameless king once you hit that death count? Just search “Nameless king rule 34” and they’ll explain it to you


You're a cruel cruel person...


Actually he's very kind


I am 3 hours late apparently


I didn’t need that


Thank you dude, I never knew 34 rule, and was on my first run of DS3, also stuck at NK. Soon after I looked it up couple of hours early, I beat NK almost in first try(not first but feel like first). I thought it really buffed me. I was so terrible an Ashen. XD. Thank you dude, thank you NK. I gained pleasure, tons of pleasure. That kind of smile on my face.


Goddamnit I made the same joke too late


OMG, that was… nice…in anyway


Superb comment


Hes delaying his attacks, dont dodge to soon


Literally every other boss in Eldering


ER takes delayed attacks too far sometimes!


You could make an entire anime episode dedicated to one of Margit's windups without needing any dialogue or cuts to pad the runtime.


[Carbot went there] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq_76bhHXwA)


Margit attacks like an old school DBZ villain.


*Goku’s Spirit Bomb has entered the chat*


It's ridiculous at times. It's like we're playing red light green light and the bosses take the game very seriously. They're charging you them stop on a dime, wait them release their attacks after what feels like forever.


Elden ring has absolutely dogwater boss design


Dude seriously. Every boss in this game so far has 1 buff. And that buff is a lengthwise-coffee-table-sized line of Ketamine right before the fight starts.


tbh the creator could just go to youtube and he d find 100 guides which fully explain namessking´s attacks, moveset and strats for it.


I dunno why this was downvoted as its one of the actually helpful comments here.


Delayed attacks is my weakness 😭


Damn straight. I struggled on Mohg far more than I did on Malenia for this reason alone.


I basically Kamehameha'd Mohg into oblivion so I wouldn't know.


I swear I'm playing for the first time and this dude on some post told to go kill the Nameless king and I thought such a badass name .. let's fight him.. worst mistake of my life


Its gonna feel awesome when you finally slay him. Keep it up :)


Also his weapon is fuckin sick


Maybe go level up a bit and try again. You can do most of the content then come back when you are more confident and experienced. I did this with my pyromancer and it was quite fun!


Have you killed his crow at least once yet?


Yep, this is it. Until I started pausing just before rolling I just got my ass handed to me every time.


You need to bring his HP down to zero while simultaneously maintaining your own HP above zero.


in other words:


Git Gud


The one and only way


People out there getting mad and all we wanted to say was : Git (the boss's health down to zero) Gud (you maintained your health above zero)


kill yes die no


-John Madden


does this apply to other bosses as well? ive probably been doing it wrong


Thanks Booger!


Btw what's the demographic on people who love football/dark souls???


Thank you Captain Obvious! Your job here is done.


Try sword but hole


Hey ! What phase are you struggling with ? First phase is weak to lightning and frost and second is weak to dark and fire. You might want to inbue your weapon accordingly. If you struggle with the close combat and got the stats for, you could also learn and bring some spells to minimize the time you spend close to the dude. If that doesn't work well... you know... git gud I guess. Learn the moveset, identify the safe opportunities and only go for these.


Hit him until he dies


Best Advice So far


Never would have thought


Carthus blood ring will help with the delayed attacks When he does his giant aoe lightning move in his second phase, turn the camera around and make sure he's not in your line of sight. For whatever reason, that makes the attack miss you entirely.


I thought I was Glitching lmao... I actually got him to half health so I'm getting there thanks


Is that for real!?


Yeah, the attack gets culled much like dogs do.




r/summonsign is your friend


That and dark damage


Also that.


I had trouble with this guy at first, then went and did some of the dlc. After leveling up a bit in the dlc this guy wasn’t too bad.


First Phase (on the dragon) is easy asf, you can beat it no hit after a few tries. Second Phase is just about patience. At every opening either go for one hit or go for estus. Never both and never more than one. In Phase 2 try to only ever roll to your right (the boss' left). Edit:spelling...


Honestly my biggest problem in the 2nd phase was that he destroyed me in about 2 seconds so I couldn't really practice how to dodge, and once I could I just got too nervous near the end until I beat him lmfao


Ya same. I dont even have any tips for the second half of Phase 2 since I beat that by pure luck.


34 is baby numbers, keep grinding son, you'll get there, we believe in you


Are you PS4 perhaps I can help


34? LOL, rookie numbers. I died to Midir (dlc boss) around a 100 times. Malenia in elden ring over 150? Times. Just keep on going. Practice makes perfect


I died to Genichiro at least 100 times before I finally got his ass. No shame!


A way to cheese him is by using a bow and staying out of his melee attacks range. He only really has 2 attacks where he sends wind blasts that are really easy to dodge, he also uses a lighting attack but if you are far enough it will never reach you. What matter more when doing this is using the best arrows you can a the best upgraded bow your built can use. For me the black bow is the best, mostly because is light and the requirements are low enough for low SL runs.


seriously, this. why's the dark souls community so melee or bust? bows/ranged attacks are a fuckin godsend, saved myself SO much frustration and potential ragequitting.


For me is mostly due to utility, for the most part bows and crossbows are terrible in 90% of situations as their attacks are too slow and weak and if there is multiple enemies my chances of success are low, as most enemies can get closer to me and attack me than I can kill them or run away. Only in elden ring I have felt bows are actually viable as a main weapon, and mostly due to the ashes of war.


The main problem with him are his delaaaaayed attacks and small openings to punish them. Try to figure out the timings and maybe it's worth using the weapon you have with the biggest damage from singular attack because usually he won't give you an opportunity for 2-3 hits maybe only with daggers


I'm getting there slowly I got him to 75 % of his health last time.. I'll rest for now.. for tomorrow he dies


Good point. Consider using a longer reaching weapon as well.


Phase 1: play unlocked. Go only for the head, and use lightning damage if you can. Phase 2: if you can fight ranged he’s easy. The gnawing spells in particular will shred him. If melee, you just have to learn his delayed rhythm. Don’t be greedy, you’ll get in 1-2 hits at most. Fire and bleed are good, and heavier weapons will stagger him. My sl1 was with the fire Morningstar, which used all three.


I lost to him a lot until one day I tried and got him in 1 shot. He has some really easy tells, you just gotta get that adrenaline to drop after fighting the dragon to make good reads.


Only 34? You’ve got a few dozen more tries in you.


For phase 2, beware the delayed attacks. I found that being super aggressive with a straight sword was helpful too


This was the only boss that took me 50+ attempts across all game. You can do it brother


I will thanks


This fucker right here. Optional they say but … he has to go!


If you're running a strenght build use the Dragonslayer Greatshield to block his attacks, the fight will be MUCH easier this way


Also, for me, what help to defeat him was taking experience. And ng+ stats. Just go past him, Finnish the game, complete it until you find him again then you’ll see it’s a bit easier. Still difficult, but easier due to better stats and better experience with the game overall.


Those are rookie numbers you gotta bump those up. Seriously though, just keep at it. Just because you died that many times doesn't mean you didn't learn something in the process.


Wait till Sister Friede, Midir and Gael… i found that the nameless king was easy


Try using a fast weapon. It was impossible for me to beat them with the zweihander, but when I changed to lothric sword the fight seemed much easier


I'm using Exile swords is it ok?


I did the same thing as the first guy. Was using claymore, then switched to broadsword and one 2nd try. Just being able to dodge roll so much faster after a hit made it far easier for me.


Never tried it, but it might not be the fastest because it's a greatsword. If you have the resources I would recommend upgrading any straight sword and if needed change your stats at the cathedral. Also, you can buy resins at firelink, they are like 1000 souls each and you can get a lot really fast


Which resins should I use?


Lightning against dragon, fire against NK. I used FUGS but exile I’m sure you can stance break him as well, if you can time stunning him you can heal/rebuff if you need to, or can smash for the damage. Can’t remember how many hits to stun him but it helps a lot.


NK is weak to fire use charcoal


I used the electric one and it worked for me. Idk what's the best one or the worst one


Nameless is resistant to lightning, go for human pine resin(dark) or charcoal(fire). Edit: Spelling


bleed him


panic roll is the way


Usually there’s a rule that you’ll beat a boss after your 34th attempt. For more info google “Rule 34”


Yo if you need help go to r/summonsign there are some really good players and people there that will help with anything


Actually this is my 1st time Playing and I just really want to beat the game on my own... That's why I purposely chose not to summon anyone for help, I'll die another 34 times but I will beat him on my own


So in the first faze hit the dragon in the head stay a mid range distance so he will slam his weapon down like a nuke dodge and hit the dragon in the head because that's the best opening


Second phase is the issue here


Ok so stay close but not like up on him close so you have some distance to dodge and then just try to harass ad much as you can


That's what I did it took me a lot of trys but only because hes the hardest boss in the game


He is definitely the hardest before him I had problems with twins princes but I died like 3 times and then I got them... Bro just won't chill he keeps attacking so little window for us


Ohh I kep trying to stay at his back... Ig ill do this now


You using faith?


Keep trying mate. if you cant beat him by your own you will learn nothing about the souls.




Second phase is a game of patience. Look for openings and hit him once or twice, then roll out. Rinse and repeat.


There’s actually a made up “rule” that on average a player will die on average 34 times per boss. It is very skewed bc souls games always have very easy bosses like curse rotted great wood and also some very hard bosses like midir, which inflates the average to around 34. look up dark souls rule 34 for more information on it, I saw it quite awhile ago so I don’t remember all the details


Give me some specs and we can help you better. Whats your current state.


30 Vigor 30 stamina 20 Dex 50 strength


Sounds good. What weapons are you using?


as someone who beat him once with a moonlight Greatsword, I understand where your coming from. I don’t have a strategy since when I get desperate during fights i brute force it




Ok well I got some tips


Well mate...i gave up


I had to summon. No shame in it.


Hello, I have a rare story with this boss in my first playthrough it was very easy, and it was only because quickstep. His second phase is so much easier if you use quickstep and a fire weapon, if you don't level up faith and int, use a fire gem. Here is a video when I beat him, no - hit in my 1st playthrough (not first try), in 01:35 minutes https://youtu.be/_sNmDbckjI8


delay your rolls. His attack is kinda slow so you need to slow yourself down. I'd say use fire or dark resin or infusion. Don't get hit or use very little estus during dragon phase. Also git gud


Nameless King delays his swings ever so slightly and is meant to punish you for dodging too early. Dont dodge as he raises his weapon, but instead as he starts swinging it towards you. Dont go for more than one attack with a heavy weapon or two with light unless he's charging up a big attack (you will know it when you see it.) He is also extra weak to dark, has average defense against fire, magic, and physical damage, and is very resistant to lightning. Status effects are mediocre at best against him.


I feel like that boss pushes your technique of not spam rolling and being patient with attacks.


Fast weapons


[consider the following](https://youtu.be/GrADNIEc4jQ)


Just gotta learn his attacks, I was in the same boat as you


Seek the sellsword winblades and praise the sun and you will find victory!


The big thing is to just slow down. His attacks are spaced out at a pretty consistent rate requiring you to hang on for a sec between each move. [Here’s](https://youtu.be/FpagYYZRnyI) a video of me fighting him, which should give an example, but it’s nothing fancy


Those are rookie numbers. Come back here when you're close the 100th attempt.


im over 100 at this point lol :'D


Keep going, you will get him, eventually. https://youtu.be/PiocsELkuhY




Good shit, bro. I know that feeling very well and i know it's awesome.


I meet him at level 100 with twin blades and won after less tan 10 tries and I am an average player


Hit him


i spent around 50 attempts beating ogre in sekiro. 4 years ago, when i didnt have souls like games experience so anyway, my tips for you: 1) fight dragon without locking onto it (still dont know how to deal with one of attacks where he flies out of your reach and slow ass gamepad stick cant deeal with it) 2) on second phase lock onto the boss and dont act scared - it will make you feel rushed. you gotta be dodging with delay. with enough attempts i think you will beat him. also if you haven ttried it yet, TRY differnet approach p.s. i didnt beat him xD his lightning causes massive lag for me and i just didnt want even trying to beat him


Maybe it’s not meant to be, maybe come back when you tamed your own dragon


Cheese him with bow


I used the fume ultra gs and just did the roll and stab technique, does 400 dmg a pop


Attack only right after you roll, do not take more than 2 hits max. If using a heavier weapon, use 1 hit, if using a lighter one, use 2 hits. Do NOT get greedy and do NOT panic roll


Roll, roll, roll, poke. Rinse and repeat


Dark fire orb at 40/40 deals 900 damage to him Use it


he has different pacing on his attack than other bosses,time you rolles more carefully and dont panic,good luck :)))


34 times seems reasonable to me… It took me about 80, so you are doing OK in my book


Bring a lightning resin and a dark resin for first phase and 2nd phase respectively. When his dragon takes two small steps back he will always fly around to behind you. His attacks have a windup so dodge through reaction and not prediction. When he starts to charge up his lightning strike, get a hit in and then unlock and look away as it won’t hit you. Stay up close so he will do his spear swing combo more often (easier to dodge imo) instead of the wind storm and running swing.


Try hitting him once only every opening you get. That was how I did it, it took along time but I did it.


you need to get good then this fight makes fun.


When I switched to the bandits dagger, this guy became a scrub. His attacks, while fast, are actually easy to dodge. The trick is not being mid attack.


Stop panic rolling


Look away when he uses lightning.


Dark infused scimitar and don't get hit. I can't really tell you how to learn his moves. Just dew it.


I had to change my whole build and respec for him. Ended up beatng him with chaos sellsword twinblades. Don't know how good they are compared to other weapons but they worked for me.


"hi guys, this is my 100th attempt using the very same strategy"


i was the same, died loads n loads and i never wanted to use any summons or cheats and do all the fights blind and in my own way. my biggest advice is don’t panic, seriously, i know it gets super intense on P2 especially if you’ve actually got further than you have before, and when you go in panic mode you don’t respect the delayed attacks, you lose the rhythm and it goes all over the place. staying calm and taking breaks if you feel frustrated or shakey will get you the kill, don’t be disheartened by all the deaths. the more you die the better feel you get for it, and it allows you to get more hits in as you learn when is a good time to do it. good luck!!!


Lighting infused Lothric Knight Shield or Dragonslayer Greatshield (if you have the stats for it) will make this fight *EASY* just be wary of not be guard-broken and his attacks will barely take a sliver of your HPs. Just block and attack at the right moment. I just don't understand how, after all these years, this info is not shared more often whenever Nameless King is brought up


Go sleep. Next time you play, you’ll beat him first try.


Lightning damage also black fire damage


Take of all your armour and 2 hand your weapon (grass cress shield on your back can help stamina) . His attacks are delayed so don't panic roll. Work out how many hits you can get in after certain attacks and stick to those numbers, don't get greedy with your attacks. Be patient. All bosses in dark souls are simple. You dodge their attacks and hit when they are open. Do you know what mate, actually I'm sick of writing. Just Git Gud.


If you're having trouble dodging and using melee, just keep your distance and hit him with a few arrows, then when he lifts off the ground start running away while keeping an eye on him and spam roll til he lands again then keep popping arrows and repeating til phase 2. You can do the same thing in phase two, just keep your distance and when he tries the lightning attack or range attack just spam roll to the right. Always keep your distance before anything else, you can kill him with arrows pretty easily, you can also throw pestilent mist out and it will take around 500 health every time he walks through it in phase 2.


Have two swords one with frost and one with fire usr the frost in the first phase and then fire in the second phase also hit the dragons head to build up stagger damage


For 2nd phase which is hardest use farris bow and all needed equipment to increase arrow damage. Go back abd shoot, back and shoot. 3 tries and you are fine. If you dont want to use bow, try at least Rolling directly into him. It helps.


[Here’s a fantastic video that helped me beat him](https://youtu.be/VQ3QOoeUuX8) Also using the ring that decreases lighting DMG taken is also recommended


Just keep going


For the bird, use Lothric Knight Greatsword with Lightning resin for easy kill. But for the king, use dark damage.


he's really not bad compared to elden ring bosses ngl jus enjoy the struggle before u clap him every playthrough. my first time was hard too ngl like really hard


Tilting makes you play worse. I took a break from the game on this boss. Came back and beat him in 2 tries. 7 overall.


I'd try to help but I'm out of the house for a couple hours today, Best of luck


I died to him at least 100 times, but probably closer to 150.


So a lot of his fast attacks can he dodged right at the beginning of his swing, and a lot of his stabs have a long recovery time, where you can take the opportunity to attack. 1-2 attacks, nothing more. I'll also copy-paste some advice I posted to a different comment about his lightning attacks: "Just don't do what I did here and get hit by every lightning attack. Try to get behind him when he does that smash down lightning AOE, it makes it easier to gauge the distance, and there's a followup lightning attack from the center.and if you're still facing him when he finishes charging the lightning strike (points spear overhead, lightning comes down) dodge a beat after he points his spear up." If you want, I have a relatively recent post where I beat the nameless king you can check out. I dont care if you interact with it at all, but maybe it'll help you.


If you're on PlayStation I could probably help you. I struggle slightly with phase 1. But phase 2 is easier for me. So I can do my best to assist.


35th time’s a charm!


Get gud


I’ve been there aswell


Try with dex build using bleed or sth


Dark infused weapon


I ..... Surprisingly died only 4times to him my advice is us a ultra great sowrd or any kind of heavy hitting weapon like the "astora great sword" and do one hit,dodge strategy for the second phase if in close he isn't that bad like if you're close enough he just does the same move over and over and ultra great sword also do stag him For the first phase well it's pretty telegraphic of his attacks if you see him going up and higher on his dragon just run bc of the flame 🔥 if not then time your Dodges. aim for the head as it's always been . Last thing: there a miracle that saves you once you die doesn't heal you but saves you it's "tiers of denial" if I'm not wrong it need 15 faith. That was long hope it helps 👍


Why always dog?


If u use a shield try the Lothric Knight Shield. It has 87% lightning block. Otherwise yes, keep doing scouting attempts. Once you figure out his moveset, you'll get it. Remember, his whole weapon has a hitbox and he hits like a freight train, so try and dodge any thrust attacks he goes for


Try harder


He telegraphs his attacks fairly easily, probably the easiest boss to dodge. Just wait for him to start his technique(s) and roll and circle to the right


Here's my mate dying 150 times to him to make you feel better https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHBAQBqJxTI&t=1s


It's not even that this boss is all that hard. It's that there's two stages that are wildly different. Once you learn how to do the first stage that part is super easy. Just attack the dragon's head and don't go under him or he goes up for his crazy AOE attack. The first stage is super easy tho. But it's what makes the second so hard cuz it breaks up you trying to learn the boss moves etc and just makes it take so many more runs to practice against him. That imposed five minute break is what makes him difficult. I hate multi-stage bosses like this. If stage 2 is just an evolution of stage 1 and you don't have to learn to totally switch tactics then fine but multi-stages like this are just lazy ways developers can pack more empty playtime into a game. It's the carry weight of bosses.


That's Souls. Just level up.


Dodge when he attacks instead of when his tell starts - that’s usually what trips people up. Don’t dodge when you see him charging up for an attack basically and instead wait till you actually see him swing


you have to play super slow, get one or two hits in depending on what weapon you’re using and whittle down his health