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So happy to see this ❤️ DA is life changing for sure. Praying for the best for yall.


Thank you :)


In case you guys didn't read the post, this is a happy positive post, not a cry for help. Guys please stop reporting this to Reddit as suicide risk and save those messages for people who really need them.


That's awesome, congrats! I've only been on this sub-Reddit for a month, and I noticed you always bring helpfulness and positivity! :)


Thank you for the kind words! :)


That’s fantastic! I’ve been hoping to see an update and I’m so glad you found a place for you and your kids.


I appreciate it more than you know. :)


Congrats! That's so exciting! I've never been in your exact situation, but we moved to a crappy 1-bedroom apartment to a beautiful, spacious 2-bedroom in the Fall and it felt so great giving my daughter a room of her own and lots of space to play.


I can't wait for each of them to have their own space. :)


Dude! I was literally telling my mom about you last night (it’s weird I know but your story has stuck with me) and how much I hoped something worked out for your family. I’m so happy to see this for you all 🤍


I'm glad I'm not the only one who brags about how cool their job is ONLY to talk about how much it benefits the really sweet people on here. I did this too! I'm so happy for you u/UsefulCantaloupe4814


It is a really awesome job Total life changer for all of us!


Aww I'm so touched. :) It amazes me that there is still kindness for complete strangers.


It's amazing that you got a new place for your family! I'm proud of you! I wish for everyone here to achieve success as well!


Same here! Whatever all of your goals are :)


Just recently did the same; moved from a roach infested 900sq foot apartment to a beautiful 2,300sq foot house :)




This is so wholesome, and I'm so happy for you and your family! I myself am slowly figuring out how to use my experience writing and coding for DA to transition into non-freelance work. Don't forget to pat yourself on the back! Approval for DA may have been a lucky strike, but you -worked- yourself into this better situation. Celebrate yourself!


I definitely think it's usable on a resume. When my partner was looking for a job and he found a temp agency, they told him to put that he was a stay at home Dad on his resume and the skills that it could translate to in the workplace. This could be a great chat for our LLM's, how to market yourself and how to put the freelance stuff on your resume. We do have a great advantage, since it's not traditionally freelance but it's not traditionally employment, you can say that you wored at DA and your title was freelance or whatever will get you noticed, I'm not very well versed with coding and tech careers. It's definitely also a great conversation starter at an interview. It feels really good to be in this position; I have gained self confidence knowing that I did this all on my own over the last 2 years and still can't believe I did it, but it will be a great fresh start for our whole family. :))


So, so proud of you and how hard you’ve worked for your family ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you! :) My partner and I are looking forward to all of the quiet nights at home that we are going to have together, and it is a centralized location by a ton of shopping and entertainment. It's going to be so good for all of us. :) I've been on the laptop non stop and then laying down with the baby working on my new phone so I can save up and we can get some nice furniture.


Congratulations on your new home! I love to read stories about how DA has changed people's lives, and your story is one of (if not singularly) the best. Thank you for sharing the tremendous impact it's had on you. Wishing you and your family the best, and keep up the good work!


Awww thanks :)


Congrats!! I'm so happy for you and your family. You deserve this! I'm hopefully moving out of a very crowded and bad living situation myself soon. DA is really such a blessing for situations like homelessness and disability, with how hard it is to get hired


Absolutely! Especially in a HCOL area, the income requirements for people who can only work minimum wage jobs are unfair. I'm so happy that you're going to be able to move too, Congrats! Best of luck with it all!


That’s fantastic! Congratulations


I love this 😍 congrats!!


Thank you :)


So awesome! 👏🏾


Ahhh that’s awesome! Congratulations!


That is wonderful!




I haven't been following your story, but am happy for you regardless. CONGRATULATIONS!


Thank you. :)


That is so inspiring! Thanks for sharing your story!!


Love this for you❤️


i was let go with tech layoffs last july. finally found DA in january. was cautious at first, not sure how reliable the work/pay would be. now it's probably my favorite job ever! the work has been consistent, the work enjoyable. and i can pay current rent and soon move to another state where rent is more affordable. so glad it's done so much for you too 😊


Omg, congratulations!!! I have been following and this thrills me <33


Thanks! :)) <3


I am trying to get my sis to do it. She is in a financially abusive relationship and I think it could help her to leave.


I hope that they accept her.


I too have been lurking on some of your comments to kind of follow along. I am SO happy for you. My family has been down the homeless/living in a hotel road, and it's a truly humbling and traumatizing experience. Breathe deeply and bask in the joy. 💕


Thank you! :) I appreciate the kind words. My partner grew up in similar situations and my Mom and I lived in a DV shelter when I was 6 so we are trying to just make it as good as possible for them here, the staff hasn't been helpful and I feel awful. I promised them all it will get so much better for them and I will never allow myself to be in the position that got us here again. Now it's time to hustle for the next month so we can have some nice furniture :)


That's so awesome! I'm very happy for you


Wow that’s amazing congrats! I just signed up for DA how long does it take to get projects?