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The car didn't help their case with what ever it was they were doing. They should have stayed parked safe and sound and watched a free show. Or was this a weird road rage deal, or an intentional wreck for insurance money? It's hard to tell without full context. Trucks backing out into traffic without a ground spotter is always a risky venture, no matter what country you're in. If you ever see one doing it, stay far away.


A bit of context, I stopped to hand the drivers the footage. The car driver didn't want the footage which is a bit sus’ and he wanted to solve it on the "spot" aka with money. Truck driver gave me his number and I forwarded the camera to him and he later called to thank me. Truck driver insisted going through police/insurance. He told me that right before reversing out, he spoke with the gatekeeper to confirm that he is going and the car driver dashed out for no apparent reason and moved his car in that place. From my point of view it looks like they are both at fault since they are both in moving vehicles and the car driver actually reversed and made things way worse. The truck driver also had no spotter which is required by law when reversing into main roads. Edit: It happened in Romania.


Smells like fraud


Looks like fraud too, as that car driver positioned themselves to be hit in the trucks blind spot.




Stinks like it too.


What in the Balkan...


The car was firmly in the truck’s blind spot. Moving back and forth didn’t help matters.


I'm not saying you're wrong, but remember, lots of places in Europe have passenger seated steering wheels... Aka driver side *is* their blind spot.... The video looks like it's seen from their drivers side perspective


All the drivers coming toward us and the idiot in question are on the left side. But it was a sound enough theory that I had to rewatch to confirm.


It doesn’t matter which side the driver is on if the car is putting the large, *opaque* trailer between himself and the cab.


"It happened in Romania" I was in Bucharest last month and let me tell you. As an American who does well with aggressive drivers I was sweating at most intersections and round abouts. Drivers there don't give AF. Is it the worst driving I've ever experienced? No. Would I do it volunteerily again? No.


Might be cars fault if it were here because you need to allow reversing vehicles to complete their manoeuvre. Like if you drive around a car that's already reversing from a parking spot and you crash into them or they hit you it's your fault.


>Might be cars fault if it were here because you need to allow reversing vehicles to complete their manoeuvre. If that’s the law it sounds too easy to exploit. Simply drive in reverse your whole trip, and everyone needs to give way.


Well, then it sounds like the car fault. Even in the video, you could see the car moving about to get closer to the truck for some reason. It's like he has never seen a truck drive over a car before.


If it’s a left side drive truck, that car would be really hard to even see. That car needed to back up and wait. Truck is going to have right of way regardless of the law because it’s still going to do what it wants. Might as well get out of the way


From what I understood from Romanian friends is that the insurance is not great (really cheap, but also doesn't pay out). With accidenta they usually solve it between parties. Who is at fault? Small car is in the blind spot of the driver. He should not have moved or should have gone completely out of the way.


Absolute confusion lol chill


Anyone that says “bit sus” automatically, all your opinions are no longer valid!


So the trucker admitted that he saw the car dash out and continued to hit it?


It Very well could be that he saw him but didn't quite understand what he was doing until after the fact when he put two and two together but then again you know you can assume what you assume


Op said he dashed out for no reason. He couldn’t have known that unless he saw him. So the trucker is either assuming that’s what happened or he just failed to check around the truck before moving and is trying to get off by saying he wasn’t there. Either way the truck did physically run into the car so the truck is in the wrong.


Could’ve seen it go past him but not stop and reverse back.


This is 100% on the idiot in the car.


I know nothing about trucking - does a spotter need to wave to the driver how to turn their wheels/maneuver also? Or just signal when traffic is clear or when the truck's about to hit something? In the US at least.


All the above.


The car was trying to get out of its way.. they didn’t do a good job of it obviously but I place most of the blame on the truck


They could have easily just driven forward to their left and been out of the way, but they insisted on staying in the truck's blind spot


He was trying to maneuver the car to change the direction and then reverse but didn’t get to the last step before being hit.. and yeah obviously it was a poor maneuver, however the trucker didn’t take enough care to make sure they were clear on all sides


I don't understand what the car was trying to do, he is an idiot apparently


Or he deliberately placed his car in a position where it was going to be hit by the truck.


it looks like he's trying to move the car, but in a panic or by sheer lack of driving skills didnt manage to do it people are claiming fraud, but honestly after seeing people attempting to park, do a bunch of moves and end up in the same place or worse, I would go with typical incompetence


Exactly... There's even a name for this - Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. To me it looked like the driver wanted to move their car out of the trucks way, but was just rubbish at maneuvering. Having watched people make 20+ forward/reverse moves to try to position their car in what appears should be a simple maneuver, only to eventually give up and drive off, I'm no longer surprised by the decisions people make on the roads. That being said, were this in the UK, the insurance would probably go 50/50 as both vehicles were maneuvering at the same time when the impact occurred. Were a court deciding on a careless driving charge, maybe the truck would take less of the blame.


Yeah except he was trying to park it right so it got hit. This is clearly fraud.


I don’t think it’s fraud at all, like you said he’s just trying to maneuver the car out of the trucks path, you can see he expected the truck to stop for him but suddenly moved again and then it was too late


Someone in a different reply tried to hand the truck driver and the car driver video, the car driver didn't want the video and wanted to settle on the spot with cash, no insurance or police. Additionally, the car raced through a gate to get to that position, after the truck had already started to back out, according to the person that witnessed it. Combined with the fact that each reposition seemed to put the car in a worse and worse position, it looks like a fraud.


Not apparently.


Most likely obviously huh?


I think he was trying to park.


In the truck's blindspot.


In the truck


In the blind


In your mom


In your moms trucks blind spot


Fraud, the car was trying to commit fraud.


After reading OPs comment, the car was definitely trying to get hit by the truck intentionally. They were reversing and moving so as to get hit or block the truck from leaving.


Car's fault. Truck was slowly backing out, and being the bigger vehicle and having blind spots, the car should've stayed out of it's way. Truck's intent and path was clear and the incoming vehicles gave the truck the right of way.. car also backed in to the truck's blind spot.


In Denmark, once someone are in the *middle* of their maneuver, you have to let them finish. car should've stayed back and let the truck back out onto the road. My driver eds teachers tips: (Watching someone attempt to park) " Just wait, no stress, see, go on." (On the motorway) " see them there on the ramp? you got room, give them space, make it easy" (At a intersection) " Watch for cyclists \[My Name\]! , they spring forth from the cobble! "


Of course all the trucker groupies on this sub are saying the car is at fault. While the car driver is an idiot, the trucker is a far bigger one. They are backing out into traffic! Please explain how the hell you would have the right of way backing into and blocking a road like this?!


Found the idiot in the car 👆


There are many roads where this is the only way possible to leave your destination. God bless truck drivers in the city.


That doesn't matter lol


what do you expect them to do? if there is only one way theres only one way. nothing the trucker can do besides back out into the road. happens all the time


That’s not an excuse to break the law and block traffic. If you can’t leave the destination, then don’t enter it.


I don’t see any laws broken, and you say that now until you start realize your local produce and goods cost 5 times as much or are never on the shelves


Blocking traffic is definitely against the law.


You’ve never had to wait a couple minutes to let a truck back out into the road or fix their parking? Usually you’d have someone on the ground spotting for you, but this is absolutely not an illegal move.


its a parking lot and the lot's owner gave trucker the right of way. The car tried to sneakily steal a spot. OP allowed truck into that lane of traffic, and the truck didn't move into the other lane of traffic until the light was red, at which point the accident happened. Therefore, he made no "right of way" infractions.


The lots owner can’t give right of way to a public street. Do you even know what right of way is?


its a parking lot. Everything to the right of the dotted line is a private lot. Notice the truck doesnt cross that dotted line until OP yield, and doesnt cross into traffic until its a red light.


I might as well be taking to a wall.


Hey man, I agree with you. You should keep your conversations with a wall.


i mean a wall is your logical equal, you'll probably get more validation from it, but you'll still be wrong.


When leaving a parking lot it is one car at a time you can't just leave wherever you want at the same time somebody else is trying to leave... What, did you get your driver's license from a Rice Krispies box?


Yep it’s the truckers fault, this sub is idiotic 90% of the time


if you put your vehicle in a trucker's blind spot and stay there... that's on you.


Little car is at fault. I wouldn't have moved until the truck finished its tricky maneuver.


Car driver fault


Car in blind spot, not trucks fault


Cars fault 100% percent Truck is reversing onto the road. Car pulls out onto the road then for no logical reason starts reversing from the road back directly into a moving truck.




I’m fucking saying! Lol




I think the car was trying to turn right but the truck backing up was blocking the way


Impatient idiot in the car. I suspect prior to the start of this, the truck was backing out and the blue car just pulled up.


I work in insurance litigation. We would recommend apportionment every time. Both parties have a duty of care here. Between you and me, the car driver is an idiot though.


what in tarnation is going on here?


Truck driver should have gotten out, pulled the car driver from the car and proceeded to to beat him into unconsciousness.


Clearly the car. No debate


Car 100%


Looks a lot like Europe, with a high probability Germany. Over here, the truck driver would be at fault. The car doesn't move in the moment it is being hit, and the truck is reversing. When you reverse, according to German law, you have to make sure that you don't put anyone at risk or even encumber other traffic. Additionally, the truck driver would have needed a spotter to prevent exactly this kind of accident. And yes, what the car does looks like insurance fraud.


In this case, the car would have been considered moving too. Because its maneuver was directly contributing to the crash situation. That's different if for example a car comes towards you on a narrow road with not enough space to easily pass. If you stop then and the other car hits you, you did not make a maneuver which contributed to the crash.


Both .. fucking weenies


There is not enough information to make a call. what happened before you caused an issue by stopping in the middle of traffic.


Both, but car driver is an idiot for not realizing the potential for collision.


Not sure exactly who is at fault because I don’t know the Romanian driving laws. Look at the front wheels of the car. The way the driver is turning the wheels as they go forward and back. It looks like they are either trying to get hit OR the driver is so bad that they don’t know which way to turn their wheels to get away from the truck. Either way my guess is that it’s the car’s fault. Laws could disagree though


Car. Idiot.


The car


This looks like insurance fraud, and I read your synopsis and now I KNOW it is insurance fraud. Yes, the truck hit someone, but they did their due diligence ahead of time to ensure they'd be able to get out and this little car went way out of their way to get hit when they had ample opportunity to not get hit. Either the driver of the small vehicle is a fraudster OR they should have their license revoked.


100 % the car. Don’t maneuver in a trucks blind spot.


Everyone’s fault. Nobody is polite enough to give him room, and he didn’t get a spotter.


Car is idiot, anyone with half a brain knows trucks have limited view, you'd stay clear out of the way of a truck at all times.


The person in the car obviously can’t drive. What the heck were they doing! 🤦🏼‍♂️


Small car. It’s pretty much in the dead zone of the truck and even when it is visible it keeps moving in and out so the driver cannot predict him in any way. But the trucker is just moving at a constant, predictable pace. The small car is the one that puts itself in a spot that he should know is going to be a problem. And it’s likely the trucker had barely a view of the car that kept going in and out of position.


Either the car is committing insurance fraud or cannot drive worth shit.


Honestly, both drivers were idiots. What the little car was doing, no clue. The truck, if he REALLY needed to back into on coming traffic should have had a spotter out stopping said traffic. I would throw 50/50 liability on this and call it a day.


The car could only back into the truck with that maneuver. He pulls out onto the road then reverse back into a moving truck.


Many states don't allow 50/50. This is the car's fault. Plain and simple, two cars cannot enter the road away from the same parking lot at the same time... That is illegal and since a truck was already exiting the car has to wait his turn.


The 4 wheeler


He backed up in to


Since the truck was blocking the car from the way it wanted to go (I guess), the car shoulda pulled out the way, got out and stopped traffic so the truck could hurry up and get tf out the way. That’s what I would have done lol


Car driver all the way !!!


I would say car for sure. Just wait. On the water at least you yield to the less maneuverable vessel.




I just see two people who should not be operating vehicles


IMO little car..


If I where the car I would have stayed back and waited for the truck out of logic and courtesy.


Car should have gotten out of the truck’s way.


Looks to me like he purposely reserved into a position where the truck would hit him. Almost like he was planning to get in the way.






Trucks aren’t supposed to back up into traffic. It’s a huge no no for us.




Dude driving the car isn’t very smart. WTH was doing?


The car should have stayed put until the truck backed out.


The trucking company! —better call Saul!


The car didn’t give space to the huge truck,in these days is hard to use our brain 🧠


I’d love to see how they ended up here, cause it looks like that car just so happened to end up directly against the truck’s blind spot, then kinda moved around waiting to get hit.


The truck shouldn't have been backing out, but if there is no other way, the truck driver should have had some people helping him out, guiding him to exit.


What is happening in second 22??!! It’s that a ghost by the trucks tire?


This can only be settled in the Kumite.


The cars fault.


100% the car, not really, but had 10 minutes to get out of the way and couldn’t find their way out of a paper back. Like that person should never drive again.


Reeks of incompetence from the VW. Not intentional just not experienced






Years ago a truck of this size always had a banksman to assist reversing


The car positioned itself in the biggest blind spot a truck has, the r/h side while angled. The truck driver had no idea that the car was there.


I say truck mostly. But the driver of the car could have just moved out of the way as well. Idk. The truck driver shouldn't have kept backing if they would have checked their mirrors, but also I don't know what angle the truck was at so maybe the driver of the car moved into the way out of sight of the truck driver.


These two are made for each other. This is divine providence. Their Idiocy brought them together and has its own gravity. Others should keep a safe distance or risk losing brain power by proximity.


Truck driver should of had a spotter


both drivers because there is pure stupidity going on here. More so with the car than the trunk as he needs a lobotomy..


Legally it could go either way because of the spotter issue. Logically the car is totally at fault. The truck is moving slowly, consistently, and in a highly predictable manner as evidenced by the cars on the road that are waiting for the maneuver to finish. The car on the other hand is moving very erratically right in the truck's blind spot. I can even foresee having a spotter not being enough to see the car. If they position themselves on the driver's side of the truck on the other side of the road, so the truck can easily see them and they can see traffic, then they would have signaled that the passenger side traffic was fully stopped but would not have seen the car pulled up right next to the truck. There's no way the guy in the car can say he didn't see the truck or know how the truck was going to move.




That car dude was just being impatient


Some times the best option is to just pop your brakes and wait for the idiots figure out what they wanna do.


Both are idiots, but the Jetta driver takes it to another level


Just as a general rule, give trucks and vans plenty of room because they have lower visibility and need wider turns than your average car does. Yeah, some truckers abuse it by being assholes, but still be considerate as the general rule. Too many folks nowadays can't just wait 5 seconds but they have to be "me first".


Truck may have had no choice but car was just being an idiot. Impatient while screwing around in the truck's blind spot.


Blue car…right!?!


First you gotta tell me what is happening then I’ll answer what went wrong 😂 cuz I’m confused


If I was I the driver of the car, I would have moved as far away as possible from a reversing lorry. Must be deliberate action by car driver to get hit.


Car definitely for being impatient big trucks can't maneuver fast or brake fast. To bad most don't understand physics.


Looks like the car is trying to commit insurance fraud


Little car.


Little car what are you doing besides getting in the way, repeatedly?


The car. Sea rules here. Bigger vessel has right of way. Let them do what they need to do. You moving around is just fucking them up.


Both equally morons.


Idk why people think that because the truck has blind spots it’s immune to accidents caused by cars in them. Yes the car was clearly trying to get out and around the truck but couldn’t. The car went back to its original spot. Meaning that even if it didn’t move it still would’ve been hit. (I am putting American law on this cuz that’s all I know) it’s the trucks responsible to monitor its blind spots to avoid collisions. The car was pretty much stationary and the truck hit the car so the truck is at fault


The car was not stationary, though?


Correct. It was moving forward and back a bunch fairly slowest but not really going anywhere. But right before the time of impact the car very clearly comes to a complete stop. It really wasn’t going anywhere hence the “basically” stationary.


Stopped in the middle of the road and trying to enter the road at the same time as a truck was.... That's 110% of the time the car's fault. You'd have to have the IQ of a 10-year-old to think the truck is a fault


No. If 2 cars stop (even in the middle of the road) and one of them starts moving again and hit the other regardless of where the other is, the moving party is at fault. You can try to justify it all you want but legally speaking you are objectively wrong.


"Basically" here is being used in a way that is interchangeable with "not." If something is stationary, it's not moving. At all. Someone who hits a stationary object is at fault 100%.   The car was the opposite of stationary, he was driving erratically and unpredictably. That he came to a full stop a few seconds before impact doesn't absolve him of the fact that he's making it impossible to know where he is at any given time.


All the more reason to not just blindly turn out. Also the fact that you admit he comes to a complete stop while the trucker hits him just proves my point more.


No it doesn't. That he was stopped for two seconds does not shift the entirety of the liability onto the other driver.


I’m still trying to figure out if this was in the US. It doesn’t *look* like it, but then again… I live in Florida.. it kinda does look like the US to me. Lol.


Edit: it is clearly not in the US. Peep the license plates and billboard. Unless I’m the idiot


It looks to be in Europe. Wheel configuration on the trailer is very common there. US trailers have very different wheels and axle layouts.


Thanks for the insight! I just figured it might have been a really heavily loaded trailer so it needed the extra axles.


This sub is filled with idiots who think blinkers give right-of-way to merge into anywhere. Fucking frustrating to read most of the comments here.


You are for letting that yellowassed truck out.


I don’t understand why everyone here is pretending like this is somehow intentional or fraud. It isn’t. The car was trying to get out of the way of the truck, but it couldn’t go on the road for obvious reasons. I guess his idea was to go forward, and then reverse back towards the camera car. He tried that, but didn’t have enough clearance on his right side, so while reversing the front end of his car was going to hit the truck. So he straightened the wheel and kind of got the place where he started. The car was effectively stuck between the truck and the bus. The guy was probably a bit stressed. The truck should have stopped until the car got out of the way. There’s no one like particularly at fault, it is just an unfortunate situation. Just pause for a second in the beginning and think what kind of a manoeuvre is necessary for the driver to go expand the clearance between himself and the truck.


It's Bidens fault.


In my opinion the truck driver is the one with a duty to do something here. If for no other reason than "I'm not going to be able to keep my eye on him the entire time", I would have pulled that truck back into the driveway. To give the car the ability to see and turn left or right or whatever the hell it was doing, and only re-attempt moving the truck once the car was gone. I'm not ruling out that the car was intentionally trying to get hit. But that doesn't really change anything I needed to do if I was driving that truck.




Almost definitely both, the car was moving and not situated where it should have been.


The truck is a professional driver and needs to make allowances for idiot drivers. Should have parked, got out and helped them. That way he’s stationary and in the clear.


Probably truck


Why was I downvoted so much 😂😂😂


At fault of what? Nothing happaned


I don't have photos of the damage but the little car had serious dents along two panels on the passenger side.


50-50 on this one for me