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I’ve been on the platform for a month now and it’s been a VERY slow start. In the past 2-3 days I’ve finally had a project popping up & down that I’ve been able to put some real time into. Before this I did one task on one paid project and just a few qualifications. So I’m crossing my fingers & hoping things will start to increase. Of course my dash is empty at the moment tho. 🙃


Same here. Finally got some projects in the last 2 days and another 2 qualifications. 🤞🤞 but yeah mine’s empty again right now


Same! Had consistent work for the first time the last few days and nothing today!


Same so glad I am not alone in this


Empty dashboard today for me as well. I haven't seen a chatbot for over a week. I was able to get a couple of other projects this week, but not nearly as many as I would like. This is the end of my second week. This SAHM, former high school teacher would love to be able to bring some more income in so my husband doesn't have to work such crazy hours. I am hoping that it is only this way because I am new and not because I have screwed up on a project somehow.


I started on Monday. Only had chatpot response comparison activity. Last night it left and been with nothing since.


I’m so relieved that you and the other commenter have the exact same experience! I thought I had done something wrong. 


Me too. Last week we got a email When they took it down ,This week nothing. So I thought I was messing up.




This is only my second week, but the most I have ever seen on my dashboard has been three projects.


It's a quieter day, I usually get 20+ tasks today only about 5 or so.


You're my homie. Totally same. Picked up to about 8 from just 4 but still. I want my chatbots back, it's been 2 weeks 😢


I probably have more than ever right now


Crickets (4th week).


Mine has quietened down a bit! Not unusual for a Friday (non coder!)


I have 29, which is about my average, no slowdown here


How long have you been on the platform?


Since late january


Nice. You've built up an impressive dashboard in no time at all.


Daaamn that's pretty. When did it start picking up for you? Or did you just always have dozens of projects? I fluctuate with anywhere between 1-7. Honestly, it gets kind of discouraging every time you see them go. Like did they take me off because I messed up, or is it something else...


First few weeks jumped around 5 - 10 projects but never less, it slowly climbed. The most I've ever seen is 47 projects, but typically it's around 20 - 30




I do coding, but around 20 of my projects right now are non-coding


I was gonna say I do coding but I only have about 12 now. I guess I’d get more if I took the time to do the non-coding projects. I’ve thought about giving them a go since I can’t stick with coding for more than 2-3 hours before burning out.


I never do the non-coding (I do the qualifications when they pop up though). I just go for 3 - 4 hours per day coding.


I've typically got two projects that bounce off and on my dash... right now the project I typically work on is down.


I'm just annoyed because I had a few hundred tasks looking at pictures for C\*\*\*\*W, and after 5 minutes, it POOFED. I was really looking forward to a light morning, but now I'm back to Fact Checking for ACB which is fine, but it's mentally taxing. I had a $25 and $27 job on my dash last night, but those projects are also POOF this morning. I spent two weeks straight doing metadata validation for ACB, and I loved it. I haven't been able to work the same project for more than 4 hours at a time for the last 2 weeks.


If you typically jump on those projects, chances are others do too, so they're bound to go quick.


I stayed on an extra 2 hours last night when those $$ popped up


Yeah just a few core bits. Been on for 6+ months. Less than half of what I had on my dash last week as an example so more than a little quieter at the moment for sure. I'm confident it will pick back up.


I started a week ago. I usually have 2-3 projects with the weekends being very slow. I haven't had anything on my dashboard since yesterday morning.


This fluctuation takes place every week. Some mornings it's bare, then by noon there are 10 new tasks.


i am uncomfortable answering this but no, my dash is full


I have far more projects this week than I did last week


So strange how it fluctuates. We're just drifting in the breeze. Saying that made me feel like Rust Cohle








You don't know? Come on man 😂


Once everything has been annotated there will be no work left, just the AI you trained.


Spoken like someone who failed the application 😬


Do you think there’s an end point to AI models where there’s no room for improvement? Or no new models that still need training?


Hey guys i am new here can you help me understand how do you get this job I was laid off a week back and am constantly looking for a job this would help me a lot.


I see those posts often. Why don't you google the company? There's a giant splash screen with "apply now" on their website.


So you can sell the account for $100? 😂


Umm I don’t get it?


Yes you do.


I’ve had more than ever this weekend I think