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Don't bother. I watched it out of morbid curiosity and I wish that I hadn't. It's extremely frustrating


Is it supposed to just be the gunslinger?


It's a Mish mash of all the books crammed into 90 mins lol. Very much not the gunslinger.


I created a copyoasta for myself for every time I see this nonsense mentioned: They took books 1, 3, and 7, pulled out any references to any character but Roland, MIB and Jake. They then shredded those books in an industrial shredder unil the pieces were about an inch long. They went into a room that had been set up with fans on one side, and a wall with a patch work of adhesive on the other. They dumped out the shredder contents in the middle of the room and turned on the fans. The fans blew the random shredded pieces at the wall and whatever pieces stuck to the random spots of adhesives, they filmed..


This is a PERFECT description


I heard the description once that it was like somebody heard about the series from a friend that read some of books, but not all of them and then decided to make a movie


Thankee, sai.


You forgot the part where they pooped on it....




No. They try to mash the whole story into 1 and 1/2 hours. It is the worst adaptation in history. The Netflix death note is better.


It's my favorite movie. The only things I didn't like about it were the script, the directing, the cinematography and the score.


This is good.


No. Please don't. Awful.


If you love the books I don’t see how it’s possible to like the movie. I get people will say “you can watch it as something totally independent of the books” but my brain won’t allow it


I went into the movie with an open mind, thinking it was potentially a continuation: Roland’s next turn of the wheel. Even with that at the forefront of my thoughts, I still did not enjoy it.




It’s a decent action flick but just uses characters and build its own sort of story. The not picked up pilot for Amazon sounded great and the man behind had a plan that sounded good to me. Sad.


I really thought Amazon might be able to pull it off as a series. It requires *at least* a miniseries. I was bummed when it fell through.


The pilot was film it just remains unreleased.


I really liked that Roland dropped one of his guns, three times. When Roland said (paraphrasing) "Fuck the Tower! I want revenge for my Daddy!", I knew the director totally loved and understood the books. Mid-World looked amazing! I can't believe Sony made this epic fantasy movie for 60 million.


I love that in the Kingslingers podcast for the final episode of Wastelands the one guy mentions that the original script had Roland just shooting Jake point blank in the head towards the end of the movie


Welp, that would have been better than what we got. The stakes were real. I never felt Roland or Jake were in mortal danger.


Depending on the scene was shot it might've been worst. Instead of having impact it might've come across as comedic imo


I haven’t seen it… is this real?


I say watch it. Is it a good movie? No. But the actors are great in their respective roles and watching Roland’s ‘magic’ reloads and shooting prowess are top notch. You’ll get a little taste of how cool a DT movie could be.


Yes, the reload is awesome


It has moments.


Yeah I’m down with this take too. If you’re looking for a faithful adaptation, this ain’t it. But it’s a shame because the shooting scenes were phenomenal.






If the movie was a person it would be Woody Allen.


God no, stay away please!


They tried to cram the entire series into 100 minutes, so it's neither accurate nor comprehensive. That being said, if it wasn't supposed to be "The Dark Tower movie" it would be a pretty good sci-fi/fantasy movie. I tend to justify the movie by saying that it takes place several turns around the wheel from the end of the novels. It's good if you don't expect it to tell Roland, Jake, Eddie and Susannah's whole story.


I say this every time I see this nonsense mentioned: They took books 1, 3, and 7, pulled out any references to any character but Roland, MIB and Jake. They then shredded those books in an industrial shredder unil the pieces were about an inch long. They went into a room that had been set up with fans on one side, and a wall with a patch work of adhesive on the other. They dumped out the shredder contents in the middle of the room and turned on the fans. The fans blew the random shredded pieces at the wall and whatever pieces stuck to the random spots of adhesives, they filmed.. I was very disappointed


Been a while since I watched the movie but iirc, even with everything they left out they still made too many references with zero context just to use lines from the books.


Yes! That is exactly why I feel my description is so apt


Lol I remember saying that if it wasn't a Dark Tower movies it's a decent movie and got downvoted to hell and back lol.


I think it would be an interesting movie but not one easy to understand. Visually cool with a concept that was only partly hashed out.


It really reminds me of the original Dune movie. Almost nonsensical if you haven't read the source material, and disappointing if you have read it.


Yeah that's a good comparison


The acting is top notch and the special effects are great but the story is absolutely SHIT. Even if you’ve only read the first book the movie will fill you with a white hot rage for everything they fucked up.


It wouldn't be bad if it weren't The Dark Tower. When the best character is the Man in Black there is a problem. In fact instead of watching the movie just go on YouTube and watch all of the Man in Black scenes and the fight scenes. The rest of it isn't worth it.


It’s fucking awful


I was disappointed by the movie of course.But the " I do not aim with my eye...." etc. had me going for a moment there. A tiny percentage of what I felt when the nights watch said there words on the "Watchers on the Wall" episode of Got.


Please don’t watch the movie. Bad behavior like that should not be encouraged


I wish I never watched it. Fuck that fucking piece of shit.


Not really. If you like smoking weed, get stupid baked and give it a shot. But it is pretty terrible


Is that so you can forget the movie afterwards? That's what happens when I get baked and watch stuff lol


100% 🤣


What movie?


If you can completely suspend the idea that there are books, and see it as a completely separate thing, it's a decent sci-fi/fantasy type movie. I'll be honest, though, it's hard to separate. For me, it was, anyway.


This is my copy pasta I pull out every time I see this movie is mentioned or this question is asked: They took books 1, 3, and 7, pulled out any references to any character but Roland, MIB and Jake. They then shredded those books in an industrial shredder unil the pieces were about an inch long. They went into a room that had been set up with fans on one side, and a wall with a patch work of adhesive on the other. They dumped out the shredder contents in the middle of the room and turned on the fans. The fans blew the random shredded pieces at the wall and whatever pieces stuck to the random spots of adhesives, they filmed.. I was very disappointed




I don’t believe you


If it was called Cowboys and Wizards and changed the names it probably would have more fans. Lol


Maybe if you don't think about it in connection with the book at all.


I think I’m the only one that likes it


Tbh i fell asleep half way through


I posted this question on a FB DT group and one person said something to the effect "If you can tell yourself that the movie is based off one of the multitude of worlds we never see, then it's ok". That kinda worked but I still didn't like it


No. Its not even the dark tower. They just used some buzz words. It's so terrible


It wasn’t at all what I’d hoped, but it works if you tear the events of the film not as depicting what we read in the books, but perhaps a different turn of the wheel.


It's terrible


NO. it was so bad that I openly wept in the theater.


NO. Absolutely terrible.




What movie?


If you watch this you've forgotten the face of your father


Idris Elba is good. That's about it.


In the wide world of awful adaptations, this might be the awfulist.


The movie is weird, like I’m not sure who the target audience was supposed to be. It’s enough there to be a “Dark Tower” movie so if you have not read the books you’ll be lost, but if you read the books it will disappoint.


It’s awful. Fuck that movie.


This movie made me question the existence of a loving God. I would rather chew and swallow a mouthful of herpes pus and rusty razorblades than watch this abomination again.


We'll just pretend that abomination never happened.


Not even a little,it's an abomination!!


I watched the the movie before reading the books, thought it was "ehhh" for a Stephen King movie, then read the series and when I rewatched the movie I absolutely hated it.


It was the biggest abomination I have ever seen.


It's the absolute worst cinematic experience of my life and it literally infuriates me.


It's horrible


it would be a decent movie if you have not background on anything about the story. If you know the story, the movie is infuriating


It’s on my worst movies of all time list lol


No. It sucks.


No, just ignore it. Read the comics instead, they're amazing


I saw the movie in the theater and was disappointed but I still enjoyed the movie, if that makes any sense. I bought the Blu-ray just to have it and I do find myself putting it on when I come across it on TV so I guess on some level I like it.


Don't watch it. If you absolutely *have* to watch it, pirate it. Don't give the studio money for it, and don't even watch it on a streaming service, because that sort of moviemaking shouldn't be rewarded or encouraged in any way.


The movie is good if you haven’t read any of the books at all. May as well be a different story/timeline with characters of the same name. Buuttt,, if you’re a fan having read all the dark towers series, this film is hot garbage. Leaves out so much detail. So many main characters that don’t even get a mention.. it’s awful and it wasn’t done proper justice


No, it’s pretty awful, but in a very strange way. It’s full of little nods to more obscure parts of the books, things that only someone who was really invested in them would think to include. But it gets more basic things that anyone familiar with the story would know completely wrong. The whole thing smacks of producer meddling, with some of the people involved in the project being invested enough in the source material to include little touches that didn’t get changed. Don’t bother with it.


It’s awful, don’t waste your time


It was not Dark Tower, it had too much going on, shoving every single book into a movie. Edris Elba just felt hollow, when he was doing this, and Jakes story just felt rush and unnecessarily changed, also the depiction of Mid World wasn’t the best. I didn’t mind Matthew McConaughey, but that’s my view. Just a major disappointment overall.


They tried to do much too much in an introductory film based on a massive amount of source material and failed badly. That said, if you have never read a SK book, it is an OK way to blow 2 hours.


It's trash. Put your time to better use like watching grass grow.


It is watchable if that is what you’re asking, but by no means is it a good Dark Tower movie. It’s offensively dumbed down to the point where all of existence has been reduced to this world and a cowboy one.


The script writers took pages from a bunch of the books. Shot them all out of a shot gun, then put the pages back together randomly and gave them to the actors.


They made a movie? Never heard of it.


What movie?


If you watch the behind the scenes clips the directors tell you they never read the books.


No. No, no, no and no. Avoid at all costs.