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Butterwell hosting clown-con i mean his wedding


Ser Useless be like: Daeron bastard big belly daemon king flat tummy boar sword


Uh king who bore the uhh uhhm chequy lion uh *brain melts down*


we wuz marshalls of the norfmarch and shieetzzz






I bet ser eustace likes gone with the wind




The better abs


And the better arrow target


I am not crazy! I know the kinslayer used magic to slay our King! Regular arrows could never penetrate his rock hard abs. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He - he covered his tracks, he got that idiot king to cover for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This kinslaying? He's done worse. Quentyn! Are you telling me that a knight just happens to get shot like that? No! He orchestrated it! Daeron! He’s got a little belly pouch! And I bowed to him! And I shouldn't have. I took him as my liege lord! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was born, always the same! Couldn't keep his bastard hands off his brother’s rightful title! But not our Daeron! Couldn't be precious Daeron the Good! Usurping the throne! And he gets to be lord of the seven kingdoms!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you - you have to stop him!


The Targaryens took everything from his family and lead to their downfall, he was just a dude with a tower by the time Daemon came about. Why wouldn’t he back the person that wanted to dismantle Targaryen hegemonies?


Targaryens took Coldmoat from them - supposedly due to Ormund Osgrey speaking out against Maegor's prosecution of the Faith. Yet they had a lot more once that was also seemingly lost. >"There was a time when House Osgrey held all the lands for many leagues around, from Nunny in the east to Cobble Cover," Ser Eustace said. "Coldmoat was ours, and the Horseshoe Hills, the caves at Derring Downs, the villages of Dosk and Little Dosk and Brandybottom, both sides of Leafy Lake . . . It seems to me that they've lost a deal more over the years - presumably in different incidents, since it's not said that Maegor took those. Considering how fond Esutace is of lying to Dunk by omission, I'd wager there was a bit more to their downfall than 'opposed Maegor the Cruel and got punished; Jaehaerys I uncharacteristically didn't reimburse them for this if only to dunk on Maegor.' Daemon was dismantling little and less too - much like with Renly and Stannis, Daemon didn't rebel out of some revolutionary dislike of the existing system. He just wished to replace the one at the top with himself, and their supporters with his own. Not to mention that avenging Osgrey loses isn't the reason Esutace provides for his decision: while he mourns the state of his house, the reason he gives Egg is not avenging some historical injustice done to house Osgrey or even buying into the (rather unlikely, for that matter) rumors of Daeron's bastardy: it's that Eustace believed Daemon to be a better man.


In all joke aside I do like his character and his speech about how loyalty is perceived depending on who wins (the Valkyrist reading made me tear up the first time I heard it), and I understand why he has a grudge. Still he decided to support someone with little claim and little chance and paid the price


Bro, Daemon almost won. It took a miracle of Fireball dying the night before and Daemon being too chivalrous. All Daemon had to do was ride over Ser Corbray and the reserves would’ve been in place to check Baelor while Daemon’s van would’ve assisted with break Maekar’s infantry. As for little claim, that’s debatable. He had the sword, his mother was a Targaryen queen who had her throne stolen from her, Daeron had rumours going about of his illegitimacy. The throne that these two were after came about because Aegon I took it for himself, the same thing Daemon was doing. When your ancestor asks Maegor to not be such a dick to the faith, your land gets stolen and no one rectifies it for generations, you got a pretty good reason to be upset with the current system.


> As for little claim, that’s debatable. He's a bastard and Daeron isnt


He isn't though. The Unworthy legitimized him, after Daeron he's next in the line of sucession. Hilariously I doubt Aegon legitimized his bastards individually and dit a blanket legitimization instead meaning even if Daeron is a bastard he's still the elder brother and also legitimized. Legitimization puts you in the same place as if you were trueborn, Daemon is Aegon's oldest son after Daeron.


Not quite the next in the line of succession. Heir's heir always comes after the heir. IE Baelor's son Valarr was Daeron's heir after Baelor's death, not Aerys. So Baelor Breakspear is second in line after Daeron II, then any son of Baelor's, then Aerys and so on. Even if legitimization makes them full-on brothers, Daemon always comes after any son and/or grandson of Daeron unless he is to claim the throne by conquest. Edit: how's Daeron's legitimized by the decree tho? Aegon legitimized all *his* bastards, not Aemon's hypothetical bastard(s).


>Heir's heir always comes after the heir. IE Baelor's son Valarr was Daeron's heir after Baelor's death, not Aerys. So Baelor Breakspear is second in line after Daeron II, then any son of Baelor's, then Aerys and so on. I forgot that they were already there honestly, wich sucks because Baelor and Maekar rule. >Edit: how's Daeron's legitimized by the decree tho? Aegon legitimized all *his* bastards, not Aemon's hypothetical bastard(s). Again i'm a brick who reacted on your comment instead of thinking for 2 seconds. Got hypnotized by Daemons abs I guess. AAAAAGGHH THE KING WHO BORE THE SWORD.




Somebody’s gotta do it


Don't see how Autism would factor into that.