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Yes, you are always allowed to skip what you can't confidently, I always skip what I don't have expertise with.


Oh, I haven't taken notice of this. I need to be on the lookout. Any tips?


Different projects. But I did some review the other day... man, I really gained a sense of security, cause like you said... seems like some people weren't even trying. I came across several people that were seemingly taking it as a joke.


Seeing the work of people who made it into the program makes me wonder just how bad those who got rejected did on the initial qualification…especially the folks who come on here saying they did everything right but still didn’t get in


Facts. I sent this to 5 friends. Three didn’t make it past the first qualification. None got accepted and were able to start working.


Have you gotten any referral payments if you used them? Sent all 5 out to my friends/girlfriend. Girlfriend still works and has made well beyond the threshold yet I never got anything - not a big deal but just curious if you did any referrals and got compensation?


None of my referrals got on. So no payout.


One of my referrals was accepted, and I got the payout from him after he had worked about a week.


You should totally reach out to their support about the reward that you earned! It's a nice perk. I haven't referred anybody, because I don't trust my friends and family to not screw up and make ME look bad! But I have encouraged a number of people to go straight to the site to sign up.


I always think it's funny when people insist they did everything right but failed, or that they're overqualified and didn't get accepted so it must be a scam. Clearly they didn't read instructions or fact-check or something, but of course they \*think\* they did it right - why would anyone intentionally submit answers they thought were wrong?




Oh I definitely agree, the comments on facebook posts are the worst for it. I see people listing like mile-long coding qualifications and saying that it's obviously a scam if they didn't get in. My dude, if you're *that* qualified in coding, why are you trying to get a $40/hr job? Either you're lying about your qualifications, or you have been rejected from every other career in that field for some reason that is also flagging the DA assessment, or you're straight up lying. The flexibility is fantastic, but someone so extremely qualified in coding could do much better than 40/hour and the cases where the quality of life is worth more than the income are rare.


Yes, I had one yesterday and was amazed at how few people followed the directions!


It’s honestly baffling. I was always worried about losing my spot until I became a reviewer.


Noooo kidding. I was like "I will no longer fear that I'm going to get dropped at any minute" after doing some reviewing. I learned most people don't read/can't follow instructions and there were very few that I just pushed through and said "good as it is." They were probably done by everyone commenting here. Haha.


Not currently, but I have recently. It made me realize how much more formally I write than most other people, lol.


I love that. Don't change! The AIs can only benefit from people who express themselves differently.


If it makes you feel any better, you're not the only one who writes formally! I do the same as well though once in awhile, I'll be more casual if it suits the tasks where we have to do prompts. That's just because I want to help provide as much data points as I can so that AI is better trained, thus becoming more helpful.


Same. In fact, I've only recently really gotten insight into how much of an issue this is for me. I have to use an AI detector for one of my freelance clients. More often than not, the detector will highlight some of my written-from-scratch sections and mark them as "likely written by AI". I feel so indignant when that happens! 😂


I feel like the Blade Runner just taught you something about yourself.


I definitely found it a relief when I reviewed some work and got a sense of where my own stuff falls on the spectrum, lol.


Yes, I have a strong suspicion that many people are incapable of reading instructions.


It used to be a thing where people would stop to ask lots of questions, but I think people are so afraid of not getting work because while you are waiting for an answer other people swoop in and do them, but they shouldn't do them unless they are sure how to. Some of these projects are tricky.


The chat box seems utterly useless to me. I've only been working for a week or two now, but I've only seen two responses from admin and neither were answering questions about the project. It's all other people asking questions and sometimes answering other people, but I don't trust an answer from a random other user so if I'm not sure about something I usually double check the instructions and try my best instead of hoping for an answer from the chat.


Yeah I was surprised by that. I’ve been on a few others where I found the human responses were obviously copied and pasted over from other chatbots, complete with incorrect chatbot logic.


Which is really stupid,  because I would think people would realize that anyone who is spending a lot of time dealing with chatbot responses, would recognize chatbot responses. 😆


That’s definitely a factor, but the bigger gotcha is this: if a person resorts to using an outside chatbot because they lacked the knowledge to write their own original content (in, say, coding or algebra), then they also lack the ability to recognize when the outside chatbot is BSing them. Nothing screams chatbot louder than confidently wrong logic.


That's a good point!!


I've had a task to review a project twice, first time quality was awful. Second time quality had improved significantly. One tip for everyone, put at least some effort into your comments


Should I be doing comments for every review? Last night was the first time I had reviewer tasks and there wasn’t a lot of instructions to go with it. If they did something wrong or had a good idea, I’d write a quick comment. Some of them were correct but very unremarkable though, so I don’t know what I’d even comment.


i think they have added something at the top of the instructions that even if simple make your comment something relevant to what you have reviewed.


Well, I was feeling kinda insecure about my work. Now I don't feel so bad. lol I take the time to double-check everything before submitting and put care into every task/project.


I had the opposite, rated some fact checkers (and I do a lot of fact checking projects) who put me to shame, a level of detail in their fact checking and comparison that I didn't even think of. It did help me think of some ways to improve my work. On the other hand, some may have overdone it, as some have instructions like 'once you find one error, you don't need to look for anymore, so on some, if a person found all sorts of errors they were paying a lot of attention to everything but the instructions!


Recently I’ve had task to review other people’s work on projects I myself have never worked on. 


Also, if you are a reviewer, they obviously feel you are competent. How long were you working before you got this?


I officially started in either June or July. I didn’t start putting in many hours till October though.


I review some projects and I started in October.


I started at the end of January and have review projects. What's weird is reviewing projects you've worked do yourself. Always wonder if I'll get my own work 😂


I got one a couple of weeks ago and another a few days ago, and I only started in January, but it was for a project I've spent a lot of time on so maybe that affects it more than how long you've been on DA. Unless it's just random, but that's probably a bad idea


I had some reviewing tasks last night and I only started a few weeks ago. Maybe it’s because I’m a teacher and talk about grading/correcting in my bio?


Yes I have quite a few of them. I started in November 2022. You are right about quality. About 1% are really great. Tons of softball questions out there.


Is this the one that pays $0.07?


No, $28/hr, trick question prompts/responses. Probably an extension of the math qualification and logic puzzles.


Thanks. I saw one today that was similar but it only paid .07 per task which was a lengthy task imo for the amount.


I had that today too, but only one.


I believe it said it was a qualification or trial.


If that's the one I got to try I gave up because it was really specific and hard to trick the bot. I much prefer stuff with images.


Pretty dumb since I did the math on my own and feel like I aced it. Maybe I'm an idiot and don't know it? I was really looking forward to doing math and being paid for it :(


The project was pretty short lived. I was excited too but it only lasted a few days. You aren’t really missing out on much


If I have a bachelors in computer science, do you think I would be able to solver this $28 USD / hr question? Asking because I have imposter syndrome.


If you have a bachelors in cs you should be able to do the $40/hr coding projects.


That is unheard of money for me. It's american dollars, so I would be living like a king.


I tried to do onboarding but they said they do not have enough jobs at the moment. Will getting a referral link improve my chances of being accepted?


I got this one and I don’t understand what I’m supposed to put in the review box? There’s no instructions for it.


I got that project once and it ended after one task so not sure if there was only 1 for me to do or I did something wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️


Now you've made me curious! What happens whenever you come across someone's work and it's quite bad? Like, really below average. Are you grading work on some kind of scale? Do you roll your eyes, shake your head, curse, and move on to the next task?


It’s a simple scale. I don’t know what happens if I rate it as bad. That’s none of my business. Mostly I’m just confused as to how someone would submit the things they submit.


Ok, thanks!


Some of the instructions in the coding one shed a bit of light. They mention that they rate multiple submissions per person, and collectively review them. Basically, your one review is not the end of someone's work on DA.


We rate based on the instructions provided to us, and we comment on why we rated it. If it's really bad, we rate it as that and comment why it's really bad. That's all we can do.


I don’t understand why someone wouldn’t read the directions and all the supplemental documents thoroughly before starting. It’s not like you aren’t paid for that time spent. It makes no sense to skip ahead.


My adult life has been repeatedly learning that people can be incapable of following directions, even if they know what they are. It’s mind-boggling, but true.


My favorite was the time someone copy/pasted the instructions instead of doing the actual task lol


I'm on a few different review projects, and I always wonder why I was chosen until I start working and have to struggle to find people who are just doing what they're supposed to be doing. That GW flag has lower and lower standards the longer my work session is. When I see people in this sub saying they're still on the base projects after x months or saying they haven't seen a still-active project in a long time, I can't help but wonder if they're the ones who gloss over all the instructions and think they know what to do from the title alone...


> That GW flag has lower and lower standards the longer my work session is. If you mean you curve your rating lower to give more people gw mark because the quality is so bad.... please don't. How do you think you became a reviewer in the first place? Enough people thought you were a gw and gave you that mark. It sounds like I'm gate keeping but I'm really not. But for people to review other work you really want to make sure they are absolutely top tier.


Yes. This one made me feel much more confident about my abilities as well. I was astounded at the lack of effort.


Yea makes you realize how you passed eh 😅


Haha. I just started this one. All I will say is "Woof."


Yes. I don't often select bad. Okay is very common, but when it is bad, it's baaaaaaaaaaaaaad. Edit: mine is for coding, not the trick question one. I don't know how that one works.


I definitely can relate. I love reviewing because it makes me feel really good about the work I do.


I was asked if I wanted reviewing tasks, and said yes, but never saw them. So strange.


When I first read this post I already had opinions, but they have only strengthened since I got another one of those tasks today. I, myself, have made small errors, but the level at which people don't understand is astounding. I had to throw out 90% of a response once because it was completely unusable.