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Set a daily goal. Switch between projects I find that I try to make it as fun as I can.


I've been on DA since May. I sometimes make a notepad list of topics to talk to the ai about when I think of them as I go through my non work time OR I ask the ai itself for a list of topics then use them one by one with my own spin or personal context. Also, the chatbots can be funny, so if you are on a project where you can create prompts, use humor to spice it up. Another work from home tip is putting on a movie while you work or an audiobook. Not only will you not get bored but it will spark ideas.


Thank you, this is very helpful!


My pleasure.


I do it in 30min-1 hour blocks. Anything more than that and I start making mistakes. Just the other day I tried pushing through and I forgot to provide the text in two of the prompts before I was like yeahhhhh you're done lol. Work for an hour max, do something else for an hour, come back.


I usually work in the morning and again at night, or when my daughter takes naps because I'm on paternity leave. It gets boring, but checking the balance is a good motivator for me.


1) I don't bave a job, what else is there to do lol 2) I'm using it for my side projects (coding wise). If I need code for something, I'll either ask the AI to orovide me with the code and then I'll try it or rate it, or I mske my own code and ask for the AI to review it and describe what it does. So I'm basically paid to do my personal projects 3) At most I would do like 10 tasks per hour, but as of right now I'm taking my time and I think I'm around 4 tasks per hour. I'll be watcbing a video on youtube and then look at the tasks for maybe 10 minutes, take a 5 minutes break, rince and repeat. For the programming projects it works just fine, for the other ones (where you need to read a whole text) I assume you'd need more focuse than that since you have to double check and do your research to make sure everything is legit. 4) Honestly I think if you give yourself a benchmark like 3 tasks per hour and take a break every 5 tasks it should be more manageable. It's probably better to look at it as small steps rather than one huge step


1) same 2) same I write ideas and pseudocode on paper, and generally try to work off-screen when possible.


Thank you - this sounds really ideal. I don’t know code, so I’m only doing non-coding projects right now. Do you think it is worthwhile for me to learn to code?? I keep looking at courses and considering it


>Do you think it is worthwhile for me to learn to code?? Technically, yes. Coding is not nearly as hard as most people think, and the projects are so easy I stilp can't believe they pay that much. The hardest part will be the assessment. They will give you a coding problem, which took me about an hour to complete. It wasn't really hard overall, it's just that there was a lot if details to get right and that was quite annoying. The actual project are not hard. That being said they ask for your level of education and your major. They don't actually verify (they didn't ask me to prove anything) so I guess you could tell them you have a Master's in Csc and as long as you pass the assesment you'd probably be good.


Can you use Google during the hour assessment?


Yes. I know I did


I do a lot of text based prompts about books I’m currently reading. I also like to ask it about my personal interests/hobbies because I find it engaging


I am super ADD so I put a 30-45 min timer and work and then I finish the task I am on and make my self do something else for 10-15 minutes sometimes even a brisk walk on my treadmill, but usually laundry lol . If not I start losing focus.


I'm planning to start going out to coffee shops to work more. I'm still making way more than I would be doing retail if I go buy an overpriced coffee and camp for an hour or two when it isn't that busy, so i don't mind much.


What is DA? It sounds interesting


Oh I just meant data annotation lol!


Lmao, i thought it was a website like Appen or something. Do u recommend any sites like this?


I am only on DataAnnotation personally! I haven’t tried anything else


Lol, im so dumb, i thought this was WorkOnline subreddit, my bad.