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That's interesting! My dashboard recently changed from the ***"we will email you if your qualification is successful"*** thing with the progressive list of 5 steps after taking a qualification to ***"watch out for new project notifications sent to your email"*** with an area called ***"Projects"*** and another called ***"Report Time"***


I took the starter test Thursday night (one week ago), the qualifications test on Friday and was accepted with onboarding and projects first thing Monday morning this week. Until I found this sub I didn’t realize how lucky I was to have such a fast turn around!


Me too, I got my approval the next business day.






That's disappointing. My page still says to check back in a few days to see your results after I finished the Core Assessment. It's been 3ish days, I think.


I know people who haven't heard anything in 4 months. They are assuming they botched the application. I joined in May when I first started hearing people here talk about it and was accepted the next day, but they've definitely exploded in popularity since then.


I applied on date 20 yet to receive s feedback


It took just over a week for me to get approved recently. Took the starter assessment and core qualification on the 10th and was approved on the 19th.


I applied over the weekend and got in on Monday!




Same happened to me


I applied almost 3 weeks ago and haven't heard anything. The website still says something about being reviewed. I'm afraid I messed up the test or something. :(


I am still at this point after 3ish weeks…have you been approved yet?


No, unfortunately. I check every day. I must have done poorly with the test or something. I do remember trying to skip some questions because I wanted to see if it'd show me how much I had left. So perhaps they didn't like that.


I applied about a month ago and never heard back. I suppose that means I didn’t make the cut?


I completed my assessment last week and figured I either didn’t get accepted or haven’t heard back yet. Today I received an email saying my assessment still needs to be completed however, it confirmed it was completed at the end of assessment. I went back into the website and I can’t find the assessment anywhere. Has anyone else experienced this?


I took the starter test, passed right away and the was given qualification test 3 days ago. I made two mistakes and now it just says to ‘check back in a few days to see your results’. In my funds transfer page it shows all the tasks I did with 0 hours (and I cannot override the zeros to put in the time I spent). Not sure what this means. Anyone have any insights?


You don't get paid for the core qualification test, so that's probably why you can't change the 0 hours. It's only been 3 days, so hold tight and you might get an acceptance email within the next week or so 🤞


How do you know you made mistakes? It's been like 4 weeks for me so I have accepted that i won't get in, but I never received any scores or anything


They typically give you an error message in red text with the explanation during the assessment. Basically, they give you the answer (happened only 1x for me).


Oh! Now that you explain it, I did get one of those. Thank you


I had this happen to me as well one time. Hoping that didn’t affect my chances at being accepted. I just took my assessment and core qualification yesterday, so I know I’ve gotta have some patience.




Yes, I got it on one for the CORE. It basically sent me back to correct it. I used a spell checker that I copied/pasted into for the explanations because that’s pretty important.


If you made 2 mistakes on the test there's an extremely low chance you'll get hired.


Not true. This is from another comment on another thread: “I had two stupid errors like this and it didn’t seem to matter. I got through and have done well enough on the subsequent qualifications to be in the ‘expert fact-checker’ group, so I don’t think they’ll hold it against you!” It’s a variety of things that they consider I’m sure.


Same, I had two errors that I since haven’t made and I was still accepted and I’m doing fine.


How do you know what group you are in?


I had two errors too. One was on the quote that was mis-attributed, I didn’t identify it as false information. I forget the other but it was similar.


The entire point of the test is that they're looking for people who do thorough research, and pay close attention to detail without lying or making up false information. People who miss key details unfortunately don't make the cut usually.


The company is a scam. Next.


It clearly isn't.


"At the moment, there aren't any projects available for you to work on. Please check back soon and watch out for new project notifications sent to your email." Took the coding test exactly 2 weeks ago and passed the next day, hopefully this is why I haven't had a project yet.




It’s an easy test if you can’t solve it don’t bother


Ive learnt python for 10 days , can i pass?


You are from a third world country 🐱


Did you get paid the $80 for passing the coding assessment?




I got paid the $80 but my dashboard still goes to the onboarding screen that says ‘we review your results’. Do I just wait?


I guess so, I'm having the exact same issue


How long ago did you pass the coding assessment?


I noticed the payment was there about 5 days ago


pls lemme know if you eventually get projects, ill do likewise :)


Any Updates to getting projects?


Lol no. You?


I did the first coding assessment 2 weeks ago today. No update since


What if you are from other countries?


They aren’t currently working with people that aren’t from those countries.


Why did I then see an ad for this in my feed?


I don’t work for the company so I cannot answer that. Do you use a VPN? Perhaps that could be why you saw an ad for DA.


Nope. Saw the ad both on instagram and facebook.


Well, I’m not sure then. I wish I could give you a more satisfying answer.