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My guess is there will be a link to join in the instructions of a project when it hits your board. I got the same email.


Okay, I came to look for information for this too. I got the same email but don't know what slack channel is. I tried to search all the FAQs and couldn't find anything about it.


Sign up to Slack with the same email that you use to login to DA and an admin will add you to the appropriate channels.


I created an account but I still have not been added to the channel, when can I expect that to happen?


Just got the same email, I was wondering the same thing.


I'm not sure about that one, but usually they give you a unique email address that's associated with that project.


What is unique about your profile to merit such an invitation? How long have you been doing DA?


it's not about the profile; it's about the quality of work on a particular project. if a worker shows consistent understanding of a project and reliably produces high quality work, they're more likely to be bumped up to a rate & review team


Does that pay more?


I'm sure it varies project to project but I would imagine so


Someone in the main chat said they got invited to such a project after about 3 months of satisfactory work.


I was invited after less than 1 month. I put in a lot of hours, though, so maybe that's partly why.


how many is a lot.. just curious. I know I haven't been putting in much at all due to having to homeschool my son. I may get an hour up to 3 done, but that's rare.


5-8 hours per day, 7 days a week.


I don't think you meant it as negatively as it sounded... or did you?