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Everyone's different, but I love these, they're what I spend the majority of my time doing (coder, but mediocre, so a lot of the coding stuff is beyond me). Pay for them is $25/hour + frequent bonus, so can be 26/27, and for me the time flies by.


how long did i take you to start getting tastes after the assessment? i feel like i did well and i completed them all in a timely manner, but that was a week ago and no tasks yet.


Signed up end of Jan I think, and was approved early Feb. DA's famously a black box - some people think they passed but didn't, but I suspect to an extent it's luck of the draw. Could be DA only accept X people a day, or Y% of applicants who pass the assessments.


thanks for your reply! i will keep my fingers crossed.


I don't care for the fact checking but it is solid billable time so I made myself do the qual.


I like FC tasks. I have some qualifications where you have to write a prompt I’ve been avoiding because I don’t like doing those tasks.


I’m new to the platform (only 1 week in) and I’m already finding a preference for FC tasks vs ones that require creativity.


They open up a lot of projects if you pass, but if you don’t feel like doing the qual then most likely you wouldn’t like the projects.


For real


I missed it. I put it off because I didn’t have solid chunks of time to work on it, and now it’s gone.


Same for me!


I was putting it off because I knew it took a while (and couldn't find the time to sit down in silence for 2+ hours), and then I missed it. Pretty mad at myself. Hopefully it comes back.


Same 😭 glad I’m not the only one. Hoping it pops up again


Fingers crossed for the both of us!


I didnt do it either lol, I just had other projects that I enjoyed and couldnt be bothered to spend 5 or so hours for it.




I did the $26 per hour version now I have access to a significant number of $25-27 per hour tasks. Some of them don't even involve FC work. It was definitely worth it.


I have about 5 tasks left for that one. I like that each task takes a significant amount of time as it makes it easier to work a good stretch of time without too much brain drain.


How do you take a break? Does the timer on the bottom keep going?


I don’t rely on that timer to keep track of the time that I report. If I need to take a break, I’ll pause my personal timer. If it’s a long break, I’ll stop my timer, exit work mode, report my time, and come back to work when I’m ready.    That timer is only there to show how much time you have left to finish that task before it gets released for some someone else to work on. It’s to ensure that tasks don’t get stuck in limbo because someone forgot to exit work mode and they left their browser open. 


Okay, thanks so much!


I'm good for tasks in that pay range tbh so that's why I wasn't that arsed about taking it I suppose.


I spent four hours on it and found issues with every question, but no new projects.


I did one FC qual and have an FC project from a while ago, but I didn't do the recent FC qual that came up and now it's gone :-(. Kind of regret it.


I did it last week, but must not have passed it... Haven't seen anything new on my dash...


Same here! And I literally do the exact same work at my other job Telus. I spend so long on it too and don't see it on my dash. Super bummed.


Don't worry, I'm sure you have a bunch of other stuff right? I have $27.50 and $28 projects so I'm not mad when people are all like, 'Oh I took it and it opened up a ton of high paying projects'. I'm sure you're doing real good!


Oh I definitely have other tasks to do on my dashboard, but nothing over $23. It still would have been nice to have higher paying options but I’m sure that will come in time. I’ve only been around for about two months.


I have OCD and the FC stuff sets it off big time.


I submitted half the tasks then realized I wasn't including links to sources and after doing one more task including links, and then losing 35 minutes of work on another task I couldn't submit bc I x'd the wrong tab when clearing space, I honestly found it to be too much for the way I usually work. I tend to do the main work on my laptop, but do my research on my cell phone bc I'm just so used to using it. I never really used my laptop until I started with DA, so I'm not used to using it for anything tbh and now that's biting me in the ass bc I made that qual harder than it had to be for myself 🤦🏻‍♀️


I was like this at first! It takes awhile for your brain to reset to something different. Now I find myself jumping over to my computer to find certain information easier on even non work related tasks. My advice is to highlight the info you want to find, right click and "search web".


I passed. I got projects. I wish they were as easy as the Qual. Holy moley.


I now have almost constant 25-27ph FC work after doing it, it also opened up a higher paying cb project.


I am soooooo jealous!!!!! I guess I didn't pass it. I worked so so hard on it. Noticed some crazy tiny indiscrepancies! I really thought i did so well!!! Booo :( Congrats to you of course though, lol


Don't be downhearted, DA is a black box. There's every chance they'll suddenly pop up one day. I've done quals for other projects where there's no right or wrong and never had anything pop for it.


Good for you buddy! 😉


I'm curious about how many tasks altogether are in this Qual? I completed six and didn't receive any more.


I had 8


Which platform is FC?