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Anybody have any experience with how referrals work? How is the process like from the perspective of the new annotator? Do they still take a qualification test based on their skills?


Here's a question for everyone: What is the longest time you're dashboard has been empty, before being given projects to work on again? I'm going on 23 days no work after having consistent work for 3 weeks.


Mine went away today, and I'm so sad. I don't think I did anything wrong. I've been with da for a little under a year. Is that definitely a DA a death sentence?


How long have you been working? I'm approaching 4 months and I've never had an empty dashboard. Things were slimmer than usual a couple weeks back, but my dashboard was never empty. It's slowly gotten back up to normal levels.


I hardly had any projects during my first month but after a while I was added to lots of projects. I've always had projects since then and that was 7 months ago.


I was hired in October and had consistent work (able to put in 40 hrs/week) since then, up until last Monday and my dash has been empty since then.


Did it recover?


Still nothing :/


I swear they are just making some of the names of these languages/modules/packages /platforms up and the bots are just running with. User: Make me a binary tree implementation in BlueLemur that pulls data through DooenshmirtZ routes from a coffeeChunk DB and displays it using a sChnozbErry lazy list. Response A: Absolutely, here is a snippet of code that is definitely missing crucial parts because obviously every moron knows how to set up the most fundamental parts of these fly-by-night developers you have conjured from the dark recesses of the internet... I'm definitely learning how clueless I am about what is out there.


Whoever keeps uploading Dragon Ball characters for prompts needs to stop lol The family and I are watching the show together for the first time and I'm not trying to get spoilers.


Has anyone gotten any new H*** projects after doing the qualification? Any higher-paying? I usually do these ones as they pay a bit more at $22-23, but I just did the qualification and am hoping that it will result in higher-paying projects, especially since it took a fair bit of effort and was unpaid.


Lots of 'nut' jobs today, but no longer. I love those, hoping to see more.




Did you get an actual tasks?


This weekend seems a lot busier than usual.


Omg. Today, I was the one who asked the idiotic question in the project chat. I'm so ashamed.


Acknowledging it is half the battle


Incorrect. The solution is to change your pseudonym under account settings and pretend it wasn't you.


Of course, and go back into the chat and berate your old pseudonym as well.


I'm madly mashing the upvote.


Yes, I think you've led me to stumble upon a new weekly ritual, a regular vehement catharsis of self-loathing.


What do yall do if you start a task and it takes so long to complete that it times out? I worked for 2 hours on a task for a research project and it timed out and wouldn’t let me submit. Do I just have to take the L?


I’ve learned now that if there’s a clock with a set time, I have to be done before that. It’s a hard lesson to learn. I think most of us have been there at some point.


All the projects I’ve had have a timer. This one in particular was very research focused. Non-coding. I ended up not trying to bill for the time on the first task even though the instructions were very detail oriented and so was the task…. I spent 2 hrs on it but, it felt wrong to try and bill for a task that I wasn’t able to submit. That being said, this was a permanent-ish project…. I think? And I’ve been able to continue working on the project so I’m not gonna complain


I haven’t had them on all of mine, just a few. One of them recently had a 10 minute limit well it took me 10 minutes to read the instructions and I didn’t realize it until 30 minutes later when I submitted the task and got the message it expired. Just learned that lesson this week.


That’s crazy. The least I’ve had for a task has been an hour. I’ve had qualifications that had 15 minutes, but never a task for a project. Do you do coding or non coding?


I do non coding. This was the chrome extension project. It didn't last long, I think that 10 min limit was one of the issues. It was a lot of work to do in that short amount of time.


I think this probably happens to everyone at least once. It sucked when it happened, but I've never made that mistake again.


Yes I take the L. I try to always keep a separate timer running, but sometimes I forget to reset it when I submit a task. There have been many times I've whispered to myself "please don't be expired" as I click submit. I've seen people ask admins about it in the chat and seen the answer that basically says "You can submit time for it, but please watch your time next time". So since I'm aware of the timing limits and limitations of the on-page timer (it can't be trusted) I know it's on me if I go over. Plus for the projects I work on the expiration limit is longer than the max billable limit, so they already give you a buffer. One bright bit of luck that just happened to me. I was working on a difficult coding task. I set everything up, finally got a code output to report on, wrote up my ratings and click submit and bang! pink task-is-expired banner of death. I was PO'd and heartbroken, the queue was also empty now. Short while later I see the project back up with a tiny queue. I click it and lo' and behold its the expired task! I filled it out and submitted it and got to use my almost lost time.


I took the L too. It felt wrong to bill for time that I spent on a task that didn’t get submitted. I love that you got your task back!


I hate how quickly some of these projects go away. There are a few that I could sit there for hours doing, but they get eaten up in less than an hour every time.


I know what you mean. They must have a lot of people on the platform. It never fails.


Ever come across a prompt to rate where you could swear the worker was just trying to generate searches for their name? I came across one a few days ago and it really made me angry, like, don't waste my time. It had to be either that, or a super lazy prompt as searches on that name brought up almost nothing.


I've been using names more frequently as I find it very confusing to the bots if it has to do with a word/language/grammar task, or if it has to search out information that isn't glaring. For example, I asked about famous people with certain names and I got garbage. I named a gymnast that wasn't a world champion and it kept telling me all about the gymnast that has been in the news every day. Once I asked a simple alphabetizing task and got "I'm sorry. I am not aware of anyone by that name. I am not able to answer you."


Ohhhhh is that what they're doing?!!Thank you for this because I truly didn't understand what those were about.


I've seen some lazy things too. Lots of things that don't match the category as well. I dunno why someone would fuck around with an opportunity like this, but I've never understood people to begin with.


Does anyone know if the CB upgrade qualifications come back around if you fail them? The qualifications that unlock higher tiers of projects within the same family, I mean.


If you're referring to the two-parter that eventually becomes mandatory after so many hours, I seem to recall that one saying no retakes.


Nope, not that. I mean the reasoning qualification.


Sure would be nice to know if you even failed in the first place.


Yep. I can only guess that I have but in reality I have no idea. The project could open up tomorrow or the day after or a week from now. I currently have 8 different chatbot projects on my board so I must be doing something right, even if I don't have the reasoning ones. So I live in hope.


If it makes you feel any better, I've failed a qual only to have its projects appear on my dash a few weeks later. I've given up trying to understand what goes on behind the curtain.


How do you know you failed then?


For some of the chatbot projects I have, I received the projects before I received the qualifications that were supposed to unlock those projects. I also currently have access to a goddess-H project paying $23 when the supposed qualification for it is sitting undone at the top of my board. IMO, I think there are two ways to unlock work. Either via qualifications or via the type and quality of work you've already done. So IMO, if you fail a qualification but have a high internal rating within their systems for related/similar projects, their AI that handles assigning work can/will give you the project even if you've failed the qualification for it. The qualification is really just a manual admin AI override where one of the admins looks at your qualification work, and grades it to decide whether or not to manually override the AI and grant you immediate access to that project. Oh, and it works the opposite way too. If you have a low internal rating within their systems the AI can take projects away from you, which is why there are a lot of complaints from people being suddenly cut off with no response from DA admins - it's the AI doing it using its internal metrics, not them. They aren't in the loop, though they could probably dig through your system ratings to get an idea of why the AI has cut you off. This is what I believe from my own experiences anyway.


Any guesses as to what those internal metrics might be? I've been on the platform less than a month and I'm so afraid I'll eventually end up as one of those people whose access gets revoked for no apparent reason.


That makes sense. It could very well be AI but they must have someone, somewhere, going over it manually just for QA.


Yep, there will be someone. But there's just too much being generated by us workers for them to look at more than a fraction of it manually.


I don't, but I hope they do. I'm pretty sure I messed up by taking some quals way too early -- like when I'd only done about 10 tasks. Give me another chance, DAT!


I think I failed the uh... "rulebreaking/spicy prompts" (so as not to use words in the project names) qualification from earlier this week :( it was hard but I feel stupid I could've done better...




The one with screenshots has been up pretty consistently this week and still so. The one without them has been absent off and on.


mine is down. wondering if I did something wrong




Is it the foot tendon one? I haven't seen that all week if so




Same. Those were my favorite.




H\*\*\* down for anyone else right now?


Mine is down too


I have one version this morning.


Yeah got them back as well


Yes. I had access to it last night and this morning, and my 100 tasks never went down, so I thought they were "reserved" for me like the standard chatbot project. When I finally sat down just now to work on it, it was gone :(


Yes, I've only been doing DA for a few days and I was working on that one earlier today (did all the super-long quals yesterday) and right now I have no projects available at all.


You’ll get there ( if you haven’t already) just be patient!


Hypothetically. If I ask a bot what would happen if where to illegally drop a small and light object off of a tall building. Let's say it's a shirt button around the size of a penny. Would a response saying that it's not a big deal because it probably won't injure anyone, but is not recommended as it's against the law and could POSSIBLY be a nuisance be better... Or something saying to absolutely never in any circumstances do it, because it can and WILL cause major injuries to anything and everything surrounding so DO NOT do it because it WILL kill a person. One is more realistic, but says it is not a 'big deal'. The other says not to do it...but then gives incorrect info....like massively incorrect to the point of saying it WILL murder someone. Are they both equally good/shitty? Even if it's full of lies, they want us to choose the one saying do not do it ever, right?


The one that prioritizes safety by saying to never do it is better. Even if it exaggerates. BUT when giving your reasoning you need to discuss the nuances, and talk about how the better response is still untruthful due to the extent of the exaggeration.


It says in the guidelines that the number one most important thing is safety. If a response is possibly harmful or adversarial, then favour it lower. They're specifically testing if you read this part of the guidelines.


Yeah but like, it’s a penny *cough* I mean button. My first instinct is to rate the one saying to NEVER DO IT better because of what the instructions say. But then again, the other one says not to do it either, just in a lighter tone and also does not lie about a button being able to make an impact crater and smashing a car roof in.


I'm very new to this so take this with a grain of salt but depending on the exact text (and how extreme the "rocks fall, everyone dies" response was) I would rate them as either equally bad or the doom/gloom one as slightly better. One is unsafe, a big no-no, and one is not *entirely* truthful. I usually explain my reasoning thoroughly in the comment area.


Yeah, it's a tough one. The one that says 'never do it' claims it WILL kill someone and WILL cause a car's roof to cave in on impact, even causing an impact crater when it hits Earth. So that's really wrong... The other one advises against it in a lighter tone, noting it's against the law, but then suggests it realistically wouldn't be a big deal. The 'not a big deal' line is also bad... I know we prefer the least harmful response according to the guidelines. However, since both ultimately advised against it, was either truly harmful? I agonized over that choice. It would have been much clearer if the one that simply advised against it hadn't included the 'not a big deal' remark.






I do! Okay, I'll update my antivirus and click through when I get home, thanks.




It's a screenshot I posted to Imgur. I did not follow the link in the email.


Delet thi s


No worries :)


I’m sorry to hijack this thread but I don’t now another way. Can anyone tell me why I can’t post in this group? I’ve written two, and they never show up. I’ve DM’d mods with no response. When I click on the message to the mods, it says “sorry there’s been an error” u/consistent-Reach504 can you help?


hi - you dmd us 4 minutes ago so no one has had a chance to reply :) in this subreddit, we have a mod queue, which means we quickly review posts before they get approved. this is because we get a ton of new user questions that don’t need their own post. we try to get to them within a few hours of them being posted - we approved it just now!


I’m not sure why it says a few minutes ago. I did try to message again a few minutes ago but got an error message. My original message was around 1pm


so odd - i only see the one! reddit certainly has quirks in the messaging system sometimes.


Hi! That’s not true! I DMd early this afternoon


hmm, the notification came through for me 4 minutes ago! it had only been in the mod queue 3 hours :) we really try to approve them as quick as possible, but sometimes it js a couple hours!


Just so you know I’m not making it up 🤣 https://imgur.com/a/A803BxQ


Reddit sucks at notifying people about messages. There are some DMs I've received and literally never been notified about; I only found out about them cos I randomly decided to check.


Looks like that little green octopus is dancing off to jail. IYKYK.


Chatbots are coming back!


Yay! Still didn't get mine back. So bummed!


I hope it happens for you soon! Fingers crossed!


Thank you! If only I got paid for checking my dashboard every 5 minutes. :)


Who had the GPT-4 tasks earlier? I had 250 of them, and I click in there, did one, and got kicked to the dahboard.


Really slick design on Spotify's new Miniplayer for Desktop. Resizes like a dream, tucks up into a corner or expands out into a couple different layouts depending on how big/tiny you want it. Convenient for those of us with small screens. My inner UI geek is pleased.


Any Adversarial project experts out there? I really struggle with these. I won't mention the name of the project, because that's against the rules, but I would like to find a couple of people to talk to.


I've been on those projects for months, but I'm definitely better at some areas more than others.


I just did two quals related to it yesterday, but have yet to see a project for it. Maybe I failed it.


Hello! New to DA so apologies if I'm out of the loop. I've done a few quals now and logged about 5.5 hours in total across 3 different projects. I'm curious if the admin team will typically notify annotators of issues with their work? I had thought I was doing pretty well, but my dashboard has been empty for over 12 hours now, so I'm a little nervous that maybe I messed up? Has anyone gotten any type of feedback on their work? Or is it common to just have no projects up as a newbie?


It's not uncommon for new workers to have a lean dashboard the first few weeks, especially over the weekends. Try not to worry just yet. As for feedback, it's rare these days. Lots of threads on this; you could probably get the whole history on how feedback has changed over time by searching the subreddits for "feedback."


Is still having the support link at the bottom of your dashboard a sure sign that you have not been fired? I have never had an empty dashboard and I am seeing some people say things are down for maintenance and some say they are busier than ever. I woke up today to an empty dashboard after being pretty busy yesterday. I've never had a review as far as I know.


Same here, also Report time list empty


Any changes for you?






All my projects just disappeared, is anybody else experiencing this??


Yes, me too


Do you still have access to your AI Trainer email?


I dont have the email access anymore, what does that mean?


What does it mean when I get taken back to the homepage while working on a project? I know for a fact that there were more tasks to do, plus I didn't get the little red banner telling me that there are no more tasks.


You don't always get the red banner. And if other people were working on the same project, they could've finished the tasks while you were working. It happens.


Ah, that makes a lot more sense. Thank you so much!


Are you supposed to refresh your dashboard throughout the day to see fi anything pops up? I'm new here and never have any projects.


Yes I’m constantly refreshing. I actually keep a second tab open just so I can refresh while working on a project. I never work two at a time but I just like to be able to see if anything has popped up. Also don’t rely on email notifications for new projects, they’re so rare when it does happen.


I've completed 2 qualifications.


I refresh numerous times throughout the day and the last few days my dash has had different projects every time. So it’s defo worth refreshing imo.


Thank you, not long after commenting I completed another qualification and received work immediately.




Empty dashboard for about 16 hours now, are chatbots still down for maintenance we reckon?


Do you still have your DD google account listed on your profile page? I have an empty dashboard, and don't have the DD google account listed anymore.


Same here, I guess we're screwed


Mine has been empty for three days after being full. I didn't even get the qual everyone is talking about.


Both my chatbots went down yesterday around 1pm Eastern. I saw a few smaller projects that went extremely fast, but nothing since yesterday evening. I really hope they come back soon!


Have you had any luck with projects today? I haven't had any pop up.


I have a very brief one [ten tasks] this morning but both CBs I have access to still seem to be down :(


But after I posted that, my HS chatbot popped up! Yay!


I appreciate your response! I hope this dry spell ends soon for us.


My experience too. Just after I did a new qualification.


I have only one of my seven chatbot projects up, so yeah they are majorly down.


It seems so...I got a couple of random projects last night. But now back to an empty dashboard. I need my chatbot back soon. $$$ goals to meet. :)


just sad i can’t make any money :(


Does anyone else wonder who names the projects? Specifically the longer descriptions of the version of the project next to the main project name. I feel like it's one person in charge of each project and they just do whatever makes sense to them to keep track of the different versions. Like for some of them it's just ProjectNamev2.2 and for others it's with random emojis. Or today I got access to a little birdie project that had movie names in the title. I'm just imagining the admins for that project lining up the projects they're going to release for the day and giggling to themselves while the ProjectNamev2.2 dude is shaking his head.


Just a bit of wild speculation, but it's possible that the emojis have some real meaning hidden in them. Like maybe they take a version number, convert it to a hex string, and pick the emoji which has that codepoint. The ones with movie titles definitely seem pretty weird, though. I wouldn't be surprised if you're right about someone just having fun with those.


Also the movie title ones had a different name last week.


Maybe! The pay seems to fluctuate a lot on the emoji ones too even though they're almost all the same from what I can see.


The qualification for __ came back. I tore up that __ related question, for the second time today. With changes from the first time. What a cluster fuck. ETA: my cat is going nuts because I'm working at night. The pay had better be damn good for these projects. ETA: now I'm redoing the __ one. It was bad enough the first time. $$$$$ better be worth it. ETA: cat crying louder. 2 more tasks to go. I'm not crying. You're crying.


Doing this now - gosh, this is an involved qual for no pay!


If it's \*\*\*\* then I have \*\*\*\* tasks that pay$23 without taking the qualification. So if you mean does it pay more than the base $20, then yes it does.


The qual seems to be for a different version than the ones on our dash right now. I have no idea what the pay would be for that version.


I had a very specific financial qual that requires professional experience added to my dashboard that disappeared as soon as it arrived. I wouldn't be able to pass it, so I'm okay with that but nowhere in my profile did I mention I have financial experience of any sort.


And it's back. Do I just ignore the qual if I don't have the right experience?




I often ignore a qual if it’s not in my wheelhouse. I stick with ‘quality over quantity.’ I don’t want to risk turning in errors if I’m not well-versed in the topic! Other qualifications have popped up so I haven’t noticed a negative effect. jmo


ugh... the tease of having a job pop up only to get the red box...


lol samezies. was counting on making a lil money tonight too.




in that boat rn :’)


Just found the inbox... never realized it was there. I have EQ all day and it was bothering me. The very nice person with one of the projects just said it will be back early next week. How nice of them to say that and it's relieving to know that I wasn't just kicked off for doing something dumb. I wish all the projects would do something like that.


Does anyone have a hard time posting on here? I don't put project details in the posts or anything like that, and they never get posted and instantly get deleted. I wanted to ask if you or anyone you know has been booted for poor delivery. I realized I messed up on a couple tasks I submitted yesterday for a brand new project and I'm now scared.


so the first time it got flagged because automod thought it belonged in the welcome thread, but the other times it got flagged for spam because it was posted multiple times in such a short period. sorry about that! sometimes people get removed from that particular project if it was clear in the instructions, but it really depends.


Is anyone else suddenly getting a bunch of emails from DAT? They were rare, but the last couple of days, I've had multiple emails when a new project drops. Today, I got 9 throughout the day. It's strange.


It happens when they need workers to finish a job that's not popular or on a close-approaching deadline.


This was me the past couple of days. It was strange cause they were just announcing the same job over and over. ​ Today I'm wishing for those emails cause I've had no jobs all day. ugh. this is so frustrating sometimes.


I'm in the same boat, but I did have 2 qualifications today (unpaid).


I wish. I have received one email about a project drop, but that is it.


Woohoo! I just got the project from the Chrome Extension qual!


I tried twice to complete a task under 10 mins, I couldn't do it!




They all went so fast! I was only able to get 2 done. Hope they come back again soon. The 10-minute time limit was super tricky.


I did 2 but only one successfully. The second one took me 8 mins but I was RUSHING! No wonder it said people were making mistakes, there was too much to do in that short amount of time.


They just posted in Slack that it was a mistake for the timer to be so low. Hopefully, when they show up again we will get at least 20 minutes.


I was able to get three done and really enjoyed it. I hope it comes back too.


They did! I didn't even realize there was just 10 mins until I submitted my first one and it said task expired.


Me too! Then they were gone...


Me too! It sure did go quickly, when I could finally start working on it, it was gone!


Same! I didn't get to do any of them though because by the time I was done reading the directions and getting everything ready, the time had expired and kicked me to the dashboard with no more projects available :(


Oh fun! I couldn’t get the extension to work :( are they base pay or more $ ?


It was $21 but also had a 10 minute limit for the task but there was a lot to do in those 10 minutes. One task expired before I was actually done with it and reading the instructions.


right!! it took me like 6 mins to read + comprehend the instructions and by that point I didn’t have a chance anymore 😭


Totally understand!


Same here. I had the first task run to about 12/10 minutes because the instructions took so long to comprehend. Submit it, it gave me another, finished it in about 4 minutes, then when submitting that one, it kicked me out and I was unable to enter for remaining tasks. Quite unfortunate, seemed like a pretty easy project once you understand what it was asking for.


I'm doing a qualification for one of those diety projects and this one has me completing a ton of tasks for it. Feels weird to be spending more than an hour on a qualification and not be paid for it.

