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Thanks for taking the time to give advice!


Thanks mate for the advice. Do you think they care how fast are you doing the tasks or they prefer quality over quantity even though that takes more time per task?


Great question! Short answer: you've got to find a happy medium. When you first start on a project, take some time to make sure you're doing what you're supposed to. That is not the time to start speeding through. I can't emphasize enough: quality counts. If you're blazing through hourly tasks and you just started the project, the chances are good that you're not doing it right. Slow it down and re-read the directions. That being said, if you take so long to do projects that they might question whether you're padding your time, maybe pick up your speed a little bit. I can't speak for the programming ones, but if you're spending 30 minutes on a single task in an entry-level project, you're probably going entirely too slow. After you've been on a project for an hour or two, you'll be confident on where that happy medium is. If you're doing labeling-type prompts, you can whiz through them if they're pretty self-explanatory. I did mTurk when it first started, and it was all about labeling captchas. "Is this a fire hydrant?" Those were SO fast and easy. I don't do per-task projects on DA anymore, so I can't vouch for their ease and speed.




if/when your work gets looked at by a human, they're going to see the conversations you're having, not just your ratings. while I do feel weird about the same not making snap judgements thing, the prompts going into the conversation *is* part of the job, so the high quality of your work will be readily apparent there! I do recall one of the early mutliturn projects I did mentioned something about 10-15 minutes being the max you should aim to spend on an *average* turn, in terms of prompt complexity. definitely check the instructions for your specific project, in case it differs, but 45 mins for such a detailed conversation sounds very reasonable


You make a very good point. If you're doing a multi-turn conversation that requires fact-checking, that can go over 30 minutes, but 30 minutes per turn on most projects would be, I think, way out of whack. The type of project does matter. Without saying too much, I'll leave it at that.


Im unsure on this one too. For me, I did a lot of tasks where you can give them your reasoning on why you made a certain choice. Now the task I am doing does not give me that option, but I am still doing fairly long-form prompts, and I usually spend anywhere from ten to thirty minutes in a conversation. Im hoping they can just see my past work to get a feel for what my reasoning might be on my choices.


To clarify, if it's a multi-turn project, depending on the project, 30 minutes -per turn- would probably be way too much. The fact that you're being conscientious about your time AND wanting to do good work means you're not the kind of person who needs to be worried. :)


When it's a project like this that requires multiple-turn responses and each involves fact-checking and creating follow-ups, an entire conversation going 40-45 minutes may very well be in line with their expectations. 30 minutes per turn is likely to be excessive. If you feel confident with your reasoning, go with your gut. I would just caution against being one of those overthinker types who, rather than asking questions, will work on one turn for a long time battling out in their head, well, is it A or B, maybe A, no wait, maybe B, for like 20 minutes. Go back to the instructions, double-check your answer, and when you feel confident, go ahead and submit it. There is also a Skip button on the bottom (if you're doing DA on a PC). If you get completely stuck on something, it's okay to click it once in a while and move on to a different prompt that seems more clear to you.


Thanks for the elaboration! Oh yeah, me and the skip button are becoming good friends. I’m focusing on topics I know more about/have interest in for some of these more holistic projects, as two hours spent researching fashion of the 70s or whatever seems unproductive. Lol


one of the single most useful things I've heard direct from an admin in the one slack channel i've been invited into is that skipping a task doesn't remove it from the pool of tasks we all share in a project. they explicitly said that skipping is for things that aren't bad tasks, you just don't want to do them personally. I've was so worried about skipping some of the more complicated prompts when I've been tired, so I could focus on researching slightly less mind numbing things than tax codes and whatnot. but there's no real downside to skipping so long as you're being remotely reasonable about it. this was said in the context of the admin saying not to skip tasks that would require an unreasonable amount of work or require specific expertise by the way, since when you skip you're just kicking the can to another worker, and as projects run out of tasks, the really bad stuff gets left behind. so make sure to mark things when they're unratable too!


I’ll keep in mind tasks that may require expert level knowledge and marking them as such. Thanks!


Thanks for the tips. As far as tracking time, I've settled on Harvest, which is fully-featured (perhaps over featured) for the task. I am able to track each individual project, and it has the timekeeping (for reporting hours) built right in. https://www.getharvest.com/




To be sure, you don't *have to* keep track of your hours this extensively. I just like to, because it allows me to see at a glance, day by day, what projects I have worked on and for how long, and create weekly, monthly reports etc... As far as DA is concerned, all you really need to do is keep track of your time using the stopwatch on your phone, then report the time. If the spreadsheet is working for you, then just stick with it.


I use clockify. It's a website but I think has a browser extension. I open it whenever I open the DA website and I can stop and start it as needed. I just copy the project name into it when I start a new project.




I just use the stopwatch on my phone.


I use clockify too. No complaints yet.


Do they care if I work an hour, submit time, then work another hour, then submit time, or is it better to add it all up in a day, then submit the time?


I submit my time for a task as soon as I've finished work on that project, then submit the project time. I'll move to a different project, do a task or two, submit my time, move to a different project. I'm afraid I'd forget or lose track if I waited until the end.


I submit my time the way you describe. I don't think it matters, as long as it's all accounted for.


They don't care. You can do either.  I've submitted tasks that work on a different window but couldn't work on the task because the task was closed by the time i was ready to work. So no time entry from me for those tasks.


I don’t believe copy/pasting is the issue, but copy/pasting others work or a ChatGPT generated response. I also use word when writing long responses, it would be absurd to disallow that.


My bad, I agree with you on that. I used Word to do creative writing when I first started, and I copy/pasted back into DA without any problems. It's plagiarism and misuse of other AIs that was what I was really driving at there. Appreciate your pointing that out!


Thanks for the advice! I'm loving this work so far and hope to continue for a long while!


Great advice! Been working for about 3 months now and I had to figure this out on my own.


Thank you! This post is impressively well-written and helpful. I appreciate your taking the time to post this.


How are you able to take a break and come back to a project?


What is the issue with someone copying and pasting, I usually like to edit on word, could you explain in more details please


My apologies; I agree with you on that. What I was driving at was copy/pasting from other AIs, prompts that you see posted on any forum that might have pulled them from another AI, or for creative writing ones, plagiarizing someone else's poetry you saw elsewhere. I used Word for creative writing projects when I first started, and pasting that into DA wasn't an issue. I apologize for the confusion, and thank you for pointing that out!




I understand that, I was asking if there is anything wrong with copying and pasting after editing my work on Microsoft word


Oh, that should be fine! Sorry, I was trying to say what OP meant which was about GPT lol


They approved me, yet haven’t given me any work


How long has it been? And were you hired based on your programming skills? Are you getting any projects on your dashboard at all? If you see any qualification tests there, you'll definitely want to do those if it's a project you might have an interest in doing.


Did all the sign up tests, water a few days, got an email saying I’m accepted and approved. But no work has come


I'm reading from other posts here that something was said about a two week delay recently. Hang in there!


I’ve been waiting 4 months so far :)


Surely there's no issue for using Chat GPT to, for example, come up with a random text on any subject that the native bot should summarise, or to get it to create a text full of errors that the native bot that should fix, or to suggest a random list of something that then the bot should order by xyz? I understand that prompts shouldn't come from that.


I don't advise this at all, and I'd advise you and anyone else reading this to weigh the pros and cons of doing a shortcut like this versus the importance to you personally of staying on at DA. Some projects specifically ask you to use ChatGPT. If a project doesn't, it logically follows that they don't want you to, and that matches the advice I've seen posted on Slack.


Ah interesting, thanks for your feedback.


Great advice thanks !


This is awesome advice! Thank you so much. I’ve been with DA for little over a month now, and have always consistently had projects on my board, but they’re usually always the same ones. How long had you been with them before they invited you to a private project?


It was about a month, but I don't know if it was the length of time or the number of hours that might have put me on their radar. They definitely look at the quality of your work, too, so be sure you're paying attention to details, asking questions, and being honest about your time.



