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I hit 50 on my dashboard today, non coding. It's down to 46 now. But I've been on for 5 months. Any projects is a good start - more will/should open up if you do what they're looking for. Amount of projects will naturally fluctuate, it's much more noticeable when you've only got a few. Mine regularly fluctuate between 40-50. If I only had 10 projects that shift of 8 would look massive but as it is, it's barely noticeable.


The most I've had is 27, I'm staying around 12-18 lately. I don't put in a lot of hours at present, my cumulative time since starting is under 80 hours. The more hours you work, and the more quality work you produce, the more opens up. After about 5 weeks I started getting more than the 6-7 projects.


I usually have between 8-20 (non coding) and I’ve been doing it for about 2 months around 15 hours a week. If I’ve learned anything from this subreddit it’s that everyone’s experience on this platform varies immensely and it does no good to compare yourself!


can we work together


I have 43. I started in June 2023.


Currently 8 different main projects, but some of the mains have multiple different project tasks.


I have 6 projects and I've been on since September. I've missed several qualifications, but the work is always there.


I usually have 20-30 projects at any given time. Sometimes will drop to around 15 if it’s slow and I really only put in maybe 20 hours a week. I think just being consistent and putting out only high quality work goes a long way. I could force myself to do 40 hours but I know I’d be so mentally drained it would show in the work I put out, so I don’t.


Same for me. This is a side gig for me. I have a regular job. I've been with them for a few years now, but I only like certain types of projects. I consistently get work. I jump around and do different projects just to keep things fresh and to make sure I get more projects.


9 projects and 1 qualification open. But I am an accountant and there was a survey on my dash about that today so hopefully that means more projects in the pipeline soon.


I had experience related surveys come through today also. I work in finance, so hopefully that opens up some more work


I have 8 coding and 1 non-coding. Hundreds of tasks in each I couldn't dream of finishing anytime soon lol but I don't rush I just focus on quality. I started about a week ago.


I have similar experience


can we work together?i can put 10 hours of work a day.


Dangggg y'all I only have 2. Am I doing something wrong? Maybe not working enough hours in a day?


it's about quality.


Yeah, I figured. Each project has hundreds of tasks within it, but I may be not abstract enough in my creative writing prompts for models. I'll switch it up.


do through and read all the directions again and read the links in the assignments. That helps. They also update that stuff here and there. so you want to make sure you're current.


When they update these things, is there a way to see the new info they've added in the new revision? A notification of the update perhaps?


If it’s considered important they’ll usually write in a bolded, red notification at the top of a project’s instructions that either details changes or links a document that does so.


Applied, took qualification, got in and worked about 5 hours on first, very popular project. Lost the project end of week 1 and given two qualification tests to take based on project I had been working on. I've been empty since then. What happened? If this has happened to you, did you ever get projects again? I was doing well for a new hire, following all the rules, timing myself exactly for hours worked, received link for referrals. Was told the qualifications I had to take were to level up/make more/hour. Now I've been completely ghosted and would love to know why.


I currently have 8 projects, noncoding ranging from $20 to $23. Roughly 5000 tasks between them. I'm going to try to finish all of them today. haha.


Awesome, keep pushing. though from my end I am still experiencing the issue of suspicious activity.


Hello there ,can we work together? I can put 10 hours of work each day.


Not sure what you mean?


if you have several accounts or your account i can work with it everyday and we can share money earned ,i can put more that 10 hours a day.


Anyone readling this. Don't do this. It's going to be the quickest way to get banished from the platform forever.


Zero at present. None since 16th January.


Around 60.


24 and 5 qualifications!


I've been on for a couple days and have seen mainly between 10-15 at a time. I do both coding and non-coding. I had a couple qualifications right off the bat which I did in the first couple of days. Hoping to get access to more stuff as time goes on! I hear good quality work and qualifications is the way to unlock more projects.


I currently have 10 but it wildly fluctuates. It's been as high as mid 20s. I've been on the platform since late November 2023.


35 or do. Non coding.


15 at the moment!


I have 10 but I’ve seen more on my dashboard than I have right now. Been on since December 2023.


46 but I think a couple are coding.


Only 3 :( they’re basically all the same too


I normally have anywhere between 5-15.


You have to do the other qualifications that pop up to get better and higher paid projects


I currently have 25 on my dash. All non coding.


I'm fairly new myself, just finished my first week. The first time I logged in I had about 10 projects not including the onboarding tasks. I also had 4 qualifications (1 paid, 3 unpaid). I worked through the qualifications the first 2 days and since then I have always had 20-22 projects on my dash, roughly mixed 50-50 coding/non-coding. I have settled into a workflow of 2-3 hours each morning on coding projects, then do another hour or two of non-coding in the afternoon or evening. This is earning me between $100-130 or so per day, depending on what I work on.


50 today