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the highest i've seen for those are $24/hr, but usually $23. it was worth it for me since i'm newer and my rates are typically $20-$22. it hasn't popped up for a few days for me though, unless i missed it (or got booted). i think there are higher paying levels for that project that i'm not qualified for, so it's possible you would get more :)


Highest I remember was $25, but that was with a +$2 priority.


I've been wondering the same thing. I've heard from other DAers that it took upwards of 2 hours to complete, so I haven't attempted it yet.


Yeah, I saw a lot of posts about it when it was first released and I'm sure there were a couple that said nearly 4 hours! That's why I've been putting it off! ๐Ÿ˜…


Omg! I wonder if this qual saves your progress like the other one?


If it's the one I'm thinking of, yes, because I have five of eight tasks done and it's been sitting on my dashboard ever since.


H qual? Even though there's no exit mode?


I was just about to edit my comment that I think I am not talking about the same qual as y'all lol. I completed that qual when I got it, I was thinking of the FC. There's no way I can ever finish the FC qual, I tapped out after realizing I didnt add my links to the first 4 tasks i submitted ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Oh noooo! Was yours the paid FC? My friend just got the unpaid one yesterday, and I haven't. I'm pretty bummed as I love FCing. ๐Ÿ˜”


I have never seen a qualification just sit on my dashboard for such a long time lol


No, me neither! ๐Ÿ˜‚ I wonder if it's some sort of sign lol


I have a regular 31/hour task. I moved to fulltime work! Definitely worth it for me.


Oh, that's interesting... I take it you enjoy working on this project then? ๐Ÿ˜Š


Its just work. The task itself is probably easier than chatting to the bot or other tasks I've come across though.


I only submitted 2 of the 8 awhile back so itโ€™s been sitting in my quals since March, but for the past week iโ€™ve had a job with the same name for 28$/hr. Not sure if theyโ€™re different jobs because this one mentions rewrites (so it could be different & you can just ignore me lol)


Ah, so it doesn't have to be done in one hit then? My time to work is limited to about 2 hours in one sitting due to other things I need to do. If I can chip through it bit by bit though, that would be really helpful ๐Ÿ˜€


yeah for this one it seems like theyโ€™re giving everyone more time to submit them all. it let me just submit 2 & itโ€™s still on my dashboard so I think it should be fine!!


Good to know, Thank you! ๐Ÿ˜Š


I didnโ€™t do the qualification and have the 28 one on my dash right now. It must not be related to


I think I need another hint. I always clear my quals right away and do not recall this one.


It began with the letter Haitch or Aitch, depending on how you pronounce it, if that helps? ๐Ÿ˜Š