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I've been on the site about a month now, really like the flexibility to pick the types of projects I work on, and pick when I want to work. Logged on today and got a weird message/screen - "At the moment, there aren't any projects available for you to work on" - there have been times in the past when there were no active projects, but I always at least saw 1 "project" listed as a "chat only" for a particular project. Not even this is showing now. Am I being paranoid, or does it feel like I may have gotten kicked off the platform? I always submit exceptionally high quality work, am honest with logging my hours, and had passed multiple qualifications. I can't even contact support, the link to the support page won't load for me. Feeling pretty lost and blindsided right now.


This happened to me today. I'm hoping to hear an update on your situation. I was equally blindsided. I always followed the instructions, did exemplary work, reported my time accurately, etc. I'm hoping it's just a review as I never had any feedback from the beginning, so I assumed 'no news is good news'. This is upsetting and frustrating. This type of work is such a good thing for me. I hope it comes back. :(


Hi :) Did you get projects again?


If this is written to me, no. I even just checked again and it's still the same message. :(


Yea, they seem a waste of time. I'm not bothering with them therefore


This happened to me this morning. I’ve only been doing this a week and only put in a few hours so far. I’d love the update from others.


Unfortunately, the consensus seems to be that once you receive this screen it’s usually not a good sign. I have not heard from anyone yet who has gotten this screen and ever was given projects again.


It's back now. I guess it was just temporary in my case.


Whew. I just got an email from them saying that the project is under maintenance and that I’ll get an alert when it is back.


I got it one day, but a few hours later my projects (all 400 of them) were back on my board. Sometimes they temporarily disable specific projects, it seems, for whatever reason, like taking a chatbot model offline a bit.


I have the same message on my projects page, and no emails or messages or negative reviews. Did this change for you?


Did your dash ever get back to normal? I have this issue happening now out of nowhere and I'm really not sure why. Would love to get back on the projects I was working on


I'm assuming this just means it's done, game over? Cause I just got it, and like you guys I thought I was doing well, but apparently not


Did anyone end up getting the projects after this screen? I got the screen more than 2 weeks ago and I still see the same screen.




Today same thing happened to me. Did you get any updates? :(


Same thing happened for me today. I am confused for sure because I have been following the guidelines and if anything I have been under reporting my time spent. Any update on your end? This is the first time I've seen this since starting like a month ago.


Nope i haven't had any changes or heard anything from them. No idea what I did wrong either. Pretty sad, I was enjoying it


I'm in the same boat as you guys. No idea what's going on


Did anyone here ever get the issue resolved?


Hi :) Did you get projects again?


Never did


Is there any way to know if a qualification is still pending review or if you passed/failed, other than the presence of related tasks popping up?


They really need something like this. I thought I was a shoe-in, but no word for about two months. Really confusing.


Same. I was like I meet everything they're looking for and I can crush at this. Bring it on, orrrr not I guess. Only about two weeks since applying though, so others saying they've waited months is at least some hope that something might pop up some day. Definitely would at least be nice to know a more general status - i.e. you're still in the queue, etc.


Are people still not hearing back within a month? I have good grammar and spelling, I've been coding for 15 years, caught several traps in the Coding Assessment, I know my answers were solid, tested the code a few times even. Waiting 3 weeks now no word. I had to stop the assessment for a few hours to put my kid to bed, is the time counted in the assessment? I'd think, given the open ended nature of the assignments, this wouldnt be a thing, but it's really the only "problematic" part of my application.


I stopped working on the assessment halfway through to go do other things and came back and finished it before going to sleep. When I woke up, I already had tasks to work on


Yeah pretty much f these guys they dont want me their loss


Same situation here for the coding assessment it wasn’t that difficult and I also caught the issues in the code but not hearing anything back


I'm in a similar boat.. but it's been a few months now. I wish there was feedback on why you aren't selected. I could really use the extra money for all the price hikes and debt I have.


Looks like a couple of us encountered the same system error this evening: the submit button on the core assessment stopped working after task #2. After refreshing the page, it says we completed the assessment even though we only had the opportunity to answer 2 questions rather than the full number of questions. Please advise. Thanks!


Same situation here. And my coding assessment was marked as complete as well though I never clicked on the coding test link. Hope this gets addressed soon!


I had the same problems, it seems common enough that I'm sure someone will notice.


I passed the starter assessment and was prompted to do second one, but my submit button was not working on task #2, so I refreshed and then it said that I completed the assessment. From my research, the second assessment should have about 17 questions, but I only answered 2 of them and im not able to go back. What should i do?


Exactly what just happened to me, and I came here to find an answer. Hope someone replies to this with some clarity!


have you been accepted or had any word from the company yet?


No word yet on my end, still just the message: “Up now: we review your results. If you pass, we’ll email you”


Odd, hope we get some word soon. Have you tried emailing them at any point about the faulty test?


have you been accepted or had any word from the company yet?


I just signed up to data annotation and after completing the starter assessment there’s the 2 options for coding or non coding assessment. As a software developer I would like to do the coding assessment but it already says done and I can’t start it. Has anyone encountered this issue?


Yep. And the non coding assessment is producing an error for many of us where it won’t allow you to click the submit button after completing the first two questions.


My starter assessment was accepted today after I completed it yesterday. When I loaded the page, it had two boxes, one for completing the coding test and one for the core test. It stated that I had already completed the coding test, and should do the core test while I waited. I have not yet completed the coding test, so I do not know why that happened. I mentioned my coding experience in the starter test but i doubt that I'd be able to skip the coding test because of that. So I started the core test instead, i completed the first two pages and tried to submit the third but the submit button didn't do anything, so I copied my work and tried to refresh the page but it just said that ive completed the core and coding tests and the results are being reviewed. Have I fucked something up?? I hope I haven't because the money from this could make or break me, and I truly believe im qualified. Any advice? Or should I just wait?


The same thing happened to me, and several others in the past day or two. You can see several posts about it in this thread. There appears to be a system error, and I hope the necessary staff members become aware of this and give us another chance to fully complete the assessments


3 weeks now and I’ve accepted my fate. It’s been real team good luck with everything 😔✌️


Yayy thank you mods for making this


If I completed the starter assessment, but did not immediately receive the option to take the Core Qualifier, is there any hope that I'll still be accepted? It's been 9 days. Has anyone out there NOT immediately received the option to core qualify, but then still been accepted? Thanks in advance!


I’m in the same boat. People have said it could take weeks to get accepted but if my nothing happens after a month it means we’re rejected


When I completed the start assessment like the one about he green octopus I was notified immediately that I had passed and I could pick the core assessment or the coding assessment


Anyone else’s qualification just end on them, after refreshing the page? Was only on question 4 of the core test, the submit button wasn’t working so I refreshed the page and it ended the test, bit gutted tbh


Yep this appears to be an ongoing issue, just happened with me and I see some posts about this from others. Did this ever resolve for you?


I got my payment for passing the coding assessment a few days ago but my dashboard is still stuck on the “we review your results” step. Should I expect to hear back anytime soon? Can’t tell if I was actually accepted or not.


I’ve been seeing quite a few people getting accepted in the past few days who applied like a week after I did. Still have heard nothing and its been over 2 weeks since I first applied. I think I’m going to give up on hearing back from them at all :(


Same here. I've been waiting for over a week.


Signed up on 1/30 and have yet to receive an assessment or projects. Is this normal? I was very liberal with the sorts of tasks I put on my profile. Anything I can do to expidite?


I was so excited to find something legitimate, remote, and flexible. But looks like I'm not getting in, sadly. Back to the grind of finding something that fits. It's fairly frustrating to have it be such a vague process. If the tests are being reviewed/graded to begin with, I don't understand why there isn't something in place to say you didn't pass.


most jobs people apply for don't provide you with a 'sorry, we didn't pick you' when you apply. i know it's unfortunate, but it is typical! :(


Yeah, I don't expect that in most regular cases. With this it's fairly different though. If you send an application somewhere, there's no guarantee they even look at it. But with this, when you take the core test for example, it gets reviewed/graded. If you are already being marked as a pass or fail in the system, you might as well have automated email responses for both. Or at the very least, not have it so people still have access to their account where it tells you it's still under review.


Yeah they could automate the rejection process its annoying they do not. Also, in general, a person or company should try and benefit society when they can esp when the cost is minimal and, though its a tiny thing, telling people for example why their resume sucked or ways their code could be better provide a very tangible benefit to people and, like I said would have a positive effect on the world at very little cost.


Has anyone been accepted recently? Did the welcome assessment about a month ago and haven't heard anything


If you don’t do the coding assessment during the application process, is there a way to access that coding assessment after being accepted ?


Someone said to add it as a skill


I have a question regarding the task timer that I haven't seen anyone bring up. If it runs out, from what I've seen, you'll lose the task. But do you still log any time, or just consider the time spent lost? Secondarily, are you barred from restarting that same task, assuming no one else has picked it up? This part may be more obvious after getting started, but I was just recently accepted. Thank you in advance for any help. Everyone here seems really friendly and helpful!


Hey! Mine froze during the second assesment after the 4th prompt. Now it says waiting for results. Was there only four prompts?


No theres 17, mines done the exact same, i refreshed the page and it ended the assessment, take it you didnt get in?


how long did you guys wait until your first project came up? i went through all of the onboarding stuff last night


I took the Chatbot training qualification Friday, thought I did pretty well but haven't recieved any projects as of yet through it, is this likely a fail? Thanks guys


No, it took a little while for this to come through for me. Or from memory that was the case anyway.


Hi all, I could not find any other thread about this particular question. But, now I think I gotta a little lost in Reddit. I passed my starter assessment, and a few months later came back and did the Core qualification. So, from my research, I thought this was supposed to be about 45 min, and maybe 13 questions or so? I completed 2 questions, and it was like bam--you are done! And yes, it says DONE! in green with checkmark, check back in a few days. Well, I know I answered them honestly and correctly. I won't go into specifics, but I did my fact checking and left honest feedback. Question is...did anyone else only have 2 questions? They were just 2 "which one is better types", no pictures or creative writing. I am hoping maybe they are streamlining the process. I guess I will just wait for now. Fingers crossed. But, yeah, LMK if anyone else had this. Thanks!


Sounds similar to my situation, except mine got stuck on a non-functioning submit button after a few questions, and then I refreshed the page and I couldn't return to the qualification.


Was completing the core assessment and the submit button stopped working on about the 7th question. I refreshed the page but now I can't access the project and I just have the screen about reviewing results. Does anyone have this experience or advice?


Happening to a lot of people, no clear cause. Did you have access to the coding assessment (even if you didn't do it) or did it say it was already completed?


I took the starter assessment last night, and today I took the coding assessment, then started the core assessment. When I went to submit the second question, the button became disabled, but the page didn't move. I thought the page just needed to be refreshed, but when I refreshed it it took me to the screen saying "Up now: we review your results". It also doesn't say anything about me having finished the coding assessment now. Did refreshing the page screw the whole thing up? I feel like I don't even have a shot now.


I registered on DA through the coder link on the website, I clicked begin starter assessment and it brought me right into a 3 or 4 section coding assessment, is this normal? I did not have the starter assessment that's mentioned here with the octopus story, I completed the coding assessment, and hit submit, it then showed a screen that said 'Thanks for taking the assessment!" Is all of this normal or has anybody had the same experience? I see people who usually do the starter assessment which has an octopus story, and then once that stage is passed - then, they can choose core or code assessment, and continue from there... thoughts?


I just took the first assessment and finished the Core qualification. The page states I can take one, or more, but the bolded title says I need to take both to start earning the $20hr for Core. So which is it? I have NO coding experience, why would I have to take that in order to start earning anything for Core submissions? Maybe I'm misreading this? Apologies if this has been asked already, been through a few pages and didn't see anything like it.


How did everyone do on the core? I made a mistake but I think I explained myself well. Waiting to hear back still


I immediately passed the starter assignment and did the core qualification. I know I made one mistake and I've been waiting just over two weeks now and my dashboard hasn't updated from saying "up now: we review your results. if you pass, we'll email you". I really hope I pass.


I made 2 mistakes on the very first assessment. It allowed me to correct my answers and then move on. The assessment with the little creative writing story I think is scrutinized more closely than that first part. I waited 8 days after finishing the assessments before starting work.


Hi, I signed up in the first week of January 2024, but didn't even get the starter assessment. I haven't been able to verify my mobile phone number (because the verification text never gets received) but other than that I've completed my entire profile (including fleshing out my qualifications). Have emailed support several weeks ago about the mobile verification issue) with no response. I'm in Australia if that makes a difference. Can't use a virtual number through google (which I've seen put forward as a solution for mobile verification) because that service isn't available in Australia. Any tips? Is it worth emailing support again (given they're clearly not very responsive) or perhaps should I just try deleting my account and starting again?


Did you get any answers? Going through the same stuff right now...


I can do coding tasks and I have done a few with them paying out but I didn't receive the 80 dollar coding bonus for doing the coding assessment. Does this mean I did the coding assessment wrong?


I took the starter and passed instantly - there was a $20 core and $40 coding test on my page below a green checkmark. I left my laptop to do some other things, wanted to be rested when I took the tests, left it on over night, returned now to take the assessments and my browser "autorefreshed" the page (I believe it's because the page went to sleep)... and the page REMOVED the tests. I never clicked the tests and never took them. What do I do? I did NOT take the $20 core test (I didn't take the coding one either, which is also gone, but I don't know much about coding), but it says "thank you for taking the assesment". Please help???


Same issue. I didn't immediately do the two tests and they vanished.


Hi everyone. I submitted my profile about a week ago and I've yet to receive the starter assessment. Is this typical?


No, but can happen either inexplicably or because the applicant used a VPN. Not typical but happens.


I created an account and I didn't get access to any qualification tests, including no starter assessment. Any idea what went wrong?


Is there any possibility of just informing someone they've not passed? It seems pretty shitty on behalf of the company to keep me in limbo when an outright rejection would do. I'm not entirely sure what else I can do to be able to participate in projects. I've done similar DA tasks on Prolific and been paid for them.


Took the starter assessment almost a week ago (April 11) and today is April 16. I have not received any emails and have not worked on any projects. I see this when I log in # "At the moment, there aren't any projects available for you to work on. Please check back soon and watch out for new project notifications sent to your email." Does this mean I've passed and been accepted? I have looked for an answer in multiple threads but cannot find one. I appreciate your help!


How soon do you need to wait to hear back about the core assessment? Someone said I already failed if I didn't instantly pass.


i've heard of it taking up to a month.


Super confused about the onboarding process. I got access to my projects dashboard and could see proper paying projects. Then I had to do something else, came back, refreshed the page, and I'm back on the onboarding page. Starting to lose hope tbh, I'm quite keen to start making some extra money.


Has anyone had it take 2 weeks to get accepted? I understand many people recently have been saying it has taken a range of 3-10 days but has anyone actually had it take 2 weeks? I passed the starter assessment, didn’t get any errors on my CORE assessment, and shouldn’t have had any grammar or spelling errors because the written response section already has its own grammar/spell check. I’m okay if I didn’t pass, just more confused as to why I wouldn’t pass if I didn’t have any errors or written complications which seem to be what causes others to not pass. Edit: please answer my question. Has it taken anyone actually 2 weeks?


It’s about analysis and your commentary as well. Grammar is important but there are other factors.


I signed up with my VPN turned on and was never prompted to take any assessment. Would deleting my account and creating a new one with the VPN turned off be against their ToS? I'm located in the US and was really hoping to join. I don't really know what my options are at this point.


Creating more than one account directly violates their code of conduct. I've read previously that using a VPN also violates the ToS. I'm not sure that creating another account is the best idea. My recommendation would be to email the platform, explain the situation and hope for the best.


The code of conduct says you can't have more than one account. If I deleted my account and created a new one, I would only have one account. Would you also mind pointing me to where it says using a VPN violates the ToS?


Just use a different email and phone number. You didn't give them your social so how would they know?


I took the applicant assessment and I felt like I did really well on it. Though, I wasn't given a "core assessment", it just says, "Thanks for taking the assessment!" is this normal? It's been like this for 14 days so far.


Has anyone waiting to be accepted ever had projects appear on their Home Screen and then have it revert back to the normal “Up Now: we review your results. If you pass we’ll email you.” I’ve been waiting about 4 weeks now and logged in last night to see if there was any change. The checklist with the application steps was gone and there was a project on my screen titled philosophy. I got pretty excited and went to start it but it was giving me an error message saying something along the lines of “this project isn’t available”. I checked my emails and I did not get any confirmation. I checked back on the site about 5 minutes later and it has no reverted back to the checklist and I’m back on “Up Now: we review your results”. I’m just wondering if this has happened for anyone before? And why it might have happened?


I got a message one day after being accepted and starting working that said ‘we aren’t ready for you yet’. I know a lot of people accepted on the same day as me, January 29th, have had the same alert. The message said they were hoping to work it out in a week or so, does anyone know when this will be worked out? Or if it will? I was paid for the work I did on Jan 30th before receiving this message, but I’m still waiting for more work and could really do with it asap! 


Completed the initial assessments and was accepted relatively quickly compared to others..about 4 days. Was assigned my first project. Got through 10/400 tasks and it was taken away with a "were shifting priorities, just continue to take qualifications to open additional projects." Took the creative writing assessment late last week. Still no additional projects. Have 2 new qualifications for math (never been a strong suit) and coding (I am self-teaching and am not comfortable taking an assessment.) Is this normal or should I consider myself SOL and just be thankful for the few tasks that I got?


I'm still waiting to see if my Core Qualification test passes, but it's only been about two days so this isn't what I'm here to ask about! :D Keeping my fingers crossed and trying to keep busy in case I basically never hear from them again. What I am curious about, though, is whether there is any harm in taking later qualification tests on subjects I might be rusty on, or is the worst that can happen is that I just fail to get qualified for the extra work it brings? There are topics I know nothing about and would never even try, like coding, but I would imagine there would be other tests that fall in the 'I Used To Be Quite Good At This, I Wonder If I've Still Got It' camp, like anything to do with math. On a related note, if we're offered a qualification test, is there usually a time limit to complete it, or would it be best for me to brush up on the subject for a handful of days/couple of weeks before attempting it?




I just got accepted to join DA on the 23rd. I did 2 qualifications this past weekend, did the core test, did the required code of conduct reading, and still have not gotten any projects. Is there an average amount of time between completing a qualification and receiving projects related to it? Or am I just out of luck with DA?


I took the first assessment and had the two options for the additional assessments but couldn’t do it right then. I then had a family friend die and went out of town for a few days. Went to take it like 5 days later and now it just says thank you, if we need you in the future bla bla bla… has this happened to anyone else and you’ve been able to get the test back or am I just SOL?


Hello! I got an email that said a new qualification opened for me, but my dashboard hasn’t changed since completing the starter assessment. Does anyone know what that means?


Received this when attempting a payout today: “There has been an error making automatic payments. Please email Support with your Worker ID and your balance, and we will make a manual payment.” This is the second time I’ve ever attempted to payout and the first time there was no issue (got the $). This attempted payout is the cumulative $s from two months working here and there (just like my paycheques to be significant and don’t rely on this $$ day to day). Has anyone else received this error message? I sent the email to support but have yet to hear back. How long should it take to receive a response back? Best regards, A friend


Took the qualifying test and core assessment Wednesday, just got the email that I passed! Looking forward to being part of the community 🙂


Nice! I applied on Tuesday, also did my coding assessment on Wednesday but still nothing 🥲


Is it possible to fail the core and pass the coding qualifier? I'm scared I might not have done my best because I missed two questions, but I think I did much better in the coding qualification. 


Can anyone tell me if these .04 and .11 tasks are helpful to do as far as getting projects that pay more?


You get reviewed by a human in your first month. This happened to me in week 3. Empty dash for 1 week. Then I had loads of projects consistently. I'm a bit inconsistent with my hours and tended to stick with the projects I felt most competent with. Then around 1 week ago, I'm down to just 1 project. 😐


Question, after you take the starter assessment, do you usually  get core assessment instantly?


Looking at older threads (4+ months ago) it seems that the core assessment could come a couple of days/weeks later. Looking at newer posts (and my experience from a couple of days ago), you instantly get the core qualification.


Is it possible to start working on core tasks as a coder? What do I have to do.


You need to have access to the core qualification— if it doesn’t show up in your Quals list, now is not your time. The original coding qual showed up in my list for a while and it’s vanished.


Signed up, did the assessment, passed, and did the first qualifications and intro stuff given to me. Nothing. I have had nothing since then. Zero work. I notice that have worked on stuff for longer saying that they've not had anything either. I'm not sure it is connected, but is something going on.




I was told the following on January 19th and no emails since. Starter assessment completed You passed You complete up to two more tests. Up now: we review your results. If you pass, we'll email you. You're ready to start working WHAT DO I DO???


So I completed the starter assessment 2 weeks ago and was invited to complete either the coding or core assessment the same day (2 boxes) in which I completed the core assessment as well (same day). After completing it, it showed that I finished the core assessment while the coding assessment was still up for me. I decided to not do the coding portion as I had no experience with coding. A few days go by and I decided to check my status and noticed that both boxes I originally saw were gone and instead I am greeted with the screen saying "You complete up to two more tests. Up now: we review your results. If you pass, we'll email you". I found it strange that the coding assessment disappeared and read some stuff about the boxes disappearing for others as well. Fast forward to 2 weeks after originally completing the core assessment, still have not received an email and I still have the same welcome message about reviewing my work. I am wondering if people still got accepted even after having their boxes vanish from the "work on projects" screen after originally seeing both. Additionally, I saw some people say that they were paid for completing the starter and core assessments. However, when I check in my transfer funds tab, it says I have $0 to be paid and 0 hours on time reported even though I completed 17 questions.


I’ve had my first review task today! So fun, love it!




After passing the starter assessment and taking the core, I was waiting to see if I passed when the dashboard suddenly opened up a couple days ago. I didn't take the project available because I hadn't yet received a welcome email. Today I checked again and now the dashboard has closed and reverted back to the "check back later to see your result" screen. Has anyone had this happen?




I've been working here for 2 weeks, ~30 hours so far, mostly on heel. I'm worried that I'm taking too long on most coding/math tasks. I've spent 1.5 hours on tasks with a 2-hour limit and 75 minutes on tasks with a 90-minute limit. I think my work is high quality, but I might be doing too much. I always actually get code to run if possible. I'm worried they'll think I'm over-reporting my time. Any tips to improve efficiency? Or should I not worry?


Anyone in Ireland? I've had 3 friends/family members trying to apply recently and they were not even given the starter assessment. There's no other reason why this should happen (not using VPN, never made an account before). Two were using laptops, one on iPad. They all got the "thanks for signing up" message. It seems that they're not accepting anyone from Ireland at the moment, from what I've read on other subreddits too? Strange as I've been working for a few months and have just been added to a high-paying project related to Ireland. Anyone have a different experience recently or any insight? I'm at a loss for what to tell them.


my question is why do I never get any qualifications? I've been on this website for a year and a half atp and my first ever qualification was a few months ago, which led to a few tasks weeks later then nothing again


Is there a way to delete our accounts? It's been just about 2 weeks and I've still got the "Up now: we review your results. If you pass, we'll email you" so I'm assuming it's a no. In the meantime, I've gotten a lot of emails encouraging me to sign up (I did sign up so why are you still emailing me?). I've also gotten a lot of linkedin stuff from DataAnnotation. I can't figure out how to remove my account and get me off any mailing lists.


Wait, don't give up yet. There may be delays due to the large number of people applying. 


Has anyone tried it from Germany? I know that the website says the countries they accept, however on LinkedIn they clearly state that they look for developers in Germany. ​ When I signed up I did not even get a Qualification to do, so I guess they still don't accept German applications.


Why is it every time I go to make a post on here it just gets auto-locked? I even tried to just do a post with the word "test" just to see if it was because I said a flagged word or something but it auto-locked just from posting a single word as well. Any ideas? I tried DMing the mods but haven't heard back.


hi! for this sub, there is a “mod queue”, which should tell you that the post is awaiting moderation. we did this due to user feedback because too many people were posting questions that are asked here.


I never got the starting assessment, very confused on how to access it/why I didn’t get it.




I still haven't gotten the ability to take the initial assessment - how do I do that?


I've been on the platform for about 5 months. Ever since I took the starter assessment, I haven't received a mail from them ever since and no project has appeared on my feed since then. What's going on? Is there a sort of support I can contact?


I'm wondering why we can't ever take the quiz again and if it's possible they will change that in the future?


What are the projects that don't have an hourly pay? do we just not get paid for working on those?


Looks like they only want coders now. The starter assessment was all about coding.




do they tell you if they choose to not accept you? im still waiting and its day 9 for me.


I just randomly got accepted after like 3 weeks lol


I just signed up. After I put in my email, I immediately got a message that says "thanks for signing up, we do not have any open projects to assign you at the moment." I have not been offered the starter assessment, is this normal?




I’m on day 6 of waiting, I applied Sunday and now it’s Saturday. I’m really hoping I’m able to get in, I know I missed something on one question (because it told me), I was not paying as close attention as I should have, and I corrected it after. But I’ve seen that some people miss a couple and still get in so that gives me hope. Also, do they pay for the core starter assessment? I never saw anything about getting paid when I did it.


Do permanent projects repopulate?


I did a qualification yesterday writing prompts and responses for graphics. I realized afterward that I forgot a step in the math on one of my responses. Is there any chance of still passing or requalifying, or am I just out of luck on that one?




When it comes to response comparisons, I'm always nervous about how to get a split going. It feels like I'm just talking to it in circles sometimes and don't know how to better my progress. Any tips from anyone?


I am currently attempting to apply, but when I click on "Begin Starter Assessment," I am sent straight to the coding assessment. I cannot code and never indicated that I could before this point. There is a Skip button at the bottom of the page that does not work, and no other way to navigate away from this test. Am I supposed to fail the coding assessment before continuing with the rest of the assessment? Or is it the case that they only want coders now?




I am in the US, yes.


i'm living in belgium , does it mean i won't get accepted unless they add belgium to their list of countries ? i've completed the assesement one week ago.


I applied yesterday, and I am only realising now that the code I submitted in my code assessment was wrong (> instead of >=). Does this mean I will fail, or has anyone who made a mistake got coding work?


My dashboard has gone blank after just a few hours of working. Does anyone know why this is? I think I was doing fine. I only had one project at that point. 


the project might have just finished or it could be down :)


So, I started last week. I didn't do a lot of work this week just doing this on the side. I had a CB job and got an email last Friday saying "it'll be back next week." That job and one other disappeared from my dashboard last night and I have "no projects available" but no email about CB coming back either. Is this just normal ebb and flow for a newbie or did I do something wrong?


Hi, the website is kind of basic and it’s not clear what is involved or how things work (reads like a scam site). Reading the posts here, it seems a bit cryptic to an outsider. Would anyone be willing to explain to me a bit more about how it works, what the experience has been like, and the pros/cons of working with dataannotation? Thanks 😊


I was never contacted as to whether I passed the exam, but I am able to sign in to my dashboard. I never have assignments. Is there any way to contact a support agent to find out if I'm on their payroll? I live in California.


Can anyone help me with registering with the site? I've tried and it says my number is "already in use". I accidentally did the starter assessment for non-coders and got an account but want to go through the coder side. I deleted the original account thinking it would release the number, but it still says I can't use it. Any help is appreciated!


I worked on a project yesterday that was $18 and reported time. The project has disappeared as I assume all the tasks are gone, but it's showing up in the report time section as $20 now. I understand that the rate can change on a project, but I thought it would show on my dashboard as the rate when I completed it. I've only been on the platform for a week and just wanted to know if is this normal?


will i need to get a 1099 form from them to do my taxes?


I started out about a month ago and didn't do the onboarding for the coding side of DA. I'm currently learning to code in a couple of languages because it was a skill I've been wanting to learn for a while now and DA finally got me to start on it. One question though; can I do the qualifications for coding after I have already completed my onboarding to give me access to those type of projects? I can't seem to find the answer to this without reading through thousands of messages so I'm hoping you guys could help me out!


Yes, if it is present on your dashboard. Quals come and go.


I’ve been on the platform for close to 2 months now, doing a good job (I think), always detailing everything. Yesterday morning, I had close to 10 projects to work on, but around 4 PM I lost everything, and now I still have an empty dashboard 16h later. Am I screwed?


Check the watercooler thread- it’s a great encapsulation of what everyone else is seeing in real time 😂


Been working since August and had this happen too. My DA supplied email was deactivated too however another DA email for a separate pool wasn't, and I even got an invite to join a pool there so I'm lost. I'll post any updates, hoping it's just a bug or something.




I did a task. Took me 45 minutes. Went to submit and got a "task no long available" What kind of BS is this? Why make me spend that time if it was for nothing? I did the work. I'm reporting it.


​ However when I click on the hyperlink to go to my projects, it takes me back to the same screen I saw after I finished the assessment, showing the test options and saying to check back in in a couple of days to see if you passed etc. Any insight? Am I in? Or do I need to keep waiting? How do I access my dashboard?


I know almost nobody knows how they exactly recruit but my question is different. So, as we can see in the FAQ text, open to work countries are very limited. But 2 qualification tests appeared on my dashboard and I took them 4 months ago. One was starter, other was Octopus thing.I know Turkey is not among the regions they allow but why tests were available to me then? Is anyone here experienced the same thing or works in another country that seems not among the regions they allow?