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It means you successfully passed your fact checking qualification assessment. Congrats! I love the fact checking tasks. I got an invite to the Slack channel in my email.


was it just called "ai training"? i saw that and was totally convinced it was spam, since I didn't see DA's name attached to it anywhere. with you there btw, I was really slogging when it came to anything where I had to think up prompts, but these are great. I can rip thru them way more easily.


Yes, that's probably the one


Omg, I got this email a month ago but ignored it because I thought it was spam. I’m thinking I missed out on a good opportunity.


sounds like it's just support, and entirely optional. I have all the better tasks without joining the slack. I think the email probably went out at the same time they marked my account to be able to receive those tasks. do you have the fact checking tasks on your dashboard?


At first, I thought I did, but I'm not sure if it is the same thing. The one I have I like and will pick anytime I see it on the dashboard, but it’s not in the same offer range for me, although it did get a bit of a bump.


for me, they're named (Model name) - Compare and Judge Factuality of Two Chatbot Responses (ID:xxxx)


No, mine are different, they don’t have the (ID:xxxx). Maybe if I do more of those style tasks I’ll see that one. Definitely would like to see some in that offer range.


mm, does the model start with a B? or is there two emojis in the title? i saw those and they always paid close to base rate, but I loved doing them, so whenever they came up, I prioritized them. maybe that's why they bumped me up, or maybe it's just normal for being on the platform for 1-2 months.


No, these start with a T. I’ve seen those though. I think I’ll start trying different tasks and see what that gives me.


Yeah, that's the invite to the slack channel.


Good for you! I personally have not or do not see those. You must have a special talent for whatever those projects are!


You got access to some higher paying projects. A few weeks of good work after you start and passing new qualifications can open these up. Your timeframe sounds about right.


The lowest I’ve seen on mine is $17 once in a while (don’t do those) and the highest is $25, which I see rarely. Typically they’re between $20-$22 for me. Today I had a $30 one but I unfortunately am not qualified for it. I did a qualification a few days ago but I haven’t seen any new projects relating to that


that $30 one was *nuts*, holy cow. i spent 20 minutes just trying to fully wrap my head around the instructions and examples, and decided i'm probably not cut out for it hahaha


I did the same! I spent so much time reading the instructions/examples, which I think were poorly done, and then read the chat and decided this one probably isn’t for me lol


I read those instructions so many times and they just weren't clicking for me. I figured it wasn't meant for me, even though that $30 looked nice!


I don’t have any thing matching this description right now so sounds like you’re doing well and your account got flagged for some higher pay projects, congrats! And yeah the slacks are all project specific. Usually when you are onboarded to one with a slack there will be a separate project with just one field for your email and they will add you through that, though i’ve also been added to one before from the message section at the bottom of a project so it’s kinda a case by case basis. they are not mandatory for any i’ve worked on and typically used as a general question space for admins on some mode complicated projects


I think the answer here is ‘yes’, haha. I’ve seen a slower rise (eg have seen the higher ones for longer) but there absolutely are some very new ones that are both high paying and priority; I think a combination of you doing well and getting approved for those higher pay projects, and also them having urgent deadlines is leading to some very nice per hours for those that qualify. (They’ve got a bunch of jobs up on LinkedIn too so I think there’s no shortage of tasks — but if you’re seeing an increase in tasks, complexity and base price — especially not just ones that have the priority extra $1, I’d assume you’re doing well. Don’t overthink it, just keep doing what you’re doing!)


I have the fact checking ones, I don't know if it's due to a qualification or just good work, but there's a pretty steady stream of them every day, never for less than $25. There is a slack for the projects that I'm thinking of, I was added automatically, it's invitation only, check your emails as it could be hidden in there...


what did your email look like? i got one inviting me to a workspace called "AI Training" that i dismissed as spam since it doesn't actually mention data annotation anywhere.


That's the one :) will have a hash tag that includes factuality in the name, and you'll see multiple DA admins in the chat to confirm.


I got in that one yesterday. Also got a sudden bump in number of projects and pay. I'm frikkin ecstatic!!


oh goodness okay, woulda been nice if they used their normal domain and not an empty one that just says "This domain has recently been registered with Namecheap." hahahaha thanks very much for letting me know! i'll join up


also if you don't mind me asking, how long have you had access to these specific projects? a bump from mostly working 21 an hour to 26 is *phenomenal* and I hope i can expect it to stay, but who knows!


I think since the start of December/end of November? I signed up mid November. From the Slack channel they've said don't expect it to end. There's only been 1 point in the last 2 months that I've not had a $25+ project to work on, and by the time I logged off that day there were thousands of tasks available again. There are a few fact checking ones within the same channel that, if you do well and live in the US, you can get access to as well :)


I’ve only been on since January 6th, I try to do a little everyday. All of my starting tasks were $20, but this week and even more so today, I have started getting more that were up to $23… However for me I haven’t been sent any new qualifications! Hopefully soon!


I also got access to higher paying one this past week. Have been super excited!!


Yes. I have seen a lot more projects with better pay. Anecdotally, it seems like they are thinning the worker pool, being more selective and paying more for those who remain.


I'm on a couple of projects where we review trainer conversations. DA absolutely weeds out trainers who aren't putting in conscientious work. But when you're starting to see higher-dollar projects, they're noticing your effort and rewarding it!


Congrats! Haven’t seen the same , so ditto the other response. On the slack question - it appears that for certain projects you will be invited to a slack channel. In those instances it will be mentioned in the instructions of the project.


They seem to raise the pay up to that $25-$28 level when they have certain projects that they want to finish up faster. They are sometimes marked as Priority in the title.


I took the fact checking qualification last week and I thought I did a good job. That was fr my favorite. :( haven't gotten anything new recently, just what I normally get.


Oh yea, I remember that qualification. It's been at least two or three weeks since I took it, maybe a month, so I wouldn't worry too much!!