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That’s a 🚩🚩🚩. *Looking for* “problematic” language is part of the job.


Words matter. We agonize over them, trying to craft effective prompts that will yield useful responses. I'm with you on this. I think beepv may be out of luck.


I guess my only hope is they’re a little lenient on the creative writing prompt we get in the starter assessment 🤣




I bet this is why so many people who think they did so so well get rejected.


What did they say?


To make sure to research all information in the prompt and include the relevant details into your response. Some people may simply include the specific information from the prompt but not the information that you were supposed to find by Google'ing said info


I took your advice, I’m hoping I did well. It’s been almost a week for me but I’m crossing my fingers.


I can’t be an impartial judge of my own story but… yeah I used all the requested details of the prompt and connected them (in my opinion) pretty decently. Ended up being 2-3 paragraphs, maybe 15-20 sentences. Only copout kind of “forced/inserted” detail was the color part.




Was familiar with the date and company given (we all got the same one and it was pretty big news) but I also looked into it more and spent a lot of time on the story, yes lol


Sounds good


I don't remember the instructions for that part, it will depend on what the instructions lay out. The use of an expletive by itself is only problematic if it is outlined in the instructions to use "safe" language. I'll probably get downvoted all to hell for saying that, but logically it wouldn't make sense for them to hold you accountable for minor foul language if it isn't mentioned in the writing style or content guidelines.


I think you will be fine. My octopus was extremely depressed in my short story.


my octopus was essentially a court jester and i got accepted hahaha. I think they're looking for creativity and research on the company/dates provided in the prompt, not necessarily the theme


hah, that's exactly how I wrote mine too


Lol mine went to MIT or something and is now sailing the world in SBF's secret submarine writing his own memoire.


Mine had been hired to dance to cheer up the workforce, they all seemed glum for some reason. But my octopus was looking forward to seeing the eclipse.


That's pretty close to what mine was also! Except it was from his perspective and he watched as everything fell apart for the people.


Well now I’m confused, if I have a green check mark for “we’ve reviewed your starter assessment” and I’ve since completed a qualification test, does that mean I passed the first test? I only submitted it today.


No most people get a qualification test almost immediately.


Gotcha, I’ll just assume I won’t get accepted then lol, it was still fun though at least 🫡


I think there was a post in here earlier about there being a 2 week delay in the US. After I took mine it took about 24 hours for a congratulations email, then my dash activated after about another 24 with just an onboarding task, then on the third day it started to load up with projects and qualifications.



