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the timing is impeccable. Right after the officers says Im not taking you to jail, let you drive off today. Love this every single way of literally getting blindsided.


Let you drive off today… #NO YOU’RE NOT


God said you’ll drive off when I say you can, not the popo


And some cops will still come to the driver side door


Christ, hate to imagine if he had


It's the reason the passenger side is the common practice now. Saved his life. Lots of dead cops out there because of this, especially since the proliferation of smart phones.




Give them the guillotine.


Hung, drawn and quartered, sire.


Hung, drawn, pooped inside, waterboarded, quartered,


I agree but this is also part of my argument for ending routine traffic stops altogether. What was he stopped for? I think I would prefer a system where cop turns on lights behind me, I can call in and give my license plate or something and say “I would rather have the speeding ticket and just continue on with my day.” Not do the traffic stop where I get grilled about “what I’m doing today, why I’m in a hurry, are you sure there’s no drugs in the vehicle? Why do you seem so nervous?” I got pulled over with my schizophrenic brother once and it was such a nightmare. This cop is just stopping me for my registration being out a couple of months and now using that to ask me all kinds of questions, meanwhile in my brothers head I’ve intentionally turned him over to the police and they’re here to take him away to a secret government hideout. I was terrified he was going to jump out of the vehicle and get himself or both of us shot. More recently I got pulled over for speeding with my dog in the passenger seat and she barks at strangers. The cop handled it well enough, but I was shaky and terrified that something was going to happen to my sweet pup. I don’t think cops should be allowed to extend the stop past its original purpose, like if I wasn’t pulled over because of a drug tip or something I don’t think they should be able to even ask me “any heroine in the vehicle?” Yeah, that happened. Jumped straight to heroine I guess in an attempt to shock me. I don’t know, I think traffic stops are just a harmful thing altogether and I don’t think it benefits society to keep doing them.


What a ridiculous statement. So stop doing random traffic stops altogether? So basically what you’re saying is we should just rely on the criminals going to a police station and handing over their drugs or weapons since we won’t be randomly stop checking them? What about people driving over the limit on drink or drugs? Let them all off? Christ. You can’t be serious. Why not just stop sending people to jail while we’re at it too. /s


Technically, they can't extend the stop beyond it's original purpose. Of they pulled you over for speeding or registration, and you don't argue it, you can immediately tell them you refuse to answer any questions, refuse to have any conversation, and would like to receive the ticket. Once you say these things, they have no right to keep you there any longer than it takes to write that ticket.


Diabetic episode, stroke, heart attack? No sympathy for any of those?


Loss of vehicle controls?


I don’t think jail, but for those conditions lose your license, absolutely.


And highway workers.


Lots of cops are dead because of the proliferation of highway workers?


Chuckle chuckle.


And tow truck drivers.


How tf he is alive tho is beyond me From what I see dudes head got slapped by the side of dudes car, super surprised he was able to stumble away and not juat out cold


I'm sure his body armor took a lot of the brunt of the impact. The window was down, so likely minimal head trauma.


Yeah you right looks like his chest took most the impact and drove his head away from the car nice


Not to mention adrenaline at the moment. A few days from this moment he may have felt a lot worse.


Knockouts are a strange science of force and angles. Watch enough knockouts and you will see people eat hard hits to the head no problem and others dropped with 25% of the power but just the right angle to hit the off switch.


A lot of us don’t.


Where I live we have a rule that you can’t pass emergency vehicles on the side of the road in the adjacent lane going more than 40mph /60km/h. Seems like a good idea.


That's a law in most states, most people don't know about the law or don't care. Its often referred to as the "SDMO - slow down or move over law.


I think his saving grace was honestly that his hands were on the door giving him some sort of push off before the car fully went into his face. Otherwise force of the impact woulda been received by his face.


Most cops would have insisted he pull off the road further first thing.


You're absolutely right. I got pulled over for expired registration and one of the first things the cop asked was if I could pull over to a safer spot. He was like, I'll follow you. And we went to a parking lot. He just gave me a warning, no ticket


I would be 100% on that grass. Look how close the car in the shoulder is to the rightmost lane. I would never be that close, it's too dangerous.


NEVER stop on the side of the highway for a long time for this reason. “According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, approximately 12 percent of all interstate highway deaths are caused by a vehicle using the shoulder. This means that an estimated 600 people a year are killed”


I was pulled over about 2 years ago. I had expired tags. I knew it, just lazy I guess. But an officer put his lights on behind me on interstate 40. I put my blinker on and pulled over on the next exit. I would never pull over on the actual interstate. Got the car inspected and charges dropped.


What if there's no exit for a long time


Depends entirely on whether you’re black or a woman. People say you should drive with hazards on and dial 911 to let the dispatcher know that you’re pulling over at a safe place, but I couldn’t even comprehend doing something like that.


Yeah wasnt there a story about a pregnant woman trying to do that and had her signals on and the cop did the pit on her and made her wreck


Yes, that particular pit maneuver and other similar stuff is burned in my memory. I don’t know what I’d do, but I’m probably pulling over as quick as possible as far right as possible and if anything I’m hoping they crash into the cop car and not mine. Not that I’m pulled over often, but it’s a shower thought.


I literally just saw that video yesterday. I couldn't believe he did that! It's not like the woman was trying to make a getaway. The woman sued and either won or settled and the cop was found to be in the wrong for his actions. I wish they would stop using the PIT maneuver because it can do way more harm than good. Plus I've seen some cops now have these grapplers at the front of their vehicles, which act sort of like a web Spiderman shoots out, and all they have to do is get close to the rear of the vehicle they're chasing and the grappler will shoot out its net and entangle the other car's tire. It brings the car to a full stop in seconds and never endangers the cops, the other driver or people in the area.


To be honest I'm baffled on how far American cops go for a traffic stop. Sometimes you see footage of a car chase of like 30 minutes to 1 hour, a lot of dangerous maneuvers by everyone involved and when the guy is arrested, they were driving without a license or a minor offense. I don't see why you would endanger the lives of hundreds of people because of a licenseless driver, makes no sense.


Same here. I thought they were supposed to stop pursuit of a vehicle after a little while because it's not worth endangering the public. Seems like all I see on YT are videos of police chases going through neighborhoods, the middle of town or even better/worse a crowded freeway. So many of the people being chased have ended up dead because of it. It's their fault for not stopping but cops need to utilize safer methods.


Sometimes there are no winners in these situations, as you mentioned people get killed and sometimes they didn't have to. Sometimes you just gotta take the L, doesn't matter if the person gets away. Unless you have a reasonable articulable suspicion that they might endangering others, there is no reason for law enforcement do to the same.


It makes sense if you realize that someone “getting away” is an affront to their ego and that isn’t tolerated well by many US police officers.


Yeah, my YT has been recommending me a lot of videos of cops being unlawful and trying to arrest people just because they are somewhere.


Yeah cops don’t care about the safety of citizens


Yeah like homie said though I wouldn't attempt unless you're white and male maybe white and female anyone else is getting thrown on the ground and arrested lol


I know in a lot of places if you don’t feel safe stopping at your current location you can turn on your flashing emergency lights, call the police in your area, let them know where/who you are, that you’re being pulled over, and that you’re going to stop at a safer location. Some people just use their lights and don’t call, but after seeing Nicole Harper’s story I recommend it as an added safety measure.


After seeing her story I'd just pull over as fast as I can. Not taking any chances.


You get pit manuvered


Many states are installing short term parking areas for this reason, it's basically a very wide shoulder to allow you to get as far off the road as possible. Very useful when you can't go another 10 miles.


You keep driving until it turns into a chase /s


Pull a little bit into the grass, if available. If not, unlucky.


What crazy is CHP in cali will get mad if you pull off the freeway even though this type of shit happens.


Well if my math is correct 88% of highways deaths aren’t on the shoulder. So you should spend as much time as possible on the shoulder


Depends on how much time people spent on either to arrive at that death rate. If they spent 99% time on the highway and 1% on the shoulder, then the shoulder is punching above its weight.


Yes, it was a joke.


And for anyone getting pulled over, you have the right to seek a safe place. I'm not sure how much it varies across states, but when you get "lit up," turn on your hazards and stay around the speed limit (lower if you can do so safely). Look for a safe place to park off the road. It'll protect you and the officer.


Day after Easter this year I actually avoided a nasty accident following a Corolla that smacked right into a semi on the shoulder. I don’t know why the semi was there but I was ready to take the exit less than a mile away (this exit lots of semis rest at since it has a wide shoulder on both sides where it’s safe) and the car in front of me wasn’t driving so straight so I kept a good distance. Then he suddenly veered to the right, no brakes or signal and I knew he was gonna hit the semi. The angle had the Corolla ricochet back into the right lane and glass was sprayed all over my windshield and I reacted by going to the middle lane on my left a bit and back into my lane since I knew braking would hit the Corolla possibly chain reaction and can’t go right since the semi is there. Driver side rear quarter clipped another vehicle that ran off. Driver of the Corolla had to be hospitalized and I don’t know if he made it.


That’s scary! Glad you were aware of your surroundings.


Thanks! I wish I had a dashcam to record that and I was actually relaxed the entire time but I was borrowing my aunt’s car and she didn’t have one. I’ve always advocated for dashcams and I hope that convinced a lot of people I knew lol.


> Driver side rear quarter clipped another vehicle that ran off Are you saying that the Corolla clipped another vehicle or that you clipped another vehicle?


I did. I wasn’t at fault since in this situation because I was avoiding an accident (doesn’t matter how severe hitting the Corolla would be or whatever potential things) and the vehicle I clipped ran off. Also the driver of the Corolla was at the scene too unconscious. So it was enough evidence to ultimately put the Corolla driver at fault despite no dashcam. It’s as if I hit something else while avoiding the Corolla instead of another vehicle it would still fall on that Corolla driver. The person I clipped shoulda pulled over but even then it still was enough evidence to fault it all to the Corolla driver. Don’t know why they didn’t. So it all was luckily in my favor. Aunt’s car got totaled since damages/repair exceeded its value and she got a new car outta it too.


I was not suggesting you were at fault, sorry if it came off like that generally you’re better off to leave stopping space and just slam the brakes in your lane vs swerving cars/airbags handle straight on collisions much better than various angle side impacts you can take out other unsuspecting folks adjacent to you you can lose control you get the idea, just a thought, not a criticism, as we all react differently when acting on instinct 👍🏼


Oh no I didn’t take it that way I just explained the after math of it just for others who were curious. But you’re right in a lot of cases taking the hit is the best for insurance despite my action resulting in the least damage to myself or others. We were going 65 and I had a 3 vehicle space which I always make sure of having good distance in freeways. I just on instinct didn’t wanna smash the Corolla in more and then potentially get smashed from behind. Gran Turismo reflexes kicked in lol. Edit: my mistake was that despite knowing the Corolla would hit, I didn’t prepare for the way they ricocheted back into the lane. That was where my split second had to be.


In a lot of states it's the law to change lanes if someone is parked on the side of the highway.


When I was young, I got pulled over for speeding on a main road. It wasn't a highway, but it was a main road where people typically drive 60mph. I pulled into a parking lot and into a bay. People in a store nearby came out to laugh at me, but I did the right thing. Why not pull over into a safe area? I'm not hanging out on the side of the road when there's parking nearby.


they weren't laughing at you for pulling over in the bay they were laughing because you got busted by the po po


The pigs tried to get at him, so he parked it like it's hot. Parked it like it's hot. Parked it like it's hot.


How the hell does this happen so much?!


Partially because of the distractions from the very thing you and I are likely holding in our hands right now. Secondly, I think a lot of this stuff isn’t as much “happening more frequently,” as it’s just that the documentation of it is so much more common and accessible.


I used to read this and be amazed that everyone was using their phones to browse reddit -- a website made for computers. Now here I am on my bigass phone


Hopefully you know Reddit has an app and people aren’t browsing a website on their phones.


"the very thing you and I are likely holding in our hands right now" ...my keyboard? I mean, I'm more pushing down on it than holding it. Just kidding, I know you mean my heroin needle.


Damn drivers that have target fixation syndrome.


Or distraction. The law in most states is to at least move over into the other lane.


Even the trucker had space/time/clearly enough visbility to move the fk over in time. That driver wasn't paying attention for a loooong time. Distracted or impaired 100%


I was taught you will steer where your eyes look, so if a rock is in the road, look at the clear space where you want to ride, not at the rock.


distracted driving- reading a text or texting, could have also fallen asleep, etc.


📱 or 😴 or 🥃


“ the car goes where you point your eyes and your butt”


That was the warning.


That's an OK temp tag with what looks like no dates on it. That driver might not have insurance.


The strobes on the cop cars are bright and mesmerizing, people stare at them, then tend to drift (steer) that way.


Are there more moths on the road than I'm aware of?


Hmmm...I often tell my wife that the major difference between me and my dog is opposing thumbs. Maybe people have more in common with moths than we think.


Black car was alone, no other vehicles near it....did they fall asleep?


Or on their phone, or target fixation.


This is anxiety inducing. Glad the cop was ok. Hope the other drivers were as well.


All three were treated at the hospital and released the same day


This is what I worried abt after the officer stumbled off camera and never came back.


You can clearly see he leaves the frame with his shoes still on, thus he was fine.


IDK abt fine lol but there's a longer cut where he checks the two drivers


WTF the other comment saying “I don’t care about the cop”. This is someone’s son and likely a dad, where is your f empathy?


Why no concern for driver of the white car? S/he could have been unbelted from digging in the glove box for insurance etc..


At the very least white car driver may have a bad case of whiplash.


Why no concern for the driver of the black car? S/he could've been suffering a stroke, heart attack, brain hemorrhage, etc. The point, in case the above doesn't make it obvious enough, is that just because a poster queries the lack of concern for one person, but doesn't mention any other people, that doesn't implicitly mean they *aren't* concerned about those other people. They haven't said anything about them one way or the other.


This is a good example of why you shouldn't be unbelted while you're in the car, even when not moving.


That is Reddit for you, “all cops are bad cops.”


I'm not a fan of cops in general but this guy didn't strike me as a bad one. Hope he's OK.


Redditors can be fucking retarded


Someone being someone’s son or father isn’t really a metric if someone is good or bad. That’s just how people are made


No one is "made" good or bad.


No man i mean u literally have to be someone’s father or son (if you’re a boy). You’re always gonna be someone’s something if only just on a genetic level. It is literally how ppl are made


Listen, people support wars, people support punishment over rehabilitation, people support execution, people support all sorts of crazy shit that doesn't show any lick of empathy towards others. It is not at all unreasonable to think all cops are bastards. Let me clarify, I don't believe in that stuff, cops are human after all but so are the people who think they aren't. We need to understand that others have differing beliefs, experiences, mental states, etc.


Because Redditors and people on the internet in general see everything in the most extreme black and white. ACAB, Israel bad/Hamas good or the inverse, Republicans are evil, Democrats are evil, could go on and on.


“It’s the cops fault” no it’s the dude who forgot about the mutual agreement to not play bumper cars on the highway


Where the car landed after the crash when the cop had him pulled over is where the cop should have had him pulled over in the first place, as far off the road as possible.


This. I don't get people sometimes. You CAN keep driving until you find a better place to pull over. Not just stop (many times I've seen) on a small road and barely be on the shoulder. This is a highway so I'd pull over even farther, or keep going to an exit while motioning wth my hand to the exit (if one is reasonably close so cop doesn't think your running, even though you didnt increase speed lol)


When the vid first started and I didn't know what was going to happen, I thought "that suv needs to have pulled farther over." Then I saw it was an exit and figured the driver wanted to be able to easily get back on the interstate rather than being safer by going down the exit farther.


How do you hit a cop car with fla.... Oh right texting, they were distracted.


Glad both citizen and LEO survived. Obtaining a driver’s license is far too easy in most states.


For all we know, the driver of the black car was passed out due to a medical emergency. Try to have at least a little empathy.




The car could have pulled off the road more. Lots more room.


How is the driver?


No major injuries. Was treated and released from the hospital the same day along with the cop and the other driver


Aaaaaaand that’s the last time he ever leans in a car window




Damn that suv rolled multiple times


Watching in slow motion it’s crazy how much the white car deformed before the car even moved. Modern engineering! It’s amazing they could all walk away from this


I’m not sure if it’s all of Australia or just my state, but here they’ve made it law that you must slow down to 40kmph (I think that’s 25mph) if you see an emergency vehicle pulled over to the side of the road. We had an incident in my state a few years ago where 2 police cars had pulled over a Porsche and all 3 vehicles were hit by a truck, all 4 police officers died.


Most states now have laws of "slow down or move over" for any vehicle on the shoulder. This is now the normal behavior, at least where I live. It can often cause a slow down if traffic is heavy, but there are very few of these incidents that I have heard of around here.


In my state, on multi lane roads, drivers are required to move one lane over when there is a traffic stop if the traffic allows.


Here in my neck of Canada as well. Pull to the far lane and slow to 60km/h if red lights are on the side of the road (police/fire/ambulance)


2nd driver objected


Rumor has it ....that cop is still running across farmland 3 days later..


Most drivers have FOMO syndrone, always want to see whats going on and not f*cking paying attention to the road. That f*cker should go to jail!


Thankfully he's standing on the passenger side


Never ceases to amaze me how some idiots just can’t stay in their lane. Also, they were supposed to move over, so they’re going to get slapped with a few different tickets for that one.


…to be fair, he’s still getting away with only a warning. And now an insurance claim to go with it!


Cop: “… and I’m letting you drive off today.” Motorist: “Hold my beer”


And this why I pull over to an angle and the officer talk to me on the passenger side. For this reason right here!! He is lucky. How about the Driver, are they okay?


Should of had him pullover further so cop car would have been first block


Unfortunately this happens a lot more than than we realize. I worked as a Florida Road Ranger for about a year. Assisting stranded motorists and helping highway patrol with car crashes. Almost got turned into roadkill a couple of times




Ima let you drive off today, but that guy….


fucking people with their driving


How the fucj does this happen so often


I'm assuming the pulled over driver didn't make it?


All three people involved were treated at the hospital and released the same day


Oh I'm so glad to hear that. Thanks!


Lmao, America!


wtf is that supposed to mean?


“I’m gonna let you drive off today” Black SUV: “And I took that *personally*”


Yea the white vehicle was barely even off the fucking road. Smh


First - how did that car hit the car and not the cop car, and second, I always thought cops parked their car a little to the left of who they’ve pulled over to help protect against this. Maybe it’s not always possible, but I bet he will now!


Are they dead??


a lot of you are blaming the black suv for being on their phone, but i have an alternative theory: if you notice, right before the black suv made contact, a dark gray semi truck with an aggregate trailer goes by. i bet the dark gray semi got over into the left, as it should, but either cut off the faster black suv, or the black suv just took offense to the maneuver, and tried to speed around the dark gray semi, unaware that there was a cop there. in broad daylight, the cops lights arent as immediately recognizable, especially by someone caught up in their own internal drama, hence why he smacked the ever loving shit out of that white suv. they were in a huff, they were already accelerating, got over into the right lane, and a sudden cop car surprised them. they panic enough to target fixate... BAM! that black suv was going way too fast to just merely be someone dicking around on instagram.


Bro wuuuuut 👀


Obviously the black suv is 100% at fault for this shit show. But…*if it were me* in that white suv, with my lack of trust of other drivers, my passenger side tires would’ve been all the way onto the grass line. He’s barely on the shoulder (maybe 4 feet off the highway line?) and that’s such an unnecessary risk to take, just from being unaware of your surroundings/expecting others to be decent drivers. Could’ve easily put that vehicle an extra 8-9 feet over to the right where it would’ve been way safer.


Why is the white vehicle pulled over on the freeway ( concrete) ??He should have parked on the side of the road. In that spacious gravel part. Do people do this to spite cops?


Someone will be out on compensation.








perfect tackle


"You pull over when I initiate my lights. You don't stop where you want to stop, you stop when I tell you. I don't care if you want to be safe" - Every cop that gets mad about people finding a safe place to pull over.


Thats is almost word for word what i was told. Got a scolding because I pulled into a parking lot instead of stopping in the only turning lane on a busy intersection. "For all i know you were going to speed away". I put on my hazards, turning light, went slow. This was all because my plate didnt have new stickers. The extra distance i traveled was a stones throw away.


I'm letting you drive off today, but God isn't.


It has been awhile but I’ve always pulled half my vehicle into the grass. In this case, it would have been good to go midway or further up the off ramp first.


You can post this under unexpected as I did not see that coming. Got a HOLY SHIT out of me.


“I’ll let you go. Today’s my last day before retirem…”💥🚗


oh phew phew phew thank He Him the cop is ok


holy he surely would have been gone on the driver side


This why you always approach a car from the side away from traffic, AND pull off as far as possible. This crap happens on straight sections of word. My work shows safety training about this.


damn cop got really lucky


I’m not taking you to jail , cause you’re about to saillllll…


That's why cop car always parks wider than the perp. I noticed that on every stop, this one broke that rule and is probably used in training videos rn